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Introduction to ebooks

By Malcolm Seegers

Page 2: Introduction to e books

What are ebooks?

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Which format should we get?

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PDF ePub

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5. Which of these objects does not make its own light? a. The Sun b. A Star c. A Fire d. The Moon

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Should we actually be getting ebooks?

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Page 11: Introduction to e books

How will we deliver the ebooks to our teachers and learners?

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Page 13: Introduction to e books

Interactivity, what does it mean?

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5. Which of these objects does not make its own light? a. The Sun b. A Star c. A Fire d. The Moon

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ebook notes

5. Which of these objects does not make its own light? a. The Sun b. A Star c. A Fire d. The Moon

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eLearning / eBook Implementation


Server Tablets Laptops Computers

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eLearning / eBook Implementation


Distribution Server Reading Apps Browser Educational Apps

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eLearning / eBook Implementation


eBooks Encyclopedia Videos

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eLearning / eBook Implementation


Internet Wireless Insurance Training Support

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eLearning / eBook Implementation


Server Connectivity Tablets

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