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RACINGHumboldt Speedway

opens FridaySee B1

Locally owned since 1867 www.iolaregister.comTuesday, March 5, 2013


Vol. 115, No.90 75 Cents Iola, KS


By ALLISON [email protected]

Hollywood, for decades, has tried to recreate the ro-mance of the 1940s. The tri-als and tribulations of the war and what it took to make ends meet. Thora May Shinn remembers it like it was yes-terday.

In 1944, after graduating from Bronson High School, Thora, at age 17, boarded a train, known as the Katy, from Moran to Kansas City, Mo. There she began working at Fred Harvey’s restaurant at Union Station.

Thora, 86, is part of a rare group of women known as the “Harvey Girls.” The girls were known for being single, well-mannered and educated, with a strict 10 p.m. curfew, as coined by the 1942 movie “The Harvey Girls,” starring Judy Garland.

By the time Thora became a Harvey Girl the rules were

a little more relaxed and the black dress with white apron uniform had been replaced with new uniforms.

She worked the 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. shift and made 50 cents an hour plus tips.

“A dime tip was great. A quarter was fantastic,” Tho-ra said.

When homesick, she would hop on the Katy after her shift to go back home; her parents would pick her up at 2 a.m.

The new uniforms, which were laundered for the girls, consisted of a white wrap-around skirt, white button-up shirt with a collar, panty-hose and white oxford shoes.

If Thora was lucky, she might be able to buy some nylon pantyhose from the gift store in the train station. During the time of the war a lot of everyday items were rationed.

“At the restaurant we could

eat anything we wanted, ex-cept the exotic seafood, and I gained 20 pounds eating cantaloupe and ice cream,” Thora said.

At the gift shop she would buy her father and uncle cig-arettes for a nickel a carton.

Thora remembers when rationing restrictions were lifted as being “absolutely wonderful.”

While in Kansas City Tho-ra would spend most of her time with girlfriends watch-ing a new movie or writing letters to Jim, her high school sweetheart stationed in the South Pacific.

“I wrote to Jim about ev-ery day. I would send him re-cords,” Thora said.

At the restaurant she be-gan at the horseshoe counter then moved to tables. Thora recalls a gentleman she used to wait on often who would or-der alcoholic drinks. Because Thora May Shinn

Allen Countian recalls working in the ’40s

By STEVEN [email protected]

An 800-foot section of U.S. 54 on the east side of Iola will receive a full-depth replace-ment from KDOT as a part of their larger U.S. 54 project.

The Iola City Council held a special public meeting at the Creitz Recital Hall in the Bowlus Monday night, im-mediately following the joint EMS meeting with the Allen County Commission. The meeting was held to re-evalu-ate the decision made by the city council on Feb. 25 to not move forward with the con-struction.

“I can’t stress how impor-tant the project is, especially in consideration of the tax-payers,” Assistant City Ad-ministrator Corey Schinstock said.

The Kansas Department of Transportation will pay 75 percent of the cost, and the city will pay 25 percent out of a fund provided by the state for road construction. Essen-tially, taxpayers will not pay a dime for the construction cost.

Larry Macha, owner of Jump Start Travel Center, is one of the businesses that will be affected by the construc-

tion. Macha asked the council to request the construction in front of his business be done either in the first or in the last of the schedule, in order to limit any access issues to the shortest time possible.

Schinstock agreed, saying the contractor will want to finish that section as quickly as possible.

“That is going to be the big-gest headache for them (the contractor), is dealing with the driveways out there,” Schinstock said.

The bidding for the proj-ect is set for sometime this month. The first phase, which includes the U.S. 169/U.S. 54 intersection, has a comple-tion deadline of Aug. 1.

The vote tallied at a 6-0 de-cision, council members Bev-

erly Franklin and David Toland were not present during the meeting.

Register/Steven SchwartzFrom left, Corey Schinstock, addresses Robert Storrer and Larry Macha during a special city council meeting regarding U.S. 54 construction on the east side of Iola.

U.S. 54 replacement will include east Iola

I can’t stress how important the proj-ect is, especially in consideration of the taxpayers.

— Corey Schinstock, Assistant City Administrator

By STEVEN [email protected]

The Iola City Council and Allen County Commissioners have moved one step closer to an agreement regarding an EMS merger.

The two governing bodies agreed to form a sub-com-mittee to generate ideas for a proposed merger, which they will then submit to the rest of the groups. The decision came Monday night during a special meeting in the Creitz Recital Hall at the Bowlus. The committee will consist of all three county commission-ers and two members of the city council — they will be appointed at Monday night’s council meeting.

“You’ve got to start some-where,” council member Scott Stewart said referring to the committees.

The goal of the small com-mittee is to answer questions brought to the table regard-ing the merger, as well as to formulate a proposal that both the council and commis-sion can examine and build off of.

Commissioner Dick Works said his goal is to have an-swers for the committee by April, before the county’s

budget is completed by June. Therefore, he said whichever merger is agreed upon will be ready for the new year.

DURING THE MEETING, the council and commission discussed what an ideal EMS service would look like.

The moderator for the meeting, Fred Heismeyer, listed different aspects as they were given to him.

While no specific agree-ment was made, all members

could agree that Allen Coun-ty needs to have an adequate amount of coverage all the way from Iola and Humboldt, to Moran and Savonburg.

“What it boils down to is getting out there and getting the best care you can get,” council member Nancy Ford said.

Works also mentioned the possibility of increasing the number of first responders, transported by a smaller

EMS talks show progress

Register/Steven Schwartz

Moderator Fred Heismeyer, left, lists off the ideal traits of an Allen County EMS service Monday night at the Creitz Recital Hall.

See EMS | Page A6

See THORA | Page A6

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The largest teachers union in Kan-sas is warning of a “war” on educators as the Republican-dominated Legislature con-siders a proposal that would narrow contract negotiations between teachers and public school districts.

The proposal, which is scheduled for a hearing Wednesday, would reduce the number of issues that teach-ers’ groups could negotiate with local school boards. For example, teachers would still be able to negotiate such things as pay and sick leave, but no longer on how they are evaluated.

Supporters of the legisla-tion recently asked for sugges-tions from the union after a backlash and have slowed the measure’s progress, but they are still determined to reduce teachers’ bargaining rights, said Karen Godfrey, president of the 25,000-member Kansas National Education Associa-tion.

“This bill, as it’s written, is incredibly harmful to the way we operate now in school dis-tricts,” Godfrey told The Asso-ciated Press on Monday, a few days after she issued a scath-ing analysis of the legislation and called it part of a “war on teachers in Kansas.”

The bill will be reviewed Wednesday in the House Com-merce, Labor and Economic Development Committee.

The committee’s chair-man, conservative Overland Park Republican Rep. Marvin Kleeb, said he’s open to sug-gestions for changes from all parties. Kleeb said the bill’s backers hope to encourage in-novation in public schools by giving local districts more op-erational flexibility.

Groups representing school boards and superintendents — past allies of the KNEA in education funding issues — are backing efforts to rewrite the bargaining law. Also, a task force appointed by Re-publican Gov. Sam Brownback recommended changes in January, saying rewriting the law would help local boards “determine what works best locally to drive efficiencies.”

The KNEA stepped up criti-cism last week when the bill emerged from Kleeb’s commit-tee, and a few members of lo-cal school boards who oppose the bill joined the union dur-ing a news conference Monday. The teachers union contends there’s no real need to change the bargaining law and be-lieves some backers of the bill want to weaken the KNEA, which is one of the most vocal critics of Brownback and his allies.

Kleeb said he’s disappointed in the KNEA’s reaction, say-

JohnHannaAPpolitical writer

Lawmakers mull school bargaining law

See LAW | Page A6

Page 2: Iola Register 3-5

A2Tuesday, March 5, 2013 The Iola Register

The Iola RegIsTeR Published Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings except New Year’s day, Memorial Day, Inde-pendence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, by The Iola Register Inc., 302 S. Washington, P.O. Box 767, Iola, Kansas 66749. (620) 365-2111. Periodicals postage paid at Iola, Kansas. Member Associated Press. The Associated Press is entitled exclu-sively to use for publication all the local news printed in this newspa-per as well as all AP news dispatches. Subscription rates by carrier in Iola: One year, $107.46; six months, $58.25; three months, $33.65; one month, $11.67. By motor: One year, $129.17; six months, $73.81; three months, $41.66; one month, $17.26. By mail in Kansas: One year, $131.35; six months, $74.90; three months, $44.02; one month, $17.91. By mail out of state: One year, $141.35; six months, $76.02; three months, $44.97; one month, $17.91. Internet: One year, $100; six months, $55; one month, $10 All prices include 8.55% sales taxes. Postal regulations require subscriptions to be paid in advance. USPS 268-460 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Iola Register, P.O. Box 767, Iola, KS 66749.

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ObituariesEdwina Trichler

Edwina H. Trichler, 93, Yates Center, passed away March 1, 2013, at Coffey County Hospital after a brief illness. Edwina was born Edwina H. Bomhoff on Feb. 24, 1920, in Kansas City, Mo., the daughter of Mabel Florence Bertch Bomhoff and Harrison Russell Bomhoff. She was supposed to be a boy so she was named after her grandfather George Ed-win Bertch.

Edwina was the third of Har-ry and M a b e l ’s e i g h t children. The fam-ily moved to Wich-ita when E d w i n a was two months old. She graduated from East High School in Wichita. She was baptized as a baby and was always in-terested in the mission-ary society, beginning with the Otterbein Guild at age 13. She was devoted to the church until her death, and still attended services when she could.

She was an avid reader, and during her younger years did artwork, with watercolor as her prima-ry medium. She was also famous for her artisti-cally decorated birthday cakes. Later in life she was active with the local

senior center, and par-ticipated with the Belles and Beaus performance group.

Edwina graduated from York College at York, Neb., in 1942. At York, she met Harvey Winter Klick, and they were married June 12, 1943. They lived in Wichita for a year, then Harvey entered military service with the Army Air Force. After he was discharged they moved to the Klick family farm north of Toronto, where Edwina’s daughter Beth Hamman and Beth’s husband Michael, have operated a hunting pre-serve since 1978. Edwina and Harvey lived on the farm until 1972, when they moved to Yates Cen-ter. Harvey managed the Woodson County Co-op until his death in 1976.

Edwina married Wayne Trichler on July 26, 1986. Mr. Trichler died Nov. 25, 2005.

Edwina and Harvey had four daughters and one son. Her daughters are Gail Anne, Mrs. Paul Lind, 67, Phoenix, Ariz., Barbara Joan, Mrs. Ben-jamin Roder, 65, Fond du Lac, Wis., Joyce Elaine, Mrs. Loren Swenson, 64, Concordia, the aforemen-tioned Bonnie Beth, Mrs. Michael Hamman, 61, To-ronto. Edwina’s son, Har-vey Wayne, 53, is married to the former Lucy Le-nore Shanklin, and they

live in Lawrence. She had nine grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren, with another on the way.

Her marriage to Mr. Trichler gave Edwina a second family. Her stepchildren are Nor-man Trichler, 75, Johan-nesburg, South Africa, Karen Rogers, 70, Harri-sonville, Mo., and Sharen Stockebrand, 64, Yates Center. Wayne had nine grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren. Her brother Russell Bomhoff and sister Winifred Cloud live in Wichita. Her sister Esther Bocock lives in Phoenix, Ariz.

Edwina was preceded in death by her parents, her two husbands and sib-lings Marie McLaughlin, Anna Louise Hammer, Ruth Elliot, and John Bomhoff. Edwina was loved by all who knew her. Her family, friends, church, and the commu-nity at large will miss her.

Services for Edwina are at 10:30 a.m. Wednes-day at First United Meth-odist Church in Yates Center.

Burial will follow in Yates Center Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Campbell Fu-neral Home from 6 to 8 p.m. today. Memorials are suggested to the Restless Leg Syndrome Founda-tion or First United Meth-odist Church in Yates Center.

Edwina Trichler

Bud BreinerLeRoy “Bud” Breiner,

93, Erie, died at 5:45 a.m., Sunday, March 3, 2013, at the Prairie Mission Re-tirement Village in St. Paul. Death followed a brief illness.

He was born Sept. 27, 1919, on a farm east of Chanute, to Gus and Julia (Friederich) Breiner. He grew up on the farm and attended a country school.

On July 8, 1967, he and Bernice Epperson McKis-son were married at Ham-ilton, Ill. They continued living on the farm east of Chanute until moving to Erie in 2000. She survives of the home.

Bud was a farmer and stockman and for 12 years was a partner with the late Denzil Hine in the Square

D e a l C o m -mission C o m p a -ny in Par-sons. He started a fireplace and stove business in 1976 and was still active in the business.

He was a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Chanute and also attended St. Ambrose Church in Erie.

Survivors are his wife, Bernice Breiner; step-son, Darryl McKisson, Leasburg, Mo.; 10 step-grandchildren; several step-great-grandchildren, and a sister, Alma Meyer, Bella Vista, Ark.

He was preceded in

death by his adopted daughter, Charlene Bin-nion.

Funeral mass will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Chanute. Buri-al will follow in the St. Pat-rick’s Catholic Cemetery in Chanute.

The Rosary will be at 7 p.m. today at the church in Chanute. Memorials are suggested to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and may be left at or sent to the funeral home at Box 182, Erie, KS 66733.

The Pierce-Carson-Wall Funeral Home of Erie is in charge of arrange-ments and friends may call there from 1 to 5 p.m. today. Online condolences may be left at

Bud Breiner

Lovanda FisherLovanda Isabell Fisher

Preston, 84, passed away on Sunday, March 3, 2013.

She was born Nov. 7, 1928, in Iola, the daughter of Claude Dean and Mil-dred Sarah Cummings Fisher. She had two sis-ters, Betty Hill and Patri-cia Doyle and two half-brothers, Leroy Moore and Marvin Moore, all of whom have preceded her in death.

In 1954, she married Leslie Leroy Preston and lived in Iola and later Pi-qua.

She is survived by a son, Taylor Preston, Shawnee, and she had three grand-children.

Lovanda taught school for over 16 years at vari-ous schools in Allen and Woodson counties. She was an active member of the March of Dimes and had served on its board of directors. She was a

past president of the Al-len County Mental Health Association, worked with Volunteers of the Courts for children’s organiza-tions and also was a char-ter member of the Iola Lions Club. Lovanda was a member of Iola United Methodist Church.

Cremation has taken place.

Please see for additional information and condo-lences.

Kenneth HeimanKenneth L. Heiman, 64,

Scranton, passed away on Saturday, March 2, 2013, at Stormont Vail Health Center.

K e n -neth was born on Jan. 7, 1949, in Iola, to M a r y ( K i p p ) a n d F r a n k Heiman. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Bill Heiman; and sister, Marie Sinclair.

He graduated from Humboldt High in 1967.

He worked from 1967 to 1971 as a journeyman car-penter. He also worked for Williams Brothers Pipe-line/Magellan Midstream Pipeline from 1971 to 2004, when he retired.

He was united in mar-riage to Bethenia Lee Dickey on Sept. 25, 1971. He was a member of St. Patrick’s Parish in Scran-ton. He is survived by his loving wife, Bethenia Hei-man, Scranton; two sons, Francis Heiman and wife Krystal, Scranton, and Jonathan Heiman and wife Kelly, Carbondale. He is also survived by four grandchildren, Samuel, Eli, Riley, and Quentin; two sisters, Sylvia York, Humboldt, and Betty

Heppler, Wichita; three brothers, Robert Heiman, Humboldt, Daniel Hei-man, Moran, and Charles Heiman, Piqua, as well as many nieces and neph-ews.

A memorial mass will be celebrated at 1 p.m. Thursday at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Scran-ton.

A private family inurn-ment will take place at a later date.

Memorial contribu-tions may be made to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church-Scranton, 309 S. 6th St., Osage City, KS 66523.

To leave a message for the family online, please visit

Kenneth Heiman

Sherrie HurseySherrie S. Hursey, 65,

Iola, and formerly of Lenexa, passed away on Sunday, March 3, 2013, at Windsor Place in Iola.

Visitation will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at the Feuerborn Family Fu-neral Service Chapel in Garnett. Following the visitation Sherrie will

be cremated with inurn-ment following in the Corydon, Iowa, cemetery next to her parents.

Memorial contribu-tions may be made to Alzheimer’s Association Heart of America and sent in care of Feuer-born Family Funeral Service, P.O. Box 408, Garnett, KS 66032.

Page 3: Iola Register 3-5

Tuesday, March 5, 2013The Iola A3


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Today - Biblesta meet-ing, 6:30 p.m., library.

Wednesday - Com-munity conversation pertaining to hotel feasi-bility study, 5:30 p.m., li-

brary community room.Thursday - Chamber

of Commerce Volunteer of the Year banquet, 6:30 p.m., B & W Trailer Hitches.

Saturday - Paper drive; Prairie Spirit Trail event, 9 a.m. to noon, at the community building in Riverside Park, Iola.

March 11 - Chamber of Commerce meeting, noon, library commu-nity room; Historical Society meeting, 7 p.m., Riverside School House.


CorrespondentHUMBOLDT — Al-

though it’s practically non-existent this week, two recent snowfalls brought much of the community to a stand-still last week.

Classes in the USD 258 district were dis-missed, many business-es were closed a couple of days and the grocery store experienced tem-porary shortages.

The bread shelves were bare last Tues-day morning at Moon’s Hometown Market after an especially busy day on Monday.

“We were temporar-ily out of bread I’d say about a day and half,” Kurt Davis store man-ager said. “We ran out one day last week too, when the snow hit and the (bread) trucks didn’t deliver.”

By early afternoon a new supply was deliv-ered and stocked.

Students were out of school Feb. 21, 22 and 26 due to wintery condi-tions and the U.S. Postal Service mail truck was unable to get to town on Thursday allowing only limited residential de-livery.

Todd Mintz, carrier for 34 years, said he has seen worse. “I’ve been

in worse snow. It wasn’t too bad. It’s worse on the vehicles.”

Rural carriers did not make their routes on Thursday and Mintz said he only delivered what mail was deposited in the local facility. “It hasn’t happened very often that the Kansas City trucks can’t make it,” he said, “only three or four times since I’ve been here.”

On a regular mail de-

livery day, Mintz spends approximately six hours covering his route that includes houses and businesses from New York Street north to the Lutheran Church and from Second Street east to the railroad tracks, about 12 to 15 miles to-tal.

“I like working out-side,” Mintz said. “The weather doesn’t both-er me, but ice is the worst.”

Best friends and neighbors, Ashtyn Ansley (standing) and Rylee Wilson, both in third grade, spent their “snow day” from school building snow people complete with a warm scarf.

Register/Terry Broyles


Chamber of Commerce

Due to inclement weather Feb. 21, the regularly scheduled Chamber of Commerce meeting day, the Cham-ber board met Wednes-day, Feb. 27, and han-dled several items of business.

A total of 58 mem-bers and guests have pre-registered for the Volunteer Banquet to be held on March 7, participation in the hotel feasibility study was encouraged and invitations will be sent out to candidates running for a seat on the USD 258 Board of Education and City Council to take part in a Candidate Forum on March 21.

Members Wayne and Peg Smith and David and Sunny Shreve will be attending the Kan-sas Sampler in Liberal in May and the Cham-ber will provide their gas and look into the cost of providing some of the needed bro-chures featuring local attractions.

The PRIDE Commit-tee plans to present the city with a Community of Excellence sign dur-ing the Neosho River Park dedication, set for June 8. Chris Bauer is working on a brochure

proof featuring the River Park as well.

Information on the Chamber website will be kept up-to-date by Linda Leonard, secre-tary, and the PRIDE committee is putting together a “Welcome to Humboldt” idea for new residents. Loren Korte, PSI Insurance, volunteered to provide a bag for items. It was decided the website up-keep would be a paid position, along with the secretary/treasur-er office held by Leon-ard.

Additional pole ban-ners are being consid-ered by PRIDE for the spring and summer season making use of the banner brackets already in place. The Chamber will be host-ing a ribbon cutting for Weide’s Cemetery Ser-vice and Memorials in the near future.

Hotel feasibilityThe community

is invited to an open meeting on Wednes-day at 5:30 p.m. in the community room of the Humboldt library where Fletcher Sim-

mons with The Sim-mons Company, Man-hattan, will discuss the feasibility of having a hotel-restaurant-con-ference room combina-tion developed within the city.

The cost of the study has been covered by the Chamber of Com-merce, HUGRO, Mon-arch Cement and dona-tions.

The community con-versation will allow Simmons to gather input from interest-ed persons. Included in the study will be analyzing access and volume to the area, population trends and demographics, poten-tial hotel room needs and assembling events that would attract oc-cupants.

Simmons will talk about possible project size, occupancy per-centage and compare cost to income for an investment value.

When all aspects of the feasibility study are completed, Sim-mons can then make an educated decision to recommend develop-ment of a hotel or not.

Local meetings resume


CorrespondentHUMBOLDT — The

Family Physicians Clinic on the east side of the City Square will close at the end of the month.

“We are beginning to phase out the clinic,” Rick Little, administra-tor said. “We anticipate being closed by March 31.”

After extensive remod-eling of the building at 111 S. 9th St., the clinic opened in April 2011. At that time, Dr. Becky Lohman and Nurse

Practitioner Kate Works staffed the facility on a modified schedule.

“We had hoped to build a nice clinic volume in Humboldt and it never occurred,” Little said.

The staff and employ-ees currently in the local clinic will continue with Family Physicians in the Iola office.

Little proposed the rea-son behind the decrease in volume could be pref-erence.

“We found people would just as soon come to Iola for their medical care,” he said.

Physicians group to close doors

Humboldt thaws out

Jeff Livingston, second from the left, Walmart store manager, and Shandie Wrench, far left, present the DAT with a $1,000 check for revitaliza-tion on Friday in City Hall. Members of the Team on hand for the presentation were Jan Coykend-all, center, Eileen Robertson and Larry Tucker.

Register/Vada AikinsBeautifying Humboldt

Page 4: Iola Register 3-5

The Iola Register Tuesday, March 5, 2013

~ Journalism that makes a difference

An obituary in Monday’s paper on June Toland told of a life well lived. Mrs. To-land, 98, died last week.

She lived a life of service to her family, church and community.

In today’s world, that may not conjure up much re-spect. Today, women make their mark in the work force, as much as men.

Even so, Mrs. Toland was something of a renegade, studying political science of all things at the Uni-versity of Kansas back in 1936. Word has it that she had her sights on becom-ing an attorney. Perhaps if she had been born in her granddaughters’ times she would have become an at-torney, like Carol, or a min-ister, such as Elizabeth.

At a time when most women attended univer-sity only to attain an MRS. degree, young June was a serious student and was in-ducted into honor societies for her high marks.

She also waited until she was 28 to marry, the equiva-lent of 38 in today’s world.

Mrs. Toland was one of Iola’s last matriarchs. She led by example of giv-ing her best to her fam-ily, church, and the various clubs, societies and organi-zations she enjoyed.

It’s that dedication that keeps a community’s social fabric tightly knitted. Mrs. Toland and others like her had the equivalent of full-time jobs seeing that vol-unteer activities at their churches and schools were run efficiently. They took their roles in social sorori-ties seriously.

Her love of history was carried through to the founding of the Allen County Historical Society.

Whatever her interest, Mrs. Toland took a leading role in its operation.

And lest one think Mrs. Toland may have been thwarted by the times, at home she was regarded as the “brains of the fam-ily,” according to grandson David Toland. She was a formidable foe at Scrabble, was well-versed in Kansas and national politics, and managed until just these last few years her own busi-ness affairs.

This does the heart good. Too often we are quick

to judge one’s accomplish-ments, or lack thereof, by proof of a balance sheet or trophies on a shelf.

AS A SOCIETY we’ll nev-er go back to the days when men were the primary breadwinners and women stayed close to the hearth. But that doesn’t mean our priorities have changed.

Today, young couples share much of the parent-ing responsibilities and both “bring home the ba-con,” making for healthy marriages and family dy-namics. More than ever, people know that good families make for strong, competitive communities. We know a well-loved child thrives and the more stimu-lating his upbringing, the better balanced he becomes as an adult.

Mrs. Toland was right on track — and Iola is the bet-ter for it.

— Susan Lynn

Toland’s secretto happiness:a life well lived

Reflecting on the Iraq WarTen years. A decade. That’s

how long it has been since the United States and its allies went to war in Iraq.

On the night of March 19, 2003, the U.S.-led coalition be-gan bombing Baghdad. Ten years after that “shock and awe” campaign opened the war, there are lessons we have learned and questions for which the answers will be left to the history books.

There were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq, which highlighted serious flaws in intelligence-gathering and analysis. What might have happened had Saddam Hussein remained in power will never be known. Whether the troubled country can hold together under exter-nal pressures, such as the in-fluence of Iran, and internal pressures from the sectarian divisions between its Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, remains to be seen.

But Americans have learned much from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (which began earlier and has lasted longer). So this approaching anniversary is an appropriate moment to reflect.

... This was the first extend-ed test of an all-volunteer U.S. military. Since the end of the draft in the early 1970s, volun-teer forces have performed ad-mirably in shorter conflicts. But these two wars have last-ed much longer and produced active-duty troops, reservists and veterans who all served repeated combat deployments.

The nation needs to under-stand and be responsive to their unique needs.

American families, too, felt the impacts of these extended

conflicts. Soldiers were de-ployed again and again, many of them were part of National Guard and Reserve units that were called away from their communities. This war was part of these families’ lives.

These spouses and children have faced stresses that others can only imagine.

THE ROLE of the National Guard itself has been trans-formed, as has the way the other services view Guard forces. “The Army, especially, could not have accomplished what it did without the Na-tional Guard,” Lempke said. At one point in 2005, half the combat brigades in Iraq were Army National Guard, a level of commitment unseen since the early years of World War II. Guard troops went from be-ing a strategic reserve to an operational force.

The readiness of Guard troops for combat now is un-questioned. The performance of these soldiers and airmen contributed to the National Guard chief becoming a full member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Another significant impact has been the contributions of military women. Former Defense Secretary Leon Pa-netta highlighted their perfor-mance just weeks ago, when he lifted the ban on women serving in combat positions. Women have been an integral

part of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Said Panetta: “It’s clear to all of us that women are contributing in unprecedented ways to the military’s mission of defend-ing the nation.”

... It is important to re-member that our soldiers and veterans still need our help.

The Department of Veterans Affairs reports that 30 per-cent of vets treated by the VA have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disor-der. The VA’s backlog of dis-ability and benefit claims is unacceptably long. And while unemployment for all veter-ans was down to 7 percent at year’s end, for post-9/11 vets that rate was a too-high 10.8 percent.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, every American salutes the courage and dedication of the men and women of the U.S. military. Operation Iraqi Freedom claimed the lives of more than 4,400 Americans. More than 2,100 have died in Afghanistan. The tolls include 157 service members with ties to Nebraska and Iowa. More than 32,000 Americans were wounded in Iraq and more than 17,000 in Afghanistan.

The debt the nation owes these men and women is enor-mous. Their sacrifices can never be forgotten.

— The Omaha World-Herald

This war was part of these families’ lives. These spouses and children have faced stresses that others can only imagine.

A soldier shot in World War I may not have been killed by the initial wound. Yet there was a good chance a subse-quent infection would take his life. By World War II, that soldier had a better chance of survival due to the wide avail-ability of antibiotics. These miracles of modern medicine fight infections and save lives.

But the vast majority of antibiotics developed to treat people are given to the ani-mals people eat. Farmers add low doses to feed and water to prevent disease in crowded livestock facilities. The drugs also promote growth. A big-ger cow, pig, turkey or chicken translates into more money for producers.

How does this widespread use in animals affect humans? It is killing us, a growing num-ber of scientists say.

Bacteria are adaptable little

guys. Over time, they develop a resistance to commonly used antibiotics. Those more resilient bacteria then move from animals to humans. The bacteria causing everything from urinary tract infections to pneumonia in humans are more difficult to treat with common antibiotics.

Tens of thousands of Amer-icans are killed each year by drug-resistant infections. It costs the country’s health care system billions of dollars.

So what should be done? Obviously, there is a desperate need to develop new antibiot-ics. People have heard by now they should avoid overusing and misusing these drugs, which can contribute to resis-tance. But the extensive use of antibiotics in agriculture — and its culpability in a human health crisis — cannot be ig-nored. Science isn’t ignoring

it. Neither can Washington lawmakers.

A few years ago, Congress considered following the rec-ommendations of scores of scientists to phase out the use of antibiotics in animal farm-ing, except specifically to treat disease. Though researchers, including those at Iowa State University, estimated the cost to the livestock industry and consumers would be small, the agriculture industry op-posed the legislation — and won. The Food and Drug Ad-ministration is trying to rein in the routine use of drugs in animals, but it is unclear whether producers are re-

sponding.At the very least, Congress

should require more report-ing on what drugs are being used on what animals so sci-entists can better track the impact on human health. “We need to know what’s going on,” said Dr. Lance Price dur-ing a recent meeting with the Register’s editorial board. He and his colleagues have traced new strains of antibiotic-re-sistant pathogens to industri-al livestock operations.

Sen. Tom Harkin, chairman of the Health, Education, La-bor and Pensions Committee, can ensure such data is gath-ered by requiring it in the Ani-

mal Drug User Fee Act, which the committee is discussing now. Longer term, American producers, who lead the world in aggressive use of antibiot-ics, should move toward re-ducing and eliminating the use of the drugs, except to di-rectly treat disease.

It has been more than a de-cade since producers in Den-mark stopped using antibiot-ics for growth promotion in animals. The small increase in feed costs was ameliorated by the decrease in spending on antibiotics. Pork production rose. It’s certainly no coinci-dence that Denmark has fewer problems with antibiotic-re-sistant infections in hospitals than the United States does.

It’s time for this country to care as much about protecting human health as growing big cows or chickens.

— The Des Moines Register

Our antibiotics are less effective; routine use in farming cited The extensive use of antibiotics in agriculture — and its culpability in a human health crisis — cannot be ignored.

A look back in time

60 Years AgoWeek of March 3, 1953Iola’s hourly employees,

beginning March 15, will be given six paid holidays a year and those who have been on the city’s payrolls for 12 months or longer will also receive a week’s vaca-tion with pay each year. The salaries of monthly employ-ees were raised $5 a month and department heads, $10, beginning April 1. In the

past salaried men and wom-en have been given a two-week vacation with pay after working for a year or longer. Those employed by the hour have had no paid vacation. The city has had no fixed policy concerning holidays. From now on the recognized holidays will be New Year’s, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiv-ing and Christmas.

Page 5: Iola Register 3-5

Tuesday, March 5, 2013The Iola A5

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If you take any regu-lar medications and like to eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice, you need to pay attention to the little warning stickers on your prescriptions, ask your pharmacist, or talk to your doctor be-fore adding it to your diet. A recent review of the evidence on grape-fruit-drug interactions showed that the num-ber of drugs that react adversely with grape-fruit is higher than previously thought. It also showed that grape-fruit juice caused drug interactions at lower levels than previously believed — as little as seven or eight ounces can be harmful.

More than 85 com-mon drugs were identi-fied as interacting with grapefruit. The drugs include some that fight infections, some choles-terol lowering medica-tions, some blood pres-sure medications and some for gastrointesti-nal disorders. Nearly half were associated with potentially serious adverse effects such as dizziness, loss of drug effectiveness and gas-trointestinal bleeding.

According to Mayo Clinic Nutritionist,

Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., simply tak-ing your medication and grapefruit prod-uct at different times doesn’t stop the interac-tion.

Problems arise be-cause chemicals in the fruit can interfere with the enzymes that break down (metabolize) the medication in your di-gestive system. As a result, the medication may stay in your body for too short or too long a time. A medication that’s broken down too quickly won’t have time to work. On the other hand, a medication that stays in the body too long can increase to potentially dangerous levels, causing serious side effects.

The take-home mes-sage is this: If you en-joy getting your vita-min C from grapefruit and you take medica-tions, ask your health-care professionals about any interactions — even if you have been taking a medication for some time.

For more informa-tion about foods and nu-trition, contact Kathy at K-State Research and Extension’s Southwind District office in Iola at 620-365-2242 or by email at [email protected]. Check us out on the web at

In the Southwind Dis-trict, citizenship is an im-portant piece of the skills we associate with nearly every 4-H project, and citi-zenship is even a project in itself. The 4-H citizen-ship project offers the op-portunity to help youths relate all of their 4-H projects and other experi-ences to the world around them. They learn to “care for” and “share” with oth-ers through the skills and talents they develop.

There is no doubt we can agree that young peo-ple should be engaged as full partners in the com-munities where they live, learn, work and play. Ex-tension programs provide youths with the opportu-nities to acquire a broad range of competencies and a full complement of positive connections to self, others and the larger community. This is ac-complished by creating communities that engage young people as partners in community issues and development, providing young people with sus-tained positive relation-ships with adults and op-portunities for new skill development and mastery. That engagement, skill de-velopment and sustained

relationships or mentor-ing are the foundation of all K-State Research and Extension community development programs — for youths and adults alike.

Research proves youths thrive in communities that intentionally create opportunities for them to lead, have meaningful in-volvement and know that they can have positive in-fluence.

The Southwind Dis-trict 4-H program offers many opportunities for our youth to develop those abilities. Recently, six youths traveled to Topeka to participate in “Citizenship in Action.” While at the conference, public speaking skills, legislative awareness and networking with legisla-tors were the primary focus. It was a dynamic experience that opened their eyes to statewide 4-H opportunities and offered an up-close experience of

the democratic process in Kansas.

Other ways in which citizenship is focused on is by helping and serv-ing others through com-munity service. Local 4-H clubs help cut firewood for families, serve meals at festivals and events, or make visits to local nurs-

ing homes. 4-H leaders in the Southwind District are doing an excellent job of encouraging youths to truly engage in the com-munity.

In addition to youths serving in citizenship ca-pacities, adults serve the Southwind District as well. Our governing body consists of 12 elected indi-viduals — four from each of the three counties. In 2010, the first board was appointed by the county commission. Members serve a term of four years, and two board members from each county are elected at an election on

the first Tuesday in April of odd numbered years. That means there will be two individuals on the upcoming county election ballot for the Southwind Extension District.

Just as we encourage our 4-H members to be good citizens, we encour-age you to participate in

the democratic process by supporting Extension pro-grams and voting in April. When you support K-State Research and Extension youth development pro-grams, our youths learn and practice valuable skills that improve their communities. Working with adult mentors on worthwhile programs, youths become engaged citizens and know they make a difference to their communities’ wellbe-ing. Communities benefit from the power of youths and are apt to see them re-turn to enrich the commu-nity as young adults.

Grapefruit may lead to lower drug interactions


ExtensionAgent forFamily andConsumer Sciences

Citizenship emphasized in 4-HCarlaNemecek

ExtensionAgent forAgriculture

More than 85 common drugs were identified as i n t e r a c t i n g with grape-fruit.

Research proves youths thrive in com-munities that intentionally create oppor-tunities for them to lead, have meaning-ful involvement and know that they can have positive influence.

The Southwind Exten-sion District and Emprise Bank will host a home landscape series for area residents. Workshop dates and topics are:

Thursday — “New

and Exciting Flowers for Your Home Landscape,” presented by Dr. Alan Stevens, state floriculture specialist

March 14 — “Tree and Shrub Maintenance and

Care,” presented by Dr. Ja-son Griffin, state horticul-ture leader

March 28 — “Vegetable Gardening for a Bountiful Harvest,” presented by Dr. Carey Rivard, state fruit and vegetable specialist

All programs will be-gin at 6 p.m. and will be at the Allen County Court-

house meeting room. An evening meal will be served. There is no cost for this educational pro-gram, however an RSVP is required one day prior to each workshop date. Please contact Southwind Extension District, Iola of-fice at 620-365-2242 to make a reservation.

Prairie RoseThe Prairie Rose 4-H

Club met on Feb. 10 at Mo-ran Senior Center.

This month was par-ents night. Roll call was answered by stating favor-ite valentine candy.

There were 24 members present. Andrea Gehlen, parent song leader, led the club in singing “Happy Birthday” to those mem-bers with February birth-days.

The club received al-ternate blue on its model meeting at County Club Days in Uniontown. Each member that participated received a blue ribbon.

The club voted to have next month’s meeting at the bowling alley in Iola. The club will pay for each member to bowl one game. Parents and other family members must pay for their own bowling.

Kim Ensminger gave a talk on “Ants in Outer Space.” Sara Beth LaRue gave a talk on the mean-ing of the 4-H Pledge. Jennifer Jackman, parent recreation leader, had the club do a scavenger hunt. Andrea Gehlen led the club in singing “You Are My Sunshine.”

The next meeting will be Monday at Country

Lanes bowling alley in Iola.

Karlie Stephens, club reporter

Logan PalsThe Logan Pals 4-H

Club meeting was Feb. 2 at Uniontown Elementary School.

It was the model meet-ing. Roll call asked “What time do you get up in the morning?”

Council meeting is coming up at Riverside Park. We voted to send Delaney Umholtz and Ben Welch to Discovery Days and Jessica Sharp and Triston Bruneau as alter-

nates. Photo Safari registra-

tion is due soon. Shooting sports is on tap.

Jessica Sharp gave a talk on JRR Tolkien. Ga-brielle Sharp gave a talk on the dog project. Song leaders Abby Rinehart and Gabrielle Sharp led the club in “Happy Birth-day” for all the February birthdays and “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.”

The next meeting will be March 26 at 7 p.m. It will be grandparents night.

Zoey Rinehard, club reporter

4-H news

Home landscape series starts Thursday

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Page 6: Iola Register 3-5

A6Tuesday, March 5, 2013 The Iola Register

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Mostly clearTonight, mostly clear.

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Wednesday, sunny. Highs near 40. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph.

Wednesday night, mostly clear. Lows in the mid 20s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph.

Thursday, sunny, warmer. Highs in the mid 50s. South winds 5 to 15 mph.

Sunrise 6:47 a.m. Sunset 6:19 p.m.

TemperatureHigh yesterday 55Low last night 29High a year ago 63Low a year ago 27

Precipitation24 hours ending 7 a.m. 0This month to date 0Total year to date 3.63Def. since Jan. 1 .31

ing its criticism is over-blown. He noted that groups representing su-perintendents and school boards have been inter-ested in rewriting the law for years, though with Democratic governors and less conservative law-makers, the idea hasn’t gotten much traction.

Kleeb said any chang-es proposed by the teach-ers union would be con-sidered. But, he added: “I think I’m going to be surprised if they want to make anything work. ... They really seem to be taking a hard line.”

KNEA and its allies see no other option but a hard line. Kleeb’s com-mittee crafted the mea-sure after the House ap-proved a separate bill to

prohibit KNEA and other public employee unions from automatically de-ducting union dues from members’ paychecks to fi-nance political activities.

The bargaining bill would limit the issues that must be negotiated to pay, holidays, sick leave, personal leave and the hours teachers work outside their classes. School boards could still opt to negotiate over oth-er issues affecting teach-ers’ duties, but that list would not include how teachers are evaluated or how many classes they must teach each day.

Kansas has about 34,400 full-time teachers in its public schools, ac-cording to the state De-partment of Education. Teachers are not allowed

to strike under Kansas law.

Late last week, God-frey called the bill’s con-sideration “a pivotal moment in Kansas his-tory” and issued a state-ment under the headline, “There is a war on teach-ers in Kansas.”

She also said the KNEA was surprised and disappointed by

support for the bill from some school superinten-dents and the Kansas Association of School Boards. They worked with the bill’s supporters before Kleeb’s commit-tee endorsed a version last week. House GOP leaders routed it back to committee for another hearing as protests in-tensified.

hicle such as an SUV or truck, to arrive on the scene of an emergency more quickly than an ambulance may be able to.

The members of both bodies agreed that Allen County needs good cover-age, a type-I ambulance service and cost-efficien-cy for the benefit of tax-payers.

Then, Heismeyer asked the question.

“So, what are we not agreeing upon,” he asked.

“Who is holding the ball,” Commissioner Tom Williams said im-mediately. “I think ev-erything else is agreed upon.”

Williams said in the past, when the county contracted EMS services to the city, no entity had control over any type of service.

“There has never been true control,” Iola Fire Chief Donald Leapheart said when asked about the former arrangement.

Works said he believes a public safety board “has some merit.” He proposed that the board would ultimately be ap-pointed by the commis-sion, composed of local medical professionals and authorities.

Council member Stew-art then submitted his proposal for a merger, typed out in six points.

“It is something I have cooked up in my mind, based on conversations we have had in the past,” Stewart said.

His proposal included: — An EMS board com-

prised of health profes-

sionals— An EMS director

whose salary is split be-tween the city and coun-ty

— Moving ambulance station 35, currently based in Iola, to Hum-boldt and moving the Allen County Volunteer Fire Department into the current ambulance station on North State Street

— Existing Iola Fire Department employees would retain responsibil-ity for ambulance cover-age labeled in the area RFD 2 — a rural area north of Iola.

— Humboldt and Mo-ran would be staffed by current personnel

— The number of first responders would in-crease, especially in the Elsmore/Savonburg area

Works submitted his own proposal as well, which matched up with the first two points of Stewart’s proposal.

Iola City Administra-tor Carl Slaugh said the EMS merger sub-com-mittee would be added to the agenda for Monday’s city council meeting.

Council Member Don Becker urged the mem-bers present to expedite the process to get discus-sions and progress mov-ing in the right direc-tion.

“We can’t wait too long to start,” he said.

she was under-age she would have to get an older waitress to get him his drinks.

The Harvey restau-rant is the basis for a few memorable moments in Thora’s life. When she began working parties she helped serve Marga-ret Truman and her so-rority sisters.

“She was starting her singing career at the time and the critics were being unkind. President Truman was furious about the comments that were being written about his daughter,” Thora re-calls in her memoirs she wrote.

She was at work the day “the nation was asked to observe a mo-

ment of silent prayer during the funeral ser-vices for President Roos-evelt,” she wrote.

She worked for two years at the Harvey res-taurant and remembers the day she quit as being the most wonderful and shocking day of her life.

She was getting ready for work when she heard a knock at her door; it was Jim standing in the hall.

“I never made it to work that day or any oth-er day,” Thora wrote.

Jim, while overseas, contracted malaria and was transferred off his ship for medical treat-ment at Johnson Island. He was then flown over to Hawaii where he was shipped back to the Unit-ed States where he re-

ceived his discharge. She had known some-

thing was going on be-cause she hadn’t heard from Jim in a while. Nonetheless, she was shocked the day he came home.

The following Mon-day, they went to buy rings and flowers for the wedding they were plan-ning to have the next

day. There was a three-day waiting period in Missouri so they took a streetcar to Kansas City, Kan. and tried their hand at marriage there.

Jim had to be 21 to get married but was only 20 and needed his mother’s official permis-sion. They took a train home, got his mother’s approval and married at Thora’s parent’s home.

For a while after the war Jim tried to find a job but found that jobs were extremely hard to come by.

Thora remembers Jim trying to get a job at the Chevrolet plant but was turned away because he wasn’t old enough.

“He wasn’t old enough to work, but he had just come back from the

war,” she said. After settling in Iola

Jim attended a barber school in Wichita and barbered in Iola, Union-town and Piqua before retiring in 1999.

Jim and Thora had three sons, Alan, Mark and Jack. Other than a short stint in Montana working with family, Jim and Thora lived in Iola.

Thora worked as a phlebotomist for over 20 years. In October of 2011 Jim passed away. She lived in Iola for a while before making the decision, in the past year, to move to Union-town to live near her son Alan.

Thora’s life hobby has been genealogy and is considered an amateur

genealogist. She has a row of books that she has completed with her and Jim’s family’s his-tory, a lot of which she found pouring over mi-crofilm at the Bronson library.

Some of her fondest memories come from the time she and Jim spent bowling.

“When I was moving I went through my old checkbooks and you re-ally don’t realize how much money you spend on bowling trips and eat-ing out,” she said.

It has been some time since Thora’s last visit to Union Station, but today visitors can see the sta-tion’s museum and even eat at the newer Harvey restaurant in the center of the station.

H ThoraContinued from A1

He wasn’t old enough to work, but he had just come back from the war.

— Thora Shinn

H EMSContinued from A1

H LawContinued from A1

Sunday morning Pas-tor Steve Traw’s message was “What a Difference a Year (or two) Makes,” from Psalm 78:1-8.

Special music was pro-vided by Janet Nichols and Lloyd Houk singing a medley of songs. Abi-gail Stevenson, grand-daughter of Traw, and Houk played a medley of songs together on the piano.

Richard and Cheryl Klingensmith celebrated their wedding anniver-sary on Thursday.



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Page 7: Iola Register 3-5

Sports BThe Iola Register Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Griner scores 50 in win over K-State women — B2Kansas men roll in Senior Night romp — B3

2013 Class 1A, Division II Substate Champions: Kneeling, from left: Maycee Hegwald, Connie Lyda, Amber Emmons and Miranda Alumbaugh. Standing, from left: Breanna Isch, Chenae Newkirk, Kalyn Deal, Brittne Brite, Sarah Webb, Myranda Hegwald, and Avery Hall. In back: head coach Jeff True.

Southern Coffey County Lady Titans! Southern Coffey Southern Coffey County Lady Titans! County Lady Titans! 2013 KANSAS CLASS IA DIVISION II


Southern Coffey Co. (10-13) play

Ingalls (23-0) at 3 p.m.

Wed., March 6

Cheer Them On As They Advance To Cheer Them On As They Advance To The 2013 Kansas Class 1A Division II The 2013 Kansas Class 1A Division II

State Basketball Tournament State Basketball Tournament Fort Hays State Gross Memorial Coliseum • Hays

Way To Go Way Way To Go To Go

HUMBOLDT — A busy early season schedule at Humboldt Speedway just got a bit busier.

Track owner Rhenda Whitworth announced Monday this weekend’s races — dubbed the eighth annual Spring Fling at the Bullring — have been extended to include Sat-urday races in addition to Friday’s planned events.

The extension was be-

Humboldt Speedway reopens Friday


A thin layer of snow lines the track Monday at Humboldt Speedway. Weather permitting, the track reopens Friday.

Rhenda Whitworth cleans off a barbecue grill Monday at Humboldt Speedway.

Register/Richard Luken

By RICHARD [email protected]

As can be expected, the road to a championship will be a steep one for three area basketball teams.

Humboldt High’s boys, Crest High’s boys and South-ern Coffey County High’s girls will have to take on some of the most highly re-garded teams in Kansas in order to advance through the upcoming state basketball tournament.

The Cubs, still abuzz over a pair of thrilling overtime wins to take the Class 3A sub-state title over the weekend, are undefeated at 23-0 and the top seed in their 3A state bracket.

But their opponents from Salina-Sacred Heart look to be formidable, even as the eighth (and bottom) seed of the bracket.

At 15-8, the Knights played one of the most punishing schedules in the state, having lost to fellow state qualifiers Beloit and Abilene in 3A, Re-public County (2A) and to the likes of El Dorado in 4A and Salina Central in 5A.

Guard Tate Richards leads Sacred Heart at 11 points and 4 rebounds per game, Tony Chavez at 10 and 7 rebounds per contest.

Familiar faces will lead the Humboldt squad, led by the senior triumvirate of Noah Thornbrugh (16 points,

7 rebounds and nearly two blocks per game), Tanner McNutt (15 PPG) and Nathan Whitcomb (8.3 PPG)

Senior Trey Johnson, meanwhile, had a memorable weekend as another vital cog for Humboldt, having deliv-ered the game-winning bas-ket Saturday in Humboldt’s overtime win against Eu-reka and the buzzer-beating game-tying shot in a double overtime win Friday against Burlington.

Several other 3A power-houses fill Humboldt’s brack-et. Second seed Scott City (22-1) and third seed Nemaha Valley (22-1) also happen to

be the defending champion and runner-up, respectively, in 3A. Scott City, in fact, is gunning for its third straight 3A title, having also won the football championship in No-vember.

In addition, Beloit (21-2) and Silver Lake (20-2) will face off in the first round, with the winner taking on the winner of the Humboldt-Sacred Heart matchup.

Humboldt’s game tips off at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Hutchinson Sports Arena.

The game will be aired on 105.5 FM.

Area squads ready for state

BARTLESVILLE, Okla. — An unexpected road trip turned into a four-game losing streak for Allen Community College’s baseball team.

The Red Devils were origi-nally scheduled to host Kansas City, Kan., for a pair of double-headers Saturday and Sunday, but the games were moved to Bartlesville because of snowy and wet field conditions.

Kansas City downed Allen 3-2 and 7-4 Saturday and 13-4 and 4-1 Sunday.

The Red Devils (3-8) have lost five in a row overall after a weeklong layoff due to bad weather. They committed 25 errors in the weekend series.

Tanner Lee was the hard-luck loser in Saturday’s open-er, taking the loss despite pitching a complete game and allowing only four hits to the Blue Devils. He was done in by seven Red Devil errors, which played a role in all three KCK runs.

Allen scored in the bottom of the second after opening the inning with three straight hits. Cole Slusser’s single scored Troy Willoughby, but a double play ended the scoring threat.

Slusser’s double in the bot-tom of the sixth also scored Willoughby, who opened the frame with a two-base hit.

The Red Devils left seven

men on base paths in the loss.Willoughby and Slusser

both had two hits, including a double. Jerrik Sigg and Tim Lewis also had two singles, while Cody Amerine and Clint Heffern singled once.

Lee struck out four and walked three.

THE RED Devils scored four in the bottom of the second in Saturday’s second game, but managed only three hits after that.

The second-inning rally featured another RBI double by Slusser, driving in Nate Arnold, who led off the frame with a double of his own. Garrett Rasch’s single scored Slusser before Drew Walden smacked a two-run home run, to give Allen a 4-3 lead.

Kansas City retook the lead in the top of the next inning and rolled from there, adding single runs in the fourth and seventh innings.

Gage Dickerson took the loss giving up six hits and five runs — four earned — in 2 2/3 innings with two walks. Jake Johnson came on in relief and gave up just three hits in 4 1/3 innings with two walks and a strikeout.

In addition to Walden’s home run, Slusser had two

Tanner McNutt

See STATE | Page B2

Red Devils dropweekend series

See ACC | Page B2

See RACES | Page B3

cause race officials at Val-ley Speedway in Kansas City were forced to call off their races Saturday be-cause of snowy weather.

“Kansas City got quite a bit more snow than we did last week,” Whitworth said. “There’s no way they can get their track ready for Saturday.”

Page 8: Iola Register 3-5

B2Tuesday, March 5, 2013 The Iola Register

TOWN HALL MEETING Saturday, March 9

9:00 am Greenery Restaurant

1303 N. State Street Iola, KS

All Citizens Invited

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KICKS COUNTRY IN IOLA Trading Post — 8 a.m. - 9 a.m.

IN CLASS 1A, Divi-sion II, the Southern Coffey County High girls (10-13) get the honor of taking on the top-ranked, undefeated and top seed Ingalls Bulldogs (23-0) in Hays.

Junior Rebecca Wy-att leads Ingalls with 13 points and 10 rebounds per game, having scored in double digits in every game but two. Freshman guard Kaisha Batman — aside from having the coolest name in the tour-nament — brings nearly 11 points and 2 steals per game.

Senior Sarah Webb leads the way for the LeRoy girls with nine points, eight rebounds and two assists per game. Breanna Isch adds seven points and seven rebounds a game. Mar-

tyna Hegwald and Ka-lyn Deal also combine for more than 10 points per game in supporting roles.

The game tips off at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Gross Memorial Coliseum on the campus of Fort Hays State University.

Several other power-houses are in the brack-et. If the Lady Titans get past Ingalls, they would face either Wilson (20-2) or Baileyville B&B (20-3). Norwich (22-1) and Golden Plains (20-2) are on the other side of the bracket.

Mike Sutcliffe of KINZ Radio said the sta-tion is working to secure sponsors in order to broadcast the Lady Ti-tans game on 95.3 FM.

“We should know by this afternoon,” Sutcliffe said this morning.

CREST HIGH’S boys have perhaps the most intriguing matchup. The 17-6 Lancers are the fifth seed and will take on fourth-seeded Wal-lace County of Sharon Springs.

The Wildcats racked up a 16-5 record on the heels of its prolific of-fense, having topped 60 points in all but one of its games. Wallace Coun-ty topped 80 points on five occasions, including a season-high 91 in a win over St. Francis Feb. 19.

A pair of standout se-niors lead the Wildcats. Eli Kuhlman and Gavin Mote, both four-year starters, average 20 and 15 points, respectively. Junior Cayden Dailey delivers 13 points a con-test.

Crest, of course, is led

by its senior contingent, most prominently Kyle Hammond. Classmates Jordan Morton and Jes-se Boone also offer up scoring and rebounding strength.

A win over Wallace County could put the Lancers on a collision course with undefeated Fowler, the top seed and the only unbeaten squad in Class 1A, Division II.

Others to watch for include second seed Central Christian out of Hutchinson and third-seeded White City.

The Crest game tips off at 4:45 p.m. Thursday, also at FHSU’s Gross Me-morial Coliseum, and will be broadcast on 95.3.

ALL OF THE state basketball games can be watched online at

H StateContinued from B1

Register/Steven SchwartzCrest High’s Jordan Morton, left, and Southern Coffey County High’s Brittne Brite are key con-tributors for their respective basketball teams this week at the state tournament.


AP Basketball WriterWACO, Texas (AP) —

Brittney Griner finally gave Baylor fans what they have been waiting so long to see again at home: a slam dunk.

Along with another record performance in her final regular season game for the top-ranked Lady Bears.

Griner’s 14th career dunk, her first at the Ferrell Center since her freshman season, came as the two-time All-American scored a Big 12-record 50 points in a 90-68 victory Mon-day night over Kansas State as the Lady Bears wrapped up their sec-ond consecutive unde-feated conference title.

“It means everything to just go out with a bang like that,” Griner said. “Got a dunk final-ly at home, scored 50. I mean there’s not a bet-ter way to go out.”

Baylor (29-1, 18-0 Big 12) is the first team to twice go through Big 12 play without a loss. The Lady Bears have won a record 46 consecutive Big 12 games, including tournament games, and have won 55 in a row at home.

The defending na-tional champions play their Big 12 tourna-ment opener Saturday in Dallas, and host an NCAA regional in three weeks.

“Postseason, it’s here. It’s time,” Griner said. “It’s time to bring it.”

The 6-foot-8 Griner got her first career dunk as a freshman in November 2009, then had two in a game at home against Texas State on Jan. 2, 2010. The last 10 slams had been on the road, in-

cluding six already this season.

“She’s been getting a lot of questions about when’s the next time you’re gonna dunk it at home,” coach Kim Mulkey said. “I guess she saved it.”

With 16:56 left, Gri-ner got a pass from fel-low senior Kimetria Hayden, took a step around a defender along the baseline and went up for a one-handed slam that sent the record-tying crowd of 10,627 into a frenzy. It was her third career dunk against K-State.

Griner made 21 of 28 field goals and eight of 10 free throws, but her 50 points didn’t set a Baylor single-game re-cord. Mary Lowry had a 54-point game for the Lady Bears in 1994, be-fore the formation of the Big 12.

“I just came into the game knowing it was going to be emotional,” Griner said. “I didn’t know how it was going to play out.”

With her 3,123 career points, Griner moved into second place on the NCAA career scor-ing list behind Jackie Stiles, who had 3,393 points for Missouri State from 1997-2001.

“The end results of this game, obviously, is a big margin of victory for Baylor. I was re-ally proud of how long our team was able to keep this game within reach,” K-State coach Deb Patterson said. “Obviously, Brittney Griner had a tremen-dous game with the mismatch in there. One-on-one, zone, one-on-two, she was really effective in getting deep, and she had a great finish to her ca-reer here at Baylor.”

hits, both doubles. Ar-nold also had a double. Lewis, Heffern and Rasch singled.

THE BLUE Devils erupted for nine runs in the top of the sixth to take control of Sun-day’s opener.

The Red Devils scored a run in the bot-tom of the first on a single by Lewis and a double by Arnold, but left two more runners on base. Allen then took a 3-2 lead in the bottom of the fourth. Lewis doubled in Rasch, then came around to score on a single by Arnold.

Six Allen errors and four hits led to the nine-run KCK outburst. The Blue Devils sent 14 men to the plate.

Arnold’s RBI single capped the Red Devil scoring in the sixth.

Seth Jones pitched into the sixth, giving up eight hits and three walks with four strike-outs. Hunter Miller gave up three walks and a hit in the sixth. Auston Weldy gave up a hit and a walk in 1 1/3 innings of relief work.

Arnold went 3-for-4, including a double. Lewis had two hits, including a double. Slusser singled twice. Jerrik Sigg, Heffern, Willoughby, Trey Fran-cis and Rasch all had singles.

KANSAS CITY’S Matt Dye shut down

Allen’s offense in the finale, scattering eight hits over seven innings with six strikeouts.

The Red Devils scored their only run in the bottom of the sev-enth when Lewis sin-gled to drive in Heffern. Dye induced a Matt Kel-lett fly-out to end the game with two runners on base.

Arnold had a single and double, while Sigg singled twice. Lewis, Willoughby, Heffern and Rasch also singled.

ALLEN WAS sched-uled to host Brown Mackie College for a doubleheader today be-fore traveling to John-son County Friday and Saturday for a four-game, weekend series.

H ACCContinued from B1

Griner dunks, scores 50 in win

Page 9: Iola Register 3-5

Tuesday, March 5, 2013The Iola B3

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If you plan to do any digging make a toll free call first so none of these lines become damaged and more importantly — no one gets hurt. Call the Kansas One Call System at 1-800-DIG-SAFE (800- 344-7233). They will notify all utility companies as well as telephone and cable that you plan to dig, so lines can be identified for you.

THINK SAFETY FIRST! THINK SAFETY FIRST! Natural Gas is oderless in its raw state. We add this disagreeable smell to alert you if any gas should escape. Gas leakage may occur from faulty appliances, loose or damaged connections, service lines inside or outside your home or building as well as gas main lines. This leakage can be very dangerous and should be dealt with promptly by experts.


even if you don’t use it in your own home — take these precautions promptly:

1. Call the City of Iola at (620) 365-4926: Mitch Phillips, Gas Superintendent Brian Cochran, Gas Technician After 5 p.m. call 911 — the Iola Police Department will dispatch a service person.

2. If the odor is strong (indicating a severe leak) and you are indoors. Go outside. Call us from a neighbor’s house.

3. DO NOT turn any electrical switches on or off.

4. DO NOT light any matches, lighters, don’t smoke or create any source of spark of combustion.

However slim the chances are of danger, it doesn’t pay to take needless risk. At the first sniff of gas, THINK SAFETY and give us a call.

By DOUG TUCKERAssociated Press

LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) — The last thing Kansas’ four seniors wanted to think about was their senior night.

Determined not to get caught up in the emotion of their final appearance in perpetually amped-up, sold-out Allen Field-house, all four seniors had big games Monday night to lead the fourth-ranked Jayhawks to a 79-42 rout of Texas Tech.

“Today’s been kind of crazy,” said center Jeff Withey, who had 22 points and nine re-bounds. “You try not to think about what’s re-ally going on, playing for the last time in the field-house. For me personal-ly, it hasn’t really hit me. I don’t think it will for a while.”

Kevin Young had 14 points and fellow senior Travis Releford 13 added while point guard Eli-jah Johnson, the fourth member of the class, had seven points and 12 assists. The Jayhawks (26-4, 14-3 Big 12) took a half-game lead over No. 9 Kansas State in their quest for a ninth straight conference title.

“It’s time to rock out. It’s time to get to busi-ness, and I think we all knew that,” said John-son, who has 22 assists

the past two games. “I honestly think the rea-son it hasn’t hit all of us as far as this being the last (home) game is cause we’re so focused on what we’ve got to do. So we’re not dwelling on the moment. We know there’s stuff to be done. That’s where our heads are right now.”

Redshirt freshman Ben McLemore, a po-tential NBA lottery pick who was probably also playing his last game in Allen Fieldhouse, had 13 points.

Fueled by Young and Withey, Kansas un-leashed a 19-2 run to take a 45-20 halftime lead over the outmanned Red Raiders (10-18, 3-14). Withey and McLemore combined to score the first 10 points in a 16-3 run to open the second half.

Jordan Tolbert had 16 points for Texas Tech, which lost 60-46 at home to Kansas earlier this season.

“It’s the most diffi-cult situation probably in college basketball to come to Kansas on se-nior night, No. (4) in the country, a place with storied tradition and a great coach,” first-year Texas Tech coach Chris Walker said. “Obviously, we’re still building and it was a little tough for

our guys.”The lopsided victory

was the 30th straight for Kansas in its home finale and ensured the Jayhawks of at least 26 wins for the seventh con-secutive season.

Coach Bill Self was happy to see the attitude his seniors brought to their final home games. There have been years

when over-emotional se-niors have struggled.

“Senior nights are pretty nerve-racking to me,” he said. “We’ve had some senior nights where we won but we didn’t play good cause guys are too geeked-up and everything. Sherron (Collins) didn’t make his first basket until about 10 minutes left on his

senior night. But these guys were focused. It was emotional for them but they kept it pretty well in check. Of course, the fans were unbeliev-able.”

“It really hasn’t hit me, or any of us yet,” Releford said. “I really don’t know how to ex-press that last moment walking off the court.”

With one regular-sea-son game left and then the Big 12 and NCAA tournaments, the four seniors — Withey, Young, Releford and Johnson — have a combined 463 vic-

tories.Withey had baskets on

Kansas’ first two posses-sions of the second half, then McLemore dropped in two free throws and another basket as the rout got worse and Texas Tech called a timeout in a futile try to stem the tide.

But Perry Ellis scored four quick points and Johnson dunked after Kansas stole the ball and the Jayhawks suddenly had a 61-23 lead.

Kansas scored on sev-en of its first nine pos-sessions in the first half but then hit a lull and scored on only one of their next six while the Red Raiders — 23-point underdogs — crept with-in 13-10. Young, the most unheralded of the four seniors, triggered a 19-2 run that let the sellout crowd of 16,300 relax and enjoy one more easy home win by their be-loved Jayhawks.

Taking a pass from Johnson, Young got the run going with a behind-the-back dunk, then got a putback on McLemore’s miss and with, another assist from Johnson, slammed home another dunk on the next posses-sion.

Johnson tossed to Withey for another slam, then the 7-footer made in two free throws and a few minutes later brought a thunderous roar from the crowd by pulling up just inches from the line and making a feathery 3-pointer for a 32-12 lead.

Jayhawks celebrate Senior Night romp

Snow isn’t an issue at Humboldt, even though a thin layer remained Monday afternoon along portions of the track’s clay surface. Rather, track crews are hoping to knock down the mois-ture levels in and around the three-eighths mile clay track.

Crews were installing a drainage whistle be-hind the track Monday to allow for more water runoff. Provided the weather stays dry, crews should be able to begin working the track on Wednesday.

The races will feature the ever popular USMTS modified racing series — the 34th such appearance at Humboldt — as well as USRA B-modifieds and pure stock races.

Gates open Friday at 5 p.m., hot laps begin at 6:30 and the green flag drops at 7.

The action begins an hour earlier Saturday. Gates open at 4, hot laps begin at 5:30 and racing at 6.

Tickets cost $17 per night for adults, $10 for children ages 13-18 and $5 for those 6-11. Pit pass-es are available for $35 apiece.

The first points night races of the season be-gin March 16, followed a week later, March 21-23, with the third annual King of America races.

Kansas head basketball coach Bill Self

High School BasketballClass 3A State at

HutchinsonThursday, boys vs. Sa-

cred Heart, 6:30 p.m.


High School BasketballClass 1A, Div. II State at

HaysThursday, boys vs. Wal-

lace County, 4:45 p.m.


High School BasketballClass 1A, Div. II State at

HaysWednesday, girls vs. In-

galls, 3 p.m.

Southern Coffey Co.


H RacesContinued from B1

Page 10: Iola Register 3-5

Real Estate for Sale Allen County Realty

Inc. 620-365-3178 John Brocker.......620-365-6892 Carolynn Krohn...620-365-9379 Jim Hinson...........620-365-5609 Jack Franklin.......620-365-5764 Brian Coltrane.....620-496-5424 Dewey Stotler......620-363-2491

80 ACRES, NORTH OF BRON-SON, HIGHWAY 3, 38 acres tillable, 42 acres pasture, high-way frontage, rural water avail-able, 620-363-1806.

DREAM HOME FOR SALE. 402 S. Elm, Iola, Grand 3-sto-ry 1897 home on 3 lots. 4,894 sq. ft., Corian countertops, WoodMode cabinets and Sub-Zero fridge/freeezer. $190,000. Call 620-365-9395 for Susan Lynn or Dr. Brian Wolfe [email protected]. More info and pictures at

Help Wanted

DRIVERS: HUMBOLDT, KS. Excellent wages/ben-efits, great home time. Driver school grads welcome. CDL-A w/tank & Hazmat endorse-ment. Send resume to [email protected], subject line must include job/location.

MIDWEST CABINET COM-PANY, an innovative leader in commercial cabinetry and fixtures is accepting applica-tions for experienced CABI-NETMAKERS and a SHIP-PING CLERK. Job overview: we are looking for employees with a solid work history and safe work habits, with the abil-ity to properly use power tools and basic woodworking equip-ment. Starting wages based on experience level. We are an EOE with pre-employment drug screens and background checks. All interested appli-cants are encouraged to ap-ply Mon-Fri in person at: 4101 Ross Lane, Chanute, KS 66720.

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Help Wanted TACO BELL is taking appli-cations for SHIFT MANAGER positions. We offer competi-tive pay, insurance, vacation time, sick time and manage-ment advancement. Please apply at Iola Taco Bell, 1602 N. State St.

CNA/CMA positions avail-able, all shifts. Applications may be picked up at Deseret Health and Rehab at Yates Center, 801 S. Fry, Yates Cen-ter, KS 66783, 620-625-2111.

RN/LPN. Windsor Place is taking applications for an evening/nightshift charge po-sition. Apply at 600 E. Garfield, Iola. You may send resume to: [email protected]

ACTIVITIES. Arrowood Lane Residential Care in Humboldt and Tara Gardens in Iola are looking for creative and en-thusiastic CNAs or CMAs to lead our resident activities program. Lead social activities for our residents and help plan an active calendar for them in-cluding crafts, exercise, parties, music, etc. Come be part of our caring team, apply at 615 E. Franklin, Humboldt, KS 66748.

Help Wanted

J & W EQUIPMENT, INC. 2795 N. State St. Iola, KS 66749

PARTS COUNTER OPENING We are looking for a qualified parts counter person! Applicant should possess customer ser-vice skills, computer skills, good phone etiquette, and some knowledge or background with agriculture equipment is helpful. Competitive wage and benefits. Applicants can drop off their re-sume, mail to PO Box 531, or email to [email protected]

Child Care Licensed day care has open-ings, SRS, Durenda Frye 620-365-2321.

Licensed day care has open-ings, Jefferson District, Cindy Troxel, 620-365-2204.

Poultry & Livestock BOTTLE CALVES, beef dairy crosses, starting mid Febru-ary, Nichols Dairy 620-344-0790, 785-489-2456.

Farm Miscellaneous

LOOKING FOR HAY TO BALE, on shares or cash rent, 620-496-2229 leave message.

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Pets and Supplies

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Wanted to Buy

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Apartments for Rent

UPSTAIRS, 1 BEDROOM, no pets, non-smoker, $295 plus deposit, 620-365-6774.

Mobile Homes for Sale 1998 MODEL, 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, on 3 lots, 810 S. Har-rison, LaHarpe, $35,000, 620-380-1159.

Real Estate for Rent

2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH APART-MENT. 3 bedroom house, all appliances in both, 620-228-8200.

QUALITY AND AFFORDABLE HOMES available for rent now,

NEW DUPLEX, 2 BEDROOM, CH/CA, appliances, garage. Ready now, taking applications, 620-228-2231.

IOLA, 313 N. VERMONT, 2 BEDROOM, very nice, CH/CA, appliances, single attached garage w/auto opener, $695 monthly, 620-496-6161 or 620-496-2222.

608 S. WALNUT, 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, CH/CA, new flooring, $425 monthly, $425 deposit, 620-228-7510.

HOMESTEAD TO SHARE, seeking individuals, couples or families interested in self-sufficient living on land I own between Iola and Garnett. Email only [email protected]

609 S. WASHINGTON, 2 BED-ROOM, 1st story duplex, CH/CA, appliances, single garage w/auto opener, $650 monthly includes all utilities paid, 620-496-6161 or 620-496-2222.

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Help Wanted

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WINDSOR PLACE is taking applications in our DIETARY department. Apply at 600 E. Garfield, Iola. Ask for Andrea Rogers, DSM.


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B4Tuesday, March 5, 2013 The Iola Register

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Plant Engineer

Russell Stover Candies, Inc., Russell Stover Candies, Inc., America’s largest manufacturer of handcrafted boxed chocolates, is currently seeking a Plant Engineer at our Iola, Kansas facility.

Plant Engineer Plant Engineer The Plant Engineer ensures the delivery of engineer - ing services to the plant. Provides leadership and direction in assessing, determining and executing facility capital expenditures and maintenance enhancement needs with significant focus on improv - ing productivity and minimizing labor and overhead costs. Ensures mechanical and electrical expertise is avail - able to production and other departments to main - tain production systems, utilities, buildings & grounds. 24/7 on call responsibilities. Collaborates with plant management and corporate staff to utilize equipment to improve employee safety, production quality, equipment reliability and overall equipment effectiveness. Designs, specifies and commissions capital projects which deliver pro - ject scope, on-time and on-budget, in both capital project implementation as well as daily maintenance. Provides management of employees directly or through supervisors to ensure effective selection, retention, development, disciplinary action and per - formance management.

Qualifications Qualifications BS in Engineering, Mechanical or Industrial

preferred with 10+ years’ experience. AutoCAD a plus Food processing experience a plus

Word and Excel proficient Benefits Benefits

Competitive salary, Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, 401k with 50% Company match, Paid

Holidays and Vacation Generous product discounts

For immediate consideration please forword a cover letter, with salary expectations and a resume to :

[email protected]

Individuals expressing interest in this position must meet the minimum position qualifications, as defined by the Company, in order to be considered an applicant for employ - ment opportunity. EOE

Immediate position available – USD 258

Humboldt Elementary School is now taking

applications for a paraprofessional position. Person must be energetic,

positive, and willing to work directly with

students. Applications can be

obtained at the Board of Education Office, 801 New York Street, Humboldt, KS.

Deadline for applications will be March 13, 2013.

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By ANDREW TAYLORAssociated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans control-ling the House are mov-ing to take the roughest edges off across-the-board spending cuts that are just starting to take effect.

Even as the military would bear a $43 bil-lion cut over just seven months, the new GOP measure released Mon-day would give the Pen-tagon much-needed funding for readiness. It would also ease the pain felt by critical agencies like the FBI and the Bor-der Patrol.

The effort is part of a huge spending mea-sure released Monday that would fund day-to-day federal operations through September — and head off a potential government shutdown later this month.

The measure would leave in place automatic cuts of 5 percent to do-mestic agencies and 7.8 percent to the Pentagon ordered Friday by Presi-dent Barack Obama af-ter months of battling with Republicans over the budget. But the House Republicans’ leg-islation would award the Defense Department its detailed 2013 budget while other agencies would be frozen in place at 2012 levels.

The unprecedented across-the-board cuts would then be applied to the day-to-day budgets of every federal agency except Veterans Affairs, which is exempt from them.

The GOP funding measure is set to ad-vance through the House on Thursday in hopes of preventing a government shutdown when a six-month spend-ing bill passed last Sep-tember runs out March 27. The latest measure blends updated 2013 budget measures for the

Defense and Veterans Affairs departments — giving much-sought increases for military operations and mainte-nance efforts and vet-erans’ health programs — but puts most the rest of the government on autopilot.

Senate Democrats want to add more de-tailed budgets for do-mestic Cabinet agencies but it will take GOP help to do so. The House mea-sure also denies money sought by Obama and his Democratic allies to implement the signature 2010 laws overhauling the health care system and financial regulation.

After accounting for the across-the-board cuts, domestic agencies would face cuts exceed-ing 5 percent when com-pared with last year. But Republicans carved out a host of exemptions seeking to protect espe-cially important func-tions, such as federal prisons and firefighting efforts in the West, as well as new funding for embassy security and modernizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The FBI and the Border Pa-trol would be able to maintain current staff-ing levels and would not have to furlough em-ployees.

The legislation would provide about $2 billion more than the current level to beef up security at U.S. embassies and diplomatic missions worldwide. Last Septem-ber, a terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic mis-sion in Benghazi, Lib-ya, killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

A project to repair the iconic Capitol Dome could stay on track and NASA would be pro-tected from the harshest effects of the automatic cuts, known in Washing-ton-speak as a sequester.

GOP seeks to smooth cuts

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A server killed in a Kansas City restaurant explosion was remem-bered Monday for her em-pathy and warmth.

The Kansas City Star reported that about 200 people attended a memo-rial service at Community Christian Church for Me-gan Cramer. She was 46 when she was killed in a Feb. 19 explosion and fire that destroyed JJ’s res-taurant near the upscale Country Club Plaza shop-ping and entertainment district. Fifteen others were injured.

A Missouri Gas En-ergy official has said that Olathe, Kan.-based Heart-land Midwest reported hitting a natural gas line with an underground bor-er before the blast. The ex-act cause remains under investigation.

Cramer also was one of the founders of The Gay & Lesbian Student Alliance at UMKC.

A memorial service also is planned for Thurs-day in Springfield, where Cramer was raised.

Server killed in fire recalled for empathy

Page 11: Iola Register 3-5

Tuesday, March 5, 2013The Iola B5


ZITS by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

HI AND LOIS by Chance Browne

BABY BLUES by Kirkman & Scott

BEETLE BAILEY by Mort Walker


BLONDIE by Young and Drake

DAILY CRYPTOQUOTES - Here’s how to work it:

Sudoku is like a crossword puzzle, but uses numbers instead of words. The puzzle is a box of 81 squares, subdivided into 3x3 cubes of 9 squares each. Some squares are filled in with numbers. The rest should be filled in by the puzzler. Fill in the blank squares allowing the numbers 1-9 to appear only once in every row, once in every column and once in every 3x3 box. One-star puzzles are for beginners, and the difficulty gradually increases through the week to a very challenging five-star puzzle.

(First published in The IolaRegister, February 19, 2013)IN THE DISTRICT COURT


tional Association sbm to Chase Home Finance LLC,Plaintiff vs.

Case No. 09CV94 Div. No.

K.S.A. 60 Mortgage

ForeclosureJerry Steele, Mary Roe unknown spouse if

any Christina Steele aka Chris-

tina D. Harvey aka Christina D. Clover aka

Christina D. Volk John Doe unknown spouse if

any State of Kansas Social & Re-

habilitation Service nkaKansas Department of Chil-

dren and Families Defendant(s).

NOTICE OF SALEUnder and by virtue of an

Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of AL-LEN County, Kansas, to me the undersigned Sheriff of ALLEN County, Kansas, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the main lobby of the ALLEN County Courthouse at Iola, Kansas, at 10:00AM on March 13, 2013, the following real estate:

The tract of land is de-scribed as: The West 462.00 feet of the North 187.50 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Fifteen (15), Township Twen-ty-Six (26) South, Range Eigh-teen (18) East, Allen County, Kansas.

more specifically described as 373 NE 1200th Street, Hum-boldt, KS 66748.

to satisfy the judgment in the above-entitled case. The

sale is to be made without ap-praisement and subject to the redemption period as provided by law, and further subject to the approval of the Court.

Bryan Murphy, Sheriff

ALLEN County, Kansas



JONES, P.A.Sheldon R. Singer KS

#10915Linda S. Tarpley

#22357Kenneth C. Jones


Jonah W. Lock # 2333010484 MartyOverland Park, KS 66212Phone: (913) 648-6333Fax: (913) 642-8742ATTORNEY FOR PLAIN-

TIFF(2) 19,26 (3) 5

(First published in The IolaRegister, March 5, 2013)



No. 12CV58Div. No.

K.S.A. 60Mortgage

ForeclosureJOHN E. DEVOE, et. al.DEFENDANTS


SALEUnder and by virtue of an Or-

der of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for the said County of Allen, in a certain cause in said Court Numbered 12CV58, wherein the parties above named were respectively plaintiff and defendant, and to me, the undersigned Sheriff of said County, directed, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the south door of the courthouse in the City of Iola in said County,

on March 27, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., of said day the following described real estate located in the County of Allen, State of Kansas, to wit:


66749This is an attempt to collect a

debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.


COUNTY, KANSASSHAPIRO & MOCK, LLCAttorneys for Plaintiff6310 Lamar- Ste. 235Overland Park, KS 66202(913)831-3000Fax No. (913)831-3320Our File No. 12-004744/jm(3) 5,12,19

(First published in The IolaRegister, March 5, 2013)




No. 12CV57Div. No.

K.S.A. 60Mortgage

ForeclosureJERRY JONES, et. al.


SALEUnder and by virtue of an Or-

der of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for the said County of Allen, in a certain cause in said Court Numbered 12CV57, wherein the parties above named were respectively plaintiff and defendant, and to me, the undersigned Sheriff of said County, directed, I will of-fer for sale at public auction and

sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the south door of the courthouse in the City of Iola in said County, on March 27, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., of said day the fol-lowing described real estate lo-cated in the County of Allen, State of Kansas, to wit:

LOT TWENTY-FIVE (25), GARFIELD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF IOLA, IN ALLEN COUN-TY, KANSAS Commonly known as 806 N. Garfield, Iola, Kansas 66749

This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.


COUNTY, KANSASSHAPIRO & MOCK, LLCAttorneys for Plaintiff6310 Lamar — Ste. 235Overland Park, KS 66202(913) 831-3000Fax No. (913)831-3320Our File No. 12-004985/jm(3) 5,12,19

(First published in The IolaRegister, March 5, 2013)IN THE DISTRICT COURT



-vs- No. 12CV68

Div. No. K.S.A. 60Mortgage

ForeclosureMARK LYNN, et. al.DEFENDANTS


Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for the said County of Al-len, in a certain cause in said Court Numbered 12CV68, wherein the parties above named were respectively plain-tiff and defendant, and to me, the undersigned Sheriff of said County, directed, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash

in hand at the south door of the courthouse in the City of Iola in said County, on March 27, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., of said day the following described real estate located in the County of Allen, State of Kansas, to wit:


This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information ob-tained will be used for that pur-pose.


COUNTY, KANSASSHAPIRO & MOCK, LLCAttorneys for Plaintiff6310 Lamar — Ste. 235Overland Park, KS 66202(913) 831-3000Fax No. (913)831-3320Our File No. 12-005205/jm(3) 5,12,19

Public notices

Page 12: Iola Register 3-5

B6Tuesday, March 5, 2013 The Iola Register

Today’s Trends in Medicine Today’s Trends in Medicine Today’s Trends in Medicine

The Family Physicians are all board-certified by the American Board of The Family Physicians are all board-certified by the American Board of Family Physicians and on staff at Allen County Hospital. They provide a full Family Physicians and on staff at Allen County Hospital. They provide a full compliment of family-centered care — pediatrics to geriatrics. In addition, compliment of family-centered care — pediatrics to geriatrics. In addition, Drs. Becky Lohman, Tim Spears and Kate Works, APRN offer obstetrical care. Drs. Becky Lohman, Tim Spears and Kate Works, APRN offer obstetrical care.

IOLA IOLA (620) 365-3115

MORAN MORAN (620) 237-4621

COLONY COLONY (620) 852-3550

HUMBOLDT HUMBOLDT (620) 473-3666

Chronic Care Diabetic Care

After-Hour Services OB Care

Women’s Health Care

Newborn to Geriatric Care Urgent Care

Specializing in Family Practice

Now Taking Evening Appointments on Tuesday & Thursday evenings ‘til 8 p.m. at Iola Location. Now Taking Evening Appointments on Tuesday & Thursday evenings ‘til 8 p.m. at Iola Location.

Dr. Becky Lohman Dr. Frank Porter Dr. Glen Singer Dr. Tim Spears Dr. Brian Wolfe

Sara Clift, PA-C Becky French, APRN-C

Laurel Louderbaugh, APRN-C Kate Works, APRN-C Judy Works, APRN

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Humboldt & Moran

• Mail-Out Prescriptions

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Drinks & Nutritional Snacks

• We Are Your Shipping


IOLA PHARMACY Home Owned & Operated

109 E. Madison — Iola (620) 365-3176

Refill Prescriptions at

IOLA PHARMACY CLINIC & DRIVE-THRU 1408 East St., Iola — (620) 365-6848

Iola Respiratory & Home Medical 107 E. Madison • Iola (620) 365-3377 • (888) 365-3370

“Let our family take care of yours.”

LifeCare Center of Burlington

Contact Crystal Decker at (620) 203-0029 (620) 203-0029 for more information, or stop by for a tour.


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• Skilled nursing care • Spacious rooms • Rehab Therapy: OT, PT, Speech • Adult day care • Respite Care

In our Alzheimer’s specialty unit, we can give In our Alzheimer’s specialty unit, we can give your loved one the quality care he or she your loved one the quality care he or she deserves and give you the peace of mind you deserves and give you the peace of mind you need. need.

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