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Leadership Workshop

Athens October 2011

Integrated Personnel Evaluation Systems

To Enhance School Climate and Student Success

A Question





Two Major Purposes of Evaluation

▪  Documentation

▪  Accountability

▪  Recognition

▪  Improvement of Performance

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Why It Matters – Single Most Important Factor in Student Learning?

▪ Research ▪ Ferguson & Ladd, 1996

▪ Haycock, 1998

▪ Nye, Hedges & Konstantopoulos, 2004

▪ Clotfelter, Ladd & Vigdor, 2007

▪ Hattie, 2002 & Rice, 2003

▪ Etc, Etc, Etc.

Why It Matters – Second Most Important Factor in Student Learning?

▪ Research ▪ Marzano, Waters, & McNulty, 2005

▪ Leithwood, Seashore Louis, Anderson, & Wahlstrom, 2004

▪ Tucker & Codding, 2002

▪ Anthes, 2005

Fifth Grade Math Scores, Tenn. Test, Grades 3-5

Students with 3 Least Effective Teachers ▪ 44th Percentile

Students with 3 Average Teachers ▪ 79th Percentile ▪ Students with 3 Most Effective Teachers ▪ 96th Percentile ▪ Sanders & Rivers, 1996

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Marzano’s Research on Student Achievement Factors Influencing Achievement

1. Guaranteed and viable curriculum

2. Challenging goals and effective feedback

3. Parent and community involvement

4. Safe and orderly environment

5. Staff collegiality and professionalism

6. Instructional strategies

7. Classroom management

8. Classroom curriculum design

Marzano’s Research on Student Achievement

Factors Influencing Achievement

9. Home atmosphere

10. Learned intelligence/background knowledge

11. Motivation

Unique Challenges of International Schools Regarding Personnel (Teacher Evaluation)

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Evaluation Memories– “Plus” & Delta”

▪  Pluses

▪  Delta

Key Beliefs About Personnel Evaluation

Process should: ▪  Be systematic, ongoing, and timely. ▪  Be growth-oriented unless supervisor has a performance concern ▪  Provide useful feedback to employee for continuous improvement in key responsibilities ▪  Include both structured measures and open-ended information for sharing information and concerns

The Issues

 Criteria and Process

 Relationship Between Personnel Evaluation Systems

 The Role of Goals

 Time Line & Relationship to Contract

 Multiple Observer Problem (Teacher)

 Use of Rubrics

 The Rating Problem (3, 4, or 5)

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The Issues

 Observations (Pre/Post, Unannounced/Unannounced,


 Data Collection (Interviews, Portfolios, etc)


 Student Achievement Issue

 Student/Parent Surveys/ Focus Groups, “360”

 New vs. Experienced Teachers


The Issues

 Teachers Not Assigned to Classroom

 Merit Pay (Excellence vs. Extra Pay for Extra Work)

 Opportunity for Person Evaluated to Respond

 Link to Professional Development

 Who’s Got Time for All This? (The Marshall Plan)

 Any Others?

Director – Criteria Options & Process

▪ Self-Study Model ▪ Job Description Model ▪ Stakeholder-Focused Model ▪ Research-Based Model – ECRA ▪ Research-Based Model – Stronge

▪ Key Issues Around the Process -- Director

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Principal Evaluation –ECRA Research

▪  Vision and Values leadership skills, modeling of school and community values and professional behaviors, and ability to set clear goals and directions for school improvement •  Instructional Focus leadership, management, and appraisal of curriculum and instruction

Principal Evaluation –ECRA Research

•  Professional Development enhancing the professional skills of school personnel, including the leader •  Collaboration creation of positive school culture and ability to involve and inspire stakeholders in the school’s vision and improvement plan

Principal Evaluation –ECRA Research •  Communication ability to uphold the mission and vision of the school through the formation of positive relationships with faculty, staff, students, and community stakeholders

•  Management efforts to plan, manage, and supervise school operations in order to achieve instructional goals

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The Role of Goals

▪ Four out of five companies incorporate goals into employee appraisal systems (Lawler & McDermott) ▪ Most goals focus on both results and behaviors ▪ Most companies assess goals with five-point rating system ▪ SMART goals – pro and con

Research Around Goals

•  Setting specific, difficult goals consistently leads to higher performance than just urging people to do a good job

•  Goals are energizing; high goals generate greater effort than low goals

•  Making a public commitment to a goal enhances personal commitment

•  Whether a goal is set by mutual agreement or just by supervisor doesn’t make a lot of difference in goal achievement.

Ratings Options – 3, 4, or 5

▪  Danielson – Distinguished, Proficient, Basic, Unsatisfactory ▪  Boston – Exceeding standard, Meeting standard, Progressing toward the standard, & Beginning ▪  Alexandria – Exceeds expectations, Meets Expectations, Needs Improvement, Unsatisf. ▪  Santa Cruz – Innovating, Integrating, Applying, Emerging, and Beginning ▪  Cincinnati—Apprentice, Novice, Career, Advanced, and Accomplished

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Time-Saving Strategies

▪  Computer Programs ▪  Observational Forms ▪  Data Not Observed ▪  The Marshall Plan ▪  Self-Evaluation ▪  Feedback and Conferencing Strategies

Walk-Arounds (Marshall, 2010)

S = Safety (Physical and Emotional) O = Objectives (Planning & Preparation) T = Teaching (Delivery of Instruction, Family Outreach, Professional Responsibilities) E = Engagement (Individual and Groups, Teacher and Students) L = Learning (Monitoring, Assessment, etc. )

Personnel Interviewing Systems (Styles)

▪  Gallup ▪  Haberman – Urban ▪  Commitment ▪  Dedication ▪  Individualized Perception ▪  Caring ▪  Involver

▪  Involver ▪  Empathy ▪  Positivity ▪  Initiator ▪  Stimulator ▪  Input

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Newest Viewpoint- Teach for America Research Great Teachers: ▪ Set Big Goals ▪ Constantly Re-Evaluate What They Are Doing- Increase Effectiveness ▪ Avidly Recruited Student s and Parents into the Process ▪ Maintained Focus, Execute Effectively – everything contributes to student learning ▪ Planned exhaustingly and purposefully (backward design) ▪ Work relentlessly – refused to surrender to poverty , bureaucracy, or cynicism

Appllication – Your Issue

Collaborative Case Study on One of Your Evaluation Issues