Download - Internet jetset review



Internet Jetset shows customers how they can make money as an affiliate marketer, by getting FREE TRAFFIC from Google, Youtube, and Facebook.

The entire course is an action-packed 8 hour long course, that prepares customers fully to be affiliate marketers, and make their first commissions ALMOST IMMEDIATELY (within 2 hours) of buying the course.


John Crestani is a badass marketer known for sporting an epic beard and traveling the worldHe started off working for advertising agencies and used those skills to transition into affiliate marketing which is how he caught the 4 hour work week bugHe is the founder and trainer behind Internet Jetset. He also founded and runs Nutryst, which is an affiliate network which specializes in nutraceuticals (skin care, hygiene, etc).Now John is a well known entrepreneur and he has been featured in: Forbes Magazine 28 yr old marketing mogul whos online network of services now generates upwards of $500k per month. Forbes MagazineAnd also Business Insider - Yahoo Finance

Here's some of the content inside the course...

How to make your first commissions within 2 hours of joining Internet Jetset

A secret trick to combine Amazon, and Facebook, for instant profits

How to remove the 'Shiny Object Syndrome' that ruins most online business owners

The number one culprit that causes business owners to lose focus

The highest payout affiliate networks, and how to join them

Two ways to get free traffic from Google

Johns super long-tail, high-intent, high-volume keyword trick

Learn how to use Googles Keyword Planner

Overview of JetsetLIVE:With JetsetLIVE John will do monthly webinars in which he will work with students LIVE on a webinar, analyze their campaigns, and give them updates on the latest and greatest developments happening in affiliate marketing, from the perspective of a network owner, and a super-affiliate.


THE GOOD:You should earn your first commission online within 2 hours IF you follow all the stepsCost is worth more than the investment. For $47, you will be far ahead of most people starting off online or even people who have been online for a year.There are actual Assignments to get you to TAKE ACTION. Learning is wasted without Doing.John is extremely thorough in his explanations, he dives deep into affiliate marketing and explains HOW and WHY things works.Access to the Super Affiliate Forum. Learn from and network with real super affiliates earning 4-5 figures per day.


This course only focuses on FREE traffic sources and training, (unless you invest in the upsell which touches on some paid traffic methods). Free traffic wont cost you money, but it will cost you time and energy.

No one on one training, but you wont get personal attention anywhere fr $47, so its not really a big deal, just join the forum.

John is very collegiate. Sometimes he can be overly complex in his explanations, so expect to watch some videos multiple times and definitely take notes. Once it clicks, its like waking up outside of the matrix.


With so many courses and trainings online, it is often hard to know what is real and whats a waste of time.Also, there are many people who sell courses on theory or philosophy of running affiliate marketing campaigns, but they do not actually make money in affiliate marketing themselves. They only make money selling you their crap. That is not the case with Internet Jetset. This course is not a scam. Internet Jetset is easily the best starting point for new affiliate marketers.With John Crestani, you have someone who is established, successful and vetted by major publications like Forbes and Inc Magazine, so you KNOW hes real.He teaches you in-depth, exactly what he does to earn his money and how you can do the same. This course is about teaching you how to fish and become a fisherman. GET INTERNET JETSET HERE AND START EARNING TODAY!