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  • 1. Capitalism and DegrowthGiorgos Kallis, ICREA Professor at ICTA,UAB www.eco2bcn.esPresentation at the conference Il clima dellademocrazia,Parma, 12 October 2010

2. State of the DebateTim Jackson There are growing and non-growing capitalist economies, andgrowing and non-growing socialist ones. Will it still be capitalism? And does it really matter? It will becapitalism, but not as know it (Tim Jackson).Serge Latouche There is no point in stating the obviousDegrowth isfundamentally anti-capitalistBut while a critique of the growthsociety implies a critique of capitalism, the converse is notnecessarily true.Takis Fotopoulos Whereas in the capitalist case, the growth economy is theinevitable outcome of the workings of the market economy at themicro-economic level, a planned economy could conceivablypursue different objectives. 3. My aim Clarify the questions. Outline 7 propositions. 4. Definitions (1/2) What is Degrowth?1. Physical (Environmental Impact) Degrowth?2. Economic (GDP) degrowth?3. Multi-dimensional socio-political program forescaping the economy? 5. Definitions (2/2) But when does asystem stop beingcapitalist? And, in relation, whatdoes it mean to be anti-capitalist? Create a new systemand with what features? Constrain theimportance of some ofthese institutions? Change whichinstitutions into what? Subordinate (diminishthe importance) of the What is Capitalism?The articulation as a system of: Private property (control of means ofproduction) Wage labour. Commodification. Constant movement of capital in thesearch of profit (accumulation foraccumulations sake). Prices (and not planning) as thedominant social allocationmechanism.and its domination in the circulation ofgoods and services. 6. Two different questions Can capitalism survive under economic orphysical degrowth? Can a multi-dimensional degrowth program beimplemented under capitalism? 7. Proposition 1 Capitalism endorses physical degrowth, as far asthis does not cause economic degrowth =Ecological modernization. Continued economic growth under physicaldegrowth is unlikely, but not theoreticallyinconceivable. 8. Proposition 2 Capitalism is undermined, but can survive, underprolonged or geographically-constrained,economic degrowth. Evolution into a more authoritarian form ofcapitalism is likely as the social legitimacy of thesystem is undermined. 9. Proposition 3 A conscious socio-political program of degrowthgoes against the spirit and institutional logic ofcapitalism. Capitalism cannot choose degrowth. But: Which institutions of capitalism need to change andto what? How will the political change come about? Differenttakes: Parliamentary Democracy: reform and constraining ofcapitalism in limited sphere (Gorz, Latouche). REFORM (Co)revolution: dispossession of capitalists and institution ofa new system (Harvey). OVERTHROW (ANDREPLACE?) Escape: new autonomous communities (Graeber). IGNORE 10. Proposition 4 Capitalism can selectively appropriate degrowth ideasas it constantly renews itself. Degrowth (the idea)can be profitable. 11. Conclusions1. Capitalism can continue under economic degrowth.2. Physical degrowth is unlikely, yet plausible, in a capitalisteconomy.3. Capitalism can profit from selective appropriation of degrowthideas.4. A political program of degrowth is not possible under existingcapitalism.5. Degrowth requires change of capitalist institutions, but whichones, to what (or to what extent)?6. And how? The old differences (eco-socialism, eco-communismand eco-anarchism) persist. 12. Thank [email protected]