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Intro to GIS Mapping April 23, 2014

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• Why mapping data is effective

– Bill Kennedy, Legal Services of Northern California

• The basics of GIS

– Christina Sanabria, Legal Services Corporation


Why GIS, and what is it?

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How can mapping help my organization?

Examples of GIS in legal aid organizations:

• Advocacy

– Bill Kennedy, Legal Services of Northern California

• Planning

– Dave Sobie, Legal Aid of North Carolina

• Assessment

– Jonathan Pyle, Philadelphia Legal Assistance

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• Experiment with a few free tools

– Christina Sanabria, Legal Services Corporation

• Join us for a two-part tutorial

– May 14 and 21 trainings on Google Fusion Tables


How can I get started?

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Why Mapping?

The Cognitive Science of Mapping and Graphic Presentations of Data

Bill Kennedy,

Legal Services of Northern California

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Spatial Memory and the Brain

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Spatial Memory and the Brain

• Hippocampus is the

center of “spatial


• Showing data in a map

gives advocates

opportunity to bypass

other memory centers

(amygdala, entorhinal


• “Re-orient” the viewer

and build new memories

using different parts of

the brain.

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Images can be more accessible than numbers

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The same data, now on a map

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It has been done for a long time W.E.B. du Bois’ map of Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward, 1899

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GIS Basics

Christina Sanabria,

Legal Services Corporation

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GIS Map = a Database with Spatial Info

File containing attributes

about geographies

• How much/ many

• What kind

• When

File with your data that can be mapped

File containing spatial data


bin/geo/shapefiles2010/main Joined

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Nodes (points) 2012 LSC grantee


Arcs (lines) NYC subway lines

Polygons (shapes) Percent change in DC

population 2000-2010,

by Ward

Data: Three Geographic Representations

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Nodes (points)

• Input: address converted to latitude and longitude


• Ways to use

– Color and/or shape can show type/category

– Proximity can show concentration

– Color and/or size can show magnitude

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• Input:

– Reference pre-existing geographies (e.g. counties)

– Create your own geographies (advanced)

• Ways to use

– Color can show type/category or quantity

– Styling (e.g. cross-hatching) can show type/cat.

Polygons (shapes)

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Layer multiple

datasets to show a

fuller picture

Data Can be Layered

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Mapping in Advocacy

Bill Kennedy,

Legal Services of Northern California

Avondale Glen Elder Neighborhood Association

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Environmental Justice

• In December 2008, staff from Sacramento

Natural Gas Storage Company contacted clients

in a historically African American community two

weeks before Christmas offering $500 cash and

a $200 gasoline credit card for the mineral rights

beneath their homes.

• Their plan was to pump 7.5 billion cubic feet of

natural gas into bedrock beneath the homes.

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Maps in Less Than an Hour

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Advocating against proposed closure of mental health centers

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Potential burden on patients traveling to health centers

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• Maps are processed differently by the brain than

written/spoken material.

• Maps don’t have to be “pretty” or take a long

time to be meaningful.

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Office Location Assessment

Dave Sobie,

Legal Aid of North Carolina

Mapping for Planning

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Do we need an additional legal aid office in this area?

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Why map the data?

• It would help answer a specific question (“Do we

need an additional legal aid office?”)

• We wanted to see spatial relationships within

this area. Where are the concentrated areas of

poverty? For adults? Children? Seniors? Etc.

• Mapping the data may raise additional questions

for further inquiry.

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Poverty in the Focus Area

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Poverty and Clients Served in the Focus Area

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Extreme Poverty (income <50% of FPL) in the Focus Area

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Poverty and Clients in Richmond County

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Poverty and Clients in Richmond County

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• LANC established an office in Rockingham.

• Increased number of clients from this area.

• Local judges got involved and allowed LANC to

do domestic violence work in neighboring


• Reduced travel time for clients.

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Map project advice

• Create more maps than you need.

• Search web for map examples and great ideas.

• Check out local county/city GIS departments

• Avoid trying to put too much information/data

into your maps.

• Create a workflow – it will save you time.

• Experiment!!

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Reaching Asian Populations in Philadelphia

Jonathan Pyle,

Philadelphia Legal Assistance

Mapping for Assessment

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Reaching Populations in Philadelphia

Ratio of intakes to pop. in poverty, by race:

Category: Intakes People Ratio

Black: 5,714 201,633 0.028

White: 1,764 82,912 0.021

Hispanic: 966 74,399 0.013

Asian: 206 25,430 0.008 Sources:

Intakes: Philadelphia Legal Assistance in 2013

Poverty: Census Bureau American Community Survey, 2012 5-year


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Locations of Asian social service organizations


Social service agencies

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Relatively large number of households

Relatively small number of households

Social service agencies

Number of linguistically isolated households (Asian languages)

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Relatively large number of households

Relatively small number of households

Social service agencies

Number of intakes

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Social service agencies

Relatively large ratio

Relatively small ratio


Ratio of intakes to linguistically isolated households

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Relatively large ratio

Relatively small ratio

Drilling down: studying potential outreach targets

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Relatively large ratio

Relatively small ratio

Drilling down: studying potential outreach targets

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Potential outreach partners

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Suggested Resources

• U.S. Census Bureau American FactFinder web



• LegalStat web application (PLA’s TIG project):


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A Few Free Mapping Tools

• Google Fusion Tables

• Google Maps Engine Lite

• Tableau Public


• ArcGIS (reduced price through TechSoup)

See LRI for more information about each of these tools.

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Thanks for Joining Us

• Join us for parts two and three of the series

– May 14, 1 PM ET

– May 21, 1 PM ET

• Contact us for additional information

– Brian Rowe, [email protected]

– Christina Sanabria, [email protected]

– Dave Sobie, [email protected]

– Jonathan Pyle, [email protected]