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Rembrandt, Girl at a Window, 1645, oil on canvas, 81.8 x 66.2 cm, DPG163

Gainsborough, Elizabeth and Mary Linley, c.1772 retouched 1785, oil on canvas, 199 x 153.5 cm, DPG320

Poussin, The Triumph of David, c.1631-33, oil on canvas, 118.4 x 148.3 cm, DPG236

Murillo, The Flower Girl, 1665-70, oil on canvas, 120.7 x 98.3 cm, DPG199

Piero Di Cosimo, Portrait of a Young Man, c.1500, oil on panel, 38.7 x 40.5 cm, DPG258

David Hockney, Self Portrait, 1954 (detail) Lithograph in five colours, 29.21 x 26.04 cm, Edition of 5 (Approximately) © David Hockney

‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’

(MacKenzie, 1991, 10)

‘…delivering the best (social, environmental, economic) performance for the least (social, environmental, economic) cost.’

Design Council
