Download - inStore Manual Guide InStore mailer... · 1/26/2016 . 1 Contents 1. Introduction ... Profile button ... Reseller Mode: General mode of inStore to be used by employees of the company,


    inStore Manual Guide v. 1.1

    Majan, Javier


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    Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 2

    2. Reseller Mode ....................................................................................................................... 3

    Top Menu .................................................................................................................................. 3

    Notifications button .............................................................................................................. 4

    Basket button ...................................................................................................................... 4

    Voucher button ..................................................................................................................... 4

    Search Box ............................................................................................................................. 5

    Profile button ........................................................................................................................ 5

    Home Page ................................................................................................................................ 6

    Product Category Menu ............................................................................................................ 6

    Products .................................................................................................................................... 8

    Basket ........................................................................................................................................ 9

    Purchase products ................................................................................................................... 10

    3. Kiosk Mode .......................................................................................................................... 11

    Basket ...................................................................................................................................... 14

    4. Customization of inStore ..................................................................................................... 16

    General settings ...................................................................................................................... 16

    Theme / CSS ........................................................................................................................ 16

    Managing banners ............................................................................................................... 18

    Notifications ........................................................................................................................ 21

    InStore Settings ................................................................................................................... 23

    Product Settings ...................................................................................................................... 23

    Header Level Settings .......................................................................................................... 24

    Product Settings (Customization of some products) .......................................................... 25

    Edit a product .................................................................................................................. 25

    Export product list ........................................................................................................... 27

    Mass update .................................................................................................................... 28

    Category Settings ................................................................................................................ 30

    5. Customer Support ............................................................................................................... 30

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    1. Introduction

    InStore is an end user and reseller facing portal, part of the Activate-Here ecosystem.

    used in retail stores.

    It is not an eCommerce store. In InStore there is no purchasing process or payment method.

    InStore is a tool that delivers Activation Keys for products that have been chosen, and also generates

    vouchers of products on its kiosk mode.

    So, InStore has two different modes:

    Kiosk Mode: Special configuration of inStore to be used for End Users through tactile Kiosks in

    physical Stores. This Kiosk prints vouchers of products.

    Reseller Mode: General mode of inStore to be used by employees of the company, to generate

    the PTR for the products available on InStore, and also to activate the vouchers printed in the

    Kiosk mode.

    So, when the product is finally purchased through the eCommerce platform of the company, then it asks

    to InStore to provide the Activation Keys of that product. And it is delivered in a PTR.

    PTR: Print-To-Receipt; the paper receipt of the Electronic Purchase where the Activation Keys

    for the purchased product are printed.

    PIN PTR: Print-To-Receipt where, instead of the Activation Keys there is a PIN to be used in a

    URL to get the actual Activation Key.

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    2. Reseller Mode

    Only users with a login and a password generated through the Activate-Here Admin Portal, will be able

    to login on inStore, either to use it in the Reseller mode or to enable the Kiosk.

    In the login page, the user has to enter the username and password, and select the Reseller mode.

    The aspect of InStore is the usual for an eCommerce platform; home page, product page, basket, search,

    purchase, and settings.

    Top Menu There, users will find some relevant links and buttons not directly related with the purchase


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    Notifications button

    Users can receive important updates from Tech Data and also notifications created by users;

    all the messages are chronologically saved in the page linked to the first icon. Please review

    the section related to Notifications on this document.

    Basket button

    Through this button, users are linked to the basket. It is always updated with the number of

    products added to it.

    Voucher button

    Through this button, users are able to validate the vouchers created through the Kiosk Mode.

    So, once the End User printed a voucher through the kiosk, with the EAN Code the Voucher will

    be validated and the End User will get in his/her receipt, the Activation Keys or PIN Code.

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    Search Box

    The Search Box includes an instant-predictive product display. If users start writing a product,

    all the related results are automatically displayed.

    Profile button

    The profile button is located in the right corner of the screen and it shows the name of the

    user logged in, with the Tech Data customer ID. When it is clicked, a dropdown menu is

    displayed with different options that are explained in different parts of this .

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    Home Page

    This is the main page of InStore, both for Resellers and Kiosk. It is basically split in two different

    sections; category menu and products lists.

    Product Category Menu This is the main menu of InStore. All products are organized through it and there are two levels of

    hierarchy; in other words, every category can be parent of a subcategory; and they can be manually

    sorted by the reseller in the Product Settings page.

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    They are managed in the Product Category Settings Page (Profile Button > Product Settings >

    Manage Product Category)

    There, users will see the first level categories of InStore (the ones that are displayed in the

    changing the order display numbers and saving the page.

  • 8

    Also subcategories can be resorted s of each


    Products s design allows users navigate through all the Products of the system, either through the Product

    Category Menu or with the search box. They are displayed in thumbnails, and clicking any of them users

    are redirected to the Product page.

    Products can be found through the Navigation Menu but also with the search engine located at the top

    of the page.

    The different parts of the Product Page are:

    1. Product Name

    2. Short Description

    3. Main Image

    4. Secondary Images (Clicking on any of them the main image is replaced by the selected one)

    5. Product Description Link

    6. Specifications Link

    7. Information field (By default, with the Product Description, if Specifications is clicked, content

    changes to the Product Spec)

    8. Automatically Generated list of Similar Products

    9. End user Product Price


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    By clicking on the Compare icon, users will be able to add products to compare through the panel

    that appears at the bottom of the page. Up to 4 different products can be compared.

    From the Product Page users can add the product to the basket to be sold by



    The link to the basket is located on the top of the page. Close to the icon it is displayed the number of

    products inside the basket.

    In the basket page users can change the quantity (by clicking in the buttons + and -), remove products

    (clicking in the trash), continue shopping or confirm the order.





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    Purchase products Once users confirm the order in the basket, a pop up appears where they have to confirm the identity of

    the cashier by filling again the username and the password. Users can be created by your Intouch

    Administrator, using the Activate-here Instore rights. There is also the option to add a PO Reference.

    This is optional. If not provided, Activate-Here will generate a Purchase Order Reference based on the

    userID and the timestamp.

    If the order is correctly placed, and username and passwords are correct, the PTR voucher will be

    printed and the transaction will be finished. In case multiple products or quantity larger than 1 has been

    purchased, Activate-here inStore will print one voucher for each Activation Key or PIN.

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    3. Kiosk Mode

    InStore is a powerful tool to be used in eKiosks; through it, it is possible for the end user to review the

    Product catalogue and printing a voucher of the selected products. The end user does not purchase or

    pay the product in the kiosk. The end user should take the voucher to the cashier to pay for the product

    and activate the PTR voucher.

    The layout of the kiosk mode is slightly different to the reseller one. It is designed to be used in ekiosks

    (with touch screens) by end users; and therefore, the page is designed to improve user experience on

    this kind of platforms.

    In order to activate the Kiosk mode, users have

    e that it is

    desired to be logged in.

    If users select a specific number of days, the kiosk mode will be automatically logged out after the

    selected period of time. If there is no time selected the kiosk mode will be closed only by signing out


    To show Activate-here inStore to end-users we suggest you run it in Google Chrome running using the

    Chrome kiosk mode. Below you will find the instructions how to do this:

    Ensure Google chrome is installed on your PC. If this is not done yet, browse to

    Create a new shortcut to Chrome on your desktop

    o Open the windows start menu

    o Choose All programs

    o Google

    o Right mouse click on Chrome

    Choose Send to>Desktop (create shortcut)Now go to your desktop and right mouse click on the

    new Google Chrome shortcut

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    Choose Properties

    Select the Target box

    The URL should be similar to this:

    C:\Users\ [your user name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

    After this instruction add: --kiosk --kiosk-printing https:// [your Activate-here Instore URL]

    Now choose OK

    Finally change the name of the shortcut to Activate-here Instore

    Important: To run the kiosk mode users have to ensure all other instances of Google Chrome are closed.

    Otherwise it will not work.

    When users now click on the icon Chrome should open in full screen kiosk mode. Users cannot open any

    other webpages. The only way to escape from this mode is by using Alt-F4. This mode will also bypass

    the print dialog.

    If users need to change printer setting, like selecting the default printer, or change the margins, they

    have to hide header/footer, open chrome in normal mode and change the settings. The settings will be

    automatically stored for future prints.

    If Chrome does not start in kiosk mode, despite the settings above, it is very likely that users system still

    have some hidden chrome processes open. To validate, open the task manager, select tab Processes and

    close any process called Chrome.exe.

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    There are some differences between the Resellers Mode and the End-Users Mode:

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    In the Kiosk Mode, the top menu is located at the bottom, in order to facilitate the use of the

    search box in kiosks with big screens.

    (located at the bottom menu, at the


    In the Kiosk Mode the End User will print a voucher. The purchase process occurs later on, in

    the cart of the physical store.

    After End Users prints the voucher in the kiosk, they will go with it to the Cashier to proceed

    with the purchase itself:

    The cashier, in the reseller mode, through the Voucher Button , will scan the EAN code of

    the voucher; creating this way the purchase of the product and getting in his/her receipt, the

    Activation Keys or PIN Code.


    In the kiosk mode, the basket page allows

    users to change the quantity (by clicking in the buttons + and -), and print the voucher or close the page.

    There are no more options.

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    After that, the End User will print the voucher with an EAN code that will be used in the cashier.

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    4. Customization of inStore

    inStore is a highly customizable tool that allows to personalize several items, like CSS,

    products, categories, prices, banners, etc. . All customization can be accessed in Instore

    reseller mode, but only by Intouch Administrators.

    General settings

    All the customizations of the layout, notifications, emails, CSS, etcetera, are located in the

    The Settings Area is divided in different areas:

    Theme / CSS

    From the Theme/CSS link users can change the theme colors of inStore; there are six

    predefined theme colors to choose.

    Users also have the ability to choose the color of the menus and the top background.

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    In the same page, below, users will find different examples of text, colours, etc., depending on

    the predefined theme chosen. Also there are defined the CSS attributes of each of them.

    the changes and we

    recommend cleaning up all cache.

    InStore allows users to create their own Cascade Style Sheet to personalize absolutely the End

    User Kiosk.

    the CSS will be displayed in a text area with

    the actual CSS of InStore; each style has an explanatory comment.

    Users can either change any specific value or all the CSS. We highly recommend testing any

    change of CSS in our Quality environment before releasing it to Live.

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    To return to the default CSS, users only have to delete all the content of the Custom CSS (and

    Managing banners

    There are four different banners on InStore:

    Login Page

    o Logo Banner (1600x512)

    Logo Banner

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    Other Pages

    o Main Kiosk Banner (1900x375)

    o Left Banner (218xUnlimited)

    o Right Banner (231xUnlimited)

    InStore allows users to change the existing banners, and users also can set up a period of time

    when each one of them will be displayed.

    Main Kiosk Banner

    Left Banner



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    To manage the banners, first of all ensure that they have width and height; after click on the

    edit icon to upload them.

    Once users click on it, a window is opened to upload the new banner and to set the starting

    and end date when the banner will be visible. In all cases there should be a range of dates;

    therefore to put a banner without End date, users can force it by setting as end date a day of

    the far future.

    If users want to remove the banner and set up the default one provided by Tech Data, they

    just have to click on the trash icon.

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    up the cache (click on the top-right button) to ensure that changes

    will be displayed automatically.


    Users can create notifications to be displayed on InStore, especially useful in the Kiosk mode to

    push relevant information to the End Users.

    They are displayed, on the Kiosk mode, as a Popup on the top of the page.

    To create notifications, users have to click on the on the General Settings

    page. Once there, users will see a chronologically sorted list of all notifications, either from

    Tech Data or created by them. All the notifications coming from Tech Data are marked as

    popup will appear to create the new Notification with the following fields: