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q 2003 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]; October 2003; v. 31; no. 10; p. 881–884; 4 figures. 881

Interseismic fault strengthening and earthquake-slip instability:Friction or cohesion?Sankar K. Muhuri*Thomas A. Dewers

School of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, USA

Thurman E. Scott Jr. Poromechanics Institute, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, USAZe’ev Reches Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel

ABSTRACTThe slip instability of an earthquake and its abrupt energy

release depend primarily on the intensity of strength drop duringaccelerated fault slip. This process is typically attributed to changesof frictional resistance between two sliding blocks. Here we showthat friction changes alone cannot explain observed strength var-iations of artificial fault zones. Sandstone samples with saw-cutfaults and gypsum gouge zones were subjected to many cycles ofhold-slide loading. Samples with water-saturated gouge display (1)systematic, time-dependent increase of gouge strength; (2) unstablefailure of gouge with large stress drops; and (3) lithification ofgouge by crack sealing, recrystallization, porosity reduction, andgrain bonding. All these features are absent in identical tests withdry gouge. These observations indicate that gouge particles arecemented by chemical processes during hold periods and suggestthat the cyclical strength variations are controlled by cohesionstrengthening rather than by friction changes. We further hypoth-esize that crustal fault zones could be lithified during the inter-seismic stage, and this lithification would control earthquake-slipinstability.

Keywords: earthquakes, fault strengthening, friction, cohesion, slipinstability.

INTRODUCTIONEarthquake processes need to be understood on multiple time

scales: slip instability, rupture, and ground motion operate on secondsto minutes, whereas healing and restrengthening are active from daysto centuries of the interseismic period (National Research Council,2002). The slip instability is controlled by a complex combination ofmechanical and chemical processes along an active fault. The dominantmechanical processes are growth and wear of asperities, grain crushing,and grain rotation (Dieterich and Kilgore, 1994; Marone and Scholz,1989; Mair and Marone, 1999; Byerlee et al., 1978; Power et al., 1988).The chemical processes include cementation, recrystallization, grainbonding, pressure solution, and crack sealing (Sleep and Blanpied,1992; Olsen et al., 1998). Chemical activity over a long time couldstrengthen fault gouge, and this strengthening would determine earth-quake recurrence and severity: for slip to occur, fault shear stressesshould exceed strength gained by such chemical activity.

To investigate these effects, we conducted month-long experi-ments with cyclical loading of laboratory fault zones. The sample ge-ometry consisted of cylindrical precut sandstone blocks with an inter-vening fault zone similar to those used for investigation of frictionalsliding over shorter durations (Byerlee et al., 1978; Olsen et al., 1998;Karner et al., 1997). The gypsum gouge within fault zones was eitherwater saturated or nominally dry, and the experiments include as manyas 15 hold-slide cycles for a single sample. We used gypsum gougebecause of its fast reaction rates in water at room temperature. Further,it is shown that strengthening of gypsum gouge at room temperature

*Present address: ChevronTexaco Exploration and Production TechnologyCompany, Bellaire, Texas 77401, USA.

is similar to strengthening of quartz gouge at elevated temperature. Wethus argue that the present experiments capture aspects of gouge be-havior under conditions of mid-crustal seismogenic depth, and that theexperimental behavior is phenomenologically similar to earthquakesalong crustal faults.

EXPERIMENTAL METHODSThe experiments were conducted using cylinders of Berea Sand-

stone, 25 mm in diameter and 60 mm in length, with a surface-groundprecut at 308 to the sample long axis. The sandstone porosity (;20%)and permeability (;100 mD) facilitate gouge sandstone pore-pressureequilibration during the experiments. The 4-mm-thick gouge layer ineach experiment was composed of natural gypsum sand (White SandsNational Monument, New Mexico, United States) with a mean particlesize of 125 mm. Distilled water was used as pore fluid in wet experi-ments. Experiments were run at room temperature in a triaxial cellunder confining pressure of 20.7 MPa and pore pressures of 6.9 MPa.The experiments include multiple cycles of loading, up to 15 hold-slide cycles for a single sample, up to six orders of magnitude of holdperiods (10 to 106 s), and axial strain rates of 2.6 3 1025 s21 for slidingcycles. Each experiment began with a hydrostatic hold period, withsubsequent hold periods under axial (shear) loading. In a slide stage,samples were axially shortened at constant confining pressure to a pre-determined strain. During hold periods, confining pressure and porepressure were held constant, while axial stress was allowed to relax.The shear and normal stresses on the experimental fault were calculatedusing the effective axial and confining loads. The resulting pore volumeloss was monitored with a volumometer with resolution of 0.0047 cm3.Three experiments were run with water-saturated samples and one witha nominally dry sample.

EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSThe ratio t/sn of shear and normal stresses acting on an experi-

mental fault is plotted with respect to fault-parallel displacement inFigure 1A. This plot is for an experiment with 15 hold-slide cyclesthat was conducted in the presence of pore water. The hold periodswere increased in order-of-magnitude steps from 10 s to 106 s (;12days), and then decreased in steps to 10 s. The sample was preloadedhydrostatically under a mean effective stress of 13.9 MPa and thenaxially loaded until sliding was initiated. The initial hydrostatic loadingproduced a nonlinear stress-strain curve reflecting compaction of un-consolidated gouge.

Each of the cycles in Figure 1A displayed a series of characteristicstages. First, t/sn increased linearly, reflecting elastic loading; the slopeof this increase in stress-strain space is ;14.5 GPa, which approxi-mates the weighted Young’s modulus of Berea Sandstone with 4-mm-thick gypsum gouge. Second, the stress ratio t/sn increased up to apeak strength (P in Fig. 1A, inset) followed by a stress drop. Althoughnot shown here, the stress drop was accompanied by appreciable di-lation in the gouge zone (Muhuri, 2002). Third, the stress ratio t/sn

attained a nearly constant sliding strength (S in Fig. 1A, inset) duringa period of stable sliding. Fourth, after axial shortening was halted, thestress ratio t/sn was relaxed by spontaneous creep.

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Figure 1. Loading history of hold-slide testing of sandstone sampleswith artificial fault (saw-cut) filled with gypsum gouge and deformedat room temperature. Sample is 25 mm diameter by 60 mm long,with principal stress directions and saw-cut oriented at 308 to ver-tical loading axis. Apparent friction coefficient [shear stress dividedby normal stress (t/sn)] on fault plane is plotted against cumulativefault-parallel displacement. Duration of each hold period that pre-cedes each sliding event is marked by log t, where t is holding time.A: Results of water-saturated sample with 15 hold-slide cycles. Notethat strengthening is proportional to hold time and clear stress dropafter failure. B: Results for dry sample with four hold-slide cycles.Note buildup of stress followed by stable sliding along gouge zoneand absence of marked peak strength shown in A.

One experiment (Fig. 1B) was run with a nominally dry samplesubjected to the same effective loading conditions as in the previoustests. After an initial compaction phase, the gouge was subjected tofour hold-slide cycles with hold periods of 105–106 s. Following theinitiation of sliding, t/sn remained at a quasi-constant value that re-flects stable sliding along the fault zone. Similar behavior was observedin previous precut experiments over shorter durations (Logan et al.,1992). The peak strengths and subsequent stress drops that dominatewater-saturated tests with long hold times (Fig. 1A) are apparentlyabsent in tests run with nominally dry gouge (Fig. 1B). We attributethis difference to chemical processes that could be active only in water-saturated tests, in contrast to mechanical processes that were active inboth wet and dry tests (see subsequent discussion).

ANALYSISThe stress ratio t/sn curve in Figure 1A reveals that the intensities

of peak strengths and stress drops increase with holding duration. Weanalyze this strengthening of gouge in terms of the Coulomb failure

criterion: t 5 C 1 msn, where C is the cohesion (that does not dependon normal stress) and m is the coefficient of internal friction. The Cou-lomb criterion was also used to evaluate the friction between two slid-ing blocks, best known as Byerlee’s Law, t 5 mfsn, where mf is thecoefficient of friction.

The cohesion reflects the strength of the bonds between rock par-ticles. Thus, the cohesion value is the combined magnitude of shearstrength and normal strength of the bonding between grains. Friction,on the other hand, reflects the strength of asperities that resist slipbetween sliding blocks (Jaeger and Cook, 1979, p. 54). Thus, the fric-tion coefficient is approximately the ratio between shear strength andnormal strength of asperities. As this ratio (shear strength/normalstrength) is fairly constant for most rocks, the friction coefficient isalso fairly constant: for bare rock surfaces mf ; 0.85 (under sn ,120MPa) and mf ; 0.6 (under sn .120 MPa); for powdered gouge, mf

ranges from 0.6 to 0.8 with typical values of 0.60–0.65.We now examine one central question: Does gouge strengthening

reflect frictional processes (strengthening of asperities) or does it rep-resent a gain in cohesion (strengthening of bonded contacts betweengrains)? We define here two end-member models: frictional strength-ening, manifested by an increase of friction coefficient mf while assum-ing no cohesive strength, and cohesion strengthening, manifested byan increase in cohesion C while assuming constant friction coefficient.Because our experiments were conducted under constant confiningpressure, one cannot distinguish uniquely between these end members.To evaluate the relative dominance of each, we compare each modelto known rock mechanics data (Fig. 2).

For frictional strengthening, we plotted the peak strength valuesof the friction coefficient, mf 5 t/sn, as a function of holding time tfor the wet test of Figure 1A (solid triangles in Fig. 2A). Also plottedare the sliding strength values of the same experiment (solid squares),as well as the peak strength values (open triangles) and sliding strengthvalues (open squares) of the dry experiment of Figure 1B. The peakstrength values for the wet experiment increase from mf ; 0.61 initiallyto mf ; 0.87 after 106 s. The sliding strength values appear to saturateat mf ; 0.72 after ;105 s. This increase of friction coefficient from0.61 to 0.87 is large and in sharp contrast to Byerlee’s Law. Note thatonly one material was used here and the normal stress varied modestly.For cohesion strengthening, we substituted the experimental measure-ments into the Coulomb criterion C 5 t 2 msn. In these calculations,plotted in Figure 2B for the same data points of Figure 2A, the initialcohesion of gouge is taken as zero and m 5 0.61 does not change withhold time (m equal to 0.61 was measured in cycles with no holding inour experiments). The calculated cohesion for the peak strength in-creases monotonically with hold time to almost 8.0 MPa at 106 s; thisincrease fits a relation of C 5 0.48 ln (t) 2 0.95 (R2 5 0.85), whereC is given in MPa and hold time t in seconds. Figure 2 strongly sug-gests that the observed strengthening could not be primarily frictionalbecause one would not expect such a large increase in friction coeffi-cient. The results thus indicate dominance of cohesion strengtheningwith modest increase in cohesion. This interpretation is further sup-ported by widespread evidence of gouge cementation, as described inthe next paragraph.

The microstructural observations and scanning electron micro-scope photomicrographs of wet gouge deformed at long hold times(Fig. 3A) show that grain boundaries are barely conspicuous, the po-rosity is totally obliterated, and the grains are bonded together (wb inFig. 3A). Further, the wet gouge exhibits trails of fluid inclusions re-sulting from healing of microfractures (hf in Fig. 3A). This behaviorpresumably results from a combination of grain-boundary migration,stress- or strain-induced solution mass transfer (c in Fig. 3A), plasticflow, and grain interpenetration. This distinct texture of the wet sam-ples is in contrast to remnant intergranular porosity in deformed dry

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Figure 2. Strength variations of gypsum gouge as function of holdtime; data from Figure 1. A: Strength is plotted as apparent frictioncoefficient (t/sn) on fault by assuming vanishing cohesion. B:Strength is plotted by assuming cohesion increase and constantfriction coefficient of 0.61. Solid triangles and solid squares—peakstrength and slip strength, respectively, in water-saturated test ofFigure 1A; open triangles and open squares—equivalent values fordry sample (Fig. 1B). Note that frictional strengthening (in A) re-quires friction coefficient increase from ~0.6 to ~0.9.

Figure 3. Backscattered scanning electron microscope (SEM) pho-tomicrographs showing texture of experimentally deformed gouge.A: Wet gouge shows bonded grains that obscure original boundar-ies (wb), healed microfractures revealed by fluid-inclusion trails (hf),and recrystallization (c). B: Dry gouge shows distinct grain bound-ary (g), intergranular pore space (p), and abundant open microfrac-tures (f); note absence of these features in wet gouge. Deformationconditions were similar in both cases (effective pressure of 13.8MPa, ~60 days, and 7% axial shortening). C: Optical photomicro-graph of water-saturated gouge zone under crossed polarizers; noteuncrushed grains and foliated shear surfaces. Gypsum has sepa-rated from Berea Sandstone blocks during thin-section preparationprocess.

gouge (dark areas denoted p in Fig. 3B), as well as the extensivemicrofracturing and cataclasis and intracrystalline plastic deformation.Further, rounded grain boundaries (marked g in Fig. 3B) and openmicrofractures (f in Fig. 3B) in dry gouge are absent in the water-saturated, long-hold-time experiments.

In summary, while we cannot distinguish uniquely between fric-tion strengthening and cohesion strengthening, the evaluation of mac-roscopic stress relations as well as the microstructural observationssuggest dominance of the second mechanism. The following discussionsuggests that cohesion strengthening can be recognized in other ex-periments and in the field.

DISCUSSIONThe mechanical data (Figs. 1A and 2) and microstructural obser-

vations (Fig. 3) demonstrate that lithification effectively strengthensfault gouge. This behavior is not limited to gypsum. Karner et al.(1997) conducted strengthening experiments by using a saw-cut con-figuration similar to the present one with quartz gouge. To shorten thestrengthening time of quartz gouge, the samples were held at 636 8Cfor periods up to one day, the temperature was lowered to 230 8C, andthen loaded to failure at this temperature. Figure 4 displays thestrengthening of gypsum gouge in the present experiments (solid dia-

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Figure 4. Gouge strengthening plotted as ratio of apparent frictioncoefficients: (t/sn)initial/(t/sn)final at marked holding time. Gypsumgouge (this study, solid triangles with regression line: strength ratio5 0.064 3 ln t 1 0.977, where t 5 time; r2 5 .76) and quartz gouge(after Karner et al. [1997]; open diamonds with regression line:strength ratio 5 0.170 3 ln t 1 0.603; r2 5 .79). Gypsum held andsheared at room temperature; quartz held at 635 8C and sheared at230 8C (see text).

monds) compared to strengthening of quartz gouge (solid squares) inKarner et al. (1997). For sake of comparison, the measured peakstrength (t/sn) after holding is normalized by the same parameter forsamples at zero hold time. The two types of gouge display a similarmode of time dependence, while the quartz gouge strengthens at ahigher rate due to the high temperature during holding. The dissolution-rate constant for gypsum-water reaction at room temperature (1027

mol/cm2s) is near the equivalent parameter for quartz-water interactionat 300 8C (1029 mol/cm2s), so our gypsum experiments lasting 106 smay roughly model ;3 yr within quartzite systems at the hypocentersof large earthquakes on the San Andreas fault.

Could such lithification by chemical processes also be the originof slip instability during crustal earthquakes (Reches, 1999)? Thisquestion is partly addressed in recent investigations of time-dependentchanges of fault-zone properties. Analysis of shear-wave anisotropy ofthe 1995 Kobe earthquake rupture on the Nojima fault indicated thatfault-parallel fractures (NE-SW) dominated the rupture zone for a pe-riod of about one year after the earthquake (Tadokoro et al., 1999). Inlater measurements, 33–45 months after the event, this set disappeared,and a new set (E-W) emerged (Tadokoro and Ando, 2000) orientedparallel to the regional fracture set. These changes are attributed tohealing (Tadokoro and Ando, 2002). According to the present analysis,healing would occur as open fractures within the Nojima fault zoneare gradually filled by chemical precipitates, and this has been observedin cores from Nojima fault boreholes (Moore et al., 2000). Other in-dicators that in situ chemical cementation could be strengthening a faultzone are the temporal variations of the seismic velocity of trappedwaves in active fault zones. Two repeated surveys (1994 and 1996) ofthe Johnson Valley fault zone that slipped during the 1992 Landersearthquake revealed that P- and S-wave velocities increased by 0.5%–1.5% between the two surveys, suggesting a reduction of crack density(Li et al., 1998). Future measurements of similar phenomena wouldallow accurate evaluation of the time needed to fully regain fault-zonestrength.

The hold-slide cycling on water-saturated fault gouge in our ex-periments is an appealing analog for earthquake-slip instability. Con-

tinued gouge lithification by time-dependent chemical processes duringlong interseismic periods would reform a fault zone into intact rock.The slip instability during subsequent rupture would then be best de-scribed as failure of a brittle, cohesive fault zone. The competitionbetween rates of tectonic loading and rates of lithification could deter-mine time to failure and earthquake recurrence (Reches, 1998).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank J. Fineberg, S. Hickman, D. Lockner, A. Agnon, and B. Evans

for valuable discussions. The comments of T. Tullis and C. Marone were veryhelpful. Financial support was provided by the U.S. Geological Survey NationalEarthquake Hazards Reduction Program, the Poromechanics Institute of theUniversity of Oklahoma, and United States–Israel Binational Science Founda-tion grant 98/135.

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Manuscript received 17 February 2003Revised manuscript received 9 June 2003Manuscript accepted 12 June 2003

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