Download - Introducing {embrace} leadership June 2016


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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

Championing leadershipfor business growth and success every day

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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

“Leadershipis not a title.It is a wayof being”

The {embrace} leadership philosophy is a proprietary system that has evolved from leadership experience of successful corporations and coaches, as well as scientifically proven principles of human behavior, positive psychology, neuroscience and emotional intelligence.

With programs designed for both men and women, the {embrace} leadership philosophy helps leaders achieve success every day. The philosophy supports the unmet needs of leadership programs today - shifting unconscious barriers to conscious actions supporting growth of self and others.

The {embrace} leadership program is not a list of tips, or just stories of experiences, but learnings to understand principles of human behavior, motivation, communication and engagement. Based on how our brain works, we provide training for groups to support the growth of individuals and organizations.

Practicing the principles of {embrace} philosophy will:

• raise women’s and men’s confidence

• build positive collaboration and inclusiveness across all personal and professional relationships

• generate full engagement for balanced life

• generate happy, satisfied, motivated and loyal employees

• generate greater productivity, creativity, innovation and customer loyalty

• support personal growth of individuals to develop self actualization, authenticity, happiness, confidence and success every day

Individuals benefit from discovering their way of being.

Organizations benefit from creating positive culture change for stronger business results. 

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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

Championing women leaders & diversityfor business growth

Progressive executives know gender equality and diversity is the right thing for business. Recent McKinsey research has found a more diverse work force generates stronger financial growth and greater market capitalisation – making it smart business too.

Research finds companies with a higher proportion of women in executive roles achieve stronger financial results, growth, innovation, and a more satisfied and loyal employee and customer base.

However, despite policies and quotas encouraging greater female participation and promotion, and despite women having the ambition and competence to lead, talented women are still ‘stepping out’ from the leadership pipeline.

Ninety percent of women feel their employers are not doing enough to narrow the gender gap in leadership, and 70% feel their employers do not provide adequate resources to support their careers.

The main challenges faced by women in organizations are:

1. lack of confidence in self, resulting in feeling of inauthenticity

2. lack of collaboration, belonging, and trust in daily interactions

3. lack of work-life-balance

4. Thus, lack of engagement

Women leaders reportedly display stronger ‘soft skills’ to better lead people and collaborate - a much needed skill set for male leaders to attract, retain and engage the - ever expanding - millennial workforce.

At {embrace} worldwide, we believe It is no longer a question of ‘men’ versus ‘women’ leaders, but the ideal leadership profile to drive business growth. Initiatives are now needed to target the intrinsicand subconscious mindset and behaviorof individuals.

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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

Practicingthe {embrace} philosophy leads to greater happiness, confidence and success every day{e}motion The power to manage emotions of self and others for positive impact.

{m}eaning Living and supporting others to live a life with purpose and full engagement.

{b}elief Confidence in who we are; belief in self starts within and then resonates.

{r}isk taking Stepping up, and standing up, to our fears to seize opportunities.

{a}ptitude Continually learning and improving from failure and feedback - we are a constant work-in-progress.

{c}ommunity Collaborating to create positive daily support; overcoming biases.

{e}nergy Recharging our brain for leadership effectiveness - physical, mental and spiritual.

Behavior change is monitored using a proprietary {embrace} evaluation system.

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{embrace}products for organization success

Manager Director Business Head C-SuiteEntry level


{embrace} professional coaching

{embrace} balance & engagement

{embrace} XY

{embrace} leadership

{embrace} retreats

{embrace} collaboration

{embrace} productivity &effectiveness

{embrace} thy self

{embrace} personal presence

{embrace} creativity

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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

{embrace} leadership (two days)

{embrace} thy self (half day)

{embrace}personal presence (half day)

{embrace} XY (one day)

A question of leadership: “Why would anyone want to follow you?” Designed for both men and women, participants will learn the principles of the {embrace} leadership philosophy – arming them with greater understanding, knowledge and tools to become the leader you would follow.

Designed for women only, this {embrace} workshop focuses on the no.1 barrier holding females back – confidence.By practicing the pillars of the {embrace} philosophy, women will work towards greater self belief in their professional and personal lives.

Focusing on the way we show up every day, this {embrace} workshop tackles the intrinsic and extrinsic factors and behaviors which impact’s a women’s personal brand.

A workshop for men only, {embrace} XY, focuses on the ‘soft skill’s of leadership and influence that comes more naturally to women. Using the {embrace} philosophy, participants will also gain insights into unconscious bias and the intrinsic differences between men and women.

{embrace} suite of executive products Minimum 12 people per workshop.

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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

{embrace} collaboration  (one day)

{embrace} engagement & balance  (one day)

{embrace} productivity & effectiveness (one day)

{embrace} creativity(90-120 minutes),max. 20 people

{embrace} executive coaching  (six session)

{embrace} retreats

Positive work relations are essential to the continued harmony and growth to keep organizations thriving. Designed for men and women, participants will gain greater knowledge in understanding themselves and others, driving behavior change to champion team work; free of unconscious biases.

At {embrace} we don’t believe in work-life balance. It’s just life! Arm yourself with the knowledge and tools to live your professional and personal life to the fullest. For men and women who really do want it all.

Using the {embrace} philosophy, we investigate our relationship with time, tasks and motivation, to identify and address areas in our life that are holding us back from being our most effective selves. Designed for both men and women.

As time pressures increase in corporate life, the need for creativity and innovation has never been greater. It is well known that great ideas take time, however in today’s instant, always on, robotic life, we work 24-7 to create innovative solutions at break neck speed and then we wonder why there is negligible difference in performance. {embrace} creativity is a program for clients and its stakeholders to drive collaboration and creative success for organizations — leveraging the proprietary {embrace} leadership philosophy backed by researched principles of neuroscience and positive psychology.

With the {embrace} philosophy as our foundation, we offer a personalized executive coaching program to help you gain greater self awareness, confidence and success every day.

{embrace} suite of programs offered as bespoke retreats in Himalayas, Bali, Phuket and Kerala.

{embrace} suite of executive products Minimum 12 people per workshop.

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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

Day OneThe {embrace} leadership workshop empowers both men and women to lead as an authentic and actualized leader – with confidence, engagement, balance and collaboration – across work, home and play. Leveraging the principles of neuroscience, the {embrace} philosophy explores the intrinsic barriers and drivers to better understand and lead self and others; for personal and business growth and satisfaction across professional and personal life.

As part of the workshop, we will develop goals, intentions and an action plan to ensure all delegates live a happier, more confident and successful life.

We will delve into the aspects of leadership. Starting with, “why would anyone want to follow you?” Working through the seven pillars of {embrace} we will build the foundation towards making you the leader you would follow.

Starting with the first {e}, we will discuss how we regulate and harness our emotions for positive impact. By recognizing and accepting we can choose our emotions, we can start to re-frame our mindsets to change behaviors.

{embrace}leadership workshopagenda

Using the principles of positive psychology, we will discuss what generates happiness and success in life by finding our personal {m}eaning. We will assess our ‘nature’ values and what makes us thrive.

We explore our {b}eliefs and ways our critical voice hinders our journey to grow. Using neuroscience, we share the tools and techniques to develop our self-belief.

With the confidence to move forward, the {r}isk taking session arms you with the tools to step up and achieve your goals.

Day Two We explore the role growth mindset, failure and feedback play to help us continually grow, as part of {a}ptitude.

As a group and {c}ommunity, we will work through how {embrace} enhances collaboration in our relationships and we will discuss how {e}nergy is the fuel that helps us replenish and manage our entire well being and leadership effectiveness.

We will conclude by consolidating our goals, actions and intentions to achieve success every day.

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“I absolutely think this workshop served it’s purpose and the delivery of each message has been engraved in us all. The first timeI teared up. Even in tears, I felt renewed, and embraced my inner self. It’s also about self acceptance”

Female participant of {embrace} thy self  

“I think male managers can really benefitif they can learn how to utilize the strength of female staff and colleagues”

Male participant, {embrace} leadership


“There’s more depth in this workshop than many other leadership workshops I’ve attended…keep doing this!”

Female participant, {embrace} leadership

“Recommended especially for men as they make up a larger proportion of leaders to build their awareness and sponsorship of high potential women”

Female participant, {embrace} leadership

“After the workshop I have a refreshed leadership mindset and better understanding of ‘self’”

Male participant, {embrace} leadership

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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

Established by Karen See and Sharn Bedi, {embrace} worldwide encapsulates their own personal and professional leadership journeys, along with studied principles backed by neuroscience, emotional intelligence and positive psychology.

Having worked at an advertising agency together -- ambitious career women they formed a personal alliance and bond -- coaching, mentoring and sponsoring each other in what can truly be called a (mad) man’s world.

With more than 45 years of work experience between them, Karen andSharn draw on personal experience as Asian women, and professional success (and failures) working at a Global capacity, to build a community that empowers and enables people to create and celebrate their happiness, confidence and success every day.

About {embrace} worldwide

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©2016 {embrace} worldwide pte ltd

An Australian of Chinese descent, Karen has lived in Sydney, London, New York and is currently based in Hong Kong. Having worked in four continents, Karen has a great understanding of people, how to motivate them and how to inspire them to be their very best.

With nearly 25 years experience in marketing communications specializing in public relations, advertising and media strategy, Karen has lead regional teams in Europe and Asia working with multinational companies across industries including consumer electronics, IT, banking and finance.

As a marketing and communications professional Karen has a proven trackrecord in building companies to generate brand value and growth.

As a professional coach, she has honed her corporate branding skills to help clients build their personal brand story to succeed in life and business.

As a women in leadership, Karen understands the trials and tribulations of juggling life and work.

A big believer in mentoring and coaching, Karen is committed to arming – all that will let her – with the tools to be better versions of themselves.

About Karen See

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As a management & marketing professional, and MBA graduate, Sharn has succeeded within a broad range of professional roles, across global markets, and diverse industries including automotive, healthcare, agency, publishing and digital portals.

Born in India, raised in Australia, and currently based in Singapore, Sharn is a strategic and practical player able to gain support across various cultures and organization structures.  Sharn combines her passion to develop people, her intrigue in health, neuroscience and positive psychology into her leadership style, coaching, and consulting.

About Sharn Bedi

As a woman in leadership, Sharn has been admired for her tenacity and commitmentto people, organization and personal success. Described as a ‘career-omnivore’, she successfully juggles many roles.  

A career spanning 22 years, Sharn’s motto evolved; from being ‘the best of my best’,to ‘helping others become their best’.

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