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Institute of Management ConsultantsTwitter -­ the why, what and how

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We didn’t think we needed

websites once upon a time

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This is a way we have always done business

however now it’s quicker and on a larger scale.

Word of mouth -­ networking -­ trust

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Twitter Stats

-­ 679,000 Australians who visit

-­ market share has grown over

1000% since the start of last year.

-­ In Australia, one in two Australians use

social networking sites, such as Facebook

or Twitter

-­ 8% of the time Australians spend on the

internet is on social networking sites and

each session on these sites range between

20 – 30 minutes in length


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What is Twitter?

-­ Microblog

-­ Realtime search

-­ Word of mouth on speed

-­ Assists in building brand awareness and credibility if worked well.

-­ Customer service

-­ Brand awareness

-­ Events – using # (hashtag)

-­ Networking on large scale

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-­ @, Mention

-­ DM, Direct Message

-­ RT, ReTweet

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Why Twitter?

-­ Marketing and Communication.

worked the platform well.

-­ Great place to connect-­build up

-­ Exposure, Interaction,


-­ Business networking

-­ Word of mouth

Joint Ventures, Partnerships

-­ Ideas, creativity

-­ Instant Google helper ;;-­)

-­ Breaking news

-­ Story telling

-­ # (hashtag)

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What is Twitter

-­ Micro blogging

-­ 140 characters or less

-­ Real time conversation

-­ Networking hub

-­ Word of mouth on speed!

-­ Sharing and discovery site

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thinktank mediasocial media | digital | website design A visual guide to twitter

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4 ways to Communicate on Twitter

-­ Tweet, sharing an update with your followers

choose to. @sammutimer

-­ RT, Retweet – sharing another persons tweet with your follow base.

Can go viral.

to their tweet mail and email inbox

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Tweets per day rising every year

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Twitter -­ The How to

-­ Set up an account -­

-­ Bio, How to write a catchy bio

-­ Picture, What picture to use

-­ Personality, Be yourself

-­ Branding

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Twitter Applications, For a more effective use of twitter.

-­ Tweetdeck, download application to computer iphone smartphone

-­ Groups, Lists, Stats, Search

-­ Cross posting, be careful not to cross post all the time.

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Benefits of Twitter

Your customers are already on social media sites such as Linkedin

and Twitter. Why try to get them to come to you when you can

communicate with them on platforms that they already use? you

may already have a website, but only people who are aware of it will

come and visit. Twitter can be useful to brand your business to it’s

or shop.

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Time spent on social media

Australians spent 7 hours and 13

minutes on social networking sites

in April of 2010

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Search tools

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How to find your target market



-­ Advanced search on twitter



-­ Follow # hashtags – events that compliment your service

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What are people saying about

you/your service?

Search tools:

Twitter -­

Social Mention -­

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Social Mention

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Know why you are using Social

Media and work out your goals and

measurable objectives

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Twitter: Advanced Search

5 things you need to know

on using advanced search for


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Step 1

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Step 2

your local audience. First limit your search to that certain area

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Step 3

are a recruiter looks for terms such as “marketing” and “consultant”

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Step 4

much as you want. You can search tweets in certain dates, in certain

people or even search for the attitudes that the tweets have towards

the terms!

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Step 5

The results will show you tweets and the avatar of the person who

tweeted. Now you can really get started! Begin by following the

out more. Following others will highly increase the chances of them

following you back!

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Substance has to be there behind the activity

Putting lipstick on a pig, just

gives you a prettied up pig

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Every product or brand has a beta phase. We have to trust that the company has a

vision for it even if they do not have a perfect product from day 1. Feedback is key.

Mistakes are okay as long as you have a good

motive and adopt a certain degree of transparency.

It’s all about the people..not so much

the technology. “thinkmaya”

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thinktank mediasocial media | digital | website design Have a crisis management plan

Brainstorm the worst that

can happen. Prepare your

style, your response, your

social media platform and

your timing

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Have a policy

Protect your brand, your staff and yourself

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Connect with us!

phone: 03 90231487

[email protected]

twitter: @sammutimer,

