Download - INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL Strategic IEC approach …101111).pdf · Richard Schomberg IEC Smart Grid Strategic Group Chair IEC System Aspect for Energy delivery Chair US DoE Gridwise


    Strategic IEC approach for theStrategic IEC approach for the Smart Grid Standards

    Richard SchombergIEC Smart Grid Strategic Group ChairIEC System Aspect for Energy delivery ChairUS DoE Gridwise Architecture CouncilEDF VP Innovation Sourcing & Transfer Europe

    2010 Korea Smart Grid Week

    Nov 11th Jeju Island (Korea)Nov 11th , Jeju Island (Korea)

  • The whole world of electrotechnology

    162 participating countries

    Network of 10 000 experts 

    Focus: all electric and electronicFocus: all electric and electronic devices

    k d l d dCore work: develop standards to define rules, specifications, 

    i d i i i fmeasuring and testing criteria for safety, efficiency, interoperability, 


    Offices in:Switzerland,

    EMC, environment 

    3 Conformity Assessment Systems:

    Australia, Brazil, Singapore, USAy y

    + 500 000 certificates issued Korea Smart Grid Week - IEC - Richard Schomberg - 11 Nov 2010

  • Energy Efficiency and the Smart Grid

    IEC White Paper: review of whole energy chain.  Identifies areas for highest energy efficiency gains and necessary actions to be undertaken: 

    •Total re‐design of energy chain •Increased use of electric energy •Globally relevant metrics•Solid technical foundation •Global coordination•Interconnected Smart Grids

    Korea Smart Grid Week - IEC - Richard Schomberg - 11 Nov 2010

  • IEC: Global Smart Grid involvement

    C d





    USA ChinaFrance







    Significant use of IEC Smart Grid Standards

    Korea Smart Grid Week - IEC - Richard Schomberg - 11 Nov 2010

  • IEC essential Smart Grid work

    •Universally recognized Smart Grid G id l h d i 2006 C i lGuide launched in 2006. Crucial  to define Smart Grid needs i d d l f h lindependently of technology solutions (use cases)

    •Core Smart Grid Standards

    •Vast majority of technical Smart•Vast majority of technical Smart Grid Standards

    •New IEC Smart Grid Mapping Solution and dedicated Smart Grid standards hub, to get the most value out of standards

    Korea Smart Grid Week - IEC - Richard Schomberg - 11 Nov 2010

  • Complex mapping of Standards and SDOs

    Korea Smart Grid Week - IEC - Richard Schomberg - 11 Nov 2010


  • New IEC initiative

    IEC Smart Grid Mapping Solution•Fast, efficient answers to focused questions ‐ eliminatesfocused questions  eliminates need to read 1 000s of standards pagesstandards pages •Consistent, reliable and reproducible results. reproducible results.Easy to use, even for non‐standard expertsp• Powerful tool for total Smart Grid standards portfolio pmanagement. 

    Korea Smart Grid Week - IEC - Richard Schomberg - 11 Nov 2010

  • draftdraft

    Korea Smart Grid Week - IEC - Richard Schomberg - 11 Nov 2010

  • Fundamental drivers for the IEC

    Make standards work for you- Cooperate with other standard developers to fill

    gaps – fast track adoption of existing standards

    Existing portfolio update and manage- Existing portfolio – update and manage- facilitate navigation- make standards easy to use Enable global market solutions- Facilitate industry cooperationy p- Avoid island solutions/technical barriersBoost innovation impactBoost innovation impact- Provide focus and solid foundation- Built-in interoperability on a global scale

    Korea Smart Grid Week - IEC - Richard Schomberg - 11 Nov 2010