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Page 1: Interview: David Morgan

"Golden Times Guests of Honor"

David Morgan

Michal Wroblewski David Morgan

We invite you to read Michal Wroblewski interview with David Morgan,

founder of, "The Morgan Report" and author of

"Get The Skinny On Silver Investing."

Page 2: Interview: David Morgan

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Hello David,

I'm glad we have you on a board of "Golden Times Guests of

Honour " and that you wanted to share your thoughts with our

readers. In Poland, more and more people are recognizing the

faltering financial system and it’s consequences in the form of crisis.

That is why Polish people decided to invest in gold and silver, also

waiting for a big profit in the future. While gold is much more

expensive and not everyone can afford it , silver is much popular for

investors. More and more Polish people invest in silver and looking

for more information. A lot of people are also familiar with your

materials, so you are not anonymous in Poland. I want to talk with

you not only about the silver but also gold and economic problems

worldwide. So, start with economic problems in the world…

What do you think about the condition of today's financial system

and crisis?

The financial crisis of 2008 was a wake up call to the entire financial system on

a global basis. It could be argued if the bailouts were necessary or not, but

regardless the fundamental problems have NOT been addressed.

You cannot correct and over indebted system by adding more debt, therefore it

is easy to conclude that more problems are ahead of us. How bad it will get

depends largely on the breakdown itself, if transportations problems develop,

or lack of food for example then hardship will ensue.

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What is the role played in this mess of gold and silver?

To build real wealth as currencies are destroyed around the world. The entire

system is dependent upon the US dollar because it is the reserve currency

system of the world, so all other currencies are tied to the US dollar. If people

save in real money (gold and silver) they will maintain or increase their

purchasing power, this has been the trend for over a decade and will continue

until the debt problems are resolved.

Why you so strongly believe in silver?

Silver is more affordable for most people and has outperformed even gold. So,

silver has done a better job of maintaining or building wealth. This trend is

likely to continue.

What forms of investing in silver you think are most appropriate in the current environment?

Always best to purchase small units-coins for example. This gives the investor

much greater flexibility that bars.

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And what do you think about gold? Gold is now the ultimate money and recognized as such, even Central Banks

have become net buyers of gold, whereas a few years back they were net

sellers. Gold is likely to be brought back into the monetary system at some


How do you get interested in this whole subject, why did it become your life's mission?

I was interested in money from a very early age, don’t really know why.

Because of this curiosity the discovery of fractional reserve banking was

something I learned very early. As my study continued the history of money

made it clear that the world was on an unsustainable path.

It became my life’s mission because it seemed to be my duty to try and help as

many people as possible. Also, my motivation became even stronger after

becoming a parent and wanting a future for my children that was based on

sound economic principles.

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Maybe any last words, according to users of "Golden Times"? If you are interested in our work you can find us on Twitter at silvergur22, or on

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Thank you for this interview David and good luck in sharing your message,

Regards to all users of "Golden Times",

Michal Wroblewski