Download - Introduction Geophysical -VI

  • 7/28/2019 Introduction Geophysical -VI


    G.Vijayakumar, SACET, Chirala 1



    Geophysics is study of earth by making use of established principles of physics. These studies can deals the Earths Crust including oceans and atmosphere. It is measuring certain physical properties and interpreting them mainly in terms of

    subsurface geology.

    Branches of Geophysics

    Based on the aims of investigations, geophysics has two branches namely

    1. General geophysics: The study of earth as a whole and its major surface features)

    Ex: Earth Structure, their intervening major discontinuities

    2. Exploration geophysics: Its aim is to make specific investigations of economic importance.

    Ex: oil and gas, ore deposits, groundwater for solving of certain problems of Engg.Geology

    Necessity of Geophysical Investigations

    To ensure safety, success and economy in construction of major civil engineeringstructures.

    It is necessary to be thoroughly aware of the geology of the concerned site.There are two approaches

    1. Direct observations

    2. Indirect observations

    Direct observations: it can be made by digging, trenching, or drillingthe ground. Such

    processes are expensive.

    Indirect observations:

    These provide quick, expensive, easy and fairly reliable means to get subsurfacedetails.

    Generally these investigations are followed by making drillings or trenches at someselected places and checking the inferred data with the observed data.


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    G.Vijayakumar, SACET, Chirala 2

    Importance of Geophysical Investigations

    1. These investigations are carried out quickly. This means large areas can beinvestigated in a reasonably short period and hence time is saved

    The geophysical instruments used in the field are simple. And can be operated easily.This means the field work is not laborious.

    Since the work carried out quickly and only physical observations are made withoutthe use of consumables (like chemicals), it is economical too.

    Different inference to suit different purpose can be drawn from the same field data. These are the multipurpose.

    Ex: Electrical Resistivity data can be interpreted for knowing rock types, GW

    conditions, ore deposits, depth to bed rock..etc.,

    6. Reconnaissance surveys are enough. In the scale format of 1: 100,000.Engineering Geophysics

    There are number of important civil engineering problems in which geophysical methods find

    extensive applications. Most of the involve

    1. Foundation problems2. Surface rock formations, their attitudes3. Associated geological structures(Faults and Joints) in places where dams, reservoirs,

    or any other constructions are planned.

    4. In such areas geophysical investigations area) in the determination of the thickness of overburden (the depth of bed rock)

    b) The bed rock profile along a given direction such as axis of a dam.c) Locating fault zones, shear zones etc.,d)

    Determination of GW potential, and its favorable conditions in CE. Like tunnels,reservoirs.

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    G.Vijayakumar, SACET, Chirala 3

    Classification of Geophysical Methods

    There are Six types

    1) Gravity Methods2) Magnetic Methods3) Electrical Methods4)

    Seismic Methods5) Radiometric Methods

    6) Geothermal MethodsGravity Method

    The gravity method involves measurement of the gravitational attraction exerted bythe earth at a measurement station on the surface.

    The strength of the gravitationalfield is directly proportional to the

    mass and, therefore, the density ofsubsurface materials.

    The normal value and the Observevalue of deflection is Called


    Method: The instruments which

    are commonly used to measure

    gravitational deflections are

    1. Pendulum2. Torsion balance and3. Gravity meter

    Of these gravity meter is most

    useful. For covering larger areas

    rapidly airborne gravity survey is done.

    In the area of search, traverse are laid at suitable intervals. Then the values of

    gravitational deflections are measured at predetermined points. The readings thus the

    obtained are plotted on a graph with distances on x- axis and deflection on the y-axis.

    If a dense rock or a massive ore body is present in the area, the graph will show an

    anomaly in the form of a peak as shown in Figure: 1.

    The gravity data can also interpreted by contouring the anomaly. In this case

    the gravity anomaly for each station is plotted on a base map and then lines of equal

    gravity anomaly are drawn in the same way as contour lines. Units of gravity meter is

    mGal (MilliGal)

    Fig: 1

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    G.Vijayakumar, SACET, Chirala 4

    Magnetic Methods

    These are used to measure the magnetic intensity of the ground at various stations. For

    covering large areas rapidly, airbrone magnetic surveys are conducted

    i) The magnetic surveys have been used widely for the exploration of oil andmagnetic ore bodies such as deposits magnetite, pyrrhotite and ilmenite.


    At places faults may bring together rocks of different magnetic properties. Hencethey may be delineated from magnetic data.

    iii)The magnetic and pyrrhotite are more abundant in basic igneous rocks than in acidrocks. Hence the former can be detected by the magnetic surveys.

    iv)Certain mineral deposits which contain magnetic minerals are in subordinateamount, such as magnetite with asbestos and pyrrhotite, with base metals, can be

    detected by the magnetic surveys.


    The magnetometers are used to measure the magnetic intensity of the ground at various

    stations. For covering large areas rapidly, airbrone magnetic surveys are conducted.

    In the area search, traverses are laid at suitable intervals. Then the values of magnetic

    intensities are measured at closely spaced stations, For each station, the observed value is

    compared with the normal value. The difference between them is called magnetic


    The values of anomaly are plotted on a base map. Then the lines of equal magnetic

    anomaly are drawn in the same way as contour lines. From such a map, the area of the

    magnetic body can be readily delineated. The anomaly data may also be interpreted by

    constructing magnetic profiles in the same way as done for gravity data. Figure.1

    Electrical Methods

    These are used mainly for the exploration of metallic mineral deposits.

    The electrical survey methods are four types

    Self potential method Equipotential method. Electromagnetic method Resistivity method

    Self potential method

    These currents are called telluriccurrentsIn this process the electrical

    energy produced by the ore body itself is

    directly measured no outside energizing force is required.

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    Equipotential method

    The equipotential method is best suited to shallow

    Deposits in the regions not to wet. It can be used to locate

    ore bodies in the glacial Drift and for determining

    structure beneath the soil. It is also used for geologicalvertical formations

    Electromagnetic method

    This is most favored method of ore bodies, it is More

    precise and yields greater information regarding shape, size

    and position of the hidden ore body

    Resistivity method

    The amount of resistance met by an electric current which is passed through a portionof the earth, is measured.

    The measure of resistivity is presumed to be measure of the fluid content and porosityof rocks.

    This is distinction between Saturated rocks and unsaturated rocks, and porosity.Uses:

    The resistivity surveys are very effective in the investigation of horizontal or gentle dipping

    rocks. these are used in detecting the following.

    1) The thickness of overburden or depth to bed rock is determined very accurately.2)

    The resistivity surveys have been used in the exploration of the placer deposits and

    bedded deposits

    3) The resistivity methods have been used widely for the exploration of groundwater. Inregions of gentle dips the presence of aquifers can be determined.

    4) Fault zones may be determined as they contain electrolyte in solution.5) These surveys can be used for discovering the subsurface structure and lithology. The

    buried aniticlines can be traced by detecting depths to strata of greater or lesser resistivity.

    Hence they are also used the exploration of petroleum.

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    These are different types

    1. Profiling2. Sounding3. Self potential method

    Profile is done to detect lateral changes in resistivity. This throws light on the change in the

    subsurface lithology or structure from palce to place. Sounding(Which is popularly known as

    vertical electrical sounding, VES) is done to determine vertical changes in resistivity.

    There resistivity types are

    1. Schlimberger array

    2. Wenner array

    3. DipoleDipole array

    1. The Wenner configuration: This method was

    developed by Wenner in 1915. In this

    configuration, the outer electrodes, C1 and C2

    are used to send current into the ground and the

    inner electrodes, P1 and P2 are used to measure the potential. The important feature of this

    setup is that the distance between any two successive electrodes is equal. The apparent

    resistivity measured in the Wenner method is given by Pa = 2a(V/I) where

    a = Electrode separation

    v = Potential difference measured

    I = Current sent into the ground

    Pa = apparent resistance (ohm-mts )

    Profiling Method: This is also known as Lateral Electrical investigation. In this process, the

    electrode array i.e., setup as a whole is moved from place to place with same intervals

    (constant electrode spacing) along a given line and the Pa value at each of the station is

    determined. The changes in pa indicate lateral variations in the subsurface to a certain


    It is obvious that the profiling technique will be useful in detecting only the dyke bodies or

    vertical beds. The presentation of profiling data is done on a ordinary graph sheet on X-axis

    (station) and true resistivity values on Y-axis (ohm-mts). The interpretation of profiling data

    can demarcate the high and low resistivity values of the sub-surface.

    2. The Schlumberger Configuration: This method was developed by Schlumberger in

    1916. In this method, potential electrodes are kept at smaller side compared to the current

    electrodes. In general, the electrode separation MN < 1/5 AB relation is maintained in this

    investigation. Here A and B are the current electrodes and M and N are the potential

    electrodes. The apparent resistivity measured in the Schlumberger configuration is given by

    Pa= K (V/I) where K is a constant and the value varies as per AB distance

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    Sounding: This method is popularly known as Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES). In this

    method, a number ofpa values are measured at the same place by increasing the

    distances between the current electrodes each time

    after taking the reading. The successive increasing

    in distance makes the current penetrate more and

    more deeply. Generally, the depth of penetration of

    the current (ie depth) is about 1/3rd of the distance

    between the current electrodes. It is necessary to

    cancel the self-potential before taking V and I readings

    for every electrode separation. From I/V values of

    each electrode separation, pa is obtained and it is multiplied by the configuration constant

    (K) to obtain true resistivity values.

    The values are plotted on loglog sheet by plotting the electrode separation

    (station/distance) on x-axis and true resistivity values (ohm-mts) on y-axis. The obtained

    curve is to be matched with master curves.Seismic Methods

    The variations in the seismic wave velocity are measured in different rock layers


    In seismic surveys, truck mounted drilling rigs and recording systems are used. Small

    charges of explosive are detonated in shallow breoholes drilled in the surface rocks. the

    seismic waves thus generated are transmitted through the rocks and are picked up by a

    series of geophones carefully spaced along lines of traverse

    Fig:1: Showing shot points and geophones along a line of traverse

    The geophones record the vibrations on a rapidly moving photographic paper.

    These are two methods

    Refraction method: The seismic waves undergo reflection and refraction at the rock

    boundaries. In the refraction method only the refracted waves are recorded and used for

    determining the structure of rocks. The refraction survey is commonly used for the following.

    For determining the structure of rocks lying at relatively shallow depth. It is widelyused for Civil Engineering explorations

    For location of shallow salt domes and the oil pools associated with them.

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    Reflection method: this is generally used for deep explorations (600 m ore more). It is

    widely used for oil explorations. This method accurately delineates the subsurface structural

    traps and salt domes.

    Radiometric Method:

    The nuclei of elements are unstable spontaneously into the nuclei of other elements

    This change is accompanied by emission of radiations known as radioactivity .

    These are three types

    - Rays



    - Rays: these are the beams of positively charged particles.These particles are the nuclei of

    helium atoms(2 protons + 2 neutrons). They travel with velocities of thousands of km/s


    These are the beams ofnegatively charged particles.

    They travel faster than - rays

    - Rays

    These are the rays of very shortwave length like x-rays.

    The normal radioactivity indifferent types of rocks. In

    Igneous rocks it decreases with

    decreasing acidity .i.e.,

    In granites it is more and in basic or ultrabasic rocks. it is the least, In sedimentaryrocks, clays have high radioactivity. Shales, sandstones and limestones have

    successively decreasing activity.

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    G.Vijayakumar, SACET, Chirala 9

    Geothermal Methods

    A geothermal method deals with measurements of the physical properties of the earth. The

    emphasis is mainly related to temperature and fluid content of the rocks.

    The aim can be to delineate a geothermal resource, to locate aquifers, or structures that may

    control aquifers etc

    Temperature distribution on the surface of the earth is due to three different sources.They are:

    (i) Heat received from the sun ( varies with the time of the day and with the season )up to a few meters depth only.

    (ii)Heat conveyed from the hot interior of the earth due to conduction and convectionprocesses

    (iii)Heat due to decay of radioactive minerals in the crust of the earth.

    By eliminating (i) and (ii), the solar heat component and the heat contribution of radioactive

    mineral decay, the only one is to interpret the values of temp ofthe earths surface. For the

    measurement of the temperature on the surface of the earth, in shallow holes or in deep bore

    holes, THERMISTOR THERMOMETERS and PLATINUM RESISTANCEHERMOMETERS can achieve an accuracy of 0.01oC are used. The geothermal

    methods find application to locate structural bodies, oil and gas structures, ore

    deposits, ground water studies etc

    Thermal methods include direct measurements of temperature and/or heat, and thus correlate

    better with the properties of the geothermal system than other methods. To measure

    temperatures close to the surface, in the uppermost part of the earth crust is fairly simple.

    Knowledge about status at deeper levels is based on the existence of wells, usually shallow

    gradient wells (e.g. 30-100 m deep), from which the thermal gradient can be calculated and

    possibly the depth to the exploitable geothermal resource. Drilling is though usually fairly

    expensive, and puts practical limits to the use of the method. Furthermore, shallow wells arenot always adequate to get reliable values on the thermal gradient.

    The heat exchange mechanism in the earth is important for interpretation of thermal methods.

    A distinction is made between:

    Conduction, which is based on atomic vibrations, and is important for transfer of heat in the

    earth's crust;

    Convection, which transfers heat by motion of mass, e.g. natural circulation of hot water;


    Radiation, which does not influence geothermal systems.

    The parameter k, the thermal conductivity (W/mC), is a material constant, which ranges

    between 1 and 5 W/mC, with the low values usually associated with sedimentary formations

    and the higher for crystalline rocks. The thermal gradient, )T/ )z, gives information on the

    increase of temperature with depth, and its distribution can be important information for

    understanding and delineation of the geothermal resource, both on a regional scale and local

    scale. If the conductive hear transfer, Q, is 80- 100 mW/m2 or higher, it may indicate

    geothermal conditions in the subsurface