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  • 8/14/2019 Int Diag Final


    In intermittent claudication which is not a factor?

    A. Chronic Ischemia

    B. Deficient Blood Supply

    C. Pain on walking

    D. Malignant Hypertension

    In Peripheral Atherosclerotic Disease which is not involved?A. Occlusion of blood supply

    B. Chronic Ischemia

    C. Atherosclerotic Plaques

    D. Scalloping

    Chronic Ischemia is recognized by all the following except?

    A. Rest Pain

    B. Pulses Reduced or Absent

    C. Cough

    D. Aortoiliac Disease

    Which one is not a symptom of Small Vessel Disease (e.g., Buerger's Disease or DiabetesMellitus)?

    A. Femoral and Popliteal Pulses are present but Foot Pulses are absent

    B. Look for Pallor on elevation followed by Rubor on dependency

    C. If Claudication occurs in the presence of good distal pulses, Spinal stenosis should beconsidered

    D. High Fever

    Which one is a symptom of Severly Ischemic Foot?

    A. Painful, Cold, and Often Numb

    B. Oily Skin

    C. Good Nail Growth

    D. Edema

    All of the following are signs and symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon except.

    A. Color changes

    B. high fever

    C. intermittent attacks of Blanching or cyanosis

    D. paresthesias during attacks

    All of the following are predisposing disorders to Cor Pulmonale except.

    A. cystic fibrosis

    B. KyphoscoliosisC. Extensive Pumonary Arteritis

    D. hypotension

    All of the following are associated with Aneurysms except.

    A. thrombosis

    B. rupture

    C. embolism

    D. occlusion of proximate vessels

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    B. Count the number of squares between the R waves of two consecutive QRS


    C. Divide 1,500 by the number of small squares to find the ventricular rate.

    D. Take the sum of three measurements and divide by three to get the average

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    Which is not a true statement? Regarding the ECG waves?

    A. P wave, reflects4epolarization of the atria.

    B. None of these is not true

    C. T waves, reflect the depolarization of the ventricles.D. U waves might appear after the T wave when the serum potassium is low.

    Aortic valve stenosis and atresia may cause following consequences, except

    a) Non - infective Endocarditis

    b) Left ventricular hypertrophy

    c) Post stenotic dilation of the aortic root

    d) Infective Endocarditis

    Followings are the clinical significance of Mitral valve Prolapse, except

    a) Increased risk of infective Endocarditis

    b) Progressive MV insufficiency may produce CHF

    c) Atrial and Ventricular Arrythemias

    d) Sudden death is not a risk

    The clinical consequences of infective Endocarditis are the following, except

    a) Direct injury to valves or myocardium

    b) Embolic phenomenon to various organs

    c) Focal glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome

    d) Greater splenomegaly in Acute condition

    Which of the following is not a complication of a Myocardial infarction

    a. Arrhythmias (75 to 95% of patients)

    b. Congestive heart failure (60%)

    c. Pulmonary congestion

    d. Cardiogenic shock (10%)

    Which of the following is the definition of Angina Pectoris?

    A. Elevation of Systolic &/or Diastolic BP, Either Primary or Secondary.

    B. Thickening and loss of elasticity of Arterial walls.

    C. Ischemic Myocardial Necrosis Usually resulting from abrupt reduction in

    Coronary Blood Flow to a segment of Myocardium.

    D. A clinical Syndrome due to Myocardial Ischemia characterized by

    episodes of Precordial discomfort or pressure, Typically precipitated by

    exertion and relieved by rest or sublingual Nitroglycerin. (pg 95)

    Which one of the following is not a complication of Coronary Artery Disease?A. Angina Pectoris

    B. Arrhythmias (pg95)C. Myocardial Infarct

    D Sudden Cardiac Death

    Which one of the following is not a sign or symptom of Angina Pectoris?

    A. Most commonly felt under the sternum.

    B. Discomfort may be felt in the Upper Abdomen.

    C. Typically triggered by rest and relieved by physical activity. (pg 96)

    D. Worsened when exertion follows a meal and cold weather.

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    Which of the following is not a clinical feature of MI used in diagnosis based on symptoms?

    A. chest pain

    B. nausea

    C. diaphoresis

    D. vomiting

    Which is not an elevation of specific myocardial enzymes?

    A. creatine kinase

    B. serum glutamic

    C. lastic dehydrogenase

    D. serum alcohol

    Which of the following is not a complication of MI?

    A. arrhythmias

    B. congestive heart failure

    C. cardiogenic shock

    D. nictalopia

    Which of the following is not a symptom of Angina Pectoris.

    a. Highly Variable

    b. Is most commonly felt under sternum

    c. Discomfort may be felt in the lower abdomen

    d. Worsened when exertion follows a meal and cold weather

    The following are incidences of a myocardial infarction except

    a. Increase in age

    b. 5% under 40 yrs

    c. 45% under 65yrs

    d. Men: Women = 5 to 7 times greater incidence under 80 years

    Which of the following is true about Pulsus Paradoxus?

    A. An increase in Diastolic Blood Pressure of less than 10 mm Hg

    B. A decrease in Systolic Blood Pressure of less than 10 mm HgC. An increase in Diastolic Blood Pressure more than 10 mm Hg

    D. A decrease in Systolic Blood Pressure of more than 10 mm Hg

    Volume of the Carotid Pulse is Typically _____ in heart Failure and in Mitral or Aortic Stenosis.

    A. Increased

    B. Reduced

    C. Doesn't change

    D. None of the above

    How should the patient be positioned for heart auscultation?

    A. Forward, prone, and in left lateral decubitus position

    B. Forward, supine and in left lateral decubitus position

    C. Forward, prone, and in right lateral decubitus position

    D. Forward, supine, and in right lateral decubitus position

    All of the following are S\Sx of right ventricular failure except:

    A. Marked Hepatomegaly

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    B. Dyspnea

    C. Ascites

    D. Hydrothorax

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    One of the most useful techniques for cardiac assessment is _____ aka Gated Pool Scanning.

    A. Radionuclide atriography

    B. Radionuclid ventriculography

    C. Radionuclide cardiographyD. CT scanning

    The first symptom in sedentary patients with left ventricular failure is

    A. Orthopnea

    B. Dyspnea

    C. Ascites

    D. Fatigue

    Which of the following is a characteristic or preauctal coarctation?

    A. Often associated with fetal left ventricular hypertrophy.

    B. Generally asymptomatic unless severe.

    C. Produces upper-extremity hypertension.

    D. Manifests early in life and may be rapidly fatal.

    With aortic valve stenosis the narrowing may be due to all the following except?

    A. Anomalous development

    B. Degenerative calcific stenosis

    C. Hypersensitivity to specific allergens

    D. Rheumatic Heart Disease

    Which of the following statements describe mitral valve prolapse?

    A. Etiology uncertain, but there is a 3 to 2 female to male ratio.

    B. There is a 4 to 1 male to female ratio, with a genetic predisposition.

    C. It is found in 80% of Marfan's Syndrome patients.

    D. It is associated with night sweats and headaches

    All of the following are true of coarctation of the aorta except:

    a. 50% are from isolated defects

    b. causes a constriction of the aorta

    c. Female: Male= 3 - 4 : 1

    d. In most, cardiomegaly occurs

    answer: c ratio is ...male : female = 3-4 : 1. page 121, section under data

    In the clinical features of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy(CMP), major complications include all

    of the following except:

    a. embolization

    b. infectious endocarditis

    c. CHFd. sudden death

    e. ventricular fibrillation with mural stenosis

    answer: a correct answer should read - atrial fibrillation with mural thrombus 118

    All of the following are clinical consequences of Infective Endocarditis, except:

    a. Embolic phenomena in spleen, kidneys, and brain

    b. direct injury to valves or myocardium

    c. hepatomegaly, greater with subacute than acute infective endocarditis

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    d. renal injury, including embolic infarction/infection

    answer: c correct answer should read - splenomegaly ....clinical consequences of I.E., p.


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    D. A. L. S. 95






    On a normal ECG, the QRS and the T waves have higher spikes than that of the P wave due to

    what phenomena?

    A. The electrical impulse of the left ventricle is physically closer to the ECG leads.

    B. The mass of the ventricles is larger than that of the atria.

    C. The anatomical position of the heart

    D. The computer is calibrated to have larger values for the ventricular contraction

    compared to the atrial contraction.

    The appearance of a U-wave on a patients ECG is indicative of what?A. Myocardial infarct

    B. Tachycardia

    C. Low serum potassium levelsD. A defibrillator

    The ventricles of the heart are stimulated to contract ultimately by impulses from the?

    A. Bundle of His

    B. Left and right bundle branches

    C. The SA Node

    D. Purkinje fibers

    Pain or uncomfortable sensation of tiredness usually in calf or thigh muscles that occurs in

    response to exertion and is relieved by rest is a definition of which of the following?

    A. Chest pain

    B. EdemaC. Syncope

    D. Claudication (pg 82)

    Atrial Septal defect with bony abnormalties of the upper extremity is associated with which of

    the following syndromes?

    A. Marfan's Syndrome

    B. Holt - Oran Syndrome (pg 83)C. Down's Syndrome

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    D. Turner's Syndrome

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    Right-sided heart failure is typically a consequence of which of the following?

    A Left - sided failure (pg91)

    B. Hypertension

    C. Ischemic Heart Disease

    D. Mitral Valve Disease

    The single most reliable physical sign of congestive heart failure in patients over the age of 40years is?

    A. A third heart sound(S3)

    B. A fourth heart sound (S4)

    C. Pulmonary rales

    D. Ascites

    E. Edema

    All of the following factors contribute to an increase risk for the development of coronary artery

    disease except:A. Diabetes mellitus

    B. High levels of high - density lipoprotein (HDL)

    C. HypertensionD. Family history

    E. Cigarette smoking

    Which of the following statements best characterize tricuspid regurgitation?

    A. Infective endocarditis is a common cause.

    B. The murmur heard in tricuspid regurgitation decrease with inspiration.

    C. Large waves in the jugular venous pulse are characteristic.

    D. Correction of coexistent left ventricular failure rarely improves the condition

    E. Cardiac catherization is required for the diagnosis.

    A Patient presents at your office with the signs: A sinus tachardia, with enlarged heart and an S3

    Gallop. The most probable Dx is.A.CHF (pg 93)

    B. MI

    C. Coarctation of AortaD. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

    If you suspect RT ventricular failure in your patient over left ventricular what would you suspect

    a presenting S/Sx to be:

    A. Ankle swelling occurring during the day and relieved over night:

    More persistent and pronounced as failure continues.

    B. Dyspnea may become totally disabling

    C. Cheyne-stokes respiration and cyanosis

    D.Chief complaint of dyspnea (first noted on exertion)

    If your X-ray findings of your patient show silhouetted enlarged heart, plural effusion and

    pulmonary congestion (Fan-like Densities radiating from hilar region, would you suspect?

    A. Occlusive Artery Dz

    B. CHF

    C. Corarctation of Aol.

    . D. MI

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    The most common anomaly associated with aortic stenosis is:

    a. bicuspid aortic valve

    b. tricuspid aortic valve

    c. coarction of the aortad. patent ligamentum venosum

    Cardiac related symptoms are associated with all of the following syndromes EXCEPT:

    a) Marfan's syndrome

    b) Turner's syndrome

    c) Reiter's syndrome

    d) Down syndrome

    Congestive heart failure can occur secondary to all of the following EXCEPT:

    a) Ischemic myocardial injury

    b) Hypertension

    c) Berry aneurism

    d) Pulmonary embolism

    Left sided congestive heart failure is associated with:

    a) Ankle swelling

    b) Hepatomegaly

    c) Cor pulmonale

    d) Orthopnea

    What does it mean when the QRS complex is too close to the T wave?

    a) Early depolarization of the atria

    b) Ventricles contracting prematurely

    c) Earliest clue to diagnosing myocardial infarction

    d) Gives information on conduction time

    What is the normal Q-T interval range?

    a) .04 -.50 seconds

    b) .50 - I second

    c) .32 - .42 seconds

    d) .45 - .65 seconds

    Which complex, segment or wave gives one of the earliest clues in diagnosing myocardial


    a) S - T segment

    b) P wave

    c) QRS complex

    d) T wave

    Noninfective endocarditis is also known as:

    a. nonbacterial thorombotic endocarditis

    b. nonviral thorombotic endocarditis

    c. nonfungal thorombotic endocarditis

    d. granuloma thorombotic endocarditis

    Dilated CMP is caused by a deficiency of

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    a. Thiamin

    b. Rioflavin

    c. Cobalmin

    d. Folate

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    Assessment of symptoms of palpitations, dizziness & syncope is best done with?

    (a) electrocardiogram

    (b) chest x-ray

    (c) echocardiograph

    d) 24 hour (Hotter) ECG

    T/F The doppler method is the standard technique for assessment of determining existence &

    location of myocardial ischemia & infarction

    What is. the cornerstone of the clinical cardiologic evaluation?

    (a) chest x-ray

    (b) M RI

    (c) Echocardiograph

    (d) Lead Electrocardiogram

    Which of the following is not true regarding lab findings in congestive heart failure?

    A. Slight albuminuria is common

    B. Oliguria seen in right sided heart failureC. Plasma volume is increased

    D. Urine sodium is increased

    Which of type following is not a complication of coronary artery disease?A. Angina pectoris

    B. Increased interstitial osmolality

    C. Myocardial infarct

    D. Sudden cardiac death

    Pain associated with coronary artery disease is a direct manifestation of:

    A. Coronary sinus blood pH decrease

    B. Cellular K lossC. Elevated BP

    D. Ischemia and accumulated hypoxic metabolites

    What two types of electrical processes are involved in the Cardiac Cycle?

    A. Depolarization

    B. Resting State

    C. Repolarization

    D. Both A & B

    E. Both A & C

    What happens during the resting state?

    A. Positive Charges(Na+) outside the cell equal negative charge(K+) on the insideB. Positive Charges(Na+) outside the cell greater then negative charge(K+) on the inside

    C. Positive Charges(Na+) outside the cell less then negative charge(K+) on the inside

    In a ECG what are the wave labeled as?

    A. P, Q, and T waves

    B. QRS, and T waves

    C. P, QRS, and T waves

    D. P, QR, and T waves

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    Which is not an Essential Component of the Clinical Data Base?

    A. X - Ray

    B. History

    C. Physical ExaminationD. Laboratory Studies

    Which is not an early physical examination finding in left-sided heart failure?

    A. Resonant Percussive Note

    B. Normal Breath and Transmitted Voice Sounds

    C. Late Inspiratory Crackles in Lower Lungs

    D. Trachea Deviated to Left Side

    Right-Sided heart failure is typically a consequence of ?

    A. Hypertension

    B. Myocardial Disease

    C. Left - Sided Heart Failure

    D. Ischemic Heart Disease

    What are the three subdivisions of primary cardiomyopathy?

    A. Dilated, hypotrophic, restrictive

    B. Constrictive, hypotrophic, restrictive

    C. Dilated, hypertrophic, restrictive (pg116)D. Dilated, constrictive, hypertrophic

    Which are the common morphologic changes associated with all cardiotoxic agents? (Multiple


    A. pyknosis

    *B. Myofiber swelling

    *C. Fatty change

    *D. Individual cell lysis

    The ratio of mitral valve prolapse in females to males is:

    A. 1:2

    B. 2:1

    C. 3:4

    D. 3:2

    T/F P wave reflex depolarizes of atria, QRS complex reflex depolarizes ventricle, T wave

    reflex repolarizes of ventricle and not show on atria

    How to diagnostic cardiac arrythmia by looking at ECG,graph?

    A. the S-T segment is normal flatB. normal Pwave is similar in shape and size

    C. normal QRS complex distance with T wave is similar in shape and size

    D. all of the above

    All of the following are cardinal symptoms of cardiovascular disease except:

    a. dyspnea

    b. hemoptysis

    c. wheeze

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    d. fatigue and weakness

    answer c p.81

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    All of the following are components of Pickwickian Syndrome except:

    a. obesity

    b. somnolence

    c. hyperventilation

    d. erythrocytosisanswer c. pg83

    Which of the following is not one of the initial ways to assess the movement of the heart?

    a. observation

    b. ultrasound

    c. palpation

    d. percussion

    answer b. pg84

    Which of the following is NOT true regarding the T wave?

    a. Spells Danger

    b. Ventricles contracting prematurely

    c. Ventricles stop contraction

    d. Greater chances of severe ventricular arrhythmia

    If P waves are not similar in shape and size it might mean what two things?

    a. Nothing it is normal

    b. Irritability in atrial tissue

    c. Irritability in ventricle tissue

    d. Damage near the SA node

    The S-T segment provides what?

    a. One of the earliest clues in diagnosing myocardial infarction

    b. Period of ventricular relaxation

    c. Person has diabetes or not

    d. How the heart will perform in stressful situations .

    Rheumatic Fever is typically seen in all of the following except:

    a. A patient presenting with a sore throat, fever, and arthralgia.

    b. in children ages 5-15.

    c. 1-5 weeks after a Group A Strep infection.

    d. 1 - 5 weeks after a Group B Strep infection.

    Which of the following is not a treatment of Raynaud's Disease Phenomenon?

    a. biofeedback

    b. use mild sedatives

    c. continue a vasoconstrictor (smoking)

    d. protect body from cold

    A Berry Aneurysm does not:

    a. usually occur in circle of Willis

    b. partially fill with thrombus

    c. spherical dilate due to congenital wall weakness

    d. usually have a diameter less than 1.5cm

    T/F Pain is common with Raynaud's Phenomenon Disease?

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    Which of the following conditions is known as Right-Sided Counterpart to Hypertensive?

    a. Arteriosclerosis

    b. Cor Pulmonale

    c. Cardiomyopathy

    d. Infective Endocarditis

    Which of the following is not a disorder predisposing to Cor Pulmonale?a. Cystic Fibrosis

    b. Extensive Persistent Atelectasis

    c. Hypothyroidism

    d. Diffuse Pulmonary Interstitial Fibrosis

    T/F Acute Cor Pulmonale is Left Ventricular Dialation after massive Pulmonary


    Which of the following is correct sequence for the cardiac conduction?

    A. impulse to AV node, travel to SA node, continue to bundle of HIS and purkinge

    fiber, terminate intraventricular septum

    B. impulse to AV node, travel to intraventricular septum, continue to SA node,terminate bundle of HIS and purkinge fiber

    C. impulse to SA node, travel to AV node, continue to bundle of HIS and

    purkinge fiber, terminate intraventricular septum

    D. none of the above

    Which of the following is not associated with atherosclerotic aneurysm?

    a. Has minimal risk at less than 6 cm in the adominal aorta.

    b. Usually involves the common illiac artery.

    c. Has an association with Hypertension.

    d. A probable aneurysm is indicated at 3.8 cm.

    Syphilic Aneurysms area. Only seen in the ascending aorta.

    b. Associated with Chancre.

    c. Saccular in nature.

    d. Not a cause of death.

    Which of the following is most commonly associated with men over 50 years of age?

    a. Berry Aneurysm

    b. Cylindroid Aneurysm

    c. Arteriosclerosis

    d. Atherosclerotic Aneurysm

    Which of the following is true about mitral valve prolapse?A) more common in males

    B) rarely sudden death

    C) present in 20% of population between 20 and 40 yrs.

    D) does not produce CHF

    Which is NOT true about coarctation of the aorta?

    A) more common in males

    B) 50% are isolated defects

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    C) a dilation of the aorta

    D) most occur just distal to the ductus arteriosus

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    Which is NOT associated with dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy?

    A) occurs only in elderly

    B) gradual four chamber dilation

    C) occurs as slow, progressive CHF

    D) only 25% survive beyond 5 yrs

    All of the following may be seen in Rheumatic Heart Disease except:a. Erythema marginatum.

    b. St. Vita's Dance

    c. Carditis

    d. Subcutaneous nodules

    e. Migratory Large Joint Polyarthritis

    T/F Strep throat is considered a benign inflammatory disease of childhood.

    When configuring the T-wave and its location

    a) use the top and the bottom line to configure arterial pressure

    b) evaluate the size and shape of each one in comparison to each other*

    c) should point the same way as QRS complex and follow them*d) affected by the breathing of the patient with intercostals only

    When configuring and locating the Q-T Interval

    a) gives better picture of the total ventricular activity*

    b) count the small squares from beginning of QRS complex to the end of the T - wave

    and multiply by .04 seconds*

    c) normal interval ranges from .32 to .42 secs., depending on the Ventricular rate*

    d) atrial fibrillation can be measured from the top of Q wave to the end of the T wave

    T/F Rhythm includes both an Atrial and Ventricular Rhythm

    Which of the following higher frequency sounds is associated during mid/late systolic?a. opening snaps

    b. ejection sounds

    c. summation gallop

    d. mitral valve clicks

    While performing cardiac assessment, which is the most accurate and specific for determining

    individual heart chamber size?

    a. electrocardiogram

    b. chest radiography

    c. echocardiography

    d. radionuclide ventriculography

    Which of the following signs and symptoms are likely to be present during left ventricular


    a. constipation

    b. nausea

    c. dyspnea

    d. hepatomegaly

    Raynaud's Phenomenon can be associated with all the following except:

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    a. Hypertension

    b. Scleroderma

    c. Paresthesias

    d. Color changes at the DIP joints and thumb

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    C. Rheumatic Valvular DZ

    D. Congenital Heart Dz

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    Which of the following is not a common cause of morbidity or mortality with an Aneurysm?

    a. embolism

    b. occlusion of proximal vessels

    c. rupture

    d. constriction of large vessels

    e. impingement of adjacent structure

    Which type of aneurysm is due to congenital weakness in the vessel wall?

    a. Berry Aneurysm

    b. Saccular Aneurysm

    c. Fusiform

    d. Cylindroid

    Which type of aneurysm is most commonly due to Atherosclerosis?

    a. Berry

    b. Saccular

    c. Fusiform

    d. b&c

    Pathognomonic Focal inflammatory nodules (Aschoff Bodies) associated with Rheumatic Fever

    are most characteristic of

    a) Lung tissueb) Hepatic tissue

    c) Myocardial tissue

    d) Renal tissue

    Which of the following is the pathology, which causes Rheumatic Fever to progress to

    Congestive Heart Failure:

    a) Myocarditis

    b) Valvular Involvementc) Arthritis

    d) Erythema Marginatum

    Which of the following is not a secondary change as a result of mitral valve stenosis associated

    with rheumatic fever:

    a) Left atrial dilation

    b) Congestive Heart Failure

    c) Left ventricular hypertrophy

    Lab Findings in CHF include all excepta) oliguria

    b) increased plasma volumec) total body sodium markedly increased

    d) acidosis or alkalosis may be seen

    Complicating coronary artery disease is caused by all except

    a) Atheromas in small arteries*

    b) large and medium arteries w/ deposits of atheroma

    c) ruptures of eccentric atheromatous plaques

    d) intraluminal thrombosis

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    T / F Approximately 30% of patients with unstable Angina Pectoris will have a MI within 3

    months of onset

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    What is not a symptom of Raynaud's Phenomenon?

    a) Spasm of Arterides

    b) Intermittent Pallor or Cyanosis

    c) Cooling of the hand restores normal color and sensation*

    d) Pain is uncommon

    Abnormal dilations of the vessels is called

    a) impingement

    b) plaque

    c) spasms

    d) aneurysm*

    All of the following are examples of aneurysms except

    a) Saccular

    b) Berry

    c) Dissecting

    d) syphillitic

    e) All of the above*

    Acute Bacterial Endocarditis is most commonly caused by: (Page 114)

    A. Streptococcus Viridans

    B. Streptococcus Pyogenens

    C. Staphylococcus Aureus

    D. Staphylococcus Pyogenens

    E. Dr. Suh

    Dilated, hypertrophic, and restrictive are types of (page 116)

    A. Primary Cardiomyopathy

    B. Secondary Cardiomyopathy

    C. Primary Cor PulmonaleD. Secondary Cor Pulmonale

    Which of the following is (are) related to Coarctation of the aorta? (page 121)

    A. A constriction of the aorta

    B. Male:Female = 3-4:1

    C. 50% are isolated defects

    D. Preductal and Postductal are two subtypes

    E. All of the above

    Clinical features such as angina, syncope, and CHF are seen in which of the following?A. Mitral Valve Prolapse

    B. Aortic Valve StenosisC. Calcific Aortic Valve Stenosis

    D. Coarctation of the Aorta

    Secondary CMP are Myocardial disorders of

    A. unknown etiology

    B. known eitiology

    C. known and unknown etiology

    D. nutritional deficiency

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    Which of the following is generally asymptomatic and found only as a mid-systolic click?

    A. Mitral valve prolapse

    B. Aortic valve stenosis

    C. Calcific aortic valve

    D. Coarctation of the aorta

    When measuring arterial pressure and pulse, a pulse delay at the femoral artery can be amanifestation of which of the following?

    A. Pulsus Paradoxus

    B. Coarctation of the aorta

    C. Myocardial Infarction

    D. Aortic Stenosis

    Mitral valve clicks are heard during which phase of the heartbeat?

    A. Early diastolic

    B. mid to late diastolic

    C. early systolic

    D. mid to late systolic

    In a patient with hypertension where would you primarily notice increased amplitude of the


    A. Carotid artery

    B. Jugular veinC. Femoral artery

    D. Abdominal aorta

    The diagnosis of MI is based on all the following except:

    A. Chest Pain

    B. Elevation of Creatine Kinase

    C. ECG - An upward sloping ST Segment

    D. Diaphoresis

    Which of the following concerning Hypertension is true:

    A. Hereditary is not a predisposing factor

    B. Environmental factors do not affect Genetically Susceptible individuals

    C. Some Hypertensives have a higher than normal Circulating Plasma

    Catecholamines at rest.

    D. The Parasympathetic nervous system is probably the most responsible for arterial


    Which of the following is the most common complication of MI:A. Congestive heart failure

    B. ArrhythmiasC. Embolism

    D. Ventricular rupture

    All of the following are thickening and loss of elasticity of arterial walls except.

    A. Endocarditis

    B. Atherosclerosis

    C. Monckeberg's Arteriosclerosis

    D. Arteriosclerosis

  • 8/14/2019 Int Diag Final


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    Atherosclerosis is common in all of the following areas except.

    A. Abdominal Aorta

    B. Circle of Willis

    C. Femoral artery

    D. Popliteal artery

    Commonly involves the femoral, tibial, radial, ulnar, and genitalia arteries and is seen as a ring inmedia without inflammation.

    A. Hyaline Arteriosclerosis

    B. Hyperplastic Arteriolosclerosis

    C. Necrotizing Arteriolitis

    D. Monckeberg's Arteriosclerosis

    T /F: On an ECG, another wave appearing after the "T" wave and is called the "U" wave may

    show up on ECG's of patients who have low serum potassium. TRUE

    T/F: The SA node of the heart is refered to as the "cardiac pacemaker" and its electrical

    -impulse travels from the ventricles to the atria. FALSE

    _____ remains a cornerstone of the clinical cardiologic evaluation.

    A. Chest Radiography

    B. Cardiac Catheterization

    C. Electrocardiogram

    D. Radionuclide Studies

    Which is the most likely cause of congestive heart failure?

    A. Diseases of the Pulinonic or Tricuspid Valves

    B. Arteriovenous Fistula

    C. Calcific Aortic Stenosis

    D. Ischemic Heart Disease

    Cheyne-Stokes respiration and cyanosis are signs and symptoms of which of the following?

    A. Severe Congestive Heart Failure

    B. Right Ventricular Failure

    C. Left Ventricular Failure

    D. Right Atrial Failure

    What happens during the electrical process of depolarization?

    a) Myocardium relaxes

    b) Cardiac cells are stimulated & the myocardium contracts

    c) Cardiac output increasesd) Myocardium attracts again the positive charges (Na+)

    The P wave in the ECG indicates:

    a) Atrial repolarization

    b) Ventricular repolarization

    c) Ventral depolarization

    d) Atrial depolarization

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    How do you measure atrial rhythm in the interpretation of ECG?

    a) Determine interval in 2 consecutive P Waves & compare this interval with all

    other PP intervals using a caliper.

    b) Count squares between 2 consecutive waves

    c) Count squares between the R wave and the 2 consecutive QRS complexesd) By dividing all the P's in the ECG and dividing the # by 12

    On an ECG wave the "P" wave reflects:

    a) the depolarization of the atria

    b) the depolarization of the ventricles

    c) the repolarization of the ventricles

    d) repolarization of both the atria and the ventricles

    Which of the following is not indicative of Dialated (Congestive) Cardiomyopathy?

    A) Gradual Four Chamber Dialation

    B) Occurs at any age.

    C) Occurs as rapid, progressive CHF (pg116)

    D) Only 25% have a 5 year survival rate

    T/F Cocaine useage may cause primary cardiomyopathy by blocking catecholamine reuptake

    at androgenic nerve terminals. (pg119)

    Which type of valvular disease is commonly seen in conjunction with Marfan's Syndrome?

    A) Mitral valve prolapse (pg 123)

    B) Calcific aortic valve stenosis

    C) Pulmonary valve stenosis

    D) Pulmonary valve atresia

    Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of Raynaud's Phenomenon?

    A) Intermittent attacks of blanching or cyanosis

    B) Warming of hands restores normal color and sensation

    C) Pain is common (pg 106)

    D) Paresthesias are frequent during attack

    Berry aneurysms most frequently occur in the:

    A) aorta

    B) Circle of Willis (pg 108)

    C) Basilar artery

    D) None of the above

    T/F The Erythema Marginatum seen in Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease

    involves a specific skin rash that demonstrates a "stocking and glove" distribution, and macularlesions with erythematous rims and central clearing. (pg 110)

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    All of the following are consequences of infective endocarditis except:

    a. direct injury to valves

    b. metastatic infections of the brian

    c. renal injury

    d. spleenomegaly

    e. spread of the cynebacteria to the lungs

    All of the following are causes of cardiomyopathy except

    a. alcohol toxicity

    b. peripartum cmp

    c. genetic dfect

    d. postviral myocarditis

    e. congestive heart failure

    All of the following are associated with pulmonary valve stenosis or atresia with intact

    interventricular septum except

    a. occurs in association with transposition

    b. pulmonary stenosis

    c. complete pulmonic atresiad. right ventricular hypertrophy

    e. left ventricular hypertrophy