Download - Introduction to Medical Technologies



technologies are devices that extend and/or improve life.

They can reduce pain, injury or a handicap as well as increase the effectiveness of patient care.

IntroductionIt is important to

realize that medical technologies do not just refer to devices, but also to advancements in care such as operating rooms, rooms for labour, ambulances, biopsy labs, etc… since they help improve and extend life and improve patient care as well.

The BenefitsMedical technologies

are beneficial for 4 main reasons:

1)Earlier detection of problems

2)Less invasive treatment options

3)Reduction in hospital stays

4)Reduction in rehabilitation time

SubcategoriesMedical technology

has four subcategories:

1)Medical Devices2)Medical Research3)Training Devices4)Information


1) Medical DevicesThe Canadian Food

and Drug Act defines a medical device as a “health or medical instrument used in the treatment, mitigation, diagnosis or prevention of a disease or abnormal physical condition.”

1) Medical DevicesThey are further

subdivided by risk of injury to the patient if the device is misused.

1) Medical DevicesLow risk devices

would be things like a thermometer or a breast pump, which if used improperly, could cause minor injuries to a patient.

1) Medical DevicesMedium risk devices

include things like Ultrasound machines or Surgical drills, which if used improperly could seriously harm a patient.

1) Medical DevicesHigh risk devices

include things like Anesthesia Ventilators and Incubators, which if used improperly could kill a patient.

2) Medical ResearchIt is simply any

research that has increased the body of knowledge in the field of medicine.

2) Medical ResearchIt can be done to test and find new surgical

techniques such as microsurgery.

2) Medical ResearchIt can be done to find

and test possible new cures for diseases.

Examples of the fruits of this research are penicillin to treat bacterial infections, human insulin for diabetics and vaccines to combat harmful viruses.

2) Medical ResearchThere are many

challenges ahead for medical researchers to solve.

The two main ones at this moment are the appearance of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria (MRSA and C. difficile) as well as general worldwide obesity.

3) Training DevicesThese are simply

devices doctors and nurses in training would use that help them develop their skills without the potential harm to a living patient.

Examples are practice Epi-pens and Virtual Patient websites.

4) Information TechnologyThis is simply a co-

ordination of all the patients’ medical records together in one place/file.

It is basically the Maplewood for hospitals and other Healthcare facilities.

Beneficial to keeping track of patient medical allergies and their current medications.

Homework Questions1) What are medical technologies and what are

its four main subdivisions?2) What is considered a medical device in

Canada?3) Provide two other high-risk, medium-risk and

low-risk medical devices that were not given.4) In your opinion, what is one area you believe

medical research should be focused on? Why?5) Give an example of a training device and the

risks involved if someone did not go through the training process.