Download - Integrantes: Leonardo Camus Jocelin Olivares Claudia Hernández Curso: 4medio C Fecha: 19/08/10.

Page 1: Integrantes: Leonardo Camus Jocelin Olivares Claudia Hernández Curso: 4medio C Fecha: 19/08/10.


Leonardo Camus

Jocelin Olivares

Claudia Hernández

Curso: 4medio C

Fecha: 19/08/10

Page 2: Integrantes: Leonardo Camus Jocelin Olivares Claudia Hernández Curso: 4medio C Fecha: 19/08/10.

Chronology A.C. Year 4000-3000 Invention of Abacus in China.

Year 1300-1500 B.C. In the Inca empire is used the system of accounts.

1617 John Napier rods Napier develops.

1642 Blaise Pascal builds the first mechanical calculator.

1662 William Oughtred invents the slide rule.

1801 Joseph Marie Jackard perfected the first machine to use punch cards

Page 3: Integrantes: Leonardo Camus Jocelin Olivares Claudia Hernández Curso: 4medio C Fecha: 19/08/10.

Chronology• 1822 Charles Babbage built a small working model of a calculating machine called


• 1829 Charles Xavier Thomas, built the first calculator that runs the four arithmetic operations


• 1872 Frank Stephen Baldwin invents a calculator with buttons based on the principles of the machine

Charles Thomas. • 1943 - 1946 J. Presper Ecker and John Mauchly Computer, built the first fully electronic

the E.N.I.A.C. (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator), weighed about 30 tons,occupying an approximate area of 1,500 square feet and used about 18,000 tubes. ENIAC

could solve a day what would take 300 days manually.

1944 John Von Neumann developed the concept of stored programs, ie, a set ofinstructions stored in a storage unit, which are then executed sequentially.

Based on this concept, Ecker and Mauchly designed the ENIVAC, which was completed in 1952

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First generation

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Second generation

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Thirth generation

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Fourth generation

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Fifth generation