
04/15/2023 Aarifah Ali/ Creative Media Productions/ Tutor: Dean Vernals


Assignment 1 Unit 36:

Interview Techniques

04/15/2023 Aarifah Ali/ Creative Media Productions/ Tutor: Dean Vernals



What is an interview? In this assignment I will be looking three different types of interviews: information, emotional and interpretive interviews.What is an interview? A interview is a meeting which is held by a interviewer. The person interviewing the interviewee. Most common interview held are interview for jobs. However I'm not looking at interviews for jobs I'm looking at interviews to do with media. I'm looking at the following types of interview : Informational ,emotional and interpretive For example Some interview are taken in place to get information about certain aspects. These types of interview are normally emotional . Emotional interview are interview normally about celebrities' and there life . Whereas some interview are done to discuss important subjects there are called interpretive.

04/15/2023 Aarifah Ali/ Creative Media Productions/ Tutor: Dean Vernals


Informative interview: Maleficent: Angelina Jolie "Maleficent" Official Movie Interview

Interview 1

Informative interview are interviews which give the audience some insight to a topic. I chose this interview because it’s an example of a informative interview. The interview is about Angelina Jolie talking about the experience she had while making maleficent and how she felt playing her.

This interview is like a vox pop but in way it is not a vox pop. You can only see Angelina not the interview however you can hear the interviewers voice when he asks Angelina a question. In this interview Angelina is asked open questions about how she felt paying the role of maleficent some of the questions used are suggestive which lead into the question. For example: “I know you said maleficent was a sense of your childhood.” here the interview is leading Angelina's reply I to the answer. The interviewer is listening care fully and is investigating into the interview and his asking her questions related to the answers that Angelina is giving. There is no introduction of both Angelina or the interviewer throughout the entire interview. The interview stars by the interviewer asking Angelina the question “I know you said maleficent was a sense of your childhood. If you can tell me what it was like to bring her to life, and if it was sad for you to say goodbye to her? Angelina looks very confident in the interview the way she is sitting like she's in a professional interview she has contact with her interviewer. Whereas you can only hear the interviewers voice but he does sound confident. The question are mostly based on maleficent but the last few question are about one of the co actors (Elle Fanning) that worked with Angelina. The interview summarises by asking Angelina what do u think about Elle Fanning and how she played the role of Aurora. Angelina summarises in a few sentences about Elle how she's naive and a if full of light. It’s quite interesting how the interview start about maleficent end by looking the character of Aurora and the actor who played her (Elle Fanning) the interviewer winds up the interview with e few link saying generic interview complete it a very simple wind up still there was not information given about who the interviewer was or the actor. But due to the reason Angelina is well known actress. Angelina’s body language shows she is sitting formally and really interested in the interview.

I would assume this is a television interview or a online interview.

The purpose of the interview is to let the audience know how the actor felt while playing the role of maleficent, Also how she feels about her co actor Elle Fanning.

04/15/2023 Aarifah Ali/ Creative Media Productions/ Tutor: Dean Vernals


Emotional interview: Oprah Winfrey interviews Pharrell Williams

Interview 2

An emotional interview is an interview which gets the audience connected with the celebrity. Emotional interview are normally based on celebrities lives and what they have been through. The following interview is an example on a emotional interview. This interview is about Pharrell and his life an how he became such a big success

Oprah Winfrey is a very well known American host. She is known as the queen of median in America. Whereas Pharrell is very famous singer song writer, record producer and a fashion designer.

The interview starts with an introduction about Pharrell and pictures of him how he become who he is now. Throughout the interview there are many different question techniques used. There are open, multiple, direct and suggestive questions used in this interview . There is development in the questions. Oprah build up on asking pharrell how he became famous and how he felt and does he think is some else had what he had can they become the next Pharrell It’s a informal interview. the mood is very relaxing and calm the location of the interview suggest this. As you can see in the picture you can tell it an informal interview by looking at its surrounding. The white implicates calm relaxing moods. there not main objects in the area. Oprah and pharrell seem to have and very strong rapport. There is confidence between the two . The main point of the interview is about his songs becoming such a huge success. There is strong communication skills between both of the character it seems like Oprah has done her research before the interview. Oprah is sitting in a comfortable posture same as Pharrell, they seem comfortable and with each other. There body language shows this to .Oprah is Listening very carefully to what Pharrell has to say.

This interview is a television interview which is played on TLC American TV which is also aired in the uk.

The main purpose of the interview is to let the audience know how pharrell became such a success but the interview does take a little u turn and lets the audience learn about how pharrell feels about his songs. Also the interviews purpose is to allowing the audience to know what it takes to became a success and that it not easy.

04/15/2023 Aarifah Ali/ Creative Media Productions/ Tutor: Dean Vernals


Interpretive interview:Paxman vs. Brand

Interview 3

An interpretive is an interview that discuss important topics. Most common interpretive interview is an political interview. I choose this interview as an example of an interpretive interview. Because this interview is very powerful. This interview is for a news show I which is played on the bbc news night. The interview is about Russell brand and Paxman discussing how Brand has to question the whole political system. Brand wants a revolution and how Paxman disagrees with Brand.

Jeremy Paxman is a very famous Broadcaster, journalist and author paxman has been working for the Bbc since 1972 he is very well known for his abrasive interview style. Whereas Russell Edward Brand is an English comedian, actor, radio host, author, and activist. These two characters are put together to discuss politics.

Paxman ask Russell very powerful. Paxman ask both open, closed and suggestive questions. In away Paxman is trying to confuse Brand. But Brand is playing clever and trying to answer the question cleverly. Both Paxman and Brand are very self centred people. Putting these to characters together was a very clever idea which is why the interview is powerful. Which is why the topic is discussed to its upmost detail. The interview starts with a question thrown out there. Paxman ask Russell “ who are you to edit a political magazine.” there is no introduction given of who the characters are. Due to the reason both characters are very well known. There interview starts from serious to extreme serious. The questions develop from being about politics to why Brand has the right to question the political system when he doesn't even vote. Both characters are very confident about what they are talking about. The key point of the whole interview revolution. However Paxman keeps on bringing up the question how does brand have the right to question the political system when he doesn't even vote. Just to get it out of Brand. The interview ends with Brand expression his anger about how much he hates the unjust happening with the less fortunate in this country and that there is nothing for the youth. There in no wind up in the interview it end with a few words said by Russell brand. It seems like Paxman and Russell don't like each other . You can tell by looking at there body language. They both try copying each other to make them selves angry.

The purpose of the interview is to get people to understand why Russell wants revolution. Its to get the insight of the situation .