Download - iPhone: How to Set Reminders Through Apps


How to Set a Reminder in iPhone

You promised me for a


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First, Press the Home button in

your iPhone (lower middle

part in your iphone)

Now you will find the Reminder Icon. TAP it. The icon is like a Note Book page with color dots.

Reminder app is open now and

you have to TAP on a blank line to create a reminder

You need to type a summary of the reminder

(a short one)

Now TAP the Return Key on Keyboard for

adding more reminders.

Beside every reminder you will find a “More Info Icon” where you could add more detail about the reminder.

On the detail page you are

allowed to edit the name of

the reminder.

To the right of “Remind me on a day” option

there is a switch button. You have to TAP on that

to TURN it on. When the switch is on you will be able to add Date and Time for that reminder.

Now Tap on Alarm to select or

set the time when the alarm will remind you

the activity.

Now choose how often you want to repeat the reminder.

You could set a priority for the


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Touch the Notes option to add specific detail to your reminder.

Now Tap on the Done button on the top of the page, the reminder you have just created will be visible on your screen.