Download - Introduction - · contribute towards a social cause with laudable enthusiasm. We would love to see you actively participate and join this eventful run. Let’s shape


Dear Friends,

Thank you and your organisation for partnering with us in our endeavor to promote �tness amongst professionals. Our team has done everything possible to make the event useful to you and your peer participants.

As you know, the Indian economic growth is strongly powered by our youth population and recent studies have cautioned that the work style of a majority of our workforce (especially in the service sector) can pose potential threat to their health, resulting in an early attack of sedentary diseases. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is inviting like-minded organizations and corporates to join together in campaigning for physical �tness amongst professionals - that’s the reason for “TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge” ! As this is a corporate challenge, we have provisioned the right level of branding opportunity to all participating organisations. We believe this will also serve as additional recognition for the participating organisations.

We hope that the event will inspire you and your colleagues in prioritising �tness as an important activity in your daily routine. If you are able to inspire a family member, a friend or a colleague, in taking up �tness activities amongst their daily routines, that will be a be�tting acknowledgment of our efforts.

Few words on the run - it’s a 10 km medium-difficulty terrain. Our coaches and volunteers are available at reachable distance to assist you in need. Water points are spread across the track to replenish your �uid needs. Also, a medical team and mobile units are made available to meet any of the medical requirements. Please take the run with ease and enjoy it. In case of difficulty, please stop by the side and seek assistance from our volunteers.

Wishing you all the best!Happy Running. TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge Team.

IntroductionThe TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge, a highly awaited �tness event, is a 10K timed run open to corporate employees across Kolkata, where teams participate with a minimum size of four members (preferably having at least one member from opposite gender). The corporate come together to contribute towards a social cause with laudable enthusiasm. We would love to see you actively participate and join this eventful run. Let’s shape and own the future! Let’s experience the energy!!

ObjectivesThrough the "TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge" program, we in TCS want to join hands with like-minded organizations and corporate to,£ Promote physical �tness and well-being amongst our employees and instill

the need for being healthy in all. £ Use the platform for contributing to a social cause.£ Run for fun and entertainment value.£ Create branding opportunities for participating companies.

Features£ Every registered participant will be presented with a runner’s kit (T-shirt and

bag). £ All participants who complete the run within 2 hours will be awarded with a

completion medal, photo, video clip, e-certi�cate and the winners will be given prizes.

£ You get to participate in a trial run one week prior to the race day by Striders, who will coach you with exercise techniques that will surely help you in the long run.

Message From Core Team About Event

Dear Friends,

Thank you and your organisation for partnering with us in our endeavor to promote �tness amongst professionals. Our team has done everything possible to make the event useful to you and your peer participants.

As you know, the Indian economic growth is strongly powered by our youth population and recent studies have cautioned that the work style of a majority of our workforce (especially in the service sector) can pose potential threat to their health, resulting in an early attack of sedentary diseases. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is inviting like-minded organizations and corporates to join together in campaigning for physical �tness amongst professionals - that’s the reason for “TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge” ! As this is a corporate challenge, we have provisioned the right level of branding opportunity to all participating organisations. We believe this will also serve as additional recognition for the participating organisations.

We hope that the event will inspire you and your colleagues in prioritising �tness as an important activity in your daily routine. If you are able to inspire a family member, a friend or a colleague, in taking up �tness activities amongst their daily routines, that will be a be�tting acknowledgment of our efforts.

Few words on the run - it’s a 10 km medium-difficulty terrain. Our coaches and volunteers are available at reachable distance to assist you in need. Water points are spread across the track to replenish your �uid needs. Also, a medical team and mobile units are made available to meet any of the medical requirements. Please take the run with ease and enjoy it. In case of difficulty, please stop by the side and seek assistance from our volunteers.

Wishing you all the best!Happy Running. TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge Team.

IntroductionThe TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge, a highly awaited �tness event, is a 10K timed run open to corporate employees across Kolkata, where teams participate with a minimum size of four members (preferably having at least one member from opposite gender). The corporate come together to contribute towards a social cause with laudable enthusiasm. We would love to see you actively participate and join this eventful run. Let’s shape and own the future! Let’s experience the energy!!

ObjectivesThrough the "TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge" program, we in TCS want to join hands with like-minded organizations and corporate to,£ Promote physical �tness and well-being amongst our employees and instill

the need for being healthy in all. £ Use the platform for contributing to a social cause.£ Run for fun and entertainment value.£ Create branding opportunities for participating companies.

Features£ Every registered participant will be presented with a runner’s kit (T-shirt and

bag). £ All participants who complete the run within 2 hours will be awarded with a

completion medal, photo, video clip, e-certi�cate and the winners will be given prizes.

£ You get to participate in a trial run one week prior to the race day by Striders, who will coach you with exercise techniques that will surely help you in the long run.

Message From Core Team About Event

RegistrationRegistration is restricted to corporates only. Select your company’s team - minimum 4 team members required to be eligible for participation. Total upper limit of participants is 3000. Registration may be done individually, however a company should have a minimum of 4 registered participants at the end of registration period.First come �rst serve rule is applicable for all successful registrations within speci�ed upper limit.Register at https://�

Brandish your BrandYour team can wear T-shirt/cap or other event related gears with your company branding (Each registered participant will get a T-shirt with essentials).

Registration Fee ₹ 400/- per participant (minimum 4 participants per corporate is mandatory). This may be corporate sponsored or collected from individuals and paid through the registering organisation.

Prizes will be awarded separately to the winning participants from both male and female categories. Corporate with maximum participation and maximum female participation will also be awarded.

Other Prizes £ Winners medal (Winner, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up) £ Finishers medal for all �nishing participants (cut off - 2 hours) £ Trophies for corporate with maximum participants and corporate w ith

maximum female participants.

Our hope is that your team and organization bene�t from this run and are motivated to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Charity Partner - Kolkata EditionRegistration

The Indian Cancer Registry reveals that maximum number of speci�c cancers in India come from East and North-East India. The Tata Medical Center, Kolkata a Rs. 800 crore, world class, not-for-pro�t hospital, stands as a beacon of hope for cancer patients.

Set up by the Tata Group, it is one of the Tata Group's big philanthropic initiatives which engages in providing healthcare services to the community in the area of cancer treatment.The Tata Group has always believed in returning wealth to the Society it serves and the Tata Medical Center stands as a true testimonial of this fact where almost half of the beds are reserved for treatment of underprivileged patients.

Mr. Ratan Tata inaugurated this hospital on 16th May 2011, funded entirely by one of the largest endowment from the Tata Trusts despite a plethora of philanthropic commitments across the country.

Tata Medical Center, Kolkata currently houses 437 beds with the most modern diagnostic and treatment facilities. The hospital has already treated more than 1,00,000 patients and performed almost 25,000 surgeries till date. A team of 240 specialist doctors, 440 nurses and other technical staff work sel�essly to provide treatment to the thousands of patients streaming in every month.

The Tata Medical Center has since its inception provided cancer care to thousands of patients in Eastern India. The hospital is a beacon of hope for patients in the region who otherwise had to travel to different cities in the country seeking treatment. Long periods of stay away from home during the Course of treatment had become a huge �nancial burden to many families adding to the misery and suffering. Many a time patients abandon treatment unable to withstand such pressures.

The need is to provide a best in class cancer care facility to cancer patients in eastern India without it being a huge �nancial burden to the patients who are already stressed with battling the disease.

Website: http://www.tmckolkata.comEmail: [email protected]

RegistrationRegistration is restricted to corporates only. Select your company’s team - minimum 4 team members required to be eligible for participation. Total upper limit of participants is 3000. Registration may be done individually, however a company should have a minimum of 4 registered participants at the end of registration period.First come �rst serve rule is applicable for all successful registrations within speci�ed upper limit.Register at https://�

Brandish your BrandYour team can wear T-shirt/cap or other event related gears with your company branding (Each registered participant will get a T-shirt with essentials).

Registration Fee ₹ 400/- per participant (minimum 4 participants per corporate is mandatory). This may be corporate sponsored or collected from individuals and paid through the registering organisation.

Prizes will be awarded separately to the winning participants from both male and female categories. Corporate with maximum participation and maximum female participation will also be awarded.

Other Prizes £ Winners medal (Winner, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up) £ Finishers medal for all �nishing participants (cut off - 2 hours) £ Trophies for corporate with maximum participants and corporate w ith

maximum female participants.

Our hope is that your team and organization bene�t from this run and are motivated to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Charity Partner - Kolkata EditionRegistration

The Indian Cancer Registry reveals that maximum number of speci�c cancers in India come from East and North-East India. The Tata Medical Center, Kolkata a Rs. 800 crore, world class, not-for-pro�t hospital, stands as a beacon of hope for cancer patients.

Set up by the Tata Group, it is one of the Tata Group's big philanthropic initiatives which engages in providing healthcare services to the community in the area of cancer treatment.The Tata Group has always believed in returning wealth to the Society it serves and the Tata Medical Center stands as a true testimonial of this fact where almost half of the beds are reserved for treatment of underprivileged patients.

Mr. Ratan Tata inaugurated this hospital on 16th May 2011, funded entirely by one of the largest endowment from the Tata Trusts despite a plethora of philanthropic commitments across the country.

Tata Medical Center, Kolkata currently houses 437 beds with the most modern diagnostic and treatment facilities. The hospital has already treated more than 1,00,000 patients and performed almost 25,000 surgeries till date. A team of 240 specialist doctors, 440 nurses and other technical staff work sel�essly to provide treatment to the thousands of patients streaming in every month.

The Tata Medical Center has since its inception provided cancer care to thousands of patients in Eastern India. The hospital is a beacon of hope for patients in the region who otherwise had to travel to different cities in the country seeking treatment. Long periods of stay away from home during the Course of treatment had become a huge �nancial burden to many families adding to the misery and suffering. Many a time patients abandon treatment unable to withstand such pressures.

The need is to provide a best in class cancer care facility to cancer patients in eastern India without it being a huge �nancial burden to the patients who are already stressed with battling the disease.

Website: http://www.tmckolkata.comEmail: [email protected]

Note:1. The runner’s kit distribution details will be noti�ed to the participants

directly.2. Only participants with valid bib are allowed to enter the venue.

What we have to offer?Registration for TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge will be on nomination basis from each organisation. The team size should be of minimum 4 members from each organisation. To make the event gender diverse, we recommend participation from each gender.

Every registered participant will be presented with a runner’s kit. Post the run, winners will be awarded with medals and prizes. So be ready to let yourself loose and shed some extra calories from recent festivals with music, entertainment and lots of fun...!

What’s more...?You get to attend a trial run session by Striders, who will coach you with daily exercise techniques that will surely help you in the long run!

5:30 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. Arrival and settling in.

Event guidelines to be shared by TCS anchors.

TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge Flag Off.

6:00 a.m. - 6:15 a.m.

6:15 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.

6:30 a.m.

7:45 a.m.

8:00 a.m. Onwards

Striders to administer cooling down exercise. Participants are advised to participate in the cooling down exercise to minimize post running muscle cramps.

Warm up session. Striders (associated coach and event management team for the program) will lead the warm up session. All participants are required to attend the warm up before the race to minimise running-related injuries.

START -Gate No. 1Parking - Right to Mystica banquet - The Ecos - Right towards Herbal Garden - Biodiversity Zone - Function Zone - Harinalaya - Left on street number 787 - Straight towards Ram Mandir More - Right on Street Number 706 - Straight up to Biswa Bangla Sarani Junction - U turn - Straight towards Ram Mandir More - Left on Street Number 787 - Straight up to Eco Park Car Parking Gate Number 4 - U turn - Straight towards Harinalaya - Function Zone - Biodiversity Zone - Herbal Garden - Right towards The Ecos - Mystica banquet - Left towards - Gate No. 1Parking - FINISH

10 km Runwith Timing ChipeCerti�cateon Race Completion

Prize distribution and closing ceremony.

Agenda Route Map


SQS IndiaInfosystem

Golf Course

MothersWax Museum



ice R


InternationalTech Park

Eco Park

Deer Park

Herbal Garden










Note:1. The runner’s kit distribution details will be noti�ed to the participants

directly.2. Only participants with valid bib are allowed to enter the venue.

What we have to offer?Registration for TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge will be on nomination basis from each organisation. The team size should be of minimum 4 members from each organisation. To make the event gender diverse, we recommend participation from each gender.

Every registered participant will be presented with a runner’s kit. Post the run, winners will be awarded with medals and prizes. So be ready to let yourself loose and shed some extra calories from recent festivals with music, entertainment and lots of fun...!

What’s more...?You get to attend a trial run session by Striders, who will coach you with daily exercise techniques that will surely help you in the long run!

5:30 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. Arrival and settling in.

Event guidelines to be shared by TCS anchors.

TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge Flag Off.

6:00 a.m. - 6:15 a.m.

6:15 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.

6:30 a.m.

7:45 a.m.

8:00 a.m. Onwards

Striders to administer cooling down exercise. Participants are advised to participate in the cooling down exercise to minimize post running muscle cramps.

Warm up session. Striders (associated coach and event management team for the program) will lead the warm up session. All participants are required to attend the warm up before the race to minimise running-related injuries.

START -Gate No. 1Parking - Right to Mystica banquet - The Ecos - Right towards Herbal Garden - Biodiversity Zone - Function Zone - Harinalaya - Left on street number 787 - Straight towards Ram Mandir More - Right on Street Number 706 - Straight up to Biswa Bangla Sarani Junction - U turn - Straight towards Ram Mandir More - Left on Street Number 787 - Straight up to Eco Park Car Parking Gate Number 4 - U turn - Straight towards Harinalaya - Function Zone - Biodiversity Zone - Herbal Garden - Right towards The Ecos - Mystica banquet - Left towards - Gate No. 1Parking - FINISH

10 km Runwith Timing ChipeCerti�cateon Race Completion

Prize distribution and closing ceremony.

Agenda Route Map


SQS IndiaInfosystem

Golf Course

MothersWax Museum



ice R


InternationalTech Park

Eco Park

Deer Park

Herbal Garden










ContactSonia - 033 6636 8015 / 033 6636 8021 | kolkata.�[email protected] For more information, please visit https://�

About Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS)Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that has been partnering with many of the world's largest businesses in their transformation journeys for the last �fty years. TCS offers a consulting-led, cognitive powered, integrated portfolio of business, technology and engineering services and solutions. This is delivered through its unique Location Independent Agile delivery model, recognized as a benchmark of excellence in software development.

A part of the Tata group, India's largest multinational business group, TCS has over 450,000 of the world's best-trained consultants in 46 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $20.9 billion in the �scal year ended March 31, 2019, and is listed on the BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange) and the NSE (National Stock Exchange) in India. TCS' proactive stance on climate change and award winning work with communities across the world have earned it a place in leading sustainability indices such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), MSCI Global Sustainability Index and the FTSE4Good Emerging Index.

For more information, visit us at

IT ServicesBusiness SolutionConsulting

All content/information present here is the exclusive property of Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS). The content/information contained here is correct at the time of publishing. No material from here may be copied, modi�ed, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted, posted or distributed in any form without prior written permission from TCS. Unauthorized use of the content/information appearing here may violate copyright, trademark and other applicable laws and could result in criminal or civil penalties.Copyright© 2019 Tata Consultancy Services Limited

ECO Park, New Town on 12.01.2019 at 5:30 a.m.

2019-20 Edition

TCS Fit4life Corporate Challenge
