Download - Introduction to the xen cloud platform - xcp

  • 1. Introduction to the Xen Cloud Platform - XCPLorscheider Santiago CCA Citrix Certified - @lsantiagosMMDUMAR Tecnologia

2. XEN xen.orgXen um software livre de virtualizao para as arquiteturasx86, x86-64, IA-32, IA-64 e PowerPC. Xen permite a execuode vrios sistemas operacionais, simultaneamente, sobre ummesmo hardware.Xen foi originalmente desenvolvido como um projeto depesquisa na Universidade de Cambridge, liderado por Ian Pratt,fundador da XenSource, Inc.Em 15 de agosto de 2007, a XenSource foi adquirida pela CitrixSystem Inc. pelo valor de 500 milhes de dlares.A Citrix agora suporta o desenvolvimento do projeto open sourcee vende tambm uma verso "empresarial" do software.O primeiro lanamento pblico do Xen foi disponibilizado em2003. 3. Surgimento XEN CLOUD PLATFORMA Citrix j vinha sinalizando algum tempo seu interesse emabrir por completo sua soluo de cloud (XenServer).Em 2009 foram disponibilizadas diversas funes enterprise doXenServer sem custo para utlizao.Simon Crosby, CTO de virtualizao da Citrix e fundador daXenSource, anunciou em seu blog o XEN CLOUD PLATFORM Cloud Xen Project ter as mesmas funes disponibilizada noCitrix XenServer pois a Citrix esteja abriu o cdigo fonte dainteligncia do XenServer.Licenciado GPL2 4. XCP em poucas palavras Vertical stack for servervirtualization Distributed as a closedappliance with CentOS 5.5Dom0, misc DomUs,network & storage supportand Xen API Really: an open sourcedistribution of XenServer 5. XCP e Cloud Projects - IAAS OpenNebula(XCP 1.0) CloudStack(XCP 1.0 & 1.1) OpenStack(XCP 1.0 & 1.1)1st Openstack Cloudby Internap usingOpenstack + XCP 6. Ecosistema XCP OpenXenManagerXenOrchestraXenCenterXenWebManager ZentificOpen vSwitchATA over EthernetHost sFlow XVA Stacklet Bundler [Vast Sky] 7. Trabalhos em curso com XCP 8. Prximos lanamentos XCP XCP 1.1 (released) Mostly bug fixes since XCP 1.0 Next major release scheduled for Q32012 Tentatively named XCP 1.5 Will have Xen 4.1, Linux 2.6.32 New features: Disaster Recovery, GPU passthrough, 1TBhost memory New guest support: Solaris, Ubuntu 10.10, RHEL 6.0 9. Projeto Kronos Make the XAPI toolstack independent of CentOS 5.5 Extend the delivery model Deliver Xen, XAPI and everything in between (storagemanager, network support, Ocaml libs, etc.) via yourfavourite Linux distroapt-get install xapi or yum install xapi The Plan: Initially Debian and Ubuntu (12.04) Later any major Linux distro (Fedora, etc.) 10. Projeto KronosWhy are we doing this?More easily consumableThis is what cloud orchestration projects prefer Pick your OS Pick the hypervisor Pick the cloud orchestration stackBecause its the right thing to do (and because its just reallycool) 11. Project Kronos : Next Steps Milestone 1 First release to coincide with Ubuntu 11.10 Published as Ubuntu and Debian apt repo Milestone 2 Second release to coincide with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Will be in Debian unstable and Ubuntu repos Follow along with development 12. PARA ONDE EST INDO O XCP 13. XCP & XenServer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. 14. Para Onde Vamos XCP becomes XenServer unstable(or the Fedora of RHREL) More experimental development such as project Kronos More flexibility for users of Xen Tracking unstable hypervisor/kernel More open development model XenAPI toolstack is more easily consumable Supporting the cloud and cloud projects Optimized for cloud use-cases Optimized for how usage patterns in cloud projects 15. Viso XCP XCP is the configuration of choice for clouds XCP bridges the gap between Open Source Xen andXenServer / XCP communities XCP becomes the Xen Community Platform 16. O QUE ISSO SIGNIFICA PRA VOC? 17. Decisions, decisions, decisions, XCP or Xen Built & tested ISO vs. source distribution Xen Linux vs. PVOPS (via latest Linux Distros) XCP or another Xen Product openSuse | Suse Linux Enterprise Oracle VM XCP or XenServer XCP or Kronos Maturity vs. more flexibility & better consumability Xen Linux vs. PVOPS 18. Decisions, decisions, decisions, XCP or Xen Built & tested ISO vs. source distribution Xen Linux vs. PVOPS (via latest Linux Distros) XCP or another Xen Product openSuse | Suse Linux Enterprise Oracle VM XCP or XenServer XCP or Kronos Maturity vs. more flexibility & better consumability Xen Linux vs. PVOPS 19. Xen Wiki XCP Overview 20. Citrix Xenserver 21. PERGUNTAS? 22. OBRIGADO