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Introduction to SEO

Session- 2013-14

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WHAT IS SEO ? SEO stand for search engine

optimization. SEO is a technique which

helps search engines find and rank your

site higher than the millions of other

sites in response to a search query. SEO

thus helps you get traffic from search

engines. In SEO work on off page and

on page. SEO considers how search

engines work, what people search for,

the actual search terms or keywords

typed into search engines and which

search engines are preferred by their

targeted audience.

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OFF PAGE SEO Off-Page optimization is nothing but the technique

to improve the search engine rankings for our

keywords. It is used to build back links. Off-page

optimization is done offsite and usually it is not

visible on our website. But however it improves the

search engine rankings. It is a long term process and

it must be done regularly. Continuous building of

back links improves our website’s results

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powerful way of promoting your website, but nowadays most people are spamming social

bookmarking sites without knowing how to use them. Since content in these websites update

frequently, search engines like these types of sites and often visit them (this is commonly

termed as Tagsonomy & Fosonomy in Web 2.0). Do some social bookmarking in popular

bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Propeller, etc. You should be very careful

while doing this and you must properly handle the tags which are very essential to broadcast

your news on a wide area network. This may increase your website traffic based on how

effectively you have participated.

Business listing - In business listing we can online promote our business like on

Google map and other business listing sites.

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Directory submission - Many people may say that directory submission is

dead. As far as I'm concerned it is still alive. It is purely based on how

effectively we are selecting those directories and how efficiently we are

choosing the category for submission. Of course, I agree that it gives quite

delayed results, but it is worth doing it. Submit your websites to the topmost

quality directories like DMOZ, Yahoo Directory, ZoomInfo, One Mission,

Pegasus, etc.

Search engine submission - Submit your website to the most popular

search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Alexa, Alltheweb, Lycos,

Excite, etc., to get listed for free.

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Classified Submission - Do some classifieds submissions to advertise your products for free. Try Craigslist and other major classifieds sites like Kugli, Myspace, iMadespace, Vivastreet, etc.

Article submission - Write articles of your own and submit them to popular article sites like Ezine, Go Articles, Now Public, Buzzle, etc. This will help you to attain some deep links for your website (though it's usually a slower process).

Blogging - This is one of the most powerful ways to promote your company/website online. Write a blog of your own for your company/website and include lots of unique content. Be precise in what you're trying to convey for the users in your blog entry and promote your blog in blog directories and blog search engines. You can also promote your blog/website by posting comments in other service-related blogs which allow links in the comments section that are crawlable by the search engines.Press realease submission - If you are a business/service provider then go for PR submission in popular PR websites like 1888pressrelease, Open PR, PR Leap, etc. This will help you to publish your site in Google News.

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Document sharing - Share your website documents like business documents, information brochures, and slides in Google Docs, Slide Share, etc. This will help you brand your website. Share your website documents like business documents, information brochures, and slides in Google Docs, Slide Share, etc. This will help you brand your website.

Photo sharing - Publish/share your website product pictures and make them public. Let your friends see them and comment on them too, which will help drive traffic towards your website. Do this in major photo sharing websites like Flickr, Picasa, Photo Bucket, Picli, etc.

Forum posting - Create a forum/online discussion board of your own and start a discussion or share topics with your friends. You can also post/reply to a thread in other service-related pre-existing forums that allow links in your signature which can be crawled by the search engines

Video sharing - Like with photo sharing, you can publish/share your product videos, expert opinions, and reviews of your product and make them public in YouTube, Metacafe, Dailymotion, etc.

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Guest posting - using guest posting as their main source of link building.

And although it may seem like guest posting is going to die, my prediction

is that guest posting will help with your rankings.

Business review - Write reviews about others businesses or ask your

friends/clients to write a review of your business in major business

review sites like RateitAll, Shvoong, Kaboodle, Stylefeeder, etc.

Social Media - Social Media Optimization is also a nice way to build

quality links back to your site. By publishing quality content on other social

media platforms you can increase rankings. It also allows your target

audience to share your content with other, through these others can also

see your content and it will increase your traffic volume.Competitor backlinks - Before analysing what individual sites are doing,

you need to identify who your true competitors really are. There is

sometimes a difference (and sometimes no difference at all) between the

top ten Google results for a site’s primary key phrase, and the true lay of

a market’s land.

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