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Page 1: Interview X Factor



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Page 2: Interview X Factor

Interview X FactorDo you have the interview X factor? What is the interview

X factor? At the end of the day, what is going to be the

deciding factor as to who is likely to get offered this job?

The three questions the interviewer is trying to get

positive answers to: Can you do the job? Are you going to

love the job? Are they going to love you doing the job?

But if more than one candidate demonstrates positive

answers to all of these questions, what determines who

will get the job?




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Some people will say, "Nonsense! It's because I haven't got

enough experience”. But trust me, if the person who's

interviewing likes you, thinks that you want to work with

them, and thinks that you're 100% committed to doing a

great job, you won't need experience. They'll train you in

the latest software; they'll get you up to speed on what you

need to get up to speed on. Focus on that - it's about

likability and engaging.




The answer is: Likeability And The Ability To Engage

With The Interviewers.Ü

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Simple - find something out about the company that's great

and let them know. Let them know that you've had a look at

it. Before the interview starts, chat about non-job-related

things. For example, if you notice a picture on golf in the

office, and you like golf, mention it. A word of warning though

- only talk about things you're genuinely interested in!




How do you

'engage with the interviewer?'

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Show a little bit of passion, a bit of personality; show the types

of things that you're interested in. Be nice, open, and

friendly; make friends with people, be interested in the

interviewer, and be interested in the company. Show loads of

enthusiasm about the job, the company, and why you want

to work there. Ask them why it's a great place to work. Ask

the guy or lady who's interviewing, “why do you love working

for this company?” Be interesting, be positive the whole time,

smile, and keep eye contact with them.




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Do these things really help you get a job? Is this really going

to make a difference? Yes. Absolutely. I've interviewed

hundreds and hundreds, and have employed hundreds, of

people. The people you give the jobs to are the people that

you like. You've got to be able to do the job, but if an

interviewer likes you and wants to work with you, you'll be

surprised what they will do to get you there.




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It's easy to look back over these and think; "I do all of these

things!" Okay, but how well do you do them? Honestly?

Now, we all know someone who, for every interview they go

to, they get the job. Don't we? They always seem to get

promoted, and they always seem to be lucky. Guess what

these annoying people do? They do all of these simple steps

that we've talked about here. They've practiced them

beforehand, but they seem to do them naturally. It's these

tiny, little steps that give you that interview “X factor” that'll

make you go further.




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020 7183 6232