Download - InTroducTIon - DMs Guild · 2018. 4. 28. · 10 False Idol 14 Any Evil A place or object that has been infused with evil so great that it has become sentient and wholly wicked. Often

Page 1: InTroducTIon - DMs Guild · 2018. 4. 28. · 10 False Idol 14 Any Evil A place or object that has been infused with evil so great that it has become sentient and wholly wicked. Often



Creature CR Alignment Description Page

Apelisian 9 Neutral Evil A ghostly being composed of all the hope and joy drained from by the plane of Hades. 2

Barghest 5 Lawful Evil A shapechanging fiend native to Gehenna that travels to the Material Plane to feast upon mortal essences and grow stronger. 3

Barghest, Greater 8 Lawful Evil A barghest that has managed to feed upon enough mortal creatures to grow in power and safely return to its home of Gehenna. 3

Bebilith 14 Chaotic Evil A spider-like horror native to the Abyss with the power to ruin armor with its claws. 4

Cambion, Baron 10 Any Evil The offspring between a mortal and a powerful fiendish lord. 5

Cambion, Draegloth 7 Neutral Evil/ Chaotic Evil The offspring of a drow high priestess and a glabrezu demon. 6

Caskkemar 8 Chaotic Evil A horrible amalgam of mortal and fiend that results when the process for creating a fiend-knight goes awry. 6

Cerberus 24 Neutral Evil The three-headed hound guardian of the gates of the Underworld. 7

Demodand, Shaggy 18 Chaotic Evil The nobles of demodand society. Great, massively obese and powerful creatures.. 9

Demodand, Slimy 15 Chaotic Evil Demodand commoners. Their skin secretes a powerful, flesh-dissolving acid and a horrific stench. 10

Demodand, Tarry 12 Chaotic Evil The workers of demodand society. Thick, sticky tar covers their bodies and they have the ability to fly into destructive rages when wounded. 10

False Idol 14 Any Evil A place or object that has been infused with evil so great that it has become sentient and wholly wicked. Often a focus of worship for backwoods cults. 11

Fiend-Knight 12 Any Evil The servant of a fiend lord created by binding the essence of a fiend into a mortal body. 13

Hellcat 6 Lawful Evil A feline predator native to the Nine Hells that has the ability to become invisible in bright light. 14

Howler 3 Chaotic Evil A quill-backed creature originally native to Pandemonium that can cause fear with its constant howling. 14

Maelephant 10 Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil An elephent-headed fiend created by devils to serve as the perfect guardian. 15

Rakshasa, Aadamakhora 6 Lawful Evil The most bestial and animalistic of the rakshasa. Loves to gorge itself on mortal

flesh. 18

Rakshasa, Dhokebazra 2 Lawful Evil A small rakshasa with the ability to turn into an object and with a penchant for

lying. 18

Rakshasa, Maharajah 22 Lawful Evil Rakshasa that have traded their connections to Hell for near god-like power. 19

Rakshasa, Naztharune 14 Lawful Evil Murderous rakshasa that serve more powerful creatures as assassins. 20

Rakshasa, Rajah 18 Lawful Evil Greedy and powerful rakshasa that specialize in arcane magic. 20

Rakshasa, Ruhk 16 Lawful Evil An arrogant rakshasa with monk-like abilities that trains its body in an effort to reach physical perfection. 21

Rakshasa, Zakya 8 Lawful Evil Obedient and stoic, these rakshasa make the perfect soldiers and guards. 21

Vaporighu 11 Neutral Evil A large, obese fiend native to Gehenna that secretes acid from its skin and can has a poisonous breath. 22

Vargouille 1/4 Neutral Evil A disembodied head with bat wings in place of ears that spreads a virulent disease with its kiss. 22

Vorr 2 Chaotic Evil Pack-hunting canine-like fiends originally native to Pandemonium. Able to blend into shadows and adept at ambushing prey. 23

Vorr Shaman 4 Chaotic Evil Vorr pack leaders with the ability to cast cleric spells. 23

Yeth Hound 3 Neutral Evil Pack-hunting fiendish hounds with a terrifying bay and the ability to fly. 24


APELISIANMedium fiend, neutral evil

Armor Class 14

Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39)

Speed 0 ft, fly 30 ft. (hover)


1 (-5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +5, Cha +7

Damage Vulnerabilities psychic

Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder

Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from nonmagical weapons

Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned

Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages understands Abyssal, Infernal, and any languages it knew in life but cannot speak

Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Aura of Apathy. The apelisian’s very presence seems to sap hope and joy from the creatures surrounding it. Creatures that are not constructs or undead that start their turn within 30 feet of the apelisian must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or become overwhelmed by apathy and hopelessness. Until the start of its next turn, the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, and it can’t take reactions. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to the apelisian’s Aura of Apathy for the next 24 hours.

Bound to Hades. The apelisian is physically bound to the plane of Hades. It cannot and will not willingly leave. If it is forced to leave, the apelisian takes 10 points of psychic damage at the start of each of its turns that it is not on Hades.

Incorporeal Movement. The apelisian can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Magic Resistance. The apelisian has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Rejuvenation. If the apelisian is destroyed on Hades, it reforms and regains all of its hit points in 2d4 days.

Sense Emotions. The apelisian can sense the presence and location of any creature within 300 feet of it that has a Charisma score of 3 or higher, regardless of interposing barriers.


Multiattack. The apelisian uses Drain Hope once and Cascade of Images once.

Drain Hope. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d8 + 3) psychic damage. If the target is a non-construct and non-undead creature it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or its Charisma score is reduced by 2 (1d4) and the apelisian regains 10 hit points per point of Charisma score reduced. The target is incapacitated if this reduces its Charisma to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.

Cascade of Images. The apelisian targets one creature that it can see within 30 feet of it and causes a flurry of fragmented and seemingly unrelated images to flash across its face. The target, if it can see the apelisian, must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 17 (5d6) psychic damage and it is stunned until the end of its next turn. On a success, the creature takes half as much damage and it is not stunned.

Feast on Emotions. The apelisian targets one incapacitated creature it can see within 10 feet of it that has a Charisma score of 0. The target immediately takes 45 (10d8) psychic damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the apelisian kills the target by extracting and feeding upon the very last of its memories and emotions and it becomes a part of the apelisian.

Fiends have always been some of my favourite creatures. Whether they be demons, devils, demodands, daemons or something else entirely, nothing fires up the old imagination like an evil horror dredged up from the lowest of the Lower Planes. The lore, the art, and their special abilities - the special abilities most of all - all combined together to make fiends the Dungeon Master’s new bestest of friends.

While it is sometimes true that fiends could be nothing more than a random collection of innate spells and a special ability or two, this was often their greatest strength. Fiends had great versatility. Not only could they smash your players into a pulp, the more powerful ones could out-think, out-wit, and maybe even out-spell them as well. Fiends could easily fill a number of different roles. No matter what you may need for an encounter, a dungeon, or even a campaign, there likely exists a fiend that could fill that spot and stoke your imagination to even higher levels of creativity.

You will likely notice that this release contains no fiends of the demon, devil, or yugoloth variety. Those are being saved up for future releases that will be finished at... some point in the future. The yugoloths, in particular, I have reverted to utilizing their daemon nomenclature, not out of any particular dislike for the term yugoloth, but just as a way to differentiate them from their

more official counterparts. With this release, I hope that the fiends contained within are used to terrorize and confound the players in your games. I hope you find some spark that lights a fire within your imagination.

The best Dungeons and Dragons stories are the ones that are brought up years afterwards, that bring smiles to the faces of those that fondly remember them. It has been my experience that such stories almost invariably contain a fiend or two. Hopefully, some of the fiends contained within will be a part of some of your great stories.

- Jesse Karczynski




Page 2: InTroducTIon - DMs Guild · 2018. 4. 28. · 10 False Idol 14 Any Evil A place or object that has been infused with evil so great that it has become sentient and wholly wicked. Often


APELISIANMedium fiend, neutral evil

Armor Class 14

Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39)

Speed 0 ft, fly 30 ft. (hover)


1 (-5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +5, Cha +7

Damage Vulnerabilities psychic

Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder

Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from nonmagical weapons

Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned

Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages understands Abyssal, Infernal, and any languages it knew in life but cannot speak

Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Aura of Apathy. The apelisian’s very presence seems to sap hope and joy from the creatures surrounding it. Creatures that are not constructs or undead that start their turn within 30 feet of the apelisian must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or become overwhelmed by apathy and hopelessness. Until the start of its next turn, the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, and it can’t take reactions. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to the apelisian’s Aura of Apathy for the next 24 hours.

Bound to Hades. The apelisian is physically bound to the plane of Hades. It cannot and will not willingly leave. If it is forced to leave, the apelisian takes 10 points of psychic damage at the start of each of its turns that it is not on Hades.

Incorporeal Movement. The apelisian can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Magic Resistance. The apelisian has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Rejuvenation. If the apelisian is destroyed on Hades, it reforms and regains all of its hit points in 2d4 days.

Sense Emotions. The apelisian can sense the presence and location of any creature within 300 feet of it that has a Charisma score of 3 or higher, regardless of interposing barriers.


Multiattack. The apelisian uses Drain Hope once and Cascade of Images once.

Drain Hope. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d8 + 3) psychic damage. If the target is a non-construct and non-undead creature it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or its Charisma score is reduced by 2 (1d4) and the apelisian regains 10 hit points per point of Charisma score reduced. The target is incapacitated if this reduces its Charisma to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.

Cascade of Images. The apelisian targets one creature that it can see within 30 feet of it and causes a flurry of fragmented and seemingly unrelated images to flash across its face. The target, if it can see the apelisian, must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 17 (5d6) psychic damage and it is stunned until the end of its next turn. On a success, the creature takes half as much damage and it is not stunned.

Feast on Emotions. The apelisian targets one incapacitated creature it can see within 10 feet of it that has a Charisma score of 0. The target immediately takes 45 (10d8) psychic damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the apelisian kills the target by extracting and feeding upon the very last of its memories and emotions and it becomes a part of the apelisian.

Hades. The plane where despair and apathy runs thick and it seeps into everything and everyone that crosses its bleak wastelands. Few creatures willingly call Hades home but, of those that do, the apelisian seems to embody the traits of the plane the most.

Appearance. The apelisian is a ghostly, translucent figure that appears to be formed of thick, gray mist. Its body is vaguely humanoid in form, though its legs trail away into the thick mist upon which it floats. Its arms are long and end in clawed digits. Where its face should be is only a blank, grey slate of nothingness. Occasionally, images flash and flicker across its blank face, the remnants of ancient memories bubbling to the surface of the fiend’s mind.

Habitat/Society. Often mistaken as an undead creature, the apelisian is anything but. It is life as only the Lower Planes could fashion. It is the sapped thoughts and emotions of the creatures that travel the wastes of Hades given form and purpose. It is hate and despair and longing twisted by the pervasive evil of the Lower Planes into a hungry, vampiric predator. It lives as only a fiend lives, preying upon those weaker than itself to feed its basest and most unfathomable desires.

Unlike most other fiends, the apelisian retains fragmented memories of its previous lives, moments of joy and elation glimpsed as brief and unconnected flashes within its mind. The apelisian’s desires are simple: it seeks to relive those fragmentary memores of joy, happiness, and hope that linger within its mind any way it can. Even if it means taking them from other creatures. Like a vampire feeds upon blood, the apelisian drains the feelings of hope and joy from other creatures, sucking its victims dry until there is nothing left but an empty, despair-filled husk.

At that moment, the fiend becomes slightly more substantial, its body becoming semi-solid and its face gaining some of the features of its most-recent victim, though they are twisted mockeries of reality. In that brief moment, it knows joy and happiness and hope, but soon after they are gone, sapped away by the very plane that gives the apelisian its life.

Ecology. Apelisians hate and resent most other creatures. They even avoid others of their own kind, preferring a solitary existence wandering the wastes of Hades. Though they spend most of their time clouded by loss and despair, they are still keenly aware that they are irrevocably tied to Hades, that they may never ever leave the home they hate so much. Only by magical means can an apelisian be forced to leave Hades and, when such a thing happens, its essence slowly drains away to nothingness until it is forever gone. No matter how much apelisians hate their home, they fear the oblivion of non-existence even more.

It is unknown if or how apelisians procreate. It is believed that they rise out of the very matter of Hades itself and that they possess no ability to create others of their kind






Page 3: InTroducTIon - DMs Guild · 2018. 4. 28. · 10 False Idol 14 Any Evil A place or object that has been infused with evil so great that it has become sentient and wholly wicked. Often

BarGhesTBARGHESTMedium fiend (shapechanger), lawful evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)

Speed 30 ft., (50 ft. in worg form)


18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)

Skills Intimidation +5, Perception +5, Stealth +5 (+15 in worg form)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15

Languages Abyssal, Goblin, Infernal

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The barghest’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The barghest can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: levitate, major image, misty step1/day each: charm person, dimension door

Keen Hearing and Smell. The barghest has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Magic Resistance. The barghest has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Pass Without Trace (Worg Form Only). While in worg form, the barghest has a +10 bonus on Stealth checks and it can’t be tracked except by magical means.

Shapechanger. The barghest can use its action to polymorph into a form that resembles a worg, or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.


Multiattack. The barghest makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. In worg form, it can only make one bite attack.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Claw (Goblin Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.


Of all the fiends in the multiverse, the barghest has the unfortunate notoriety of being one those most commonly encountered on the Material Plane. In fact, due to its appearance, those who encounter it usually don’t even know that the barghest is not a goblinoid and is actually a fiend from the Lower Planes.

Appearance. In its natural form, the barghest appears to be nothing more than an unusually large goblin. Its skin ranges in color from dirty yellow to dark blue or violet, but it has the same sharpened ears and broad, flat facial features of a goblin. Its teeth and claws, however, are unusually large and sharp for a goblinoid. In its canine form, the barghest looks no different than a worg. Regardless of which form it is in, the barghest’s eyes tend to glow a bright orange when it is excited.

Habitat/Society. Barghests are natural natives of Gehenna, however, due to their rather horrific growth cycle, they are very rarely encountered upon their home plane. Young barghests, or whelps as they are sometimes referred to, must feed upon the life essences of living, humanoid creatures in order to mature and ‘advance’ to the next, more powerful stages of their existences. Barghest whelps on Gehenna are very quickly eaten or enslaved by their more powerful brethren, thus they have learned how to create a one-way conduit to the Material Plane. There they may more easily find prey on which to feed and grow large enough to defend themselves against others of their kind.

On the Material Plane, the barghest usually establishes itself as a leader of goblinoid tribes, using its appearance and strength to bully the creatures into line. As the goblinoid’s leader, the barghest sends its minions out to attack nearby settlements, raid caravans, or abduct travelers, anything to supply itself with a steady stream of potential meals. It’s not above dining on its goblinoid minions if it needs to, but it much prefers the ripe taste of more morally... pure flesh.

Ecology. Barghests are said to form from the souls of creatures whose greed and lust for power and life proves so powerful that they are able to cling to eternity by the very tips of their talons. Pulling themselves up out of the very matter of the plane, the barghest whelps immediately flee Gehenna in an attempt to satisfy their newfound hungers; the souls of the living and the desire for power over others.

Unlike many devils and demons, slain barghests do not reform whole on Gehenna. Its soul is fractured and reduced, the power and strength it has

amassed blown away like so much sand on the astral winds. The slain barghest reforms as a whelp on Gehenna, its memories gone except for the vague sense that it has lost something grand and the cycle begins again. While greed may truly be eternal, the treasures it gains are not. Not even on Gehenna.

GREATER BARGHESTLarge fiend (shapechanger), lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48)

Speed 40 ft., (60 ft. in worg form)


20 (+5) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Con +7, Cha +7

Skills Intimidation +7, Perception +6, Stealth +4 (+14 in worg form)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16

Languages Abyssal, Goblin, Infernal

Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The greater barghest’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The greater barghest can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: levitate, major image, misty step, suggestion1/day each: dominate person, dimension door, plane shift (self only)

Keen Hearing and Smell. The greater barghest has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Magic Resistance. The greater barghest has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Pass Without Trace (Worg Form Only). While in worg form, the greater barghest has a +10 bonus on Stealth checks and it can’t be tracked except by magical means.

Shapechanger. The greater barghest can use its action to polymorph into a form that resembles a worg, or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.


Multiattack. The greater barghest makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. In worg form, it can only make one bite attack.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Claw (Goblin Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

When a barghest feeds upon enough victims, it transforms into a greater barghest, which is the fiend’s mature and adult form. Many greater barghests abandon the Material Plane and return to Gehenna to carve out their own territories amongst their kin. Such greater barghests construct towers and fortresses made of bones, slag, and volcanic glass along the burning slopes of Gehenna.

However, some greater barghests prefer to remain on the Material Plane, ruling over goblinoid tribes as gods and feasting upon the still-delectable souls of mortals. Even a fully mature greater barghest’s taste for mortal souls is never fully satiated. It is rumored that a greater barghest that continues to feed upon souls and flesh can grow to an even larger and more terrifying sizes.

BEBILITHHuge fiend, chaotic evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 178 (17d12 + 68)

Speed 40 ft., climb 60 ft.


25 (+7) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +7

Skills Athletics +12, Perception +7, Stealth +10

Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t adamantine

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17

Languages understands Abyssal but cannot speak, telepathy 100 ft.

Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)

Magic Resistance. The bebilith has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The bebilith’s weapon attacks are magical.

Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the bebilith knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.

Web Walker. The bebilith ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.


Multiattack. The bebilith makes one bite attack and one attack with its claws. It may use its Shredding Claws in place of its claws attack.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 21 (6d6) poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (4d8 + 7) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 20). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the bebilith can’t make claw attacks against other targets.

Shredding Claws. A creature grappled by the bebilith takes 25 (4d8 + 7) slashing damage. The creature must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or its armor takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 is destroyed.

Astral Jaunt. The bebilith it magically enters the Astral Plane from its current plane, or vice versa. A creature grappled by the bebilith must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be magically transported to the Astral Plane along with the bebilith.

Web (Recharge 5—6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The creature is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained creature can make a DC 17 Strength check, escaping from the webbing on a success. The effect ends if the webbing is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 15 hit points, resistance to piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons and fire damage, and immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage.





Page 4: InTroducTIon - DMs Guild · 2018. 4. 28. · 10 False Idol 14 Any Evil A place or object that has been infused with evil so great that it has become sentient and wholly wicked. Often

GREATER BARGHESTLarge fiend (shapechanger), lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48)

Speed 40 ft., (60 ft. in worg form)


20 (+5) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Con +7, Cha +7

Skills Intimidation +7, Perception +6, Stealth +4 (+14 in worg form)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16

Languages Abyssal, Goblin, Infernal

Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The greater barghest’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The greater barghest can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: levitate, major image, misty step, suggestion1/day each: dominate person, dimension door, plane shift (self only)

Keen Hearing and Smell. The greater barghest has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Magic Resistance. The greater barghest has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Pass Without Trace (Worg Form Only). While in worg form, the greater barghest has a +10 bonus on Stealth checks and it can’t be tracked except by magical means.

Shapechanger. The greater barghest can use its action to polymorph into a form that resembles a worg, or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.


Multiattack. The greater barghest makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. In worg form, it can only make one bite attack.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Claw (Goblin Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

BeBIlIThBEBILITHHuge fiend, chaotic evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 178 (17d12 + 68)

Speed 40 ft., climb 60 ft.


25 (+7) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +7

Skills Athletics +12, Perception +7, Stealth +10

Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t adamantine

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17

Languages understands Abyssal but cannot speak, telepathy 100 ft.

Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)

Magic Resistance. The bebilith has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The bebilith’s weapon attacks are magical.

Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the bebilith knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.

Web Walker. The bebilith ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.


Multiattack. The bebilith makes one bite attack and one attack with its claws. It may use its Shredding Claws in place of its claws attack.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 21 (6d6) poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (4d8 + 7) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 20). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the bebilith can’t make claw attacks against other targets.

Shredding Claws. A creature grappled by the bebilith takes 25 (4d8 + 7) slashing damage. The creature must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or its armor takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 is destroyed.

Astral Jaunt. The bebilith it magically enters the Astral Plane from its current plane, or vice versa. A creature grappled by the bebilith must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be magically transported to the Astral Plane along with the bebilith.

Web (Recharge 5—6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The creature is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained creature can make a DC 17 Strength check, escaping from the webbing on a success. The effect ends if the webbing is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 15 hit points, resistance to piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons and fire damage, and immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage.


Bebiliths are huge, spider-like creatures native to the Abyss. Known also as the “Creepers of the Abyss” or “Barbed Horrors,” they haunt the remote parts of the Abyss, preying on both unwary fiends and non-fiends alike.

Appearance. A bebilith resembles a huge arachnid-like creature with a bevy of grotesque and misshapen limbs. Its body covered in a thick, chitinous exoskeleton that ranges in color from mottled purple to deep crimson and pure black. Its two, massive forelegs end in curved and wickedly sharp claws.

Habitat/Society. Bebiliths live in the most remote and inhospitable layers of the Abyss, places where even demons are reluctant to tread. And there is good reason for that, as the bebilith’s primary source of sustenance are other fiends, mostly demons. Whether it is because of some culinary preference or ancient hatred, the bebiliths certainly aren’t saying. However, demons tend to grow quiet and atypically taciturn when the subject of bebiliths comes up. Even when magically coerced, a demon will do as much as possible to avoid the very subject as much as it physically can.

Ecology. Bebiliths rarely venture outside of the Abyss and thus accurate information about them is sparse and unreliable. While they seem to prefer to dine on demon-flesh, they aren’t particularly picky, and more than one unlucky planar scholar has met its end on the tips of a bebilith’s claws.

Some mages and alchemists prize the bebilith’s spinnerets, believing them to be key ingredients in powerful binding spells, potions, or other magical

items. If carefully extracted from the bebilith’s corpse (requiring a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check), the spinneret can fetch up to 2,000 gp. The bebilith’s claws are made of some of the hardest material in the multiverse and can be useful when forging armor or weapons, provided the smith is familiar with its properties and the requirements needed to work the material.





Page 5: InTroducTIon - DMs Guild · 2018. 4. 28. · 10 False Idol 14 Any Evil A place or object that has been infused with evil so great that it has become sentient and wholly wicked. Often

camBIon, BaronBARON CAMBIONMedium fiend, any evil alignment

Armor Class 20 (breastplate)

Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)

Speed 30 ft., 60 ft.


19 (+4) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Str +8, Con +7, Int +7, Wis +6, Cha +8

Skills Arcana +7, Deception +8, Intimidation +8, Perception +6, Stealth +8

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16

Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, telepathy 60 ft.

Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Fiendish Blessing. The AC of the cambion baron includes its Charisma bonus.

Fiendish Weapons. The baron cambion’s attacks are magical and deal an extra 9 (2d8) fire damage on a hit (included in the attacks).

Innate Spellcasting. The cambion baron’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The cambion baron can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: alter self, command, detect magic3/day each: darkness, fear, polymorph1/day each: plane shift (self only)

Magic Resistance. The cambion baron has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Spellcasting. The cambion baron is an 12th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The cambion baron has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): mage hand, minor illusion, poison spray, true strike1st level (4 slots): false life, magic missile, shield2nd level (3 slots): blur, crown of madness, misty step3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, fireball, vampiric touch4th level (3 slots): dimension door, greater invisibility, wall of fire5th level (2 slots): cloudkill, cone of cold6th level (1 slot): true seeing

Steel Silence. A cambion baron does not have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while wearing any kind of armor.


Multiattack. The cambion baron makes three melee attacks or uses its Fire Ray twice.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack plus 9 (2d8) fire damage.

Fire Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (6d6) fire damage.

Fiendish Charm. One humanoid the cambion baron can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed target obeys the cambion baron’s spoken commands. If the target suffers any harm from the cambion baron or another creature or receives a suicidal command from the cambion baron, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful, or if the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the cambion baron’s Fiendish Charm for the next 24 hours.

Like the cambion, the cambion baron is the resulting offspring of a union between a mortal and a fiend. However, in the cambion baron’s case, the fiendish parent is usually an exceptionally powerful fiend, such as a balor, pit fiend, ultrodaemon or even an archdevil or demon lord. Cambion barons inherit a sliver of their fiendish parent’s power and, as a result, frequently employ an impressive array of magical powers.

Appearance. A cambion baron’s appearance is similar to its mortal parents, though they are twisted by its fiendish heritage. Its features are a horrid mockery of its humanity, horns decorate its head, its teeth are sharpened to fangs, and its fingers end in long talons. Its skin can range from deep, obsidian black to red and scaled and even pure, albino white, depending upon the pedigree of its fiendish parent. Cambions also tend to possess bat-like wings, long tails, and sometimes even cloven hooves instead of feet.

Habitat/Society. In the mortal realm, a cambion baron’s monstrous appearance means they tend to live solitary lives, isolated from the rest of the world. They become brutal warlords or powerful wizards, seeking to oppress and control the very people who fear and despise them. They make deals with fiends of all stripes, no matter their parentage. To a cambion baron, such cosmic concepts as law and chaos mean very little when personal power is on the line.

On the outer planes, cambion barons tend to find their way into the retinues of powerful fiends, usually their parent, but their mercenary nature means that even the bonds of blood matter little to them. In the Nine Hells, a cambion baron often finds itself serving as an envoy or personal servant to one of the many Dukes of Hell. In the Abyss and the Wastes of Hades, cambion barons sell their services out as assassins and thugs. Despite their exceptional powers, cambion barons are looked down upon by most fiends. Their mortal blood is a weakness that they must constantly overcome and, as a result, no matter who their parent might be or whatever status or power they might wield, a cambion baron must continually prove itself to its fiendish kin. A moment of weakness can be a mark of death.

Ecology. Cambion barons are typically the result of a union between a powerful fiend lord and a mortal woman. Such women rarely survive the birth of a cambion baron and, if they do, the cambion infant is usually left to die in the wilderness or (in some cases) raised as a gifted prophet in whatever cult or foul religion the mother belonged to before siring the creature. In either case, the cambion typically grows up with a rather warped view of life, one that is certainly not helped by the fiendish blood coursing through its veins.



DRAEGLOTHLarge fiend, chaotic evil (50%) or neutral evil (50%)

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36)

Speed 40 ft.


19 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +7, Con +6, Wis +5, Cha +5

Skills Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Perception +5, Religion +5, Stealth +8

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15

Languages Abyssal, Elvish, Undercommon

Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Fey Ancestry. The draegloth has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put the draegloth to sleep.

Innate Spellcasting. The draegloth’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The draegloth can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: dancing lights3/day each: darkness, faerie fire1/day each: bestow curse

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the draegloth has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Magic Weapons. The draegloth’s weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The draegloth makes one Spit Poison attack or it makes three melee attacks: one with its bite, one with its claws, and one with its battle axe.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 15).

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Spit Poison. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

VARIANT: LEGENDARY BARON CAMBIONA baron cambion can make the perfect climactic encounter for a mid-level adventure. If you wish to make such an encounter even more epic, consider using the following variant. A legendary baron cambion has a challenge rating of 12 (8,400 XP) and possesses the following traits:

Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the baron cambion fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

LEGENDARY ACTIONSThe baron cambion can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the

options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The baron cambion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Attack. The baron cambion makes one attack.Fiendish Charm (Costs 2 Actions). The baron cambion uses its Fiendish

Charm.Fiendish Curse. The baron cambion targets one creature it can see within

30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become cursed for 1 minute. A cursed target is vulnerable to acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage (the cambion chooses which). The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Teleport: The baron cambion magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.




Page 6: InTroducTIon - DMs Guild · 2018. 4. 28. · 10 False Idol 14 Any Evil A place or object that has been infused with evil so great that it has become sentient and wholly wicked. Often


camBIon, draeGloTh DRAEGLOTHLarge fiend, chaotic evil (50%) or neutral evil (50%)

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36)

Speed 40 ft.


19 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +7, Con +6, Wis +5, Cha +5

Skills Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Perception +5, Religion +5, Stealth +8

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15

Languages Abyssal, Elvish, Undercommon

Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Fey Ancestry. The draegloth has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put the draegloth to sleep.

Innate Spellcasting. The draegloth’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The draegloth can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: dancing lights3/day each: darkness, faerie fire1/day each: bestow curse

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the draegloth has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Magic Weapons. The draegloth’s weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The draegloth makes one Spit Poison attack or it makes three melee attacks: one with its bite, one with its claws, and one with its battle axe.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 15).

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Spit Poison. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Born from the vile result of a union between a drow high priestess and a glabrezu demon, the draegloth is powerful form of cambion that combines aspects of both its elven and demonic heritage.

Appearance. The draegloth is a massive four-armed creature with inky black skin. Its uppermost two arms are long and powerfully-built and end in wickedly-curved claws while its lower arms are much smaller and more humanoid in appearance. Its face is a bestial mixture of drow and demon, with a long mane of white hair that stretches the length of its spine.

Habitat/Society. When a new high priestess of Lolth is ordained, the crowning moment of the event involves the summoning of a glabrezu demon. Such rituals sometimes bear unholy fruits as the violent (and sometimes deadly) union between drow and demon results in the birth of a draegloth. Unlike other cambion offspring, a draegloth is not generally reviled or feared by its mortal parents, but it is instead viewed as a blessing from their goddess. The draegloth often functions as an assassins or enforcer for its high priestess mother, striking fear into the heart’s of her enemies with violence and cruelty.

Ecology. Most other drow secretly despise the draegloth, either fearing their powers or they are jealous of the blessings that they embody. Draegloth, for their part, look down upon other drow, thinking them weak creatures fit only for killing and eating. They bear a certain amount of loyalty to their mothers and other high priestesses of Lolth, but even then, any sign of weakness is often a signal for them to strike.

caskkemarCASkkEMARMedium fiend, chaotic evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48)

Speed 30 ft.


19 (+4) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 4 (-3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances acid, cold, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison

Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, poisoned

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12

Languages understands Abyssal or Infernal but cannot speak

Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Fiendish Release. When the caskkemar dies, the fiendish essence trapped in its body attempts to escape to a new host. The creature that dealt the death blow to the caskkemar, if it is within 60 feet of the caskkemar, must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or become cursed. The curse takes effect the next time the target takes a long rest as the target’s dreams become dominated by acts of unspeakable evil and other foul imagery. Each time the target completes a long rest, it must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or it gains no benefit from finishing a long rest and its Charisma score is reduced by 3 (1d6). The target cannot regain any Charisma lost in this way until the curse is broken. If the target’s Charisma reaches 0, it falls into a coma and 24 hours later, it dies and transforms into a caskkemar.

The curse can be broken only by casting a remove curse on the target and then casting any spell on the target that can banish a fiend to its home plane (such as banishment, dispel evil and good, or divine word). The fiendish curse makes its saving throws against these spells and effects with a +3 modifier.

Magic Resistance. The caskkemar has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Mortal-Bound Soul. Unlike most fiends, the caskkemar’s soul is bound to the Material Plane. If the caskkemar is subjected to any effect that would send it back to its home plane, it is instead stunned until the end of its next turn if it fails its saving throw.

Regeneration. The caskkemar regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if he has at least 1 hit point.


Multiattack. The caskkemar makes one slam attack and uses its Hateful Nimbus if it is available.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 13 (3d8) necrotic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Hateful Nimbus (Recharge 5—6). The caskkemar unleashes a wave of crippling, fiendish energy from its body in a 20 foot radius centered on itself. Any creature that is not an undead or a construct within the area must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 13 (3d8) psychic damage and it is charmed until the beginning of the caskkemar’s next turn. Charmed targets see all other creatures as their hated enemies and, on their next turn, they use their action to attack or attempt to kill the creature nearest them (even the caskkemar).

Often mistaken for undead, the caskkemar is anything but. It is a fiendish soul that has been bound into a still-living mortal frame, the process of which drives the creature completely mad.

Appearance. The caskkemar appears as a completely hairless and gaunt humanoid creature. Its flesh is little more than blackened strips of leather-like skin stretched about its bones. Unholy light burns in its eyes.

Habitat/Society. When a fiend-knight is created, a fiendish essence is bound into a mortal body. The process is a tricky one and when it does go wrong, the subject usually dies horribly and violently. Sometimes, however, the fiendish essence overpowers the mortal subject, devouring its soul but, in the process, it becomes trapped in the body.

Driven mad by the confinement, the caskkemar wanders the countryside, killing any that cross its path. Though they seek a release from this confinement, the caskkemar knows, in its dim, primal instincts, that the death of its mortal body means its death as well. Thus, when the body is killed, the presence lashes out, attempting to find a new host in which to inhabit.

Ecology. Caskkemar do not eat, do not drink, and do not sleep. It is believed they sustain themselves on the life energies of other living creatures, but there have been no cases of one dying from a lack of sustenance.



