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  • Irregular verbs poem Read this poem. Copy the verb form in bold that fits in the verse next to it.

    If time has come came come when it aches 1.

    To learn learnt learnt irregular verbs by heart 2.

    Just have had had the time it takes 3.

    To sing sang sung this poem instead of a chart 4.

    Once all of them in mind you have get got got 5.

    It will be easier for you to speak spoke spoken 6.

    And let let let you stop speaking you should not 7.

    So that none of them you ever forget forgot forgotten 8.

    It will become became become a second nature 9.

    Words will spring sprung sprung to your mind 10.

    Soon will you find found found a common feature 11.

    Between several verbs of a kind

    Every time you strive strove striven 12.

    On the right word to hit hit hit 13.

    Think thought thought of the help this has give gave given 14. / 15.

    And of all the efforts you have put put put into it 16.

    Dont ever try to flee fled fled 17.

    Nor blow blew blown hot and cold 18.

    For your brain needs to be feed fed fed 19.

    I m sorry you to tell told told 20.

    Not until you have begin began begun 21.

    Can you feel felt felt 22.

    That in this race you had to run ran run 23.

    Even if time you could not even afford to spend spent spent 24. 1

  • Then do sit sat sat at your desk and be content 25.

    An appetite for verbs do awake awoke awoken 26.

    Try to spot in these lines what they mean meant meant 27.

    And let your record be break broke broken 28.

    If you ever begin to sleep slept slept 29.

    Or draw drew drawn sketches on your page 30.

    Consider you have been set set set 31.

    On these trivial things to rummage 32.

    Maybe youll keep kept kept having fun 33.

    Never considering to be beat beat beaten 34.

    Nor ever to be all do did done 35.

    More and more verbs you must eat ate eaten 36.

    The things you need to know knew known 37.

    Right into your head will be teach taught taught 38.

    Thanks to studying, your knowledge will grow grew grown 39.

    All of these verbs eventually you will catch caught caught 40.

    And if you ever meet met met 41.

    Someone who can all these words say said said 42.

    You can bet bet bet 43.

    He or she never stopped to read read read 44.

    So that they could one day see saw seen 45.

    Their knowledge to have rise rose risen 46.

    Enough for them to also be was been 47.

    Able to properly write wrote written 48.


  • Please bear bore born with me a little longer 49.

    For this story is not yet bring brought brought to an end 50.

    Grammar books you must cling clung clung to forever 51.

    Just fling flung flung yourself into their content 52.

    Until they have finally show showed shown you 53.

    How to build built built your English syntax 54.

    And they have at last lead led led you 55.

    To perfection so that you understand understood understood the max 56.

    Words you will know how to sew sewed sewn 57.

    You will have a feeling you can fly flew flown 58.

    In you, good seeds they will have sow sowed sown 59.

    Many a bad habit you will have throw threw thrown 60.

    Unless you prefer to seek sought sought 61.

    A good teacher who would want to be pay paid paid 62.

    Or the help of tests you have buy bought bought 63.

    To check any progress you have make made made 64.

    You may also have hear heard heard on the Internet 65.

    That a video or two cannot hurt hurt hurt 66.

    For, with anything you have ever dream dreamt dreamt 67.

    Websites can provide you, if youre stick stuck stuck 68.

    In the end, if you are still lose, lost, lost at sea 69.

    And cannot choose chose chosen 70.

    You could still send sent sent some questions to me 71.

    Even if you are freeze froze frozen 72.


  • With irregular verbs I hope this poem helped you deal dealt dealt 73.

    That some of them you will better use

    And that you know now how most are spell, spelt, spelt 74.

    Now please spread spread spead the news! 75.

    Please these pages do not tear tore torn anon 76.

    You are not supposed to have shed shed shed a tear 77.

    Soon your dear school days will be go went gone 78.

    But you could still hold held held this without fear 79.

    In a hurry these words were lay laid laid on paper 80.

    If you find any mistakes I hope I will be forgive forgave forgiven 81.

    I swear swore sworn I could not spot the error 82.

    Simply because it was too well hide hid hidden 83.

    Now I am afraid I should leave left left 84.

    For I would not like you to shoot shot shot me 85.

    Nor would I like you to weep wept wept 86.

    When all I wanted was to take took taken you on a spree. 87.

    Poem by Anne-Marie Gelmetti 31st August 2014


    Irregular verbs poem Read this poem. Copy the verb form in bold that fits in the verse next to it.