Download - Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,

Page 1: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,

Introduction toBioinformatics

Esa Pitkä[email protected]

Autumn 2008, I

582606 Introduction to Bioinformatics, Autumn 2008

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Introduction toBioinformatics

Lecture 1:Administrative issues

MBI Programme, Bioinformatics coursesWhat is bioinformatics?Molecular biology primer

Page 3: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,


How to enrol for the course?p Use the registration system of the Computer

Science department: You need your user account at the IT department (“cc


p If you cannot register yet, don’t worry: attend thelectures and exercises; just register when you areable to do so

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Teachersp Esa Pitkänen, Department of Computer Science,

University of Helsinkip Elja Arjas, Department of Mathematics and

Statistics, University of Helsinkip Sami Kaski, Department of Information and

Computer Science, Helsinki University ofTechnology

p Lauri Eronen, Department of Computer Science,University of Helsinki (exercises)

Page 5: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,


Lectures and exercisesp Lectures: Tuesday and Friday 14.15-16.00

Exactum C221

p Exercises: Tuesday 16.15-18.00 ExactumC221n First exercise session on Tue 9 September

Page 6: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,


Status & Prerequisitesp Advanced level course at the Department

of Computer Science, U. Helsinkip 4 creditsp Prerequisites:n Basic mathematics skills (probability calculus,

basic statistics)n Familiarity with computersn Basic programming skills recommendedn No biology background required

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Course contentsp What is bioinformatics?p Molecular biology primerp Biological wordsp Sequence assemblyp Sequence alignmentp Fast sequence alignment using FASTA and BLASTp Genome rearrangementsp Motif finding (tentative)p Phylogenetic treesp Gene expression analysis

Page 8: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,


How to pass the course?p Recommended method:n Attend the lectures (not obligatory though)n Do the exercisesn Take the course exam

p Or:n Take a separate exam

Page 9: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,


How to pass the course?p Exercises give you max. 12 points

n 0% completed assignments gives you 0 points,80% gives 12 points, the rest by linearinterpolation

n “A completed assignment” means thatp You are willing to present your solution in the

exercise session andp You return notes by e-mail to Lauri Eronen (see

course web page for contact info) describing the mainphases you took to solve the assignment

n Return notes at latest on Tuesdays 16.15

p Course exam gives you max. 48 points

Page 10: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,


How to pass the course?p Grading: on the scale 0-5

n To get the lowest passing grade 1, you need to get atleast 30 points out of 60 maximum

p Course exam: Wed 15 October 16.00-19.00Exactum A111

p See course web page for separate examsp Note: if you take the first separate exam, the

best of the following options will be considered:n Exam gives you 48 points, exercises 12 pointsn Exam gives you 60 points

p In second and subsequent separate exams, onlythe 60 point option is in use

Page 11: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,


Literaturep Deonier, Tavaré,

Waterman: ComputationalGenome Analysis, anIntroduction. Springer,2005

p Jones, Pevzner: AnIntroduction toBioinformatics Algorithms.MIT Press, 2004

p Slides for some lectureswill be available on thecourse web page

Page 12: Introduction to Bioinformatics - University of Helsinki · 20 A good biology course for computer scientists and mathematicians? p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits,


Additional literaturep Gusfield: Algorithms on

strings, trees andsequences

p Griffiths et al: Introductionto genetic analysis

p Alberts et al.: Molecularbiology of the cell

p Lodish et al.: Molecular cellbiology

p Check the course web site

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Questions about administrative &practical stuff?

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Master's Degree Programme inBioinformatics (MBI)p Two-year MSc programmep Admission for 2009-2010 in January 2009

n You need to have your Bachelor’s degree ready byAugust 2009

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MBI programme organizers

Department of Computer Science,Department of Mathematics and StatisticsFaculty of Science, Kumpula Campus, HY

Laboratory of Computer andInformation Science, Laboratory of

CS and Engineering,TKK

Faculty of Medicine, Meilahti Campus, HY

Faculty of BiosciencesFaculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Viikki Campus, HY

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TKK, Otaniemi

HY, MeilahtiHY, Kumpula

HY, Viikki

Four MBI campuses

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MBI highlightsp You can take courses from both HY and

TKKp Two biology courses tailored specifically

for MBIp Bioinformatics is a new exciting field, with

a high demand for experts in job market

p Go to tofind out what a bioinformatician could dofor living

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Admissionp Admission requirements

n Bachelor’s degree in a suitable field (e.g., computerscience, mathematics, statistics, biology or medicine)

n At least 60 ECTS credits in total in computer science,mathematics and statistics

n Proficiency in English (standardized language test:TOEFL, IELTS)

p Admission period opens in late Autumn 2009 andcloses in 2 February 2009

p Details on admission will be posted during this autumn

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Bioinformatics courses in Helsinkiregion: 1st periodp Computational genomics (4-7 credits, TKK)p Seminar: Neuroinformatics (3 credits, Kumpula)p Seminar: Machine Learning in Bioinformatics (3

credits, Kumpula)p Signal processing in neuroinformatics (5 credits,


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A good biology course for computerscientists and mathematicians?p Biology for methodological scientists (8 credits, Meilahti)

n Course organized by the Faculties of Bioscience and Medicinefor the MBI programme

n Introduction to basic concepts of microarrays, medical geneticsand developmental biology

n Study group + book exam in I period (2 cr)n Three lectured modules, 2 cr eachn Each module has an individual registration so you can

participate even if you missed the first modulen

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Bioinformatics courses in Helsinkiregion: 2nd periodp Bayesian paradigm in genetic bioinformatics (6

credits, Kumpula)p Biological Sequence Analysis (6 credits, Kumpula)p Modeling of biological networks (5-7 credits, TKK)p Statistical methods in genetics (6-8 credits,


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Bioinformatics courses in Helsinkiregion: 3rd periodp Evolution and the theory of games (5 credits, Kumpula)p Genome-wide association mapping (6-8 credits, Kumpula)p High-Throughput Bioinformatics (5-7 credits, TKK)p Image Analysis in Neuroinformatics (5 credits, TKK)p Practical Course in Biodatabases (4-5 credits, Kumpula)p Seminar: Computational systems biology (3 credits,

Kumpula)p Spatial models in ecology and evolution (8 credits,

Kumpula)p Special course in bioinformatics I (3-7 credits, TKK)

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Bioinformatics courses in Helsinki region:4th periodp Metabolic Modeling (4 credits, Kumpula)p Phylogenetic data analyses (6-8 credits,


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1. What is bioinformatics?

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What is bioinformatics?p Bioinformatics, n. The science of information

and information flow in biological systems,esp. of the use of computational methods ingenetics and genomics. (Oxford EnglishDictionary)

p "The mathematical, statistical and computingmethods that aim to solve biological problemsusing DNA and amino acid sequences andrelated information." -- Fredj Tekaia

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What is bioinformatics?p "I do not think all biological computing is

bioinformatics, e.g. mathematical modelling isnot bioinformatics, even when connected withbiology-related problems. In my opinion,bioinformatics has to do with management andthe subsequent use of biological information,particular genetic information."-- Richard Durbin

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What is not bioinformatics?p Biologically-inspired computation, e.g., genetic algorithms

and neural networksp However, application of neural networks to solve some

biological problem, could be called bioinformaticsp What about DNA computing?

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Computational biologyp Application of computing to biology (broad

definition)p Often used interchangeably with bioinformaticsp Or: Biology that is done with computational


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Biometry & biophysicsp Biometry: the statistical analysis of biological

datan Sometimes also the field of identification of individuals

using biological traits (a more recent definition)

p Biophysics: "an interdisciplinary field whichapplies techniques from the physical sciencesto understanding biological structure andfunction" -- British Biophysical Society

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Mathematical biologyp Mathematical biology

“tackles biologicalproblems, but the methodsit uses to tackle them neednot be numerical and neednot be implemented insoftware or hardware.”-- Damian Counsell

Alan Turing

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Turing on biological complexityp “It must be admitted that the biological examples which

it has been possible to give in the present paper are verylimited.

This can be ascribed quite simply to the fact thatbiological phenomena are usually very complicated.Taking this in combination with the relatively elementarymathematics used in this paper one could hardly expect tofind that many observed biological phenomena would becovered.

It is thought, however, that the imaginary biologicalsystems which have been treated, and the principles whichhave been discussed, should be of some help ininterpreting real biological forms.”

– Alan Turing, The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis, 1952

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Related conceptsp Systems biology

n “Biology of networks”n Integrating different levels

of information tounderstand how biologicalsystems work

p Computational systems biology

Overview of metabolic pathways inKEGG database,

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Why is bioinformatics important?p New measurement techniques produce

huge quantities of biological datan Advanced data analysis methods are needed to

make sense of the datan Typical data sources produce noisy data with a

lot of missing values

p Paradigm shift in biology to utilisebioinformatics in research

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Bioinformatician’s skill setp Statistics, data analysis methodsn Lots of datan High noise levels, missing valuesn #attributes >> #data points

p Programming languagesn Scripting languages: Python, Perl, Ruby, …n Extensive use of text file formats: need

parsersn Integration of both data and tools

p Data structures, databases

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Bioinformatician’s skill setp Modellingn Discrete vs continuous domainsn -> Systems biology

p Scientific computation packagesn R, Matlab/Octave, …

p Communication skills!

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Communication skills: case 1Biologist presents a problemto computer scientists /mathematicians


”I am interested in finding what affects theregulation gene x during condition y and how

that relates to the organism’s phenotype.”

”Define input and output of the problem.”

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Communication skills: case 2Bioinformatician is a partof a group that consistsmostly of biologists.

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Communication skills: case 2

...biologist/bioinformatician ratio is important!

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Communication skills: case 3A group ofbioinformaticiansoffers their services tomore than one group

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Bioinformatician’s skill setp How much biology you should know?

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Computer Science• Programming• Databases• Algorithmics

Mathematics andstatistics• Calculus• Probability calculus• Linear algebra

Biology & Medicine• Basics in molecular andcell biology• Measurement techniques

Bioinformatics• Biological sequence analysis• Biological databases• Analysis of gene expression• Modeling protein structure andfunction• Gene, protein and metabolicnetworks• …

Bioinformatician’s skill set

Prof. Juho Rousu, 2006

Where would you be in this triangle?

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A problem involving bioinformatics?

- ”I found a fruit fly that is immune to all diseases!”

- ”It was one of these”

Pertti Jarla,

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Molecular biology primer

Molecular Biology Primer by Angela Brooks, Raymond Brown,Calvin Chen, Mike Daly, Hoa Dinh, Erinn Hama, Robert Hinman,Julio Ng, Michael Sneddon, Hoa Troung, Jerry Wang, Che FungYungEdited for Introduction to Bioinformatics (Autumn 2007, Summer2008, Autumn 2008) by Esa Pitkänen

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Molecular biology primerp Part 1: What is life made of?p Part 2: Where does the variation in

genomes come from?

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Life begins with Cell

p A cell is a smallest structural unit of anorganism that is capable of independentfunctioning

p All cells have some common features

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Cellsp Fundamental working units of every living system.p Every organism is composed of one of two radically different types of

cells:n prokaryotic cells orn eukaryotic cells.

p Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes are descended from the sameprimitive cell.n All prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are the result of a total of 3.5

billion years of evolution.

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Two types of cells: Prokaryotes andEukaryotes

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Prokaryotes and Eukaryotesp According to the most

recent evidence, thereare three mainbranches to the tree oflife

p Prokaryotes includeArchaea (“ancientones”) and bacteria

p Eukaryotes arekingdom Eukarya andincludes plants,animals, fungi andcertain algae Lecture: Phylogenetic trees

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All Cells have common Cycles

p Born, eat, replicate, and die

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Common features of organismsp Chemical energy is stored in ATPp Genetic information is encoded by DNAp Information is transcribed into RNAp There is a common triplet genetic codep Translation into proteins involves ribosomesp Shared metabolic pathwaysp Similar proteins among diverse groups of


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All Life depends on 3 critical moleculesp DNAs (Deoxyribonucleic acid)

n Hold information on how cell works

p RNAs (Ribonucleic acid)n Act to transfer short pieces of information to different

parts of celln Provide templates to synthesize into protein

p Proteinsn Form enzymes that send signals to other cells and

regulate gene activityn Form body’s major components (e.g. hair, skin, etc.)n “Workhorses” of the cell

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DNA: The Code of Life

p The structure and the four genomic letters code for all livingorganisms

p Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, and Cytosine which pair A-T and C-Gon complimentary strands.

Lecture: Genome sequencingand assembly

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Discovery of the structure of DNAp 1952-1953 James D. Watson and Francis H. C. Crick

deduced the double helical structure of DNA from X-raydiffraction images by Rosalind Franklin and data on amountsof nucleotides in DNA

James Watson andFrancis Crick


”Photo 51”

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DNA, continuedp DNA has a double helix

structure which iscomposed ofn sugar moleculen phosphate groupn and a base (A,C,G,T)

p By convention, we readDNA strings in direction oftranscription: from 5’ endto 3’ end5’ ATTTAGGCC 3’3’ TAAATCCGG 5’

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DNA is contained in chromosomes

p In eukaryotes, DNA is packed into chromatidsn In metaphase, the “X” structure consists of two identical


p In prokaryotes, DNA is usually contained in a single,circular chromosome

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Human chromosomesp Somatic cells in humans

have 2 pairs of 22chromosomes + XX(female) or XY (male) =total of 46 chromosomes

p Germline cells have 22chromosomes + either X orY = total of 23chromosomes

Karyogram of human male using Giemsa staining(

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Length of DNA and number of chromosomesOrganism #base pairs #chromosomes (germline)

ProkayoticEscherichia coli (bacterium) 4x106 1

EukaryoticSaccharomyces cerevisia (yeast) 1.35x107 17Drosophila melanogaster (insect) 1.65x108 4Homo sapiens (human) 2.9x109 23Zea mays (corn / maize) 5.0x109 10

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1 atgagccaag ttccgaacaa ggattcgcgg ggaggataga tcagcgcccg agaggggtga61 gtcggtaaag agcattggaa cgtcggagat acaactccca agaaggaaaa aagagaaagc

121 aagaagcgga tgaatttccc cataacgcca gtgaaactct aggaagggga aagagggaag181 gtggaagaga aggaggcggg cctcccgatc cgaggggccc ggcggccaag tttggaggac241 actccggccc gaagggttga gagtacccca gagggaggaa gccacacgga gtagaacaga301 gaaatcacct ccagaggacc ccttcagcga acagagagcg catcgcgaga gggagtagac361 catagcgata ggaggggatg ctaggagttg ggggagaccg aagcgaggag gaaagcaaag421 agagcagcgg ggctagcagg tgggtgttcc gccccccgag aggggacgag tgaggcttat481 cccggggaac tcgacttatc gtccccacat agcagactcc cggaccccct ttcaaagtga541 ccgagggggg tgactttgaa cattggggac cagtggagcc atgggatgct cctcccgatt601 ccgcccaagc tccttccccc caagggtcgc ccaggaatgg cgggacccca ctctgcaggg661 tccgcgttcc atcctttctt acctgatggc cggcatggtc ccagcctcct cgctggcgcc721 ggctgggcaa cattccgagg ggaccgtccc ctcggtaatg gcgaatggga cccacaaatc781 tctctagctt cccagagaga agcgagagaa aagtggctct cccttagcca tccgagtgga841 cgtgcgtcct ccttcggatg cccaggtcgg accgcgagga ggtggagatg ccatgccgac901 ccgaagagga aagaaggacg cgagacgcaa acctgcgagt ggaaacccgc tttattcact961 ggggtcgaca actctgggga gaggagggag ggtcggctgg gaagagtata tcctatggga

1021 atccctggct tccccttatg tccagtccct ccccggtccg agtaaagggg gactccggga1081 ctccttgcat gctggggacg aagccgcccc cgggcgctcc cctcgttcca ccttcgaggg1141 ggttcacacc cccaacctgc gggccggcta ttcttctttc ccttctctcg tcttcctcgg1201 tcaacctcct aagttcctct tcctcctcct tgctgaggtt ctttcccccc gccgatagct1261 gctttctctt gttctcgagg gccttccttc gtcggtgatc ctgcctctcc ttgtcggtga1321 atcctcccct ggaaggcctc ttcctaggtc cggagtctac ttccatctgg tccgttcggg1381 ccctcttcgc cgggggagcc ccctctccat ccttatcttt ctttccgaga attcctttga1441 tgtttcccag ccagggatgt tcatcctcaa gtttcttgat tttcttctta accttccgga1501 ggtctctctc gagttcctct aacttctttc ttccgctcac ccactgctcg agaacctctt1561 ctctcccccc gcggtttttc cttccttcgg gccggctcat cttcgactag aggcgacggt1621 cctcagtact cttactcttt tctgtaaaga ggagactgct ggccctgtcg cccaagttcg1681 ag

Hepatitis delta virus, complete genome

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RNAp RNA is similar to DNA chemically. It is usually only a

single strand. T(hyamine) is replaced by U(racil)p Several types of RNA exist for different functions in

the cell. linear and 3D view:

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DNA, RNA, and the Flow ofInformation


Replication ”The central dogma”

Is this true?

Denis Noble: The principles of Systems Biology illustrated using the virtual heart

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Proteinsp Proteins are polypeptides

(strings of amino acidresidues)

p Represented using stringsof letters from an alphabetof 20: AEGLV…WKKLAG

p Typical length 50…1000residues

Urease enzyme from Helicobacter pylori

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Amino acids

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How DNA/RNA codes for protein?p DNA alphabet contains four

letters but must specifyprotein, or polypeptidesequence of 20 letters.

p Dinucleotides are notenough: 42 = 16 possibledinucleotides

p Trinucleotides (triplets)allow 43 = 64 possibletrinucleotides

p Triplets are also calledcodons

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How DNA/RNA codes for protein?p Three of the possible

triplets specify ”stoptranslation”

p Translation usually startsat triplet AUG (this codesfor methionine)

p Most amino acids may bespecified by more thantriplet

p How to find a gene? Lookfor start and stop codons(not that easy though)

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Proteins: Workhorses of the Cell

p 20 different amino acidsn different chemical properties cause the protein chains to fold

up into specific three-dimensional structures that define theirparticular functions in the cell.

p Proteins do all essential work for the celln build cellular structuresn digest nutrientsn execute metabolic functionsn mediate information flow within a cell and among cellular

communities.p Proteins work together with other proteins or nucleic acids

as "molecular machines"n structures that fit together and function in highly specific, lock-

and-key ways.

Lecture 8: Proteomics

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Genesp “A gene is a union of genomic sequences encoding a

coherent set of potentially overlapping functional products”--Gerstein et al.

p A DNA segment whose information is expressed either asan RNA molecule or protein

5’ 3’

3’ 5’

… a t g a g t g g a …

… t a c t c a c c t …

augagugga ...


(translation)MSG …


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FoldIt: Protein folding game

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Genes & allelesp A gene can have different variantsp The variants of the same gene are called




… a t g a g t g g a …

… t a c t c a c c t …

augagugga ...




… a t g a g t c g a …

… t a c t c a g c t …

augagucga ...


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Genes can be found on both strands





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Exons and introns & splicing





Introns are removed from RNA after transcription


Exons are joined:

This process is called splicing

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Alternative splicing

A 3’





Different splice variants may be generated




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Where does the variation in genomes comefrom?p Prokaryotes are typically

haploid: they have a single(circular) chromosome

p DNA is usually inheritedvertically (parent todaughter)

p Inheritance is clonaln Descendants are faithful

copies of an ancestral DNAn Variation is introduced via

mutations, transposableelements, and horizontaltransfer of DNA

Chromosome map of S. dysenteriae, the nine ringsdescribe different properties of the genome

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Causes of variationp Mistakes in DNA replicationp Environmental agents (radiation, chemical

agents)p Transposable elements (transposons)

n A part of DNA is moved or copied to another location ingenome

p Horizontal transfer of DNAn Organism obtains genetic material from another

organism that is not its parentn Utilized in genetic engineering

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Biological string manipulationp Point mutation: substitution of a base


p Deletion: removal of one or more contiguousbases (substring)n …TTGATCA… => …TTTCA…

p Insertion: insertion of a substringn …GGCTAG… => …GGTCAACTAG…

Lecture: Sequence alignmentLecture: Genome rearrangements

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Meiosisp Sexual organisms are usually

diploidn Germline cells (gametes)

contain N chromosomesn Somatic (body) cells have 2N

chromosomesp Meiosis: reduction of

chromosome number from2N to N during reproductivecyclen One chromosome doubling is

followed by two cell divisions

Major events in meiosis

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Recombination and variationp Recap: Allele is a viable DNA

coding occupying a given locus(position in the genome)

p In recombination, alleles fromparents become suffled inoffspring individuals viachromosomal crossover over

p Allele combinations inoffspring are usually differentfrom combinations found inparents

p Recombination errors lead intoadditional variations

Chromosomal crossover as described byT. H. Morgan in 1916

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p Mitosis: growth and development of the organismn One chromosome doubling is followed by one cell


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Recombination frequency and linked genesp Genetic marker: some DNA sequence of interest

(e.g., gene or a part of a gene)

p Recombination is more likely to separate twodistant markers than two close ones

p Linked markers: ”tend” to be inherited together

p Marker distances measured in centimorgans: 1centimorgan corresponds to 1% chance that twomarkers are separated in recombination

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Biological databasesp Exponential growth of

biological datan New measurement

techniquesn Before we are able to use

the data, we need to storeit efficiently -> biologicaldatabases

n Published data issubmitted to databases

p General vs specialiseddatabases

p This topic is discussedextensively in Practicalcourse in biodatabases (IIIperiod)

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10 most important biodatabases… accordingto ”Bioinformatics for dummies”

p GenBank/DDJB/EMBL Nucleotide sequencesp Ensembl Human/mouse genomep PubMed Literature referencesp NR Protein sequencesp UniProt Protein sequencesp InterPro Protein domainsp OMIM Genetic diseasesp Enzymes Enzymesp PDB Protein structuresp KEGG Metabolic pathways

Sophia Kossida, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Summer 2008

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FASTA formatp A simple format for DNA and protein sequence

data is FASTA

>Hepatitis delta virus, complete genomeatgagccaagttccgaacaaggattcgcggggaggatagatcagcgcccgagaggggtgagtcggtaaagagcattggaacgtcggagatacaactcccaagaaggaaaaaagagaaagcaagaagcggatgaatttccccataacgccagtgaaactctaggaaggggaaagagggaaggtggaagagaaggaggcgggcctcccgatccgaggggcccggcggccaagtttggaggacactccggcccgaagggttgagagtaccccagagggaggaagccacacggagtagaacagagaaatcacctccagaggaccccttcagcgaacagagagcgcatcgcgagagggagtagaccatagcgataggaggggatgctaggagttgggggagaccgaagcgaggaggaaagcaaagagagcagcggggctagcaggtgggtgttccgccccccgagaggggacgagtgaggcttatcccggggaactcgacttatcgtccccacatagcagactcccggaccccctttcaaagtga…

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