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Iron Bru 32

By Henry Paul

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This advert was designed for a young target audience and I think it has catered for that well. Its comical whilst being slightly controversial. At first your drawn into the image which on its own would have no link to Irn-Bru what so ever. It wouldn’t be a funny image without the caption of text next to it. You can almost imagine the thought process in her head and that is what makes the ad funny.

It sticks to a theme and colour scheme throughout. Its one that is used throughout many of their adverts. They try to look slightly unprofessional throughout their designs to keep up some sort of consistency. I think they keep an unprofessional theme so its easier for them to relate to their target audience which is teenagers.

I personally don’t like the style because I think it looks quite childish and unprofessional. With that being said I think it fits the purpose relatively well.

One thing that is good about this font and colourscheme is that it’s a good interchangeable template for their advertising campaign.

The content can’t really be seen as being that offensive because its only showing two people kissing.

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The target audience for this advert is teenagers and I think that you see this quite a lot from this add. It is slightly crude and some people of a sensitive nature could find this offensive. It is meant to be comical in every sense.

It sticks to a colour scheme that is used regularly throughout Irn-Brus ads although it is advertising the diet version. They always state how “phenomenal” the taste of regular Irn-Bru is, that is why they are making a point about how pleasurable the diet version is too.

An older audience may see the image and text caption as inappropriate to have on a billboard. As the drink is aimed at younger people that doesn’t really matter if they do. That is unless the advert is cancelled by complaints.

They target teens specifically at a risk of loosing older cliental. It is a lot more worth it for them to target a younger audience that is why they don’t mind offending people every once and a while.

I think that this advert could only be made better by a different choice of font because I think that it would suit the image better.

The simplicity of the ad is what helps you remember the drink.

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This advert is aimed at teenagers. You can see this because it is portraying an elderly person robbing a store in a humorous manor. This isn't directed towards adults that is why it takes this approach. They aren’t that worried about offending people with this because there is no offence intended.

I think it works well and is definitely suitable for the intended target audience. Young people will be able to relate to it in terms of their grandmother and what she would do for an irn-bru.

I think it is filmed well and the joke is unexpected. It has a professional look that is consistent throughout. Its not intended to be in offensive or aggressive although it does show

The colour scheme is one that is used throughout many of Irn-Bru’s adverts. It works well with the video or image black and white. The style is similar to some other adverts as a few involve elderly people in an unlikely situation.

The advert works well and has key things throughout that make you remember the product.

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This advert is a video and it had a lot of controversy following it when it was released. I personally think it is an amusing advert. Many people were offended by the advert and the advertising standards authority received 34 complaints. One was from the Scottish violence reduction unit of Strathclyde police and another from the clinical director of Glasgow royal infirmary’s A&E department. Many people thought that the tone was violent or aggressive then in turn being offensive. I think this ad could only be seen as offensive if you were an old librarian.

One reason it was seen as offensive was because he calls the nice women asking him to be quite a “tweedy old crow”.

This advert is trying to use a combination of humor and stereotype to make you remember their drink.

Some people thought this might encourage violence but they soon later came to the obvious conclusion that it doesn’t.

The blue bird in the first image is a man with a hard sounding Glasgow accent. Its supposed to be a harmful play on the Glasgow stereotype.

They stick to their well known colour scheme even throughout the bird costume used in the large coo-coo clock.

Most if not all of Irn-Bru’s adverts are directed towards teenagers. It has a young person trying to study, a lot of people will be able to relate to this. Most young people would probably find this amusing as apposed to being offensive. Many people in Scotland grew up with Irn-Bru as their main beverage, this was not the case in Britain.

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Monster seems to go down a different advertising root than Irn-Bru. Instead of humour they try to use action. The futuristic warrior is in a battle situation and casually pulls out a monster ripper. Its making a point that it is worth while for him to stop.

When monster energy was first released it was mainly directed at people who played sports. This changed when they moved over seas. They decided to target a different audience including male teenagers and people in their 20’s. I think that this advert is terrible. It is filmed poorly and the soldiers costume looks like a five year old created it for a game.

I think you can tell that they have tried to accommodate for their target audience but they have chosen something that’s tacky and stereotypical.

I don’t like the style of this ad as it seems unprofessional and not thought through.

I like the colour scheme for monster ripper itself but not for this ad. Its dark and seems like they could have done better.

This is a filmed advert.

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Red bull has a bit of a broader target audience as it is one the leading sellers of energy drinks. Red bull covers such a wide variety of people that they cant make their advertising too niche. There are the people that work throughout the day and need some sort of energy boost. There are athletes that need energy on a regular basis and even the clubbing aspect of the drink is something that they could advertise towards. Although this is only relatively new Red bull has become a popular mixer for drinks. If they advertised in any direction more than the others they could lose customers.

The advert is well filmed and all the clips seem carefully selected. It has a professional clean feel to it and it seems consistent throughout.

Its showing you the types of people that drink Red bull as well as advertising its sponsors. At the end it states its slogan with a background that correlates with the colour scheme.

All the clips are of extreme sports and people carrying out daring tasks. All the clips are filmed in hot beautiful looking places.

This is a filmed advert.

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This advert will have been aimed at quite a broad target audience. Lucozade is one of the biggest energy drink distributers in the world. This advert may have a football theme but it wont just be advertised towards football fans but also sports fans in general. It has quite a professional look to it and they have got a celebrity football player to star in the add.

They stick to a colour scheme that is used frequently to advertise the England football team. People will easily be able to relate to this. The drink is helping to advertise the team and vice versa. It shows the Lucozadeas almost a flame, this could be to show it energy potentials.

Its quite a simple ad in terms of the text used. The graphics in the background are interesting to look at and are well designed. Its supposed to look powerful and show the strength of Lucozade.

I don’t mind the style of this add but I find it quite cold. It is mainly because I personally am not interested in football or many sports so the advert doesn’t appeal to me.

It states that its ‘giving England an edge’, which obviously isn’t a 100% fact but its all down to the consumer and their interpretation. A lot of people people gain no desirable effects from energy drinks. The fact that it is an energy drink will sell it half as much as the fact that it sponsors the England football team. The advert sells every point that it needs to sell for it to be successful.

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Hippo is a Nigerian company that specialises in energy drinks. They go for quite a stereotypical advertising stylewhich I don’t think is a bad thing. I think the advert looks professional and has a good colour scheme. I like the South African feel that the advert has. It makes the energy drink seem more exotic and interesting.

A lot of energy drinks being sold today seem to go for quite a modern futuristic feel that seems quite sterile compared to the colours that are within this advert. It almost feels like an advert for a beer.

A lot of energy drinks seem to come across as quite intimidating and as something you have to handle as appose to something you enjoy. This seems slightly more warming.

The slogan I didn’t think was that good. I don’t think its that good because it has no relevance to the drink. The slogan doesn’t seem that inventive. I think the fact that the energy drink is called hippo in the first place means that the slogan should correlate with that slightly.

The advert itself wont have been very difficult to create. Anyone with intermediate Photoshop skills could create it given the starting images. I like the choice of font used for the slogan.

One thing I didn’t like that much was where it fades from the ad to the edge. I think it makes parts of the ad look empty. I think it would have looked better with just a full image. I think the text would have still been readable without the black fading.

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I think that monster has a more professional feel to it compared to the Irn-Brucan. The Irn-Bru can looks a bit more out dated.

The Monster can is more eye catching and I think looks more appealing for young people and the target audience.

The Irn-Bru can does look a little more vibrant but that wont help it sell. I personally quite like the font that Irn-Bru use for their name. I don’t like the colourscheme used as I think it looks too dated and tacky.

I don’t really like the font that monster uses because I think it looks quite gothic and dark but that doesn’t necessarily mean it isn't suited.

The colour scheme for ‘Monster’ is suited for the target audience and will attract younger people.

The Monster can seems to have more of a simple design which I think suits an energy drink better. Irn-Bru seem to have gone for a more miss matched kind of look, which I think was a bad idea.

Irn-Bru have done well to distinguish the ‘32’ strand from the original but I don’t think it looks enough like an energy drink.

Monster sponsors lots of sports events so it has to have a sporty and edgy look.

They both have solid qualities but monster is definitely the better energy drink. It has a better suited brand and look to it. It has now become highly established and difficult to compete with