Download - Introduction to Social Media Marketing

  • 1. Social Media Marketing Basics

2. Relationship Marketing (70's-80's) long-term and mutually beneficialarrangement ...providing a more holistic,personalizedpurchase, and use the consumption experience to create stronger ties. 3. Traditional Marketing vs. Relationship Marketing

  • Broadcast Message 4. Company Driven 5. Advertisements 6. Scheduled 7. Distant 8. Contact Lists 9. Control 10. Talk
  • Engage Target Consumers 11. Consumer Driven 12. Conversations 13. Real Time 14. Personal 15. Relationships 16. Surrender 17. Listen

18. Relationship MarketingThen 19. Relationship MarketingNow 20. What are Social Media?

  • Blogging 21. Twitter 22. Photo Sharing 23. Video Sharing 24. Forums 25. Podcasts
  • Social Networks 26. Chat Rooms 27. Wikis 28. Mobile Apps 29. Virtual Worlds 30. Word of Mouth

31. 32. 33. 34. The Flow of Social Media 35. Social Media Marketing Essentials

  • Passion 36. Sense of Humor 37. A Love of People 38. Creation of a Community 39. A Personal Touch

40. Facebook Personal Profile 41. Facebook Business Page 42. Facebook Home Page 43. Custom Landing Page 44. Listen 45. Listen Facebook 46. Entertain 47. Entertain Customer Service 48. Customer Service 49. 50. Harness Influence

  • Other businesses/employers 51. Celebrities or well known figures 52. People with large personal followings 53. Bloggers 54. MOMS! 55. Getting others to share your message with their friends on social media is the most valuable brand activity.

56. The Power of a Share 57. Harness Influence: Moms! 58. The Power ofa Blog Although well still go to a local farm for the experience, we did already get our our tree* yesterday and are putting it up today, spending time thinking about what meaningful traditions we want to initiate in our family to make Christmas different. Starting with what ornaments we will use, we long this year to make Christmas not about the same old glitz and excess and we are sometimes tempted to make it about. *If you get your tree from Cartners tree farm in North Carolina, too (Yes, they deliver!), they will give The Liz Logelin Foundation 10% of the sale. (And no, we didnt get paid to advertise about their farm and arent getting a cut of the proceeds. We just believe in their business, love our tree from them and are thrilled that theyre willing to donate to a foundation that means a lot to us, too.) Just mention MckMama when ordering or visiting their farm in person! They also sell wreaths! 59. Facebook Places/Foursquare 60. Foursquare 61. QR Code I've got some information for you!Use your smart phone to scan this bar code.