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Cybersecurity HS Summer Camp

Introduction to Networking

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

A host is a computer connected to a network.

It is an end system.

Running network apps.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

A networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks

Hosts live at the end points of communication, and routers live along the communication routes in the middle.

A router uses a packet's IP Address to choose a neighbour host that gets the packet closer to the recipient (destination IP Address), and passes the packet on to that neighbour.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Network packet is a formatted unit of data carried by a packet-switched network.

A packet consists of two kinds of data: control information and user data (also known as payload). The control information provides data the network needs to deliver the user data.


Suppose Host A has a message to send to Host B. A breaks his message into small chunks and sends each chunk, prefaced with B's address, across the network.

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are unique numeric identifiers that are needed by every device that connects to the Internet.

IP Addresses are usually written down as four numbers with dots in between, like

IP Address

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IP address is a 32 bit number that is divided into 4 bytes (8 bits per byte).

We usually write IP addresses as four 8-bits numbers, separated by dots.


IP Address

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The reason we prefer dotted quad notation is:• they're generally easier to remember, and • the first two or three bytes are often the same for all

IP Addresses within a given organization.

136.145.*.* are the IP addresses of the UPR.136.145.181.* are the IP addresses of the CS department.

IP Address

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$ ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 46:54:3D:A6:A3:6C inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::4454:3dff:fea6:a36c/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:119942172 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:91622222 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:11081192215 (10.3 GiB) TX bytes:147970521437 (137.8 GiB) Interrupt:247

Your IP Address

In the terminal run ifconfig.

ipconfig if you are in a windows machine.

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Network address translation (NAT) is a methodology of remapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in Internet Protocol (IP) datagram packet headers while they are in transit across a traffic routing device. [wiki]

NAT: Network Address Translation

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NAT: Network Address Translation

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A human understandable way to refer to a computer in a network.

For instance it is easier to remember than

Humans understand names, computers understand numbers.

Domain Name System

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

The IP address of a computer might change and the domain name can stay the same.

The telephone analogy, your phone number might change but your name don’t. In an address book you search by name the person you want to call and then the cell phone place the call by number.

Domain Name System

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They're just like paths in a file system; the only difference is that we write them the other way instead of /edu/uprrp/ccomccom is a subset of uprrp, which in turn is a subset of edu, which is called a top level domain (TLD).

DNS are hierarchical

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TLD• .edu• .com• .org• .net

TLD and ccTLD

ccTLD (country code TLD)• .pr• .us• .ar• .cn

TLD list:

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Humans understand names, computers understand numbers.

To communicate to any host in the Internet you need the IP address.

But we remember names, thus we need a mechanism to map from the domain name to the IP address.

DNS (why?)

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Consists of a global system of servers, called name server, that translate symbolic names to IP Addresses either by knowing the answer, or passing the query along to a server that does.

To translate a symbolic name to an IP Address, you need to query a name server, which requires knowing the name server's IP Address.

When your computer joins a network, it is usually given the IP Address of one or more name servers.

DNS: How?

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Query to know the IPaddress of

DNS: How?

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf

# This file is automatically generated.


domain rrp.campus







How to know your DNS servers?

En windows:ipconfig /all

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

host | nslookup is a tool that carry out DNS requests.

$ host is an alias for has address

DNS: How to do DNS request

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ host is an alias for has address has IPv6 address 2a03:2880:f012:1:face:b00c::1 mail is handled by 10

DNS: How to do DNS request

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ host has address has address has address has address has address has IPv6 address 2607:f8b0:4002:802::1011

DNS: How to do DNS request

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Every time you want to access a service using the domain name, a query is made to the local DNS server to obtain the server IP address.

Name resolution

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To request to an specific DNS server send the server address as a second parameter.

$ host

Using domain server:



Aliases: has address has IPv6 address 2607:f8b0:4008:807::2004

DNS: How to do DNS request

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ traceroute

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

1 ( 0.372 ms 0.458 ms 0.551 ms

2 ( 0.154 ms 0.157 ms 0.159 ms

3 ( 26.665 ms 26.786 ms 26.890 ms

4 ( 39.639 ms 39.639 ms 39.633 ms

5 ( 39.371 ms 39.386 ms 39.381 ms

6 ( 39.602 ms 39.518 ms 39.510 ms

7 ( 40.122 ms 47.481 ms 39.906 ms

8 ( 39.901 ms 39.798 ms 39.673 ms

9 * * *

10 * * *

traceroute - to follow a packet path

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

The IP address is used to communicate from one host to another (one computer to another).

The port is used to communicate from one process running in one host to another process running in another host.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

The human analogy would be sending a package via post mail service. IP addresses are like the address to a home, and the port is the person that lives in the home to which the package is directed.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Ports are a 16 bit positive number. 216 = 65536 numbers, 0 - 65635

Clients need to know, not only the IP address, but also the port number of a server process.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Common application services have particular assigned port numbers.

Some common application services are:• HTTP, listen port 80• HTTPS, 443• SSH, 22• SMTP, 25 • DNS, 53

Services and assigned ports can be found at /etc/services or

Server Port

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Client port number is assigned randomly in the client operating system.

The client is the one that initiates communications with the server, the server receives the client port address and thus know what port to communicate.

Client Port

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When a server use a port different to the conventional port, the user has to specify the client application the server port.

For instance if a web server is running in port 8080 instead of the conventional port 80. The user can specify the port using the : symbol after the server name followed by the port.

Server unconventional port

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ sudo netstat -alnp | headActive Internet connections (servers and established)Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program

name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 12263/rpc.rquotad tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 962/ypserv tcp 0 0* LISTEN 912/rpcbind tcp 0 0* LISTEN 12268/rpc.mountd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 12268/rpc.mountd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4784/ypbind tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16300/sshd

netstat - to list the ports in use

In windows:netstat -bro

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Knowing what ports are listening in my computer allows me to understand my computer risk for intrusion.

Listening port

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Two basic transport layers (TCP and UDP)

Transport Layer: TCP and UDP

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TCP establishes a reliable connection where all the packets sent through that connection arrive to the destination in order.

TCP provides reliable transmission, error detection, flow control, and congestion control.

The connection is established via what is called the TCP handshake that involves acknowledges messages.

TCP: Transport Control Protocol

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

UDP is a connectionless protocol, packets can get lost, and packets can arrive out of order.

UDP does not provide any congestion or flow control. It is a lightweight protocol compared to TCP because of the fewer features.

It is used in protocols that allow few packet loss such as VoIP and video streaming.

UDP: User Datagram Protocol

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Internet apps transport protocols

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Is a computer networking service for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP.

nc - (netcat)

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

In the "client" mode of netcat, you give it an IP Address and a port number, and whatever you type into after pressing enter gets sent to the given address and port using TCP over IPv4.

nc - (netcat)

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

In the "server" mode of netcat. you give the -l option (listen) and nc then acts like a server, "listening" for a connection request, accepting the first one it receives, then echoing whatever gets sent to it to the screen, and taking whatever gets typed on the screen and sending it to the client whose connection request it accepted.

nc - (netcat)

Client Example:$ nc 4088

Connects to server in port 4088

nc - example

Server Example:$ nc -l 4088

Listen for connections in port 4088

Server must have the IP to work.

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Is a computer network administration software utility used to:• test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network and • to measure the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating

host to a destination computer.

Ping operates by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request packets to the target host and waiting for an ICMP response.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ ping

PING ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=5.632 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.824 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=4.039 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=18.616 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=10.262 ms


--- ping statistics ---

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss

round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 3.824/8.475/18.616/5.575 ms

Ping - Example 1

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ ping -c 5

PING ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=7.007 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=7.260 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=4.953 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=9.085 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.889 ms

--- ping statistics ---

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss

round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.889/6.039/9.085/2.454 ms

Ping - Example 2, -c

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable

From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable

From icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable

From icmp_seq=7 Destination Host Unreachable


--- ping statistics ---

10 packets transmitted, 0 received, +6 errors, 100% packet loss, time 9269ms

pipe 3

Ping - Example 3, Host Unreachable

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Ping is useful for debugging network problems.

It's also used as a tool for network reconnaissance.

A malicious use for ping is to have a group of computers send lots and lots of ping requests to a given server, hoping to keep it so busy answering the pings that it can't do any useful work. (DoS)

Ping - More

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

For the previous two reasons, not all hosts reply to a ping request, mainly because the tool is sometimes abused by malicious people and programs.

The biggest example is your very own campus that does not allow ping in or out the campus.

Ping - More

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

ICMP is an Internet Layer protocol, which means it doesn't have an associated port number, like Application Layer protocols that are built on top of the Transport Layer.

Ping - More

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the Application Layer protocol that the web is based on.

HTTP servers (web servers) use TCP and listen on port 80. HTTP clients are called web browsers.

HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is a secure version of HTTP and listen on port 443. It employs Transport Layer Security (TLS), a set of cryptographic protocols .


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HTTP/HTTPs - Example 1

Seriously, in case you don’t know how.

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

HTTP/HTTPs - Example 2

Seriously, in case you don’t know how.

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ elinks

HTTP/HTTPs - Example 3

Seriously, in case you don’t know how.

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

host | nslookup is a tool that carry out DNS requests.

$ host is an alias for has address

DNS - Example

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

SSH (Secure SHell) is a protocol that allows secure, remote command shell access. In this setting, secure means preserving confidentiality and authentication.

Normally ssh-server processes listen on port 22.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ ssh -l jortiz

[email protected]'s password:

Last login: Mon Feb 23 10:56:55 2015 from

SSH - Example

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Download putty:

ssh - Example Windows(putty)

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) offers secure file transfer.

You've already used scp, which is an SFTP client, to transfer web content.

SFTP also uses TCP port 22 , because SFTP is actually an extension of SSH.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

$ scp test.cpp [email protected]:~/

Warning: the RSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP address ''

[email protected]'s password:

test.cpp 100% 311 0.3KB/s 00:00

SFTP - Example (scp)

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SFTP - Example (GUI)

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a standardized network protocol used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks for dynamically distributing network configuration parameters, such as IP addresses for interfaces and services.

With DHCP, computers request IP addresses and networking parameters automatically from a DHCP server, reducing the need for a network administrator or a user to configure these settings manually.

DHCP (wiki)

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Your computer is already configured to use DHCP, so when you plug in the Ethernet cable (or connect to a wireless network), your computer broadcasts a request for an IP address.

For networks without the DHCP service, users must obtain their IP settings from the network administrator and manually configure their computers.

The DHCP protocol runs over UDP, using ports 67 and 68.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Server Message Block and Network File System are protocols used for network file sharing.

SMB servers are TCP servers that usually listen on port 445.

NSF servers are TCP servers that usually listen on port 2049.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is an application layer protocol for transporting email.

An SMTP client is responsible for transferring electronic mail (email) messages to one or more SMTP servers.

SMTP - Simple Message Transfer Proto

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Applications SummaryService Protocol Port TCP/UDP App

Network Connectivity / Host Status ICMP * * ping

WWW HTTP 80 TCP any browse

secure www HTTPS 443 TCP any browser

name resolution DNS 53 UDP host, nslookup

secure shell SSH 22 TCP ssh, putty

secure file transfer SFTP 22 TCP scp, filesylla, winscp

dynamic host config protocol DHCP 67,68 UDP built in the OS



email SMTP 25 TCP any mail client

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together.

There are many types of computer networks, including: local-area networks (LANs)

The computers are geographically close together (that is, in the same building). [webopedia]


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

The broadcast address is used to send a single packet to all hosts on the network and is characterized by the network address followed by all 1's.

Example: is CCOM broadcast address

A host requesting networking configuration service using DHCP uses the broadcast IP Address, for example.

Network and Broadcast address

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

We are about to enter to the link layer.

The primary Link-Layer protocol (really a collection of protocols) is Ethernet.

Ethernet defines how packets move from host to host when they're directly connected via a cable (Ethernet cable) or by Wifi (using the 802.11 wireless Ethernet protocols).

Link Layer

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

We know that hosts have IP addresses, but that they may change over time.

The IP address is used to route the packet across the Internet (Internet Protocol)

MAC address a.k.a Hardware addr

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

A MAC address is a physical address, specifically a 48-bit number. MAC Addresses are normally written using hex characters, two at a time (i.e., one byte at a time), separated by ":".

For instance:c8:2a:14:18:3c:5f is a MAC address

MAC address a.k.a Hardware addr

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

MAC addresses are associated with a host's network adapter, not the host itself. Hence, a host may have multiple MAC addresses (one for each adapter).

Furthermore, MAC addresses are permanently assigned to each network adapter when it is manufactured, so each device has it's own unique MAC address.

Also, like IP addresses, MAC addresses have a broadcast address used to send a message to all devices on a physical network. The broadcast address for Ethernet is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff.

MAC Address - 2

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

The MAC Address is used to know how to deliver packets from one computer in a local network to another computer in the same network.

MAC Address - 3

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Gateway (gw) router is the router that routes/allow intercommunication between a local network to another network.

Computers need the gw address to send the packets that will route out of the local network.

GATEWAY Router and gw address

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

When determining where to send a packet, the originating host first must calculate if the destination IP and the source IP are on the same network (as defined above).

• If the destination IP is on the same network, the packet will be sent to the destination host directly.

• If the destination IP address is on a different network, the packet will be sent out via the local network's "GATEWAY ROUTER", which will then forward the packet out a different network connection.

Sending packets

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

that your computer knows.

$ arp -astudent-pc.rrp.campus ( at b8:ac:6f:1d:fa:be on en1 ifscope

[ethernet]ivan-internet.rrp.campus ( at c:4d:e9:bb:6c:99 on en1 ifscope

[ethernet]? ( at 0:4:80:ec:3e:e8 on en1 ifscope [ethernet]? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on en1 ifscope [ethernet]

See MAC addresses

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

It should be pretty obvious that the Physical Layer will be different with wireless networks: radios instead of wires.

The other layer that changes is the Link Layer, everything else is the same.


When a host is connected wirelessly, it still has an IP address, still uses TCP and UDP, still browses the web with HTTP and resolves host names with DNS.

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

802.11 is a family of standards: now encompassing 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n.

802.11 radios have MAC addresses just like Ethernet.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Each wireless network is given a name, called its ESSID, so that a host can identify by name which wireless network it wants to join when multiple base stations are within range.


HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

Encrypt (encode) the data you broadcast in such a way that only the people you want on the network can decrypt (decode).

To join/scramble/unscramble one needs a "key".

Access Control & Privacy

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WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), the oldest of the three methods we will discuss.

This uses a weak (by today's standards) encryption method and a 40-bit key.

There are free tools and instructions for how to listen in on a WEP-protected network and crack the password. This should not be your first choice of encryption, not even at home.

Access Control & Privacy

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

WPA (Wifi Protected Access), which uses the same encryption method as WEP, but uses a stronger 128-bit key.

This is certainly stronger than WEP, but not an altogether new solution.

Access Control & Privacy

HS Summer Camp | Computer Science Department | University of Puerto Rico - RP

WPA2 (Wifi Protected Access 2) is the strongest of the three encryption methods.

This uses a strong 256-bit key for the encryption and is currently considered the best protection for wireless networks.

Access Control & Privacy