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Introduction to production and operations management1

Contents Production and Operations Management An overviewObjectives of Production and Operations ManagementForecastingQuality Management Strategic IssuesProcess Analysis and DesignEffective Product Design Supply Chain Management and Capacity PlanningFacilities PlanningMaterials Management and WarehouseInventory ManagementMaterials and Resource PlanningProduction Planning and Operations SchedulingProcess Configuration StrategiesManagement of TechnologyPlanning Team Work and Job DesignProject Management Planning Development StrategiesChange ManagementWork Study and Industrial Engineering



Wegmans Food Markets, Inc., is one of the premier grocery chains in the United States.Headquartered in Rochester, NYWegmans operates over 70 stores. The company employs over 23,000 people, and has annual sales of over $2billionWegmans food markets



Many of the companys stores are giant 100,000 sq.ft. superstores, double or triple the size of average supermarkets. A superstore typically employs from 500 to 600 peopleEach store is little different. Among the special features in some stores are a dry cleaning department, a wokery, and a salad bar. Some stores feature a Market Cafe that has different food stations, each devoted to preparing and serving a certain type of food. For example, one station has pizza and other Italian specialties, and another oriental food. There is also a sandwich bar, a salad bar and a dessert station.Superstores



Each department handles its own ordering. Although sales records are available from records of items scanned at the checkouts, they are not used directly for replenishing stock. Other factors, such as pricing, special promotions, local circumstances must all be taken into account. However, for seasonal periods, such as holidays, managers often check scanner records to learn what past demand was during a comparable periodOrdering


IntroductionQuality and Customer satisfaction are utmost in the minds of Wegmans management and its employees

Managers are responsible for checking and maintaining products and service quality in their departments. Moreover, employees are encouraged to report problems to their managersQuality



The very essence of any business is to cater needs of customer by providing services and goods, and in process create value for customers and solve their problems. Production and operations management talks about applying business organization and management concepts in creation of goods and services.



Production is a scientific process which involves transformation of raw material (input) into desired product or service (output) by adding economic value. Production can broadly classified as follows:-1Production through separation2Production through modification3Production by assemblyLet us discuss each one in detailCLICK HERE


Concept of production

The Johari Window is based on a four-square grid.The Johari Window is made up of a window with four 'panes. The window is a square pane with a cross in the middle of it.This cross divides the window into four panes.Production is defined as the step-by-step conversion of one form of material into another form through chemical or mechanical process to create or enhance the utility of the product to the userThus production is a value addition process. At each stage of processing, there will be value addition


Continuous production-Advantages and Disadvantages

Standardisation of product and process sequenceHigher rate of production with reduced cycle timeHigher capacity utilization due to line balancingManpower is not required for material handling as it is completely automaticPerson with limited skills can be used on the production lineUnit cost is lower due to high volume of productionFlexibility to accommodate and process number of products does not existVery high investment for setting flow linesProduct differentiation is limited10

Operation strategyOperational strategy is essential to achieve operational goals set by organization in alignment with overall objective of the company. Operational strategy is design to achieve business effectiveness or competitive advantage


Objectives of production managementRight qualityRight quality does not mean best quality. The quality of the product is based upon the customers requirements. The quality is determined by the cost of the product and the technical characteristics depending on the specific requirements.


Purpose of ForecastingThe purpose of forecasting is to help the organization manage the present and to prepare for the future by examining the most probable future demand pattern. However, forecasting has its constraint, for example, we cannot estimate a pattern for technologies and product where there are no existing pattern or data.


Focus of TQM

Involvement of all employees in the processSelection of suppliersOrganization structure to support the processMaximum customer satisfactionAppropriate reward for quality improvement and suggestions


Process design

A successful process design has to take into account the appropriateness of the process to overall organization objectiveProcess design requires a broad view of the whole organization and should not have a myopic outlookIn order to achieve a good process design, effective process strategy is required, which deals with a singular line items required to manufacture the end productEffective process strategy deals with raw material procurement, customer participation, technology investment, etc.


Facility layout

Facility layout is an arrangement of different aspects of manufacturing in an appropriate manner to achieve desired production results. Facility layout considers available space, final product, safety of users and facility and convenience of operations


Factors affecting facility layoutThe design of the facility layout should consider overall objectives set by the organization1Optimum space needs to be allocated for process and technology2A proper safety measure to avoid mishaps3Overall management policies and future direction of the organization4


Materials and Resource Planning

Material requirement planning is an information system for production planning based on inventory management. The basic components of material planning are:1Material planning provides information that is required for raw material and products that are available for production2Material planning ensures that inventory levels are maintained at its minimum levels3Material planning provides information of production planning and scheduling but also provides information about dispatch and stocking


Types of process flows

A synthetic process is one in which different components come together in order to form a single product. Synthetic processes employ synthesis, which is defined as many inputs joining together to form a whole. The purest example of synthesis is many-to-one. However, in reality this is mostly reinforced by a relatively synthetic process, which combines the many to form a few instead


Advantages of work study1234Meets delivery commitmentsBetter management-worker relationsIt helps to reduce the product cost through elimination of waste and unnecessary operationsIt enables the achievement of a smooth production flow with minimum interruptions

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