Download - International Business

Page 1: International Business

I am here to transform ordinary but motivated people into successful entrepreneurs. From a lucrative second income to financial independence – anything is possible

On the one hand, we have people who are trying to save money in light of difficult economic conditions. On the other hand, we have hundreds of companies on the lookout for easier ways to attract new customers and increase their margins. We are the ones who bring these two groups together. We cover all areasof retail, both online and off line, from small to medium businesses to large chain stores. We are the only company in the world to offer both!!! Unique opportunity.

Your own business with a rock solid foundation already in place – Is the answer to successQuestion:When was the last time you had to spend money?Have you ever been payed for that?What if???

Company facts:Founded in 2004Registered and operational in 47 countries world wideOver 1,000 full time employeesTens of thousands of registered privately owned small to medium businesses and large chain stores.Hundreds of thousands of excess pointsMillions of membersBillions in profits.

Benefit from global consumptionTake advantage of a proven business platformImprove your personal financial situationYou decide about time commitment and earningsBuild a sustainable structure and benefit over generations

You will be doing exactly what you are currently doing per day.What change, nothing. Your time commitment is what you are already committed to.No Brainer. No Risk

Financial independence, fulfilment & security

This business isn't perfect, it's just better.

Make your decision now!

I support motivated people to create successful businesses

Want to immediately start benefiting from a range of business opportunities?

Regardless where you stay or work, you can start to benefit immediately creatinga rock solid income by doing nothing more than you are currently doing.Business platform to generate an above average income for generations to comeMembership is free of charge.

Your current cash back cards benefits can still be utilized as usual No cash back or Loyalty system can be compared to Lyoness.

Lyoness South Africa is extremely excited to announce our Latest Loyalty Merchant-Checkers Supermarket Group.Being able to benefit from Shoprite & Checkers, Checkers Hyper at 1478 retail outlets country wide

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Lyoness members can truly benefit from every purchase.

Benefit from: Tiger Wheel & Tyre, Dis-Chem, Game, Toys are Us, Babies are Us, VWNew Cars & Services, Golfers Warehouse, Outdoor Warehouse, Sportsman Warehouse, Insurance Companies – 100's more through out South Africa. 1000's of Local and International online stores available to benefit from through Lyoness only.

Question:Do you shop at any one of these stores? Besides cash back, have you ever been payed to shop at these merchants?Now you can

Contact George – 083 4876615.

Lyoness Facebook Reviews:

This is the most incredible opportunity EVER to be offered to anyone who would like to change their lives from a "JOB" (just over broke) to a life of financialfreedom and the ability to give of yourself and your finances to your community,and in doing so, take part in changing the world to a better place.

This is NOT too good to be true! It is real and the window of opportunity is NOW.... It does not cost anything to join. So why don't you come and see this from the INSIDE?? What are you afraid of? You cannot lose anything... It is freeto join. The choice is yours.

Groceries, Insurance, Medical Aid, (both through Lyoness Brokers, Liquor, Pharmaceuticals and health supplements and health food, hairdressers)

Wonderlik om te sien hoe die Apteke inkom dankie mense jul is wonderlik om mensete help wat so sukkel jul sal nog meer geseen word

Lyoness.Tv for exciting updates

I am starting to feel excited about the future..........

There is no doubt that Lyoness is the best opportunity of the 21st Century!!!

It is not the largest in the WORLD for nothing. It is simply the biggest opportunity that will EVER come across the path of the ordinary man and women. Having said that, professional people have joined in large numbers as well

I like this page. Lyoness is a great company; & helping millions of people

Welcome Lyoness .. great organisation ..

good all the way!

I am also a proud member of Lyoness & welcome them to SA gonna make it BIG in notime.

A great long-term opportunity to get cash back on shopping, meet enthusiastic people and build a business. In addition I love being part of the Child&Family Foundation and supporting Hubert Freidl's vision: PRESERVING LIFE THROUGH EDUCATION. Together we do good!

Wonderful Opportunity !!!!! Thanks to the Lyoness Loyalty Membership - Shopping has become a lucrative passtime (-; Hope to make it a very profitable way of life .... Welcome to SA - may you grow from strength to strength...So proud to be a part of this initiative to help families become self supporting and debt free !!!

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Welcome on Board- the is nothing stopping the South African-- the sky is the Limit- greetings from Austria.

Wonderful Opportunity !!!!! Thanks to the Lyoness Loyalty Membership - Shopping has become a lucrative passtime (-; Hope to make it a very profitable way of life .... Welcome to SA - may you grow from strength to strength...So proud to be a part of this initiative to help families become self supporting and debt free !!!!

Welcome on Board- the is nothing stopping the South African-- the sky is the Limit- greetings from Austria.

Absolutely.......without a shadow of a doubt.......the finest career option available globally........totally unique and so simple.......we do not sell any products but we earn off millions........just the beginning and getting strongerall the time.........

Amazing exciting opportunity, amazing support and leadership. Everyone can benefit and enjoy an even more enriched life, sharing Lyoness with others is very fulfilling and the opportunity to build a team of people who are also excited as they learn more about Lyoness is a great experience. I have met new friends who are enriching my life in many ways

Cash back on your daily shopping plus a card where you earn money for the rest of your life yes please.

Its an opportunity to enrich your friends and yourself by just changing your shopping habits. Exciting times are ahead and I am looking forward to the ride to financial freedom. Start your shopping community now.

Absolutely - without a doubt - the finest career option available in South Africa & Globally, totally unique and so simple - No selling of any products butwe earn off millions in shopping, daily, weekly, monthly creating a constant stream of income Proud to represent Lyoness in the Garden Route Western Cape A wonderful opportunity for residual income

Best business in the world ? you get out what you put in like anything in life xx we have had our lives transformed thanks to Lyoness

I cant believe, I tried it for the first time after a year registered on Lyoness. With 1 SP (Shopping Point I can buy for R350.00.WOW

Every day is cashback day with Lyoness, I get paid for goods and services I havedo anyway

WOW What a difference Lyoness/Lyconet has made to my Real Estate business

An absolute no brainer, no risk what so ever, you shop anyway don't you? Gettingpaid to shop and if you help others to do the same, you get something for your efforts. You refer people to many things all the time don't you? The best business opportunity available by a mile.

Making money on money you are already spending on your normal daily purchases including airtime. AND there is no joining fee - absolutely free. Definite a win-win situationI know I am home now! Simply the best opportunity with the new Easy Shop Plus and our partnership with SalesForce.

Lyoness is stunning, it gives you the opportunity to meet new friends, build newfriendships and the opportunity to build your own business. Don't be afraid to join today. It is free, and you can't lose anything.

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Lyoness is the best thing that could of happened in South Africa. So excited

Did you know?Whenever you shop with Lyoness, you receive a confirmation text message regarding your purchase. Also about important customer login details, your purchasing account and your cashback amount you will be informed via text message.Absolutely the best !

This is one of the best decisions I've EVER made. This company is amazing.

every one wins I can talk about this service with excitement in my heart

It is a stone-cold fact that this is THE BEST PROGRAM ever - Excitement all the way! So join me now and let us go tell the world!If not why not!! ................................

Making a difference in people's lives one recommendation at a time on everyday shopping!

The best (pension fund / saving / making money), business i have ever seen.

This is a great business opportunity for those of all ages here. 16 years and older

An amazing way of making money n enjoy it. Without answering to your boss. By just shopping. M gonna be rich!!!

The best ever and we love this just love it

Wish I had started this sooner, amazing business and incredible earning potential.Cashback for everyday expenses!!! It doesn't get any better!!

This is an Awesome & Brilliant concept to alleviate debt.

A way to save and make extra income, be silly not to's free

Ladies and Gentlemen you have to get involved this is going to be massive

Only Joined about a week ago, But absolutely loving it!!

The largest international loyalty company, with an impeccable track record. The best of all..I am part of it!!!!

Iets waarna ek al lankal gesoek het. Die beste besigheids geleentheid regoor diewereld. Wie kan nee se vir so n goue geleentheid.

There is no downside! Absolutely loving it!

Amazing! Earning income on money spend ... Wow is al I need to sy....

Thank you for the opportunity!

It is the future!It is what cellphones were 20 years ago!!!

Die beste besigheids geleentheid terwyl jy droom verdien jy geld cash in jou rekening

Absolutely amazing. !!!!!!

Lyoness IS THE BEST CASHBACK SHOPPING there is!!!! Yipppeee!!!! Excellent!!!

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The best business opportunity ever!enough Said

Definitely together we are

Great opportunity for success!

Get Cash back paid into your bank account!