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Page 1: Intro and Method Explanation

1. Mathwords: Gauss-Jordan Elimination. A method of solving a linear system of equations. This is done by transforming the system's augmented matrix into reduced row-echelon form by means of row operations.

2. The method is named after Carl Friedrich Gauss, although it was known to Chinese mathematicians as early as 179 AD


Humans have an intimate relationship with electricity, to the point that it's virtually impossible to separate your life from it. Sure, you can flee from the world of crisscrossing power lines and live your life completely off the grid, but even at the loneliest corners of the world, electricity exists.

Today more than ever, electrics are an integral part of our everydaylives. They contribute to every aspect of our way of life from lighting the space around our work environments, to exploring uncharted territories. But behind each and every electrical appliance or device, no matter what task it was designed for, lies a vast system of electrical components that must function as a whole.

Each component (resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.) has specifications of their own, as does the final product that they are a part of, so engineers must design their devices to meet not only their intended purpose, but so that the individual components are within their tolerances. Vital to this is the analysis of currents and voltages throughout the electrical circuit

in an electrical circuit, there are resistor, voltage source and capacitortake the stage as well as their accompanying language consisting of Kirchoff and Ohm.

Sometimes, there are unknown values that need to be found especially the value of currents and voltages. To solve for the currents and voltages, engineers can use simplification and substitutions, but with many equations, this task quickly becomes very time consuming and tedious.

However, using Gaussian Elimination along with computers, engineers are able to efficiently calculate unknown values of extremely large and complex systems without performing hundreds of calculations and exhaustive bookkeeping of values.