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Page 1: Introduction to Computer Security. Common Security Terminology Password Cracking Biometrics Public Key Cryptography SSL Man-in-the-Middle Attack Zombies.

Introduction to Computer SecurityIntroduction to Computer Security

Page 2: Introduction to Computer Security. Common Security Terminology Password Cracking Biometrics Public Key Cryptography SSL Man-in-the-Middle Attack Zombies.

Common Security TerminologyCommon Security Terminology Password Cracking Biometrics Public Key Cryptography SSL Man-in-the-Middle Attack Zombies Denial of Service Attack Key Logging Software Firewalls Security Exploit

Page 3: Introduction to Computer Security. Common Security Terminology Password Cracking Biometrics Public Key Cryptography SSL Man-in-the-Middle Attack Zombies.

TerminologyTerminology Password Cracking

• Password Cracker– An application that tries to obtain a password by

repeatedly generating and comparing encrypted passwords or by authenticating multiple times to an authentication source.

– Repeatedly trying to access your accounts

• Common methods of Password cracking– Brute Force– Dictionary

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TerminologyTerminology Password Cracking (cont’d)

• Passwords are usually stored in an encrypted form with a one way encryption algorithm

– If this data is compromised, password cracking can be moved to a standalone system for easier control and speed of cracking.

Page 5: Introduction to Computer Security. Common Security Terminology Password Cracking Biometrics Public Key Cryptography SSL Man-in-the-Middle Attack Zombies.

TerminologyTerminology Biometrics

• Science and technology of measuring and statistically analyzing biological data

• When used in Information Technology it usually refers to the use of human traits for authentication

• This method can include fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, and a host of other consistent biological data

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TerminologyTerminology Public Key Cryptography

• Two Keys, “certificates”, are available for each resource, one public and one private

• As the names imply, the public key can be shared freely while the private key is kept secret

• Items encrypted using the public key are decrypted using the private key and conversely anything encrypted with the private key can be decrypted with the public key

• This method of encryption is used to ensure secure communication is only between a valid, “known”, sender and recipient

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TerminologyTerminology SSL

• “Secure Sockets Layer”• Uses Public Key Cryptography• Negotiates a method to encrypt communication

between a client and server• Allows other network protocols to connect “over

top” of it, such as web browsing and e-mail protocols

• “Transport Layer Security” (TLS) is a variant of SSL used to negotiate encryption within the network protocol being used

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TerminologyTerminology Man-in-the-Middle Attack

• A system between two hosts that either passively watches traffic to gain information used to “replay” a session or actively interferes with the connection, potentially imitating the remote system

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TerminologyTerminology Zombies

• Computer system infected by a virus or Trojan horse that allows the system to be remotely controlled for future exploits

• These systems may be used to send large amounts of spam e-mail or take part in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks

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TerminologyTerminology Denial of Service Attack (DoS)

• Sending large amounts of data and requests to a remote system in order to inundate the remote computer or network

• A Distributed DoS is a coordinated effort by a number of systems to perform a DoS on a single host

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TerminologyTerminology Key Logging Software / Hardware

• Software installed on a system to capture and log all keystrokes

• Hardware installed between the keyboard and computer used to capture and log all keystrokes

Security Exploit• A software bug, or feature, that allows access to

a computer system beyond what was originally intended by the operator or programmer

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TerminologyTerminology Firewall

• Network hardware device or software used to filter traffic to and from the connected resources

• Ranges from simple filters, blocking certain services and protocols, to more complex systems that plot network traffic patterns

• Local operating system firewalls are referred to as “personal firewall software”

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Page 14: Introduction to Computer Security. Common Security Terminology Password Cracking Biometrics Public Key Cryptography SSL Man-in-the-Middle Attack Zombies.

Password SecurityPassword Security Password limitations

Reasons for complex passwords

Helpful suggestions for creating complex passwords

Future password requirements

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Password SecurityPassword Security According to CERT/CC (Computer

Emergency Response Team / Coordination Center) approximately 80% of all network security issues are caused by bad passwords

Computer to Computer authentication can use large keysets and complex encryption while Human to Computer authentication relies on much easier methods

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Password SecurityPassword Security Password Limitations and why they are in

place• Password Expiration

– Decreases the chances of your password being cracked

• Complex Passwords– Requiring complexity actually increases the possible

character combinations required by brute-force cracking

• Password Length Requirements– The longer your password the more possible

character combinations are present and the harder it is to crack

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Password SecurityPassword Security Dealing with Password Limitations

• Password lockouts– If a certain number of login attempts fail within a

given timeframe the account is automatically locked out for a preset amount of time

– Using this limitation stops brute force authentication attempts

• Dictionary Checks– Simple checks against common dictionaries are used

to increase password complexity

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Password SecurityPassword Security Are Password rules too complex?

• With the increase of computer hardware speed and the decrease of computer prices, we can use more advanced methods to keep security high

• Post-it Notes– Is your computer in a locked room?– Who has physical access to your system?– A majority of system attacks originate through the


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Password SecurityPassword Security Suggestions for Complex Passwords

• Think of a phrase and use the first characters of each word, mixing case and adding numbers and special characters

– It is good to change your password every 6 months = Iig2cyPe6m

– UI vandals are number one = UiVdlsR#1

• Using a favorite word or phrase and breaking it up with numbers and special characters

– Happy = Hap3py1– Motorcycle = M0tor6cyc!e

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Password SecurityPassword Security Possible Future Password Requirements

• Decreasing password expiration time

• Certificate authentication

• Use of Biometrics

• Two part identification, where you use a password and another physical item

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Password SecurityPassword Security Passwords are like Underwear!

• Don’t leave yours lying around

• Don’t Share them with friends

• The longer the better (cold weather)

• Change yours often

• Be mysterious

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E-mail SecurityE-mail Security Some common E-mail protocols

Secure E-mail protocols at the UI

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E-mail SecurityE-mail Security Common E-mail protocols

• POP– Post Office Protocol

Older protocol for downloading messages from an INBOX

• IMAP– Internet Message Access Protocol

Full featured mail folder access

• SMTP– Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Standard for sending and receiving e-mail between clients and servers, and from server to server

• MAPI– Mail Application Programming Interface

A set of communication methods and standards used predominately between Microsoft e-mail clients and servers

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E-mail SecurityE-mail Security Secure protocols in place at the University of

Idaho• POPS

– Pop mail over an SSL connection

• IMAPS– IMAP over an SSL connection

• SMTP+TLS– Negotiation of a TLS/SSL connection after connecting

• All popular e-mail clients support the use of these protocols

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Web SecurityWeb Security Web specific definitions

• HTTP• URL• SSL• Spyware / Adware• Web browser updates

Some common methods of Web Security

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Web SecurityWeb Security HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

• Modern web browsers are capable of using multiple protocols to download content although most data transfers use HTTP

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)• “Web Address”• protocol://server/resource•

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Web SecurityWeb Security SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

• Very important on insecure networks such as wireless

• How to verify SSL in a browser– https: -- the web address begins with https meaning

the connection is using HTTP over SSL– Look for a lock icon – Internet Explorer may display a Security Alert that

states “you are about to view pages over a secure connection”

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Web SecurityWeb Security SSL (cont’d)

• Certificate Authorities– A “CA” is an entity that issues certificates

– If you “trust” a CA you will trust the certificates issued by that CA

– Web browsers come with a standard collection of common certificate authorities including Verisign, Geotrust, Thawte, and a number of others

– Be wary of untrusted certificates as it has the potential of being a man-in-the-middle attack

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Web SecurityWeb Security SSL (cont’d)

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Web SecurityWeb Security Spyware / Adware

• Spyware is software designed to intercept or take partial control of a computer with out the express consent of the operator

• Adware is similar to spyware except it is used primarily for advertising purposes and may have provided the user with information about its operation

• Regardless of the network level security, when browsing, spyware will have access to your data

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Web SecurityWeb Security Web Browser Software Updates

• Update, Update, Update

• Security exploits can use your web browser to access your system, install software, delete data, spread viruses, and much, much more.

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Peer-to-Peer File sharingPeer-to-Peer File sharing What is Peer-to-Peer File sharing

Common applications

Common issues to consider when using P2P

How to protect yourself when using P2P

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Peer-to-Peer File sharingPeer-to-Peer File sharing Peer-to-Peer File sharing, or P2P, is using

software to facilitate the transfer of data between two systems without the need for a central file server

Common P2P applications are:• Kazaa• eDonkey• Morpheus• Gnutella Clients (Limewire, Bearshare)

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Peer-to-Peer File sharingPeer-to-Peer File sharing Common issues with P2P file sharing

• Copyright issues

• Spyware / Adware

• Zombies– Remote control

• Key logging

• Security exploits

• Sharing unexpected information

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Peer-to-Peer File sharingPeer-to-Peer File sharing How to protect yourself when using P2P

• Install Antivirus– Symantec Antivirus

• Check for operating system and software updates regularly

• Install Spyware Detection Software– Microsoft Defender Beta 2– Spybot– Adaware