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What is php?

• PHP is an acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"

• PHP is a widely-used, open source scripting language.

• PHP scripts are executed on the server.

• PHP is free to download and use.

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What can php do?

• PHP can generate dynamic page content

• PHP can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server

• PHP can collect form data

• PHP can send and receive cookies

• PHP can add, delete, modify data in your database

• PHP can be used to control user-access

• PHP can encrypt data

• With PHP you are not limited to output HTML. You can output images, PDF files, and even Flash movies. You can also output any text, such as XHTML and XML.

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How to create a php page?

1. Install Wamp (Windows-Apache-Mysql-PHP)

2. Create a new folder within Wamp\WWW folder with the name you want to give your project

• Eg: C:\Wamp\WWW\myProject

3. Right click and Create a new text file with extension “.php”

• Eg: index.php

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Data types in php

PHP data types are divided in two categories:

• Scalar

» boolean :A value that can only either be true or false

» Int :A signed numeric integer value

» float : A signed floating-point value

» string : A collection of binary data

• Composite

» Arrays

» Objects

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Type Casting

echo ((0.1 + 0.7) * 10); //Outputs 8

echo (int) ((0.1 + 0.7) * 10); //Outputs 7

• This happens because the result of this simple arithmetic expression is stored internally as 7.999999 instead of 8; when the value is converted to int, PHP simply truncates away the fractional part, resulting in a rather significant error (12.5%, to be exact).

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• Variables are temporary storage containers.

• In PHP, a variable can contain any type of data, such as, for example, strings, integers, floating numbers, objects and arrays.

• PHP is loosely typed, meaning that it will implicitly change the type of a variable as needed, depending on the operation being performed on its value.

• This contrasts with strongly typed languages, like C and Java, where variables can only contain one type of data throughout their existence.

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PHP – Sending Mails

• PHP must be configured correctly in the php.ini file with the details of how your system sends email. Open php.ini file available in /etc/ directory and find the section headed [mail function].

• Windows users should ensure that two directives are supplied. The first is called SMTP that defines your email server address. The second is called sendmail_from which defines your own email address.

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PHP – Sending Mails (cont.)

Sending plain text email:

• PHP makes use of mail() function to send an email. This function requires three mandatory arguments that specify the recipient's email address, the subject of the the message and the actual message additionally there are other two optional parameters.

• mail( to, subject, message, headers, parameters ); Here is the description for each parameters.

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PHP – Sending Mails (cont.) <html>


<title>Sending email using PHP</title>




$to = "[email protected]";

$subject = "This is subject";

$message = "This is simple text message.";

$header = "From:[email protected] \r\n";

$retval = mail ($to,$subject,$message,$header);

if( $retval == true )


echo "Message sent successfully...";




echo "Message could not be sent...";





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How you can master PHP?

Become an expert in 3 days.

World class PHP corporate training by the industry experts.

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Suggested Audience & Other Details

• Suggested Audience - Programmers and Developers who would like to gain the knowledge in developing dynamic web pages.

• Duration - 3 Days

• Prerequisites - All participants must be fluent in HTML. The course can be customized to any level of programming and relational database familiarity.


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