Download - Introduction to Medicine (ITM) · Medicine Block culminates with the White Coat Ceremony and reading of the Class


Introduction to Medicine (ITM)

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Academic Year 2018-2019 Approved by Curriculum Committee on 05/08/18

General Block Information

Block Code: MEDP801

Credit Hours: 3

Prerequisites: None

Strongly Recommended: None

Dates of Block: July 9, 2018 – July 20, 2018

Block website:

Block Director(s)

Block Director(s) Name: Elaine Niggemann, M.D. Phone: (602) 827-2311

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: M-F By appointment Location: HSEB B561

Co-Block Director(s) Name: Glen Fogerty, PhD

Phone: (602) 827-2201

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: By appointment Location: HSEB C545

Coordinator / Staff contact

Coordinator/staff contact name: John Gage

Phone: (602) 827-2217

Email: [email protected]

Office Location: HSEB 5th Floor B529

Tutoring services are available to students. More information and contacts for specific block tutors can be found at:

Block Description

Introduction to Medicine is a two-week Block for incoming first-year medical students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix (COM-PHX). Designed to introduce students to the

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profession of Medicine and to the College of Medicine – Phoenix, the block culminates with the White Coat Ceremony.

Principal Mission

The Introduction to Medicine Block is designed to introduce new medical students to the profession of Medicine and to the College of Medicine – Phoenix. A critical objective of Introduction to Medicine is to introduce students to the culture of Medicine and the importance of Medicine as a calling as well as its impact on patients and families. During this Block, the students receive their initial instruction in basic science, course and theme areas and become acquainted with each other through social events and team-building exercises. They begin student learning development activities that orient students to the technology tools, resources, and learning and assessment methods. They are experientially introduced to both the academic and personal support systems. The Introduction to Medicine Block culminates with the White Coat Ceremony and reading of the Class of 2022 oath.

Mandatory Dates of Attendance

Attendance is mandatory at all sessions due to the unique nature of the Introduction to Medicine Block, its interactive sessions, and the opportunity to begin building relationships with classmates

Dress code policy: Professional Dress* is required for:

● July 9, 2018 or July 10, 2018 as designated for Badge Photo (Professional Dress)

● July 10, 11, or 12, 2018: Deans’ Lunch Panel: date as assigned (Professional Dress) ● July 12, 2018 or July 13, 2018 for Doctoring Interviewing Session as assigned (Professional


● July 17, 2018: Patient Panel (Professional Dress)

● July 18 or 19, 2018: Clerkship Experience as assigned (Professional Dress)

● July 18, 2018: White Coat Rehearsal (Professional Dress) ● July 22, 2018: White Coat Ceremony (Professional Dress)

Professional Dress* (specific to the Introduction to Medicine Block)

● Men must wear appropriate slacks and a dress shirt. Cargo pants and jeans are not acceptable. Ties are required.

● Women must wear acceptable professional dresses, skirts or slacks. Length of the skirt should be no more than one inch above the knee to facilitate clinical activities which involve leaning over. Necklines should also be non-revealing. Jewelry should not invade patient space during an exam (no long-necklaces, long earrings etc.).

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A session requiring student attendance may be added or rescheduled for good cause (emergent timely content, speaker illness, venue problems, weather, etc.). Where possible, students will be given a minimum of 14 days’ notice of the required date of attendance.

The policy and procedure for mandatory dates can be found here:

Failure to attend mandatory sessions will result in an automatic unexcused absence unless approved by the block director. Students will be responsible for material covered in all sessions. Students will indicate their presence at mandatory sessions either electronically or by signing an attendance sheet. In the case that a student attended the mandatory session but did not sign in, the block director or their designee will remind the student to make sure that they do this in the future. A student who fails to sign in a second time will receive a Level 1 formative assessment and will need to complete a makeup assignment. A student who fails to sign in a third time will receive a Level 1 summative assessment and will need to complete a makeup assignment.

Block Learning Objectives:

Educational program objectives are a subset of more broadly defined physician competencies, which represent general domains of performance for which the profession and the public hold physicians accountable. Educational Program Objectives can be accessed by following the link:

Block Objectives:

1. Discuss diagnostic procedures, reason deductively and collaborate to arrive at provisional diagnoses during simulated patient care exercises.

2. Document simulated patient data and communicate them effectively and collaboratively with

the team.

3. Demonstrate awareness of ethical and social issues and assess information in educational resources during a simulated patient exercise.

4. Show integrity in all interactions with peers and professional colleagues.

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5. Describe pathophysiology and genomics of breast cancer and explain how this disease impacts the lives of patients and their families and recognize how physicians influence this impact.

6. Identify and apply techniques used to give/receive effective feedback.

7. Recognize and discuss how the Educational Program Objectives (EPOs) drive the teaching

and assessment within the COM-PHX curriculum.

8. Recognize the importance of self-directed, active learning and how to assess individual learning needs as relevant approaches to learning the science of medicine.

9. Identify resources available to learn the science and practice of medicine.

10. Describe medicine as a profession that is guided by sound basic science knowledge,

evidence based medicine, and professionalism.

11. Recognize how the various programs and diversity within the COM-PHX support progressive academic and clinical experiences including opportunities for service learning, rural and global health experiences and awareness of diverse cultures.

12. Recognize Medicine as a profession and its potential impact on the lives of patients, families

and self.

13. Describe the criteria by which medical students are assessed and how this process influences one’s own professional development.

14. Describe how disease impacts the lives of patients and their families and how physicians

influence this impact.


Textbook(s): RECOMMENDED Strayers, DS, and Rubin, Emanual: Rubins’ Pathology: Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine; 7th edition. Wolters Kluver Cost $105.34 Texts/resources suggested by students: None

Other: None

Other expected Classroom / Experience Preparations

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Please note: All faculty are encouraged to provide a key reference in the lesson plan for every session. Such a reference is one that faculty deem to be the most appropriate in covering the required depth and breadth of the session presented. The academic coordinator and library staff have been advised regarding all readings and will strive to make these reading available electronically.

Since session presenters distill a large amount of available material to a manageable set of session objectives, it is crucial that students access these readings for complete coverage of the material presented in class. In regards to active learning sessions, students will be expected to do prep work prior to attending these sessions. Active learning includes (but is not limited to) team-based learning, problem-based learning, simulation and Doctoring. These types of sessions rely on student’s prior acquisition of foundational knowledge. Preparatory activities may consist of an independent learning module, reading assignment, viewing of online materials, or other. Preparatory time for the active learning sessions occurs outside of the classroom and is not included in the 26 hours/week curricular hours. The Block Director will notify you of these active learning sessions and any preparatory materials on the Friday before the coming week’s activities. This material is testable unless otherwise noted.

Student Responsibilities

On a daily basis, all students should consult the One45 homepage for the most current announcements, schedule and location of classes, and learning materials. As might be expected, last minute changes in scheduling, etc. are sometimes necessary, and this type of information will be shared with all students via the One45 homepage. In addition, important information may also be shared with students and faculty via e-mail, using the University e-mail system. Therefore, daily surveillance of student e-mail accounts is strongly suggested.

Students will be held responsible for all material presented by lectures and laboratories in accordance with the College of Medicine-Phoenix. Students are also responsible for all announcements or schedule changes that are made in class and disseminated by e-mail and/or One45.


Students will be assessed on medical knowledge and behavioral competencies during the block. Medical Knowledge will be assessed on exams using USMLE style multiple choice questions. Exam duration correlates to the number of questions on each exam. Ninety (90) seconds are allotted for each question (*this is reflective of time per question on the NBME USMLE Step 1 Exam). Students will be able to view their block grade by clicking on the Grades tab on the main menu in One45 on or after [MM/DD/YYYY]. The last day of the block is the day of the last assessment date or the last day of class, whichever occurs later.

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Exam Dates: Exam 1: Thursday July 19, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.

The Exam will cover specified material from July 9, 2018 through July 19, 2018. Testable sessions will be specified in the Curriculum Management System.

Students requesting a change in an exam date must log on to: and complete the required information at least 30 days prior to the scheduled test date. You will be notified of the outcome of the request within three business days.

Dates/Times of Post Exam Reviews:

Exam 1 Review dates/times: Tuesday July 24, 2018 1:00-3:00 Wednesday July 25, 2018 1:00-3:00

Exam Question Challenge Process:

Students will have the opportunity to challenge Preclerkship block exam questions during the post exam review times. Any challenges to exam questions must be submitted during the review time frame via the Exam Question Challenge Form or by making an appointment with the Block Director before Monday at 5:00pm. Students may also review the exam by making an appointment with either the Block Director or Student Affairs.

Questions may only be challenged during the review period. During a review, students will have access to all exam questions, answers, explanations and an individualized exam key. Students must ensure that challenges are clearly articulated, including a description of the specific problem(s) identified in a question and a justification of why additional answers should be considered. The Block Director will read and respond to all challenges via a single email to the entire class. The Block Director will clearly indicate if the challenge does or does not have merit and if any scoring adjustments will be made. A successful challenge will only result in additional credit being given and no question will be thrown out.

For more information please refer to the policy:

CBI Assessment:

CBI Assessment for Introduction to Medicine will be carried over into MBLD (Molecular Basis of Life and Disease) Block Students will also be assessed in CBI by faculty facilitators in the following professional behavioral competencies: MS1

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● Professionalism ● Interpersonal and Communication Skills ● Medical Knowledge ● Critical Appraisal and Quality Improvement

In addition, the Block Director may also assess students in the above mentioned competency areas. Appropriate professional behaviors are expected of medical students throughout all stages of the COM-PHX curriculum and are gauged by the following developmental levels of progress.

• Level 1 (not meeting expectations) • Level 2 (meeting expectations) • Level 3 (exceeding expectations)

Examples of these developmental levels of behavior can be found in the Assessment and Evaluation section of the COM-PHX website:

Note: Behavioral competency assessments are not part of the overall block grade, but are developmentally assessed in each block. Further, students wishing to appeal a Level 1 competency grade may do so; the policy and procedures governing such appeals can be found here:

To pass a block the following criteria must be met:

70% or greater in Medical Knowledge as assessed by exams. This will be calculated as total number of correct responses divided by the total number of questions on all exams combined throughout the block. The total score must be equal or greater than 70% (no rounding).

If this is not achieved by the end of the block, a retake examination will be offered. The retake exam will only cover material from the block exam(s) that received a score of <70%. A score of 70% or higher (no rounding) on the retake examination will result in a pass.

Every effort will be made to notify students in academic risk of the need for a retake by [mm/dd/yyyy] to allow time to review the failed material in preparation for taking the retake exam on [mm/dd/yyyy].

For specific details regarding retakes and block failure refer to:

Block Failure/Remediation:

Any student failing a single block may elect to remediate during the PAL Block (MS-1) or during step 1 study time (MS-2) or retake the block the following year. Note that electing to retake the block will delay graduation by one year. The student will meet with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs,

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the Block Director, the Student Development Office, and others deemed appropriate to determine as accurately as possible why the block was failed (e.g., test taking skills, volume or nature of the material, etc.). A final decision on the mode of remediation (summer versus the following year) must be filed with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Block director by the first day of the PRAB block for Year 1 Blocks and by the first day of the Oncology Block for Year 2 Blocks. The remediation plan will comply with all aspects of the College of Medicine-Phoenix Remediation Policy and is outlined below.

Director: Dr. Elaine Niggemann Location: College of Medicine - Phoenix Duration: One academic week during Fall Break 2018 (September 24, 2018 – September 28, 2018)


Every medical knowledge component of the failed block, including theme content, must be included in the remediation plan. All block material must be assessed at end of the remediation period regardless of how the student managed this material during the regular block. Please see the Remediation Policy for complete details on remediation: The block director will, on a case-by-case basis, determine if some material covered in the original failed block (e.g., BioPac laboratories, patient panels, etc.) can be reviewable by remediation-eligible students without replication of the actual experience.

The remediation plan will consist of one exam that will occur on the following dates: Friday September 28, 2018 at 0900. (Last day of Fall Break)

Exams will consist of USMLE style multiple choice questions, not to exceed the total number of questions in the original block exams. The student must achieve an aggregate score 70% or greater on these exams. The score will be calculated cumulatively as the total number of correct responses divided by the total number of question on both exams. Challenges will be made directly to the remediation director. The challenge policy will remain the same as that for the block and the director’s rebuttals will be final. No retake exam option will be offered for the summer remediation block. A score of less than 70% results in failure of the remediation and dismissal from medical school.


College of Medicine-Phoenix faculty and administration understand that absences from blocks sessions may not always be preventable. Please refer to the College of Medicine-Phoenix Attendance Policy for additional information:

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In addition, please note: Students missing mandatory sessions (excused or not) will be expected to complete a short assignment provided by the block/course director with or without input from the session leader encompassing the topic of the missed material.

Students seeking an excused absence from an attendance-required session must request the absence 30 days in advance using the following on-line form:

Not all absences will necessarily be excused and unexcused absences will negatively impact students’ competency scores for that block/. Students are still responsible for the material they missed.

In the event of an extended absence, the maximum amount of time that a student can miss and complete a posted grade of “incomplete” for this block will be two weeks. If a student misses more than the maximum time allowed, as specified above, a grade of “W” will appear on the transcript, and the student may enroll in the same block during the next academic year when it is offered according to policy: *Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Associate Dean, Curricular Affairs & Program Evaluation, in consultation with the Associate Dean, Student Affairs.

Block Evaluation by Students

Students will be required to complete the following evaluations in each block:

• All assigned session evaluations • 2 CBI evaluations (mid and end) • Either a mid or end of block evaluation, as randomly assigned

For session evaluations, students will be randomly assigned no more than 15% of the total number of sessions for each block. Students will be randomly assigned to complete either a mid or end of block evaluation, but not both.

This system is designed so that all teaching faculty are provided feedback and student survey fatigue is minimized. Students will also have the opportunity to evaluate any session at any time as an optional and additional source of professional feedback:

For more information, refer to the Course and Faculty Evaluation by Student Policy at:

Student Code of Conduct

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Medical students are required to follow the policies and codes of conduct governing all students at the University of Arizona. Such policies include but are limited to the Arizona Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct (ABOR policy 5-308) which can be found at:

In addition medical students are also bound by the College of Medicine Code of Conduct and Procedures for the honor Code Committee which can be found at:

Because the COM-PHX requires medical students to abide by the professional standards required of physicians under Arizona law students must also abide by A.R.S 32-1401, et.seq which can be accessed at:

Policy and Procedure for Student Mistreatment

The policy and procedure for student mistreatment can be found here:

The Professional Resource Office (PRO) provides guidance, support and information to students on professionalism issues. Their website and contact information can be found here: The Professionalism Conduct Comment form provides a process for faculty, residents, fellows, medical students, and staff to comment upon either exemplary professional behavior OR lapses in professional behavior demonstrated by faculty, residents, fellows, medical students, or staff in the learning environment at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. The form can be found here:

Student Use of University Sponsored Educational Material

All University sponsored educational material, including but not limited to, lesson plans, lecture notes, PowerPoint slides, podcasts, digital videos, exams, etc. are under copyright protection.

Use of Class Materials

The materials used in and provided for this class, are made available solely for your personal use and your current class cohort. These materials, including, but not limited to, exams, quizzes,

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assignments, case base instruction materials and notes or summaries that reproduce these lectures or materials, are copyright protected works. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the class materials without the express written consent of the instructor is prohibited, may be a violation of the copyright, and may result in disciplinary actions being taken against you. Additionally, the sharing of class materials without the specific, express approval of the instructor may be a violation of the Honor Code, University and College policies, and an act of academic dishonesty, which could result in further disciplinary action. This includes, among other things, uploading class materials to public websites or internet sites without privacy settings for the purpose of sharing those materials with other current or future students. Faculty will inform students about specific cases (e.g., development of case based instruction presentations using Google Docs) where materials shall intentionally be shared electronically by faculty and students (within a graduation class cohort) to fulfill collaborative work needs.

Inclusivity Statement

The College of Medicine - Phoenix supports an inclusive learning environment where diversity and individual differences are understood, respected, appreciated, and recognized as a source of strength. We expect that students, faculty, administrators and staff within COM - P will respect differences and demonstrate diligence in understanding how other peoples' perspectives, behaviors, and worldviews may be different from their own.

Students with Disabilities

Please see policy on Students with Disabilities: It is the University’s goal that learning experiences be as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability or pregnancy, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options. You are also welcome to contact Disability Resources (520-621-3268) to establish reasonable accommodations. Please be aware that the accessible table and chairs in rooms should remain available for students who find that standard classroom seating is not usable. If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Student Development. Contact information can be found here:

Faculty Contact Information

ITM Faculty Contact List Name Office Phone E-mail Dr. Corneliu Antonescu Offsite NA [email protected]

Dr. M. Moe Bell HSEB B509 602-827-2606 [email protected]

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Dr. David Beyda HSEB B563 602-827-2108 [email protected]

Dr. David Bickford Library 602-827-2407 [email protected]

Dr. Stephanie Briney HSEB B575 602-827-2398 [email protected]

Kimberly Brussow, MS, CGC Offsite 949-466-2386 [email protected]

Kristinmae Cardoza HSEB B534 602-827-2401 [email protected]

Kathleen Carlson HSEB Library 602-827-2340 [email protected]

Dr. Jonathan Cartsonis HSEB B571 602-827-2406 [email protected]

Rosemarie Cristofolo Offsite 480-862-4963 [email protected]

Dr. LeeAnne Denny HSEB B573 520-626-9271 [email protected]

Dr. William Dolan HSEB C538 602-827-2123 [email protected]

Dr. Burt Feuerstein Off campus 602-827-2226 [email protected]

Dr. Glen Fogerty HSEB C545 602-827-2201 [email protected]

Dr. David Guttman HSEB C544 602-827-2078 [email protected]

Dr. Jennifer Hartmark-Hill HSEB B569 602-827-2110 [email protected]

Dr. Craig Heise Bldg. 1, 1360 602-827-2066 [email protected]

Gizella Jarrell HSEB, C538 602-827-2080 [email protected]

Dr. Susan Kaib HSEB B581 602-827-9201 [email protected]

Dr. Suwon Kim ABC 1-3001 602-343-8762 [email protected]

Dr. Kelly Luba HSEB [email protected]

Dr. Francisco Lucio Bldg 1 Rm 1373 602-827-2790 [email protected]

Dr. Maria Manriquez HSEB B579 602-827-2390 [email protected]

Dr. Farshad Marvasti HSEB B345 602-827-8178 [email protected]

Dr. Janet Maurer HSEB B514 602-827-2431 [email protected]

Dr. Matt McEchron HSEB B548 602-827-2527 [email protected]

Dr. Maricela Moffitt HSEB B583 602-827-2121 [email protected]

Sonji Muhammad Bldg 1 Rm 1372 602-827-2790 [email protected]

Dr. Elaine Niggemann HSEB B561 602-827-2311 [email protected]

Dr. Cheryl O'Malley HSEB B556 602-827-2039 [email protected]

Dr. Soumya Panchanathan HSEB B514 602-827-2010 [email protected]

Dr. Lisa Shah-Patel HSEB C534 602-827-2308 [email protected]

Scott Reikofski HSEB C535 602-827-2796 [email protected]

Beth Schermer OFFSITE 602-549-9847 [email protected]

Jeremi Smith HSEB B552 602-827-2681 [email protected]

Dr. Stephanie Smith HSEB C539 602-827-2342 [email protected]

Beverly Spink [email protected]

Dr. Paul Standley HSEB B558 602-827-2107 [email protected]

Dr. Gina Touch Mercer [email protected]

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Dr. Eric VanSonnenberg HSEB B550 602-827-2226 [email protected]

Except for changes that substantially affect assessment, this syllabus is a guide for the block and is subject to change with advanced notice.