Download - Iraq Mega Projects 2011 Main Mailer

Page 1: Iraq Mega Projects 2011 Main Mailer

Unleashing the Potential of Oil & Gas Projects: Progress, Challenges & Solutions


The Premier Iraqi Infrastructure & Technology Event

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Iraq Mega Projects 2011 will focus on the progress, challenges and solutions faced in the production of the twelve oilfields and three gas field contracts.

Senior Iraqi professionals, contract holders and the service industry themselves will discuss the progress made since the signing of the contracts, the challenges they had to overcome and problems still faced moving forward.

Programme Highlights

4 Capacity building: regulations, legal implications and corporate social responsibility – getting it right the first time

4 Water: why it is fundamental to the success of the oil industry

4 Progress in field development

4 Unlimited access: meet senior Iraqi professionals, local business representatives and international suppliers

4 Unrivalled networking: where buyers and sellers can meet and do deals

Why You Need to Attend

4 Identify the latest cost efficient services, time specific products and technology to speed up production and maximise profits

4 Showcase your products and services to key industry players

4 Stand out from your competitors and network to win contracts

4 Meet Iraqi experts: gain local expertise, knowledge, best practice and get introduced to key contacts

4 Gain valuable insights to help realign your corporate strategy to achieve government targets for production output over the short and long-term

4 Meet local companies and look in to partnerships

Unleashing the Potential of Oil & Gas Projects

To register your interest call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email [email protected]

“The event highlights the upcoming projects in Iraq and provides good opportunities to meet officials with

in the industry” Mohammed Dakdouk, Arabian Pipes Co.

“Great level of senior Iraqi representatives and interesting questions during questions and

answer sessions, with challenging and thought provoking debate”

Enisa Glavovic, Olive Group

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Major changes were undertaken in 2010 with 100’s of contracts signed to begin work on supporting the oil fields infrastructure and in the rebuilding effort.

Iraq Mega Projects 2011 will look in depth at case studies that will showcase the challenges, progress and solutions faced with the development of Iraq’s oilfields. The programme will bring together operators, Iraqi representatives, local governors, service providers and experts that together will help develop Iraq.

The participating contract holders have been invited to offer insight into their experiences since the signing of the oil and gas field contracts, discuss issues that they have had to overcome, update delegates on recent developments and highlight future opportunities for the service industry.

Sessions will be led by the field contractors and senior Iraqi professionals who will give their opinion on capacity. Service companies will showcase both their experiences in Iraq and the expertise they can bring to the region.

Participating Companies 3

Iraq Field Contract Winners & Invited Participants

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The conference steering committee collectively prepares the programme, reviews presentations and gives backing to Iraq Mega Projects 2011.

Developed by the Industry for the Industry

Conference Steering Committee

4 To register your interest call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email [email protected]

Mounir Bouaziz Vice President Commercial-MENA NBD & LNG Shell

Myeong Nam Kim Vice President Kogas

Ray Collier President & General Manager Occidental of Iraq LLC

Nasyrov Iskander Director General Lukoil Middle East Limited

Natiq Al-Bayati Advisory Commission Iraq

Alexander V Kolomatsky Project Director-Middle East Gazprom Neft

Gasser Hanter Iraq Country Chair Shell

Falah Al-Khawaja Former Director General SCOP & Legal Affairs & Former Board of Directors Member of SOC & NOC

Dr Ahmed B Al-Ahmed Vice Governor Central Bank of Iraq

Muwafeq Hassan Mahmood Executive Director Arab Banking Corporation, Iraq Bank

Zahra Adil Al-Hammodi Head of Process SCOP

Sun Dangkun Director-Procurement Department CNODC

Unique Participation Opportunities

A number of sponsorship opportunities are available that will allow you to raise your company profile and show support for the industry through:

• Sponsorship (bronze, silver gold or platinum levels)

• Hosting networking functions

• Branding opportunities

• Attending

To receive further information on how Iraq Mega Projects can work for you:

Call Phillip Clarke on: +44 20 7978 0056 - Email on: [email protected] - Website:

Page 5: Iraq Mega Projects 2011 Main Mailer

Dr Ahmed B Al-AhmedVice Governor Central Bank of Iraq

Natiq Al-Bayati Advisory Commission Iraq

Dr Asri MousaIndependent Expert-Oil & Gas Iraq

H.E. Adnan Al-Jahabi Chairman of the Parliamentary Energy CommitteeIraq

Dr Ahmed BarifcaniAssociate Professor & Previous Advisor to the MoO, IraqCurtin University of Technology

Adnan Dawood SalmanDeputy Director GeneralPollution Control

H.E. Thamir Ghadhban

Chairman of the Advisory Commission to the Iraqi Prime Minister & Former Minister of Oil


Supporting the Development of Iraq

Key Speakers Include 5

Alexander V KolomatskyProject Director-Middle EastGazprom Neft

Omar MoussaVice President-IraqSchlumberger

Mohammed Hussein Khalil Al-KinanDirector of Northern FieldsKirkuk

Mohammed Abdalla Al-Ani Deputy MinisterIndustry and Minerals

Rokneddin Javadi CEO OIEC

Moath Al-Rawi Sales & Marketing DirectorBaker Hughes

Munqith Al-Baker AdvisorMinister of Industry

Jirjis Michael Director GeneralMinistry of Environment

Helen OlafsdottirCrisis Prevention & Recovery AdvisorUnited Nations Development Programme

Nick Massey Country Director-IraqOlive Group

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08:00 Welcome Coffee & Registration

09:00 Opening Session: Iraq’s Progress, Challenges & Solutions

H.E. Taner Yildiz, Minister of Energy & Natural Resources, Iraq*

H.E. Thamir Ghadhban, Chairman of the Advisory Commission to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Iraq

H.E. Adnan Al-Jahabi, Chairman of the Parliamentary Energy Committee, Iraq

Natiq Al-Bayati, Advisory Commission, Iraq

Questions & Answers

09:30 Session 1: Field Focus: Badrah Field An update on plans going ahead to support production in the Badrah field.

• Progress and FEED

• Demining and security

Alexander V Kolomatsky, Project Director-Middle East, Gazprom Neft

Questions & Answers

10:15 Networking Coffee

10:45 Session 2: Improved Oil Recovery & Water Demand

For fields in the south of Iraq to succeed in reaching production targets, water has become a critical element in planning.

• Oil well rehabilitation

• Water injection for the southern fields

Senior Representative: ExxonMobil Iraq

Zahra Adil Al-Hammadi, Head of Process, Iraq

Questions & Answers

11:30 Session 3: Progress in Gharraf, Fields & Infrastructure Update

• Progress in Gharraf field

• Project and infrastructure update

Adnan Dawood Salman, Deputy Director General, Pollution Control

Senior Representative: Eni

Questions & Answers

12:15 Networking Lunch

13:45 Session 4: Environmental Considerations & Security Challenges for Companies Since the Signing of the Oil & Gas Field Contracts in Iraq

• Environment impact assessment

• Progress in security and planning

Jirjis Michael, Director General, Ministry of Environment

Nick Massey, Country Director-Iraq, Olive Group

Questions & Answers

14:30 Session 5: Development of Iraqi Gas Fields: Akkas, Mansuriyah, Siba Gas Fields

• Update, infrastructure and FEED

• Export routes for oil and gas

• Gas gathering and storage

Asri Mousa, Independent Expert-Oil & Gas, Iraq

Kifah Kadhim Al-Khawaja, Chief Engineer-Underground Storage, Iraq

Questions & Answers

15:15 Networking Coffee

15:45 Session 6: Joint Venture Partnerships & Direct Execution

• Developing joint venture opportunities with the national effort

• Direct execution in upgrading the Bai Hassan field

• Capacity building for construction

• Regional cooperation in rebuilding the Iraqi oil industry

Moath Al-Rawi, Sales & Marketing Director, Baker Hughes

Mohammed Hussein Khalil Al-Kinan, Director of Northern Fields, Kirkuk

Ali Alwash, Director of Middle Division, Iraq

Rokneddin Javadi, CEO, OIEC

Questions & Answers

17:00 Close of Conference Day One

19:30 Gala Dinner

Hosted by:

Conference Day One: Tuesday 18 October 2011

6 For speaking opportunities call Shane White on +44 20 7978 0090 or email [email protected]

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el D




Conference Day Two: Wednesday 19 October 2011

7For speaking opportunities call Shane White on +44 20 7978 0090 or email [email protected]

08:00 Welcome Coffee

09:00 Session 7: Predictions for Iraq Reserves & Production Capacity

• Progress and the view from the stakeholder

• Predictions for the growth of Iraq’s reserves

• Review of Iraq’s gas fields

• A tentative forecast for Iraq’s oil production up to 2020

• Supply and demand

Nasyrov Iskander, Director General, Lukoil Mid-East Limited*

Nidhal Ismail Mohammed Al Khayat, Senior Chief Engineer, Iraq

Natiq Al-Bayati, Advisory Commission, Iraq

Falah Al-Khawaja, Former Director General, SCOP & Legal Affairs & Former Board of Directors Member of SOC & NOC

Stan Harbison, Director of Research, EPRINC

Questions & Answers

10:30 Networking Coffee

Hosted by:

11.00 Session 8: What Will the Financial Outlook of Iraq’s Economy be When Considering the Potential of Growth in Reserves

• Investment in Iraq

• Development of the Iraqi economy

• Iraq’s energy plan

Dr Subhi Al-Kanim, Chief Researcher, Iraq

Dr Ahmed B Al-Ahmed, Vice Governor, Central Bank of Iraq

Questions & Answers

12:15 Networking Lunch

13:45 Session 9: Corporate Social Responsibility Promising to be a thought provoking and interactive discussion, this session will bring together expert speakers that are well placed to engineer solutions and highlight possible problem areas for companies concerned with their responsibilities.

• Manpower challenges in Iraq

• Training, communities and creating Iraqi leaders

• UN capacity building expectations and what can the companies do

• Capacity building for women

• Social developments in fields and cities

Helen Olafsdottir, Crisis Prevention & Recovery Advisor, United Nations Development Programme

Simona Marinesco, Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator, UNAMI

Christine Mcnab, Deputy Chairman, UNAMI, Iraq

Omar Moussa, Vice President, Iraq, Schlumberger

Vian Al-Shaikh Ali, Chair, Tamouz Organisation for Social Development

Shamiram Mrogel, General Secretary, Iraqi Women League

Hana Edward, Chair, Iraqi Hope

Questions & Answers

15:00 Networking Coffee

Hosted by:

15:30 Session 10: What is the Current Situation in the Southern Iraqi Fields & What Can be Learnt From Majnoon & Exploration The session will look in depth at issues surrounding the southern Iraqi fields. The construction projects in gas separation, refining and production wells are areas that will be presented and open to debate.

• Reservoir management

• Iraq EPC contracting challenges and opportunities

• Exploration: past, present and future

Senior Representative: Shell

Paolo Fedeli, Senior Vice President, Techint S.p.A.

Husam Jabir Hassan, Former Director General, Oil Exploration Company (OEC)

Questions & Answers

16.30 Close of Conference Day Two

*speakers subject to final confirmation

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8 To register your interest call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email [email protected]

Interactive Seminar: Thursday 20 October 2011

Seminar: Developing the value chain

The seminar will discuss the concepts and views of the development of the value chain for the first time on Iraq. Presentations and case study papers will all work towards an interactive learning experience.

Iraq’s Integrated Energy Strategy

• Introduction from the head of the commission

• The findings

• A view from parliament

Keynote Address:

H.E. Thamir Ghadhban, Chairman of the Advisory Commission to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Iraq

Senior Representative: Booz & Co

H.E. Adnan Al-Jahabi, Chairman of the Parliamentary Energy Committee, Iraq

Energy Intensive Industries

Mohammed Abdalla Al-Ani, Deputy Minister, Industry & Minerals

Munqith Al-Baker, Advisor to the Minister of Industry

Refining Plans

Samir Michael, Former Director General, Technical Directorate

Senior Representatives: Foster Wheeler & Shaw


• Integration of raw petroleum products with petrochemicals

Dr Ahmed Barifcani, Associate Professor & Former Advisor to the MoO-Iraq, Curtin University of Technology

The Economics of Development

• Export via local industrialisation

• The balance between export and industrialisation of hydrocarbon

Dr Ahmed B Al-Ahmed, Vice Governor, Central Bank of Iraq

Mowafaq Hassan Mahmood, Chief Executive Officer, Arab Banking Corporation, Iraq Branch

Falah Al- Khawaja, Former Director General, SCOP & Legal Affairs & Former Board of Directors Member of SOC & NOC

Gas Value Chain

Asri Mousa, Independent Expert-Oil & Gas, Iraq

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Meet the industry • Build Partnerships • Do Deals!


Exclusive Networking Opportunities for 2011

• Meet leading engineers, technicians and senior decision-makers

• Discuss best practice models with major and independent EPC and service companies

• Develop strong industry partnerships

• Offer expertise to problems showcased, build relationships and create opportunities

• Raise your company’s profile and meet new clients

• Cement relationships and do deals

Gala Dinner: Tuesday 18 October 2011

Enjoy an evening of networking and connecting with key players in the

industry. Maximise your time out of the office and catch up with both new

and old clients!

Hosted by:

Corporate Lunches

Maximise your networking time without missing out on any of the key

sessions. Meet senior decision makers, government officials and industry


Networking Coffee Breaks

Take advantage of the coffee breaks scheduled around the conference

programme, providing you with the opportunity to connect with the right

people to drive your business interests.

Day 2 coffee breaks hosted by:

Join Us On

Join the Iraq Mega Projects 2011 Linkedin group

and start networking online or follow us on Twitter

(#IMP11) and Facebook to get the latest updates on

speakers, programme information, hot topics and

industry news.

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Middle East and Africa Events


The CWC Group has an impressive track record in the Middle East and North Africa, having held some of the biggest energy events within the industry. Over the past thirteen years, our events have attracted thousands of delegates, sponsors and exhibitors. Ministers, Government Delegations and industry experts support and attend all CWC events.

Iraq Telecoms 25-27 October 2011 Ritz Carlton, Istanbul

Kurdistan-Iraq Oil & Gas13-15 November 2011 Erbil, Kurdistan

Saudi Water & Power Forum 4-7 December 2011Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Infrastructure 11-14 December 2011 Jeddah Centre for Forums & Events Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Kuwait Oil & Gas Summit & Exhibition 13-15 February 2012 Kuwait

Saudi Downstream 6-7 March 2012 Jubail, KSA

Saudi Innovation, Diversification & Investment 25-28 March 2012Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Iraq Petroleum 2012June 2012London

CWC School for Energy has a long term vision and purpose to help build capacity for development in the energy sector. As a global market leader with an unprecedented track record in providing high-level and interactive training services, we are fast to move and respond to training needs. We keep up-to-date on industry news, use top experts as our lecturers and constantly keep in touch with our current and potential clients to find out what their training requirements are. Our success and distinguished reputation is down to our commitment to the industry, a high-level of expertise, sector knowledge, cultural diversity and experience that comes from organising over 60 weeks of training a year.

About CWC in the Middle East & North Africa

To register your interest call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email [email protected]

CWC Portfolio of Middle East & North Africa Events Include

About CWC School for Energy

Page 11: Iraq Mega Projects 2011 Main Mailer


18-20 October 2011Istanbul, Turkey

Unleashing the Potential of Oil & Gas Projects: The Progress, Challenges & Solutions



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FAX - Your completed form to+44 20 7978 0099

BOOKING CONDITIONSPayment should be made within fourteen (14) days from the date of booking. Full payment must be received for entrance to be guaranteed.

A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent to you on receipt of your booking. Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge. Cancellations must be received in writing not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the event, you will then receive a credit note for 100% of the contract fee paid to be used at another CWC Group event which must occur within one year from the date of issuance of the credit note. In the event that CWC cancels or postpones an event for any reason and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend the rescheduled date, you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this credit for another CWC event, which must occur within one year from the date of cancellation or postponement. Except as specified above, no credits will be issued for cancellations. There are no refunds given under any circumstances. Non-payment or non-attendance does not constitute cancellation. The booking fee does not include accommodation or travel costs; these are the responsibility of the Delegate. It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content, timings or venue. The Company will not accept liability for any transport disruption or individual transport delays and in such circumstances the normal cancellation restrictions apply.

VENUE INFORMATIONThe Ritz Carlton, IstanbulSuzer PlazaElmadagAskerocagi Cad. No: 15 34367Sisli - Istanbul TurkeyTel: +90 212 334 44 44 Fax: +90 212 334 44

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Package A - Conference Only

(18-19 October 2011) $2897

Package B - Conference & Workshop(18-20 October 2011) $3797


Page 12: Iraq Mega Projects 2011 Main Mailer

Sponsorship - Networking - Branding - Speaking

Media Partners


Call Phillip Clarke on: +44 20 7978 0056

Email on: [email protected]
