Download - INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

Page 1: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary.

Muskeg: (n)A part of North America

Unsullied: not stained or tarnished

Sonorous: deep and full

Meander: to proceed to take an indirect course

Flinty: resembling steel

Escarpments: a cliff-like ridge of rock

Trough: a long, narrow shape to hold water

Amalgam: a metal

Antimony (claims): a white metallic element

Permafrost: ground that is permanently frozen

Derelict: left or abandoned by owner

oxidized: combined with oxygen

Anomaly: a deviation from the norm

Subcutaneous: underneath the skin

contumacious: disobedient

Ramparts: a broad elevation of earth

Page 2: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 3-4VocabularyDirections: Come up with a picture/sentence for each word.

Hyperkinetic: (adj)Increased muscular movement

Itinerant: (adj)Traveling from place to place, especially to perform work

Rubber tramps: (n)A person who lives in and creeps around a vehicle that looks like it is barely held together with rubber bands.

Leather Tramps: (n)A person who lives a nomadic life but travels by way of hitchhiking their way across country.

Estranged: (v)To remove from an accustomed place or set of associations

Nomadic: (adj)A person with no fixed residence who roams about.

Encumbered: (v)To hinder of or impede the action or performance of.; to burden

Emancipated: (v)To free from bondage or restraint; to release (a child) from the control of a parent or guardian.

Amphibious: (adj)Able to operate on both land and water

Page 3: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 5-6VocabularyDirections: Define each word and come up with a picture/sentence for each of them.

Lumpen: uprooted individuals Garrulous: excessively talking

Denuded: to make naked or bare

Anachronistic: out of order/date

Hegira: a flight or journey to a more desirable place

Desiccated: dehydrated or powdered

Harangues: a long verbal attack

Unalloyed: to not be mixed with other metals

Page 4: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 7-8VocabularyDirections: Define each word and come up with a picture/sentence for each of them.

Ambled: to walk slowly Surfeit: an excessive amount

Conjecture: the expression of an opinion without evidence

astute: sharp or clever

ambivalence: uncertainty or fluctuation

opprobrium: disgrace from disrespectful behavior

opined: to hold an opinion epistle: a formal letter

recondite: dealing with a difficult subject

eremitic: someone who doesn’t want to be around others

sodden: soaked with liquids

banalities: without originality

Page 5: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

Chapter 7 & 8 Vocabulary Continued


 n.  A carving or line drawing on rock, especially one made by prehistoric people.

gulch:n. deep, narrow ravine, esp. one marking the course of a stream or torrent.


Adj. lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory


n. A type of fern; plant


To inscribe (a prominent marking) on a surface: emblazon a cross on a banner.

insinuated:to bring or introduce into a position or relation by indirect or artful methods: to insinuate oneself into favor.

Stratum: a layer of artificial material

Gaunt:extremely thin and bony; haggard and drawn, as from great hunger, weariness, or torture

Page 6: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 11 VocabularyDirections: Define each word and come up with a picture/sentence for each of them.

Taciturn: (adj)disinclined to talk

Scudding:to move or run swiftly especially as if driven forward

rapt: (adj)Wholly absorbed

arcane: (adj)Secret, mysterious

eminence: (n)a position of prominence or superiority

cadence: (n)a falling inflection of the voice

whence: (adv)from what place, source, or cause

mercurial: (adj)characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood

chastened: (transitive verb)to cause to be more humble or restrained

trajectory: (n)a path, progression, or line of development

vagaries:an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion

Loathe: (transitive verb)to dislike greatly and often with disgust or intolerance

Page 7: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 11 & 12 VocabularyDirections: Define each word and come up with a picture/sentence for each of them.

rancor: (n).bitter deep-seated ill will

Wanderlust: (n).strong longing for or impulse toward wandering

panache: (n).flamboyance in style and action

apartheid: (n).Separation

ceded: to surrender morass: (n)a situation that traps, confuses, or impede

Bristled: stiff hairs on an animal

Lenity: a state of being mild

sanctimonious: making a hypocritical show of religious devotion

indignation: strong displeasure in something considered unjust

anomalous: straying from the normal


Page 8: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 13 & 14 VocabularyDirections: Define each word and come up with a picture/sentence for each of them.

recalcitrant: (adj)

Defiant of authority or restraint

delineating: (verb)To describe, portray, set forth with accuracy and detail

razzing: (transitive verb)

To laugh contemptuously (with little respect)

anorectic: (adj)

Lacking apetite

Fatuous (adj)


thrummed: (v)

To recite tirelessly or monotonously

Chutzpah: (n)

Supreme self-confidence

Bergschrund:is a crevice that forms where the moving glacier ice separates from the stagnant ice above

madrigal: (n)

A lyrical poem

demarcates: (V)To set apart; distinguish

Page 9: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 15 VocabularyDirections: Define each word and come up with a picture/sentence for each of them.

environs: (n)Surroundings; vicinity

conflagration: (n)Fire

acrid: (transitive verb)sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor

autocratic: (adj)government in which one person possesses unlimited power

progeny (n)Offspring; children

hectored: (v)

To play the bully

blithely: (adv)Casual or lighthearted disposition

Valise: (n)suitcase

ampoules: (n)

A glass vessel to hold injection solutions

spindrift: (n)

fine wind-borne snow or sand

inundate: (V)To overflow or overwhelm

bivvy: a tent easy to pitch

Page 10: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 15 & 16 VocabularyDirections: Define each word and come up with a picture/sentence for each of them.

calamitous: (adj)causing a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering

abated: (verb)To put an end to

crampons: (n)a climbing iron used especially on ice and snow in mountaineering

bivouac: (n)

a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

Hubris: (n)

exaggerated pride or self-confidence

Page 11: INTO THE WILD: Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary. Muskeg: (n) A part of North America Unsullied: not stained or tarnished Sonorous: deep and fullMeander: to proceed.

INTO THE WILD: Chapter 17 & 18 VocabularyDirections: Define each word and come up with a picture/sentence for each of them.

topographic: (n) the detail mapping of features of a small area

unequivocally: not clear

coppice: (n) corpse Miasma: germs polluting the atmosphere

incapacitated: unable to act or respond

conundrum: a riddle in which the answer involves a pun