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Page 1: Introduction


Giligans Island as a kid Purpose: to describe my time in Hawaii This relates to you because….. Preview

1. background 2. sequence of events 3. effects

Page 2: Introduction


April 1991 Cousin jr. at ku Me jr. at fhsu Dad working in Hawaii Purchased tickets

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Sequence of events

Flight over pacific—Long! Arrival at keyhole—disappointment Couldn’t work for dad Ritz-carlton

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Ritz-carlton resort hotel

I worked on the beach

pipi longstocking eddie garcia damon wayons

Cousin worked at the café

buddy ebson

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How I was affected

Short term depression upon return Learned to respect those working for tips Learned to appreciate travel opportunities more Will always have fond memories and stories to


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summary of main points

1. background 2. sequence of events 3. how I was effected

Climbing the steps for the last time