Download - INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been? Service Management with Sonic ™ and Actional Marv Stone Progress Software.


INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Service Management with Sonic™ and Actional

Marv StoneProgress Software

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation2 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?


Introduction What the Industry Says Words in Action

Our Itinerary

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation3 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?


OpenEdge AppServer™

ABL Business Logic

Web service consumer

Web Server

INT-5: Integrate Over the Web with OpenEdge® Web Services

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation4 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?


© 2007 Progress Software Corporation5 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?


Services today can be deployed in complex environments

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation6 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

This is a BIG Change

The SOA-enabled enterprise Business processes span “silos”

• No one team has end-to-end responsibility• No one team knows all the moving parts• No one team makes all the decisions

Line-of-business silos Each business process is self-contained

• One team has end-to-end responsibility• One team knew all the moving parts• One team made all the decisions

Applications and business functions map one-to-one



© 2007 Progress Software Corporation7 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

The SOA-enabled enterprise Business processes span “silos”

• No one team has end-to-end responsibility• No one team knows all the moving parts• No one team makes all the decisions

A bottom-up silo-oriented viewno longer works

If you can’t see it:

• You can’t measure it

• You can’t optimize it

• You can’t secure it

• You can’t control it

So Where’s Waldo?

Line-of-business silos Each business process is self-contained

• One team has end-to-end responsibility• One team knew all the moving parts• One team made all the decisions

Applications and business functions map one-to-one




© 2007 Progress Software Corporation8 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?


Introduction What the Industry Says Words in Action

Our Itinerary

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation9 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Know when to use services Know how to use services Know when to avoid services Move forward with a transition architecture Leverage the legacy Sorry, no refunds Build toward a future state

What the Industry Says

Best practices for planning service-oriented projects

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation10 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Services have platform and technology independent interfaces

Services are exposed using standards based interfaces

Services are “Loosely Coupled” Services are modular Governance, management, & SLA’s Monitor, measure, & analyze

What the Industry Says

Common characteristics of SOA

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation11 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?


Introduction What the Industry Says Words in Action

Our Itinerary

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation12 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Words in Action

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation13 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Why OpenEdge 10?

A complete platform for SOBA that delivers everything needed by competitive business applications

Support for industry standards

Language and platform independence

Oppurtunities for reusing ABL business logic

Standard, well defined, and flexible client interface

More consistent client development model

OpenEdge Deployment Platform






Open Clients(Non-OpenEdge)

Open Clients(Non-OpenEdge)

OpenEdge Clients

OpenEdge Clients SQL ClientsSQL Clients



Web Services & Sonic Adapter

Web Services & Sonic Adapter

OpenEdgeApplication Server

OpenEdgeApplication Server

OpenEdge Development Environment


OpenEdge Architect

Other Plug-ins

Sonic Workbench

Other Plug-ins

Sonic Workbench

Sonic ESBSonic ESB

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation14 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Let’s Find Waldo!

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation15 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?


OpenEdge supports the standard of SOAP over HTTP

Maximum data throughput in a given time period

Homogenous environments behind the firewall

The AdminServer and WSA Register the WSA with the JSE

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation16 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

OpenEdge Application






Sonic ESB

Foundation for Enterprise SOA

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation17 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

So Why Sonic?

Connect application services

Mediate service interactions

Control service infrastructure

Web services J2EE, .NET, Progress

OpenEdge applications Hundreds of packaged

applications, B2B, mainframe and legacy technologies

Relational data sources

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation18 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

So Why Sonic?

Connect application services

Mediate service interactions

Control service infrastructure

Moves data across an asynchronous backbone with configurable qualities of service

Allows flexible configuration of routing and process flow

Transform and enrich data• Map between data formats

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation19 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

So Why Sonic?

Connect application services

Mediate service interactions

Control service infrastructure

Establish global namespace

Define and alter process flows, routing, quality of service

Track services and their interactions to gain visibility and control

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation20 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Actional SOA Management

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation21 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Actional SOA Management






© 2007 Progress Software Corporation22 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Actional for SOA Operations


Discover process flowsMap dependencies

End to end across HTTP, RMI, EJB, Web services,.NET, database, messaging, custom apps

No Custom Coding or Configuration

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation23 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Why Actional?

Root Cause Analysis Beyond Web Services Automatic Discovery

• Consumers, Producers, flows and relationships

Performance• Track every message

Tie Between Business and Technology• Mine the context

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation24 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

We Found Waldo!

Deploying OpenEdge procedure (Where’s Waldo?) with ProxyGen

Provision Sonic container Show traffic to service w/Actional

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation25 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

In Summary

SOA is the way to go OpenEdge is the way to

SOA ESB makes SOA integration

Reliable, Scalable, and Manageable

Actional for monitoring and policy enforcement in larger SOA implementations

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation26 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

For More Information, go to…


Progress eLearning Community• XML Essentials, XSLT Essentials• OpenEdge Development with Sonic ESB• Services Oriented Integration with Sonic ESB• OpenEdge Development with XML• JavaScript Essentials• Opening 4GL Appl to Web Service Clients• What’s New in OE 10.1: SOA Support• What’s New in OE 10.1: Sonic Integration

Documentation• OpenEdge Getting Started: Application and Integration Services• OpenEdge Development: Web Services

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation27 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Relevant Exchange Sessions

The entire INTEGRATION track (almost) INT-5: Integrate Over the Web with

OpenEdge Web Services DB-3: Tips for Database Administrators

• Nothing to do with SOA, but it’s GUS!

DEV-25: From Box to Developing WSA/AIA/WebSpeed Applications Using Tomcat

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation28 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?


© 2007 Progress Software Corporation29 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?

Thank you foryour time

© 2007 Progress Software Corporation30 INT-11: It’s Monday Morning, Do You Know Where Your Service Has Been?