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  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    Telecommunications has evolved as a basic infrastructure like electricity, roads, water etc. andhas also emerged as one of the critical components of economic growth required for overall socioeconomic development of the country. The Indian telecom sector has registered a phenomenalgrowth during the past few years and has become second largest telephone network in the world,only after China. A series of reform measures by the Government, the wireless technology andactive participation by private sector played an important role in the eponential growth oftelecom sector in the country. !ational Telecom "olicy#$%&$ '!T"#$%&$( has been announcedduring the current year with the primary ob)ective of maimi*ing public good by makingavailable affordable, reliable and secure telecommunication and broadband services across theentire country.

    Industry Overview

    a( The market is divided into + metro circles and $% cellular circles. nly four cellularoperators are allowed to operate in each circle. Government#owned -T! and /0! arethe 1rdoperators in each circle.

    b( The current market has 2% million subscribers '3&4 penetration rate( but is epected togrow to &%% million subscribers by $%&5.

    c( Industry is highly regulated by the government with the help of T6AI. 7oreign 8irectInvestment '78I( is restricted to +94 and revenue sharing scheme implemented.

    d( 8ecreasing handset costs and the introduction of pre#paid card is stimulating the demandand consumption of the cellular services has made them widely popular among the generalmasses.

    e( Cellular tariffs and activation fees are reduced due to competition from incumbent fied

    line operators to stimulate subscriptions and increase sales. This has led to the

    widespread popularity of the mobile service providers among levels of all people.

    f( perators are offering value added services and upgrading to net generation cellularsystems since voice revenues are decreasing day by day.

  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    Major Governing Bodies:

    1. Deart!ent o" #eleco!!unications:

    8oT was formed in &9;5 when the 8epartment of "osts and Telecommunications was separated

    into 8epartment of "osts and 8epartment of Telecommunications. Till &9;2, it was the only

    telecom service provider in India. It played a role beyond service provider by acting as a policy

    maker, planner, developer as well as an implementing body. In spite of being profitable, non#

    corporate entity status ensured that it did not have to pay taes. 8oT depends on Government of

    India for its epansion plans and funding. Its pivotal role in the Indian telecom sector has got

    diluted after formation of T6AI# Telecom 6egulatory Authority of India.

    $. #eleco! %egulatory &ut'ority o" India:

    T6AI was founded to act as an independent regulatory body supervising telecom development in

    India. This became important, as 8oT was a regulator and a player as well. 7ounded by an Act of

    "arliament, the main functions of the body was to finali*e toll rates and settle disputes between

    players. An independent regulator is critical at the present situation as the sector witnesss under its administrative control. These are:

    i( -ahanagar Telephone !igam imited '-T!(ii( /harat 0anchar !igam imited '/0!(iii( ITI imitediv( Telecommunications Consultants India imited 'TCI(

    (. )O&I *)ellular Oerators &ssociation o" India+

    The Association is dedicated to the advancement of modern communication through the

    establishment of world#class mobile infrastructure, products and services and to delivering the

    benefits of innovative and affordable mobile communication services to the people of India.

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  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    A cellular *one 'or telecom circle( is normally the entire state, with a few eceptions like

    -umbai and Dolkata 'which are different *ones than their respective states(, Goa 'which is a part

    of the -aharashtra *one(, Chhattisgarh 'which is part of -adhya "radesh(, Eharkhand 'which is a

    part of the /ihar *one( or >ttar "radesh 'divided into multiple *ones(. 8elhi is a unique circle

    because it includes towns from @aryana and >ttar "radesh as well. 6ecently Telangana 0tate has

    been separated from Andhra "radesh 0tate which will still remain in the same cellular network


    At present, there are $$ telecom circles or service areas. They are classified into + categories:

    -etro, A, /, C. 8elhi, -umbai, Dolkata fall under -etro category. Chennai service area doesnFt

    come under -etro category. It has been a part of Tamil !adu service area since $%%

    #'e /ey layers in t'e #eleco! Market in India

    )ellular Service roviders:

    1. BS0

    $. B'arti &irtel

    (. 2oda"one

    3. %eliance

    4. #ata Indico!

    5. Idea )ellular

    7. #& Doco!o

    6. &ircel

  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    )o!any Pro"iles

  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market



    H/harti Airtel formerly known as /harti Tele#?entures imited '/T?( is among IndiaFs largest

    mobile phone and 7ied !etwork operators. Jith more than 9+ million subscriptions as of

    -arch $%%9.It0K. It offers its mobile services under the Airtelbrand and is headed by -r. 0unil -ittal. The company also provides telephone services and

    Internet access over 80 in all $1 circles. The company complements its mobile, broadband L

    telephone services with national and international long distance services. The company also has a

    submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting

    Chennai and 0ingapore. The company provides reliable end#to#end data and enterprise services

    to the corporate customers by leveraging its nationwide fiber optic backbone, last mile

    connectivity in fied#line and mobile circles, ?0ATs, I0" and international bandwidth access

    through the gateways and landing station.

    Airtel is the largest cellular service provider in India in terms of number of subscribers. /harti

    Airtel owns the Airtel brand and provides the following services under the brand name Airtel:

    -obile 0ervices 'using G0- Technology(, /roadband L Telephone 0ervices '7ied line,

    Internet Connectivity '80( and eased ine(, ong 8istance 0ervices and Bnterprise 0ervices

    'Telecommunications consulting for Corporate(.

    eading international telecommunication companies such as ?odafone and 0ingTel held partial

    stakes in /harti Airtel.

    In Euly $%%, /harti Airtel signed an -o> with !okia#0iemens for a 9%% million dollar

    epansion of its mobile and fied network. In August $%%, the company announced it will be

    launching a customi*ed version of Google search engine that will provide an Farray of servicesF to

    its broadband customers.

    &irtel #ele!edia Services 8 7nterrise Services.

    The mobile business provides mobile L fied wireless services using G0- technology across $1

    telecom circles while the Airtel Telemedia 0ervices business offers broadband L telephone

    services in 95 cities and has recently launched IndiaFs best 8irect#to#@ome '8T@( service, Airtel

    digital T?. The Bnterprise services provide end#to#end telecom solutions to corporate customers

  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    and national L international long distance services to carriers. All these services are provided

    under the Airtel brand.


    /harat 0anchar !igam imited 'known as /0!, India Communications Corporation imited(

    is a public sector communications company in India. It is the IndiaFs largest telecommunication

    company with&5.2$ 4 market share as on 8ecember, $%%;. Its headquarters are at /harat

    0anchar /hawan, @arish Chandra -athur ane, Eanpath, !ew 8elhi. It has the status of -ini#

    6atna # a status assigned to reputed "ublic 0ector companies in India.

    /0! is IndiaFs oldest and largest )o!!unication Service Provider *)SP+. Currently /0!

    has a customer base of 2;.5 million '/asic L -obile telephony(. It has footprints throughout

    India ecept for the metropolitan cities of -umbai and !ew 8elhi which are managed by

    -T!, As on 8ecember, $%%;. /0! commanded a customer base of 1&. million Jire line,+.& million C8-A#J and 1$. million G0- -obile subscribers. /0!Fs earnings for the

    quarter ending 8ecember 1&, $%%; stood at I!6 19.&5b '>0K 9.2 b( with net profit of I!6

    ;.%2b '>0K &.9% billion(. Today, /0! is IndiaFs largest Telco and one of the largest "ublic

    0ector >ndertaking with estimated market value of K &%% /illion. The company is planning an

    I" within 2 months to offload &% 4 to public.

    /harat 0anchar !igam td. formed in ctober, $%%%, is JorldFs th largest Telecommunications

    Company providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India: Jire line, C8-Amobile, G0- -obile, Internet, /roadband, Carrier service, -"0#?"!, ?0AT, ?oI" services,

    I! 0ervices etc. Jithin a span of five years it has become one of the largest public sector units in


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    /0! has more than $.5 million J subscribers and $.5 million Internet Customers who

    access Internet through various modes vi*. 8ial#up, eased ine, 8IA0, and Account ess

    Internet 'CI(. /0! has been ad)udged as the !>-/B6 !B I0" in the country.

    /0! has set up a world class multi#gigabit, multi#protocol convergent I" infrastructure that

    provides convergent services like voice, data and video through the same /ackbone and

    /roadband Access !etwork. At present there are %.2 million 8ata ne broadband customers.

    The company has vast eperience in "lanning, Installation, network integration and -aintenance

    of 0witching L Transmission !etworks and also has a world class I0 9%%% certified Telecom

    Training Institute.


    ?odafone Bssar, previously @utchison Bssar is a cellular operatorin Indiathat covers &2 telecom

    circles in India. 8espite the official name being ?odafone Bssar, its products are simply branded

    ?odafone. It offers bothprepaidand postpaid G0-cellular phonecoverage throughout India and

    is especially strong in the ma)or metros.

    ?odafone Bssar provides $Gservices based on 9%% -@* and &;%% -@* digital G0-

    technology, offering voice and data services in &2 of the countryFs $1 license areas.


    ?odafone Bssar is owned by ?odafone 5$4, Bssar Group 114, and other Indian nationals, &54.

    n 7ebruary &&,$%%,?odafone agreed to acquire the controlling interest of 24 held by i Da

    0hing @oldings in @utch#Bssar for >0K&&.& billion, piping 6eliance Communications, @indu)a
  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    Group, and Bssar Group, which is the owner of the remaining 114. The whole company was

    valued at >08&;.; billion. The transaction closed on -ay ;, $%%.


    In 8ecember $%%2, @utch Bssar re#launched the M@utchM brand nationwide, consolidating its

    services under a single identity. The Company entered into agreement with !TT 8oCo-o to

    launch i#mode mobile Internet service in India during $%%.

    The company used to be named @utchison Bssar, reflecting the name of its previous owner,

    @utchison. @owever, the brand was marketed as utc'. After getting the necessary government

    approvals with regards to the acquisition of a ma)ority by the ?odafone Group, the company was

    rebranded as ?odafone Bssar. The marketing brand was officially changed to 2oda"oneon $%

    0eptember $%%.

    n 0eptember $%, $%% @utch becomes ?odafone in one of the biggest brand transition eercises

    in recent times.

    ?odafone Bssar is spending somewhere in the region of 6s $5% crores on this high#profile

    transition being unveiled today. Along with the transition, cheap cell phones have been launched

    in the Indian market under the ?odafone brand. There are plans to launch co#branded handsets

    sourced from global vendors as well.A popular daily quoted a ?odafone Bssar director as saying that Mthe ob)ective is to leverage

    ?odafone GroupFs global scale in bringing millions of low#cost handsets from across#the#world

    into India.MIncidentally, ChinaFs NTB, which is looking to set#up a manufacturing unit in the

    country, is epected to provide several ?odafone handsets in India. Barlier this year, ?odafone

    penned a global low#cost handset procurement deal with NTB.
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    #& DO)OMO

    Tata 8C- is an Indian cellular service provider on the G0-, C8-A and platform#arising

    out of the strategic )oint venture between Tata Teleservices and !TT 8ocomo in !ovember$%%;. It is the countryFs sith largest operator in terms of subscribers 'including both G0- and


    Tata 8C- is part of the Indian conglomerate Tata Group. The company received the license

    to operate G0- services in nineteen telecom circles and was allotted spectrum in eighteen of

    these circles and launched G0- services on $+ Eune $%%9. It began operations first in 0outh

    India and currently operates G0- services in eighteen of twenty two telecom circles. It has

    licenses to operate in 8elhi but has not been allocated spectrum from the Government. 8ocomo

    provides services throughout India. Tata 8C- offers both prepaid and postpaid cellular

    phone services. It has become very popular with its one second pulse especially in semi#urbanand rural areas.

    n $% ctober $%&&, the Tata Group brought its brands = C8-A, G0-, Jalky '7ied Jireless

    "hone(, "hoton, I!TB6!BT = under the Tata 8C- name. All subscribers to these services

    were migrated to the 8ocomo brand on $% ctober $%&&.The companies other brands = ?irgin

    -obile and T$+ = are not part of the rebranding and continue to retain their names.

    n 5 !ovember $%&%, Tata 8C- became the first private sector telecom company 'third

    overall( to launch 1G services in India, with a $% city launch.

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    &ircelis an Indian mobile network operator headquartered in Chennai, which offers voice L

    data services ranging from postpaid and prepaid plans, $G and 1G services, /roadband Jireless

    Access '/JA(, ong Term Bvolution 'TB( to ?alue#Added#0ervices '?A0(. In $%%2, Aircel

    was acquired by -alaysia

  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    Business Initiatives:

    Aircel on $ -ay $%&& launched the Apple i"hone + apart from /harti Airtel, which is one of themost popular smartphones in the contemporary world.

    Telecom operator Aircel announced its partnership with Jikipedia 7oundation to offer freemobile Jikipedia access to its customers. The alliance is aimed at making knowledge availableon Jikipedia accessible to all Aircel customers in both rural and urban areas for free. Thisinitiative is a part of the foundation

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    It was with this belief in mind that 6eliance Communications 'formerly 6eliance Infocomm(

    started laying 2%,%%% route kilometres of a pan#India fibre optic backbone. This backbone was

    commissioned on $; 8ecember $%%$, the auspicious occasion of 8hirubhai

  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    #& #77S7%2I)7S

    Tata Teleservices imited 'TT0( is part of the Tata Group of Companies, an Indian

    Conglomerate. It runs the brand name Tata Indicom in India in various telecom circles of India.

    The company forms part of the Tata GroupFs presence in the Telecommunication Industry in

    India, along with Tata Teleservices '-aharashtra( imited 'TT-( and ?0!.

    TT0 was incorporated in &995 and was the first company to offer C8-A -obile services in

    India, specifically in the state of Andhra "radesh.

    In 8ecember $%%$, the company acquired the erstwhile @ughes Telecom 'India( td. which was

    renamed Tata Teleservices '-aharashtra( imited. In 0eptember $%%, Tata Indicom launched

    the Talk Jorld plan, an International ong 8istance "lan.

    Tata is the direct competitor with 6eliance, both C8-A operators in India. The company

    provides unified telecommunication solutions including mobile, fied wireless, fied line and

    broadband. ther competitors are ?odafone, Airtel, Aircel, Idea, -T!, and /0! providing

    G0- based mobile telephony.

    The company was first in India to provide free intra network calling within city limits. They

    launched a unique scheme providing lifetime rental free connectivity on its mobile and fied

    wireless for a onetime charge.

    Tata Teleservices '-aharashtra( td 'TT-(, one of the fastest growing telecom service

    providers, until now has crossed the #million#subscribers milestone across the -umbai and 6est

    of -aharashtra.

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    ID7& )7;&%

    Idea Cellular is a part of the >0 K$+ billion Aditya /irla Group and a leading G0- mobile

    services operator with licenses to operate in &1 telecom service areas in India. The company has

    operations in 8elhi, @imachal "radesh, 6a)asthan, @aryana, >ttar "radesh 'J( L >ttaranchal,

    >ttar "radesh 'B(, -adhya "radeshL Chhattisgarh, Gu)arat, -aharashtra L Goa, Andhra

    "radesh and Derala with the planned epansion into -umbai, /ihar LEharkhand. Idea

  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    The company has its retail outlets under the M-y IdeaM banner. The company has also been thefirst to offer fleible tariff plans for prepaid customers. It also offers G"60 services in urbanareas. I8BA Cellular has been recogni*ed as the F-ost Customer 6esponsive CompanyF in the

    Telecom sector offering an array of services to its customers.

    9&I;%7 O9 ;0I0O%

    Telewings Communications 'operating under the brand name >ninor(, is an Indian mobile

    network operator based in Gurgaon, @aryana, India. The company is a subsidiary of Telenor

    Group, a telecommunications company headquartered in slo, !orway, and Telenor owned +4

    of the stake in Telewings Communications.

    Telewings offers mobile voice and data services based on the G0- technology, on 5 -@*

    spectrum. >ninor services are commercially available in 2 circles, covering a population

    footprint of 2%% million people. >ninor serves more than 1 crore customers in the states of >ttar

    "radesh, >ttarakhand, /ihar, Eharkhand, -aharashtra, Goa, Gu)arat and Andhra "radesh. The

    mobile service provider targets youth and other communities within the Indian mass market.
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  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    9&I;%7 O9 2I%GI0

    ?irgin mobile is a very famous brand, which is used by various telecommunication companies in

    the world. @eadquarter of ?irgin mobile is situated in >nited Dingdom. ?irgin mobiles have its

    local operations in many countries including Australia, Canada, India, 7rance, chili, Greece and0outh Africa. International business of ?irgin mobile company act as an independent entity with

    a partnership with the owner of virgin mobile and the eisting mobile company. Actually, virgin

    mobile issue a licenses to a mobile service provider and the company operates the network

    infrastructure. ?irgin mobile provide services in India. G0- mobile services with 0I- card are

    used in India. ?irgin mobile offers various services including G0-, prepaid, postpaid and

    internet services worldwide.

    %7&SO0 O9 9&I;%7

    ?irgin mobile launched its brand in India on -arch $%%;. ?irgin mobile launched its services

    through a popular Indian franchise Tata Teleservices. It was the seventh largest global launch of

    ?irgin mobile. It provided its services about few days and caught by some controversies. There

    aroused an issue about the virgin mobile services by the department of telecom. The issue was,

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    virgin mobile has not entered in India as a mobile virtual network operator also called -?!.

    In !ew 8elhi, the department of telecom had an enquiry on the alliance of Tata Teleservices and

    virgin mobile. 8T got the answers about all the controversy on the services of virgin in India.

    The board said that. This tie#up of virgin mobile was not under the mobile virtual network

    operator in India. Barlier it was said by department of telecom that, there is no issue with the tie#

    up, and it was written by cellular operation association of India that virgin is operating as -?!

    in India. @owever, the department of telecom took the final decision and it was the actual reason

    of failure of virgin mobile in India.

    SO)I& IMP&)# O9 MOBI7 07#,O%/S

    -obile networks have changed how we negotiate our relationships with family, spouses and

    close friends. Increased levels of mobile phone subscriptions are linked with improvements in

    education, gender equality and political participation, particularly in developing countries. They

    are also associated with higher economic growth. 0ome of the primary social impacts of the

    widespread popularity of mobile networks are as follows:#

    1. %elations'is: -obile phones have altered our relationships with family, spouses and

    close friends. /ut while they seem to promise a wider social network, more than half of

    the average person

  • 8/11/2019 Introduction to Indian Mobile Service Provider Market


    possible. -obile networks have played a ma)or role in facilitating higher and efficient

    communication for business practices all over the country.

    5. I!roved )o!!unication:-obile networks enable new services and applications that

    provide opportunities to generate income .7urthermore, the access to information and

    increased communication through mobile communication facilitates coordination

    resulting in productivity gains. -obiles also enable immediate responses to crises and

    shocks that without them may lead to destruction of crops or machinery.

    9;#;%7 70&0)7M70#S I0 MOBI7 07#,O%/

    i. In the !et Generation !etworks, multiple access networks can connect customers to

    a core network based on I" technology.

    ii. These access networks include fibre optics or coaial cable networks connected to

    fied locations or customers connected through Ji#7i as well as to 1G networks

    connected to mobile users.

    iii. As a result, in the future, it would be impossible to identify whether the net

    generation network is a fied or mobile network and the wireless access broadband

    would be used both for fied and mobile services. It would then be futile to

    differentiate between fied and mobile networks = both fied and mobile users will

    access services through a single core network.