
INTRODUCTION QUESTIONSWhat is a strategy?In my opinion, strategy is something that you use to do a task easier and more useful, in sometimes faster and mainly better. What are strategies mainly used for?I think that are a lot of strategies relating the task that you want to do it. Mainly, you use a strategy when you need to do a task which you have some difficulties to realize them. I think that there are a lot of strategies kinds such as: strategies for calculation, for reading, for troubleshooting, for games for example chess, for sports, for live problemsDo you use any language learning strategies? If so, which ones?Yes, when I am teaching Spanish or Catalan in primary I plan my class with the following image:

As a language learning strategies I understand the actions to predict, visualize, make connections, self question, classify and evaluate. Depends of the task, I ask my students who use one or another and try to practice all repeatedly during the course.

What language teaching strategies are you familiar with?As I said earlier, I am familiar with predict, visualize, make connections, self question, classify and evaluate however I only have used them in classes of Spanish or Catalan, never in English classes. Are the kinds of strategies mentioned above different from communication strategies? If so, in what ways?I think that from different communicative situations there are more strategies have not mentioned. For example, in oral communication there are other strategies relating to corporal expression, voice tone, vocalization And so, with other communicative situations.