Download - Intel Confidential Customer Service Creating a culture of customer orientation Gregg Descheemaeker.


Intel Confidential

Customer ServiceCreating a culture of customer


Gregg Descheemaeker

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What does transformation look like?

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…still the same?


Maybe this is what it looks like?


• Who are your “customers”?

• Citizens? Internal stakeholders? Other departments? Feds?

• Can you recite your organization’s core “values”, and is Customer Service or Orientation one of them?

• How would you grade your organization’s current customer orientation?

Customer Orientation and Your Objectives Today…

Is Customer Service a Core Value for you?

DWR• Workplace Safety• Sustainability• Environmental

Stewardship• Environmental

Justice• Climate Change


CalPIA• Customer Focused• Self-Suffiency• Team Work• Innovation• Integrity• Responsibility• Collaboration• Staff Well-Being

DMV• Honesty and

Integrity• Commitment to

serve the public• Respect/

consideration for others

• Accuracy and quality

FTB• Accountability• Communication• Enterprise Thinking• Individuality• Innovation• Integrity• Leadership• Teamwork

DHCS• Integrity• Service• Accountability• Innovation

EDD• Service• Adaptability• People• Care and Respect• Communication• Leadership• Teamwork• Accountability• Citizenship


Is Customer Service a Core Value for you?

SCIF• Honesty • Integrity• Accountability• Adaptability• Collaboration

CalHR• Collaboration• Leadership• Integrity• Customer Service• Excellence/Quality• Diversity

Dept Tech Services• Be Accountable• Be Service Driven• Collaborate &

Cooperate• Understand Enterprise

Value• Demonstrate Strong


OSHPD• Accountability• Communication• Community• Innovation• Integrity• Professionalism• Respect• Service• Teamwork

DSH• Safety• Treatment• Responsibility

CalTrans• Integrity• Commitment• Teamwork• Innovation

CSUSWe will talk positively about the University and each other.

We will keep the big picture in mind and put the University first.

We will treat each other with courtesy, civility, cordiality, and respect in all our relations.

We will strive to solve problems through a planned, coordinated team approach and lend assistance across unit lines.

We will be mindful that we are using technology to solve educational problems, not using technology for its own sake.

We will be aware at all times that we are one organization working together to achieve shared institutional goals.

We will not oppose change merely out of habit. We will approach change as a way to find better solutions to problems.

We will strive to make it easy for our clients to understand and use our services

We will own responsibility for client problems.

We will respect the confidentiality, security, and privacy of others.

We will communicate about problems and differences in a timely, clear, and cordial manner, in search of constructive solutions to those problems.


“Raley’s is committed to treating customers like family, consistent with the company’s internal culture based on values that each team member is encouraged to exhibit”

Fearless – Forge ahead with thoughtful, bold ideas

Accountable – Take responsibility for doing what’s right

Memorable – Make impressions and connections

Inspiring – Encourage creativity and passion

Learning – Seek and share knowledge

You – Make a difference





What makes you unique makes you essential to our team.

At USAA, you’ll find an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone has a true passion for our mission. From the moment employees become part of the USAA family, they are immersed in a culture that profoundly embraces the service and sacrifices made by those whom the organization serves – the men and women of the U.S. military and their families. Having the opportunity to serve the financial needs of those who serve the country is an honor for all of us.

Maintaining a workforce that is reflective of our diverse membership and community is vital to our mission. The military community is one of the most diverse in this country and our ability to provide best-in-class service is directly connected to understanding the needs of our membership and providing innovative solutions.

Our culture is the heart of USAA’s brand and the foundation of our organization. Every employee is looked to as a leader who embodies and upholds the USAA core values, a set of aspirational behaviors that guide how we perform and how we treat each other.




USAA makes a consistent effort to reinforce our culture, values and mission, through a variety of channels:

• Connect, our internal employee website, features news, member stories and videos

• UTV, our internal video channel, offers workshops and leadership messages

• Signage and video throughout our various locations highlight new initiatives and programs

• Regular employee meetings bring us all together to learn and share

• USAA marketing, including television commercials, showcases our public brand

• Emphasis on behaviors important to our culture in performance reviews

• Unique employee development programs that help employees apply our cultural priorities in a positive way that leads to better results


Customer Orientation at Intel

How do you manage and measure Customer Orientation?


Role Modeling Excelling Doing Beginning Lacking

Understands the customer's critical agenda and proactively contributes to making it happen.

Integrates customer needs with corporate direction for the greater overall good.

Delivers innovative and competitive products and services.

Jointly develops expectations with the customer.

Applies knowledge/ experience to solve the customer's real problem.

Seeks total, not just departmental, resolution to customer requirements.

Seeks out customer requirements and works to meet customer expectations.

Viewed as effective by the customer.

Realizes that customer/supplier relationships go both ways. 

Knows who the customer is.

"Reacts" to customer requests by providing customer with what they say they need. 

Ignores customer input; gives the customer what he/she thinks is best.

Forces solutions/ processes on the customer.

Does not understand or meet customer requirements. 


• Define what Customer Orientation and Service means to you and your organization

• Communicate and reinforce using a variety of channels and vehicles

• Measure, manage, and reward accordingly


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