Download - Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:

Page 1: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:


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UndercounterBlood Bank Refrigerators

Installation and Operation Manual

Page 2: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:

JEWETT275 Aiken Road

Asheville, NC 28804

CT1 BLOOD BANK REFRIGERATORSThis JEWETT Product is a complete packaged unit ready to operate when plugged into anelectrical source. It is not necessary to have a refrigeration serviceman set the unit inoperation. The unit has been tested prior to shipment. Read all the instructions beforeproceeding with installation.

INSPECTION FOR DAMAGEUncrate the product and remove all packing and crating materials. Inspect the product andparts thoroughly for damage or missing parts. File all claims for damagewith thetransportation company immediately. Do not file claims with the manufacturer.


1. The cabinet will pass through a standard 30" door opening.

2. Inspect the interior, exterior and mechanical equipment for special instruction tagsfastened at various points.

3. CT1 blood banks come with a removable stainless steel top so that you can choosebetween counter level (as delivered) and undercounter storage (with the topremoved). To remove the top, remove the four screws front and back, slide out thetop, discard the insulation, and replace the screws.

4. Move the refrigerator into the desired location. Make sure the bottom of therefrigerator is evenly supported. Thin shims under the points of rest can be used toequalize the distribution of weight. If the cabinet sets on an uneven floor, a slightrocking or vibration might result when the condensing unit is set in operation.

5. Make certain the refrigerator is located so the grill panel is unobstructed.

6. An automatic condensate evaporator eliminates the necessity for a floor drain. Forproper elimination of condensation, the condensate sponge should be placed into theplastic condensate tray located in the mechanical compartment.

7. The condensing unit is shipped with all service valves open and ready for operation. Donot adjust the refrigerant valves or the temperature control.

8. Use of electrical characteristics, other than those specified on the serial plate willcause permanent damage to the mechanism. The serial plate is located inside therefrigerator at the top of the right hand wall.

9. Operate the refrigerator for several hours to allow the unit to reach normal operatingtemperatures before storing product.


Page 3: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS1. Frequent cleaning of the interior and exterior with water and a good fungicidal

detergent that eliminates harmful bacteria, stains and other foreign matter will keepthe unit fresh and new looking.

2. Shelves and/or drawers should be removed from the cabinet and thoroughly scrubbed.Clean door gasket periodically.

3. The unit cooler fan operates continuously when the door is closed and requires nolubrication. These models require no manual defrosting. The cooling coilautomatically defrosts when the condensing unit is on the off cycle.

4. The condensing unit needs no oil or other lubrication. The finned condenser canbecome clogged with lint or dust. The openings between the fins should be kept clean.A vacuum cleaner or small test tube brush works well for this purpose. This should beaccomplished on an annual basis. Failure to keep the condenser fins free of dirt andlint will result in erratic operation and may damage the refrigeration system.

5. Annual inspection of the mechanical refrigeration equipment by a qualified servicetechnician is recommended. A qualified mechanic can frequently make adjustmentsthat will prevent future breakdown.

6.- The refrigeration system is charged with refrigerant R134a. If the system is opened forany reason, extreme care should be taken to prevent the entry of moisture-bearing air.A new drier should be installed in the lines when the system is closed.

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSJEWETT Blood Bank Refrigerators are factory preset to operate within a +2° C. to +4° C.temperature range.

Manual defrosting of the refrigerator cabinet is not required, as the unit cooler defrostsautomatically when the condensing unit is on the off cycle.

The unit cooler fan motor inside of the refrigerator runs continuously to provide a uniformcabinet temperature.


Page 4: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:

TEMPERATURE CONTROLThis refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:

Control operation is described in detail on the following three insert pages.


Page 5: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:


AllLow lemp. alarm .....

AluHigh lemp. alarm

Atthe end ofdefrost dripping time isstarted, itslength isset in the FSt parameter. WithFSt =0the dripping time isdisabled.

3.3 CONTROL OFEThe fan control mode isselected bymeans ofthe "FnC" parameter:

Each LED function isdescribed inthe following table.

XR60C signals and records temperature alarms, together with their duration and maxvalue reached. See drawing:

Ex. High temperature alarmTemperature

MaxTemperature ...

SET: To display target set point; in programming mode it selects a parameter orconfirm an operation.

$ (OEF) Tostart amanual defrost.... (UP): To see the last temperature alarm happened; in programming mode it

browses the parameter codes orincreases the displayed value..... (DOWN) To see the last temperature alarm happened; in programming mode it

browses the parameter codes ordecreases the displayed value.


.... +.... Tolock &unlock the keyboard.SET +.... To enter inprogramming mode.SET +.... Toreturn tothe room temperature display.

FnC =C_n:fans will switch ON and OFF with the compressor and not ron duringdefrost;FnC =o_nfans will run even ifthe compressor isoff, and notrunduring defrost;After defrost. there isatimed fan delay allowing fordrip time, setbymeans ofthe "Fnd"parameter.FnC =C_Y fans will switch ON and OFF with the compressor and ronduring defrost;FnC =0_Y fans will run continuously also during defrost

An additional parameter "FSr provides the setting of temperature, detected by theevaporator probe, above which the fans are always OFF. This is used to make surecirculation ofaironly ifhistemperature islower than set in"FSr.

3.3.1 Forced activation of fansThis function managed bythe Fctparameter isdesigned toavoid short cycles offans,that could happen when the controller isswitched onorafter a defrost, when the roomairwarms the evaporator.Functioning: if the difference of temperature between the evaporator and the roomprobes ismore than the value ofthe Fct parameter, the fans areswitched on.With Fct=O the function isdisabled.

This manual ispart ofthe product and should bekept near the instrument foreasyand qUick reference.The instrument shall not be used for purposes different from those describedhereunder. Itcannot beused asasafety device.Check the application limits before proceeding.


.. Check the supply voltage iscorrect before connecting the instrument.

.. Do notexpose to water or moisture: use the controller only within the operatinglimits avoiding sudden temperature changes with high atmospheric humidity toprevent formation ofcondensation

.. Warning: disconnect allelectrical connections before any kind ofmaintenance.

.. Fittheprobe where it is not accessible bythe End User. The instrument must notbeopened.

• Incase offailure orfaulty operation send the instrument back tothe distributor orto"Dixell SJ.I." (see address) with adetailed description ofthe fault.

• Consider the maximum current which can beapplied toeach relay (see TechnicalData).

.. Ensure that the wires forprobes, loads and the power supply are separated and farenough from each other, without crossing orintertwining.Incase ofapplications inindustrial environments, the use ofmains filters (our mod.FT1) inparallel with inductive loads could beuseful.

3.2 DEFROTwo defrost modes are available through the "tdF" parameter: defrost through electricalheater (tdF =El) and hotgas defrost (tdF =in).Other parameters are used tocontrolthe interval between defrost cycles (ldF), itsmaximum length (MdF) and two defrostmodes: timed orcontrolled bythe evaporator's probe (P2P).


Incase of fault in the thermostat probe the start and stop ofthe compressor are timedthrough parameters "COn" and "COF".

3.1The regulation isperformed according tothe temperature measured bythe thermostatprobe with a positive differential from the set point: if the temperature increases andreaches set point plus differential the compressor is started and then turned offwhenthe temperature reaches the set point value again.


Model XR60C, 32x74 mm format, is a microprocessor based controller, suitable forapplications onmedium or low temperature ventilated refrigerating units. It has threerelay outputs tocontrol compressor, fan, and defrost. which can beeither electrical orreverse cycle (hot gas). It is also provided with two NTC or PTC probe inputs, one fortemperature control, the other, tobelocated onto the evaporator, tocontrol the defrosttermination temperature and to managed the fan. The instrument is fUlly configurablethrough special parameters that can be easily programmed through the keyboard.

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:D~ll Installing and Operating Instructions 1592007250

16.l TO UNLOCK THE KEYBOARI),: : -~ ': ;" ' }:; ;:;!' ; '/.',:'; :;'-:. . IKeep pressed together for more than 3s the .. and .. keys. till the "Pon"messagewillbedisplayed.

(j?"~1. Keep pressed formore than 3sthe UP and DOWN keys.2. The "PDF" message will be displayed and the keyboard will belocked,Atthis point

itwill be possible only tosee the set point orthe MAX a Min temperature stored3, Ifakey ispressed more than 3s the 'POF" message will bedisplayed.

16.8' THE CONTII\IUOUS .CYCLE,r > ; ; '. ;:' ~ " ,~}<, : ;,:? -: f- ; : ;x ' ;~- ,'::/' " ': I~ When defrost is not in progress. it can beactivated byholding theL.....; "... "key pressed forabout 3seconds.

The compressor operates in continuous mode for the time set through .the 'eCl"parameter, The cycle can beterminated before the end ofthe set time using the sameactivation key" .. " for3seconds.

tlOWTOLOCK THI:I<EYBO~RDc ~. , ,~\,"U'::"; ' ; - ' .> , .,16.6

5.Z~_ HOWTO RESET ARECORDED ALARM ORONE THAT ISSTILC'i;·i!\{.;/~;.OCCiJR~NG~~~fX~~~{tf~[~~:'~~r;~§J{~:~~t;~;.~~:~~/~_~E~'}r:~:~_~i(~~~\~~j?;:::';~f:f{tJ%~!:~:\{:1~~!:t;fi1:~0~~lifb:~i~?1. Hold the SET key pressed formore than 3s, whilethe recorded alarm isdisplayed.

(the rStmessage will bedisplayed)2. To confirm the operation, the "rSt" message starts blinking and the normal

temperature will bedisplayed.

Is.t HOW TO SEE THE ALARM DURATION AND MAX (MJ~l TEI'I1PERATURE IIfthe alarm LED ison. an alarm has taken place.To see the kindofalarm. the max (min) reached temperature and alarm duration doasfollows:1. Push the Up orDown key.2. On the display the following message isshown::

"HAL" forhigh temperature alarm ("LAL" forthe minimum allarm), followed bytheMaximum (minimum) temperature.Then the "tiM" (tiMe) message isdisplayed, followed bythe "Duration"

3. Then the instrument displays the temperature once again.

NOTE1: if an alarm isstill occurring the "tim" shows the partialduration.NOTE2: thealarm isrecorded when the temperature come back tonormal values


• CFTemperature measurement unit:"C=Celsius; 'F=FahrenheiL WARNING: When the measurement unit is changed

the SET point andthe values of the parameters Hy. LS. US. Ot, AW andALLhave tobe checked andmodified ifnecessary).

rES Resolution (for'C): (in=l "C;dE=0.1 "C)allowsdecimal point display.Lad Display : select which probe is displayed by the instrument: P1 =Thermostat probe; PZ= Evaporatorprobe

Hy Differential: (0.1 + 25.5°C I 1+255 oF) Intervention differential for set point.Compressor Cut IN is Set Point Plus Differential (Hy). Compressor Cut OUT iswhen the temperature reaches the set point.

• LS Minimum setpoint:(.50"C+SETI·58"F+SET): Sets the minimum acceptablevalue forthe setpoint.

- US Maximum set point: (SET+ 11O"CI SET+230"F). Set the maximumacceptable value forsetpoint.

Ot Thermostat probe cafibration: (-12.0+12.0"C;·120+120"F) allows toadjust possible offset ofthe thermostal probe.

P2P Evaporator probe presence: n= not present: the defrost stops by time; y=present: the defrost stops bytemperature.DEEvaporator probe calibration: (-12.0+12.0"C; -120+ 120"F). allows to acljustpossible offset ofthe evaporatorprobe.OdS Outputs activation delay atstanup:(0+255min) This functionis enabledat the initial start upof the instrument andinhibits anyoutput activation for theperiod oftime setinthe parameter.

AC Anti·short cycle delay: (0+50 min) minimum interval between the compressorstop and the following restart

CCt Compressor ONtime duringcontinuous cycle: (0.0+24.0h; res. lOmin)Allows to set the length of the continuous cycle: compressorstays on withoutinterruptionfortheCCt time. Can beused, forinstance. when theroom isntledwithnew products.COn Compressor ONtime withfaulty probe: (0+255min) time during which thecompressor is active incase offaulty thermostat probe. With COn=O compressor isalways OFF.

• COF Compressor OFF time withfaultyprobe: (0+255 min) time during whichthe compressor isOFF incase offaulty thermostat probe. With COF=O compressorisalwaysactive.

tdF Defrostlype: EL =electrical heater; in=hot gasdtE Defrosllerminalion temperature: (·50+50 ' CI

·58+122"F) (Enabled only when EdF=Pb) sets the temperature measured bytheevaporator probe. which causes the end ofdefrost.

IdF Interval between defrost cycles: (0+ 120h) Delermines the time interval betweenthe beginning oftwo defrost cycles.

MdF (Maximum) length for defrost (0+255min) When P2P = n, (not evaporatorprobe: timed defrost) it sets the defrost duration, when P2P =Y(defrost end basedontemperature) itsets the maximum length fordefrostdSdStandefrost delay: (0+99min) This is useful when different defrost starttimes are necessary toavoidoverloading the plant.

• dFd Temperature displayed during defrost: (n = real temperature; it =temperature atdefrost start;SEt=setpoint; dEF="dEF"labeljdAd MAX display delay after defrost: (0+255min). Sets the maximum timebetween the end ofdefrost and the restarting ofthe real room temperature display.Fdl Driptime: (0+120 min) time interval between reaching defrost terminationtemperature andthe restoring of the control's normal operaUon. This time allowstheevaporator toeliminate water drops that might have formeddue todefrost.

NOTE: the arameters receded b dots arein theHidden Menu.



6.5.2 HOW TO MOVE A PARAMETER FROM THE HIDDEN MENUTO THE FIRST LEVEL AND VICEVERSA.Each parameter present inthe HIDDEN MENU can beremoved orput into "THE FIRSTLEVEL" (user level) bypressing "SET + "".InHIDDEN MENU when aparameter ispresent inFirst Level the decimal point ison.

16.3. HOW.TOSTAin A MANUAL DEFROST . O! t ; : ; ',~;} .•• •;" !:' ;--;;;,,',;;:,~:;t Push the DEF key for more man 2seconds and amanual defrostl.J will start.

16.1';-:,HOW ,TOS~ETHE SETPOINTiL;' ~ ; ;::e, ·,?; j,ii; ,: :;,~ir'i$;Y'; :!~;" d;:J{; ;~';'i;i '}';i~¥ { ' 1SET~ 1. Push and immediately release the SET key: the displaywill~ show the Set point value;

2. Push and immediately release the SET key or watt for 5 seconds to display theprobe value again.

16.t ',HOW'TOCJ-(ANGEtHE 'SETPOI~I'~~;/;f: ;':l~ :::) ,?' :: ~:))· 'i; '~ : ' ; '::- \?'; ' -1. Push the SET key for morethan 2seconds tochange theSet point value;2. The value ofthe set point will bedisplayed and the *LED starts blinking;3. To change the Set value push the .. or" arrows within lOs.4. To memorise the new set point value push the SET key again orwait lOs.

16.5:iTHEHIDDENMENU" ;; :; ; .;,,j\/ .' . ·":';-',j;t .,.,,::,,,:c'· ,." ) 'L -::if IThe hidden menu Includes allthe parameters ofthe instrument.

6.5.1 HOW TO ENTER THE HIDDEN MENUE'7 1. Enter the Programming mode bypressing the Set + ... key fory~ . 3s(LED 1and *start blinking).

CO2. When a parameter is displayed keep pressed the Sett" for

SET more than 7s.The Pr2 label will bedisplayed immediately followed from the HYparameter. NOW YOU ARE INTHE HIDDEN MENU.

3. Select the required parameter.4. Press the "SET" key todisplay itsvalue (Now only the *LED isblinking).5. Use ... or" tochange itsvalue.6. Press "SEr to store the new value and move 10the following parameter.Toexil:Press SET + ... orwatt155 without pressing akey,NOTE: the set value isstored even when the procedure isexited bywaiting Ihe fime-outtoexpire.

'16.4; HOI},( TOCHANGE A PA~METE~VALUE"''., )~:;" , ; « ~;\i:-~ ; ,To change the parameter's value operate asfollows:

E'7 1. Enter the Programming mode bypressing the Set and DOWNv~ key for3s (~ and *start blinking).

2. Select the required parameter.S~ 3. Press the "SET"key todisplay itsvalue (now only the *LED is~ blinking).

4, Use "UP" or"DOWN"tochange itsvalue.S. Press "SET" to store Ihe new value and move tothe following parameter.Toexit: Press SET +UP orwait 155 without pressing akey.NOTE: the set value isstored even when the procedure isexited bywaiting the lime·outtoexpire.

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la.3> SERIOUS AI.ARMMODEQ1F= bAL): IWhen the digital input isactivated, the unit will wait for"did" delay before signalling the"CAS alarm message. The relay outputs are switched OFF. The alarm will stop assoonasthe digital input isde-activated.

la.SiSTARIDEFROSIQ1F= dFrl c'; c<c;;> I

Itstarts adefrost if there are the right conditions. After the defrost isfinished, the normalregulation will restart only if the digital input isdisabled otherwise the instrument will waituntil the "MdF- safety time isexpired.

'-'-h'l/'I ~"


The temperature range allowed forcorrect operation is 0+60 "C.Avoid places subjectto strong vibrations, corrosive gases,. excessive dirt or humidity. The samerecommendations apply toprobes. Let aircirculate bythe cooling holes.


The digital input polarity depends onthe "i1P" parameter.i1P=CL: the input isactivated byclosing the contact.i1P=OP: the input isactivated byopening the contact

la.4",>PREssuRE SWITCH Q1F::PAL) ..: IIfduring the interval time set by"did" parameter, the pressure swttch has reached thenumber ofactivation of the "nPS" parameter, the "CA" pressure alarm message willbedisplayed. The compressor and the regulation are stopped. When the digital input isONthe compressor isalways OFF.If thenPS activation in thedid time is reached, switch off andon theinstrumenttorestart normal regulation.

Instrument XR60C shall bemounted onvertical panel, in a29x71 mm hole, and fixed using the special bracketsupplied.To obtain an IP65 protection grade use the front panelrubber gasket (mod. RG-C) asshown infigure.


la:6:INVERSIONOfJHEKlNDOFACTION:HEATING·COOUNGQ1Ff Htr) IThis function allows toinvert the regulation ofthe controller: from cooling toheating andviceversa.

• dPo Firstdefrost afterstart-up: (y= immediately; n =after the IdFtime)• dAF Defrost delayaftercontinuous cycle: (0+23.5h) time interval between

theendofthefast freezing cycle andthefollowing defrostrelated toit

FnC Fans operating mode: C-n= runs with the compressor, OFF during defrost;o-n=continuous mode, OFF during defrost;Coy =runs with the compressor, ON during defrost;o-Y=continuous mode, ON during defrost;

FndFans delay after defrost (0...255min) Time interval between end of defrost andevaporator fans start.

Fct Temperature differential avoiding shortcycles of fans (0...59·C; Fct=O functiondisabled). If the difference of temperature between the evaporator and the roomprobes ismore than thevalue ofthe Fct parameter, the fans are switched on.

FStFans stop temperature: (-50...50·CI122·F) setting of temperature, detected byevaporator probe, above which fans are always OFF.

• ALC Temperature alarms configuration: (Ab; rE)Ab=absolute temperature: alarm temperature isgiven bytheALL orAW values.rE = temperature alarms are referred to the set point Temperature alarm isenabled when the temperature exceeds the·SET+AW"or"SET-ALL' values.

ALU MAXIMUM temperature alarm: (SET... 110'C; SET...230·F) when thistemperature isreached the alarm isenabled, after the "ALd" delay time.

All Minimum temperature alarm: (-50.0 ... SErc; -58...230'Fwhen this temperatureisreached thealarm isenabled, after the "ALd" delay time.

• ALd Temperature alarm delay: (0+255 min) time interval between the detectionofanalarm condition andalarm signalling.

• dADExclusion of temperature alarm at startup: (from 0.0min to 23.5h) timeinterval between the detection of the temperature alarm condition after instmmentpoweronandalarm signalling.



IDIGITAllNPUT Ii1P Digital inputpolarity: oP: the digital input isactivated byopening the contact; Cl:

thedigital input isactivated byclosing the contact.i1FDigital inputconfiguration:

EAl =external alarm: "EA' message is displayed; bAl = serious alarm "CA'message is displayed. PAL = pressure switch alarm, "CA" message is displayed;dor= door switch function; dEF = activation ofa defrost cycle; LHt=not enabled;Htr= kind ofaction inversion (cooling - heating).

did:(0+255 min)with i1F= EAl or i1F = bAL digital input alarm delay: delay between thedetection ofthe external alarm condition and itssignalling.withi1F= dor:dooropen signalling delaywithi1F=PAL: time forpressure switch function: time interval tocalculate thenumber ofthepressure switch activation.

nPS Pressure switch number: (0...15)Number of activation of the pressure switch,during the "did" interval, before signalling the alarm event (12F= PAL).If the nPS activation in the did time is reached, switch off and on theinstrument to restart normal regulation.odc Compressor andfanstatuswhen open door. no =normal; Fan=FanOFF; CPr=Compressor OFF; F C=Compressor andfanOFF.

8. DlGITAI..INPUTThe free contact digttal input isprogrammable infive different configurations bythe"i1F"parameter.

I,a.t DOORSWITCH INPUTQ1F.i:dor) IIt signals the door status and the corresponding relay output status through the "odc"parameter:

no=normal (any change);Fan = Fan OFF;CPr =Compressor OFF;F_C=Compressor and fan OFF.

Since thedoor is opened, after the delay time setthrough parameter "did", the dooralarm is enabled, the display shows themessage "dA" and theregulation restarts.The alarm stops assoon asthe external digital input is disabled again. With the dooropen, thehigh and low temperature alarms are disabled.

The instrument is provided with screw terminal block to connect cables with a crosssection upto2,5 mm2• Before connecting cables make sure thepower supply complieswith the instrument's requirements. Separate the probe cables from the power supplycables, from the outputs and the power connections. Do not exceed the maximumcurrent allowed oneach relay, incase ofheavier loads use asuitable external relay.

110.1> PROBE CONNECTION IThe probes shall bemounted with the bulb upwards toprevent damages due tocasualliquid infiltration. It is recommended to place the thermostat probe away from airstreams to correcUy measure the average room temperature. Place the defrosttermination probe among theevaporator fins in the coldest place, where most iceisformed, farfrom heaters orfrom the warmest place during defrost, toprevent prematuredefrost termination.


111.ti HOWTO PROGRAM AHOIKE'( FROrATHEINSTRU~ENT(UPLOAD)i'l1. Program one controller with the front keypad.2. When the controller is .QH, insert the "Hot key" and push A key; the "uPL"

message appears followed abyflashing "End"3. Push "SET" key and theEnd will stop flashing.4. Turn OFF theinstrument remove the"HotKey", then tum it ON again.

la.2CGENERICALA~Q1F:: EAL) IAssoon as the digital input is activated the unit will wait for "did" time delay beforesignalling the "EAl"alarm message. The outputs status don't change. The alarm stopsjustafter the digital input isde-activated.

NOTE: the "Err" message is displayed forfailed programming. Inthis case push againA key if you want to restart the upload again or remove the"Hot key" to abort theoperation.

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1. Tum OFF theinstrument2. Insert a programmed "HotKey" into the 5 PIN receptacle and then tum the

Controller ON.3. Automatically the parameter list of the "Hot Key" is downloaded into the

Controller memory, the"dol," message isblinking followed abyflashing "End".4. Mer 10seconds the instrument willrestart working with the new parameters.5. Remove the"HotKey"•.

NOTE themessage "Err" is displayed forfailed programming. Inthis case tum theunitoffand then onif you want to restart the download again or remove the 'Hotkey"toabort the operation.

,- - - -I-IHot Key


did DiQital inout alarm delav 0+255min 15~Nps•. NlImoerofamationof tiressureswitclf·;/.15·

P2P Evaoorator Drobe Dresence n=nol Dresen!; Y=Dres. vTOE: EilapbratorprobecaTItiration"?",.' ':":,,'::f,:: f!:~';j.'i;.12·H2~C/·120+120~F:'i:;~ ; I;:~:;:;O\;'·

'OdS; OUtdutsdelavalstarttiif';::j'; -->,~,,:':; ";;";;;~;';:1;c" 0+255inini.;!';.::':i{.';:': 1:,)';';0::;AC lAnti·short cvcIe delay 0+ 50min 1

Label Name Ranae °CfFSet Setront LS+US -510Hy Differential 0,1+25SC/1+255°F 2/4

':LSi'; =~;c; ";'.'4;"";'';,,-,- i':~50°C+SET/.58~F:SET:;;,~i>c~~'';'-50/-58

'US/ ;,' {,';i;tSET:110°ClSET':-230"FV'~'; 1101230at Thermostatcrobecafibration -12+12"C/-120+120°F 0

,:ccn COntinUOs"cVcledtffatioo';ef;'X;;.;;;:':".~:':·, f;:,:i,.,·g;';r;~;:0.0+24.0hr;i:"?::;;~'::::; :;:·0.0·'COil CoiripresSorONlime With faUlty'probeY'j;>,~;-::V~;;f.:'~ 0+255inirfG;:;~ ~;;:"';: ':t~15:,

'COFe": COinpressorOfftirrieWithfaultfprobif/ ':2i::£t§;::i:'0+255min·is.;;F~;·;;1.:'tt4': ~j30 '.';',C~;; lTemperabiemeastffemehtimih).'J;:2;';\'· ;''c-,::;;; ;::~crF'

rES Resolution in=integer; dE= dee.point dE/-Lad: prooodisi!laved'~;I·;J;~?·'i:;;i;~Y.~"" :;:;.);. I;.=' PFtdF Defrost tvoe El:eL heater; in:hot gas EldtE Defrost termination lemoerature -50 +50°C 8146IdF Interval between defrost evcIes 1+120 ore 6

.',:; ,o•. ,.. /,,,;C ,..-. •OF .'.' :::;··2.7,:'..;....

D~~62~t;J;~~F~~~~r~}%ci;i:: 1~0€~;f~Pte;me ntclPte

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PbC Kind oforobedPL R06mtJrobe'diS

fdPZ:' EvaOOriltorritobe eli"rEt':: Sofl.warei'elease~,.~"·::.-;,Z

,"Ptb;. Mau

MdF (Maximum) lenath for defrost 0 +255 min 30.:'dSd: StartdefroStdelav,~::\:,?1'fe.:·::.':;';:·:'~:2:::,-' ·';-i, 0:j,dFd' Disi!lilVinq dtirinodefrost,;:¥f;'}'.{i"::'?f:~}~ ;'':/' rt;it,SEI,QEFj',;}.:;'S -." ,;,it'·';'"

...dAd'.MAXdisoiav delavafterdefrost;5·~i:,:,:," ii/d- _, ,.'O+:255mii1;",:c'l;':;';;c;,;",-30 ~

Fdt:' Dfaininq tiirte1;.;ij;,fr;:':';';:":·;·"";}:~'H ..?';:'~} -;'·L'. '.:.. Of,120min::;'::~~::"it;;";:0 \:<'',dPo" FirStdefrOStaftef ,"; ..~.;:c ','Y;:"i"/n..hafterldF;vnmmed,:J:c,f': '::Oin"·'dAr: Defrostdelavafter fastfieeziila\2,~,-~,':'f;:-:;;i';'·J:i:. 0,;.23h'e50','~;'-;"';:,'" '. 0.0'.;Fnc Fan ooeratina mode C·n, o-n, C-v, o-Y o-nFnd Fan delav after defrost 0+255min 10

_ .:,,1 "",,IUl3.rorceo!R!(",.,... i'f:F2:::P',:-":::;',i;; H"t.(1~~{11JIaIIS .c-;" .+.

FSt Fan stoptemoerature -50+50°C/-58+122°F 2/35··41 l~~f;'···C":' ~:;'J;t:; IlOse[:~2,,·;i~,·~.mi"e.;",;;:_ I~,:::.i ..).:.:. '.' ::c:.', ·C. :,_,>:. <..;,."

ALU MAXIMUM temnerature alarm SeI+110.0·C; Sel+230'F 1101230All Minimum temoerature alarm -50.0"C+Se!l·5S"F+Set -50/·58ALd !TemlJeratUrealahiJdelav;;.- '.'-~'.'<'. '::~i·;·::;· ':~:'0~255-min:';":;i J,c'S '·,,15

•dAD: DeiavoftemoeratiJre alarm atsta,rttJp<; ::.;""t';',iLO'+23he 5O';c:~>;;};\,:j: : -1.30 .,i1P DiQital input ooIaritv oP=ooenina;CL=dosina CLi1F Digital input configuration EAl=extem. alarm; bAL=lock regulation; dor

PAL=press. switch; dor-docr switch;dEF=defrost LHt=disabled; Htr =heating


Messaae Cause OutlJuts"Pl" Room probe failure Compressor output according topar.

"Con" and "COF""P2" Evaporator probe failure Defrost end istimed

"HA" Maximum temperature alarm Outputs unchanged.

"LA" Minimum temperature alarm Outputs unchanced."dAn Door open Compressor and fans restarts"EA" External alarm Outout unchanqed,"CAD Serious extemal alarm 01 F=bAL) Alloutputs OFF."CAD Pressure switch alarm 01 F=PAL) Alloutputs OFF

Housing: selfextinguishing frontal 32x74 mm; depth 60mm;Mounting: XR60C panel mounting ina71x29mm panel cut-outProtection: IP20; Frontal protection: IP65 with frontal gasket RG-C (optional).Connections: Screw terminal block s 2,5 mm2wiring.Power supply: according to the model: 12Vacldc, ±10%; 24Vacldc, ±10%; 230Vac±10%, 50/60Hz, 110Vac±10%, 50/60HzPower absorption: 3VA maxDisplay: 3 digits, red LED, 14,2 mm high.Inputs: 2NTC orPTC probes.Digitalinput: free contactRelay outputs

compressor: SPST relay 8(3) A,250Vac orSPST relay 16(6)A; 250Vacdefrost: SPDT relay 8(3) A,250Vacfan:SPST relay 8(3) A,250Vac

Data storing: onthenon-volatlle memory (EEPROM).Kindofaction: 1B;Pollution grade: normal;Software class:A.Operating temperature: 0.::-60 ·C;Storage temperature: -30.;.85 ·C.Relative humidity: 20+85% (no condensing)Measuring andregulation range: NTC probe: -40.;.110·C (-40.::-230·F);

PTC probe: -50.;.150·C(-58.;.302·F)Resolution: 0,1 •Cor1·Cor1•F(selectable).Accuracy (ambient temp. 2S·C): ±O,7·C ±1 digit



112.1, .ALARM RECOVERY' IProbe alarms "P1" and "P2" start some seconds after thefault in therelated probe; theyautomatically stop some seconds after the probe restarts normal operation. Checkconnections before replacing the probe.Temperature alarms "HA" and "LA" automatically stop as soon as the thermostattemperature returns tonormal values and when defrost starts.Alarms "EA"and "CA" (with il F=bAL) recover assoon asthe digital input isdisabled.Alarm DCA" (with i1F=PAL) recovers only byswitching off andon the instrument.

Dixell s.r.l. Z.1. Via dell'lndustria, 2732010 Pieve d'Alpago (BL) ITALYtel.+39 - 0437 - 9B 33 - fax+39 - 0437 - 989313E-mail;[email protected] -


,----,-,W N.C. 'it lJDeC Fan Comp

lile 1 1 I

NOTE: The compressor relay is8(3)A or16(6)A according to the model.24Vac/dc supply: connect to the terminals 7and 8.

114.tXR60C-12VAC/DVOR 24VAC/DV

1592007250 XR60C GB rl.1 27.1 0.2003.doc XR60C 4/4

Page 9: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:








1. Remove exterior hinge cover plate byopening the refrigerator door. Place ascrewdriver under interior portionof cover, and gently pry coveroutward. Pull straight out. Closecover.

Loosen the three (3) screws "B"which hold adjusting plate "C" inposition.

To tighten gasket seal, place handliB"against exterior of door near

hinges; gently press in on door sogasket sits firmly against cabinetface. Tighten screws "B".

When adjustment is complete, ithinges are adjusted so gasket seal istoo tight, door will tend to springopen. Door must be readjusted. Totest gasket seal - insert a dollar bill(or piece of paper of similar size)between the gasket and the cabinetopening; close door - a slightresistance to removal of the dollarbill (test strip) should be felt - checkperimeter of door. If latch is loose, seelatch-adjusting information SR915-B.

Replace cover plate "A"



I NOTE· : To accomplish different offsets, shims are utilized. Ifreplacing• 1 hinges, make sure to reuse any shims furnished on the cabinet.

.. . .- ~~ . _. . ~ . . .. . -. . .. ~ ". .- -_.- _.".-" - ..• ,_..- ' ~ _-._ _--_._----•......,.._ _... . ---_ - - -." .


Page 10: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:








"A" 3.




Latch as fastened to door.

For up or down adjustment (proper latchengagement,) loosen mounting screws "B".

Strike plate "C" remains in position.

Move strike "0" up or down as required and tightenscrews "B" when adjustment is satisfactory. Noplay will be present in the latch handle with thedoor closed.

For in and out adjustment (proper gasket seal)loosen screw "E". Adjust in or out as required andtighten screw when adjustment is satisfactory.

The stainlesssteel hex head cap screw is 10132" X5/16" long, or use JEWETT part numberBLT03C02A006. Use box wrench, open-endwrench, or ratchet to tighten. Do not use a nutdriver or pliers.

" . ' .. ' . ..;..;. •. .•J .::;;.'\o',. l :w• . · · ' . '.'J "' :~ ' :. , ....;,:..::. . .. .:" -, '.' ";

If replacing latch and strike assembly, make sure to reuse anyshims furnished on the cabinet.


Page 11: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:

. .... . . .j3. Overloads are automatically reset. Check1unit closely when compressor comes back on[Iine.

:3. thermaCoverload tripped..

TROUBLE SHOOTING SERVICE CHARTI~~~~~--I ;,__=lsVMPTbM!'"f:)Qs'SIBL..E CAUSE '!fross-j'sLECORREC-rivESTEP ···· 1... ccimpressor '-.:LIine"d"fsconnect ·swl"tch·open. " '" '" "j,1:'dose dlsconnec"fsWitch·.. ···'··,,····· · ..· '1

.will not :i : FuseHawn or 'breaker tripped. . :2:.Check elecidcaI"Circui1:s"and motorstart, no windings for shorts or grounds. Investigatehum 'for possible overloading. Replace fuse or

:reset breaker after fault is corrected.

;:'1: No·:coolingrequirecf ·· ·· .. ... I r~~~~~g~: · ·WaTt·untiCc()"ntroCcaLIs·for"· · ... .

.5. Control contacts stucklnopen position. 1_' 5_._R_e-,-pl_··il_ce_·_c_on_t_ro_l_·. 1

•6. Loose wiring. 1..6. Check all wiring junctions, tighten all I.•terminal screws.



Compressorwill notstart, hums

.. but trips on[thermaloverload.

Compressorstarts, butdoes notswitch off ofstartwinding.

1. Improperwiringl!7. CIl'eek Wi'dngagafrl"st diagram. 1

;8.''UquldHne solenoid'valve WiIf not·open.·liB. Repairor"repfil'ce"soIenoi'dcoH,.,. ' 1:r9.·Motor electrlcaf trouble: . ... , ,r:i~~~i~c~;~~~~r~o:'-()Pen'Wjn(jings ; ·Sha'it··.

"10.I lqu"idTine·solenoid Will not open:' "'r 10·...·Repai'r··or-re·place·coiC · ·.,. I.1. Low voltage to unit. 11. Determine reason and correct. I2.'Staiicapacitor failure or wrong. 12. Replaces 'tartca'padtor~ " ' " I

:3~PRuncapacitor failure or wrong~ Ii 3. Replace'ruric'apacitor:..., ....P 1f4: Start relay failure orwrong. .... I'4:Re·placestarfrelay. ·'P'" .. ... Ii'5. Motorelec:trical trouble. r '~ir;~~c~r~~~~ro~otopen windings, Short I' ~~~~~~~:~~echaniCal . troub le in I6. Replace-compressor: I7. Improper wiring I 7. Check wiring against diagram. I8. Excessively high discharge pressure. 1 8. see'high discharge pressure symptom. I

'1. Low voltage tounit. 1.1. Determine reason ande:orrect. I2. Run capacitor failure or wrong. I 2. Replacerun caj:ia·citor. L3. Start capacitor failureor ·wrong. I'j:RepLace start capadtor·.

P' I

:';[ siarFrelayfailure or"Wrong. ... 14. Rep'lace·starf'relay. I5. Motor electrical trouble. I"5. Check motor for open windings, Short ,.

circuit orburn out.1------------------:i6. Internal mechanical trouble in 16 Replace compressor I'compressor. ! . ' .7."'improper Wiring: _. ., P"' '' ' ··· '1f 7~ ·-Chec·k.. wiringagafnsT'aiag-ram:· ···,· · '1,

8. EXcessively iligh""discharge·pressure. '" P·Vs:·see high '(jfscha'rge"'p"ressuresymptorrl:-" .."r


Page 12: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:



Compressorstarts andruns, butshort cycleson

:temperature.or pressure.controls.

.. Compress'or ' 1. Shortage of ·refdgerant. '1·'1.Leakctle'ck'iirld repair .F runs long or ~ 2 . Control contacts stuck"or frozen. 12. Clea·ncont:aCisor·replacecontrol.continuously. 3. Refrigerated air space has an excessive 1.3. Determine reason and correct.

i ~ad . ;



1--"-'" ._." 1.SYMPTOM 'HpossiBLe CAUSE " " 11POSSiSLE-C'ORRECTIVE"STEPI ·D·····....· __· .·..sCr~Oa'ninr'st-,Psbr·aeU"nStSd· or" "::.··.••~~.·..·•••·HLE:·.Ox•..·..wc..h·.~sv·~SO!VI.•I·.t..·.ea. ·(g.~e·~h.t~o·~~u·dn· if·· ..'I f ·S-ee·j11gh·dischiirge·pressure·s·ympto·m.

....' ~~_~~~ "Ii 2. De'terminereason·andco·rrect. ..

~~o~~~it~~~ ;4: T~~r;:1~:~~r~~a~n~:6tectordefective. ·1:~,:~~1:~~:~;~~s~~:::;~~~~~tor.;protector. is: 'RlJ'ncipaci'torfaflure orwrorig': " Ii S:Replacerun'capac'itor:' .

:6.'Motor'eleci ricalirou6Ie:····· '.. .. .. ··· I l ~i;;~i~~;'~~~~r~~~~ open'wlncHngs, 'Short' . I.

i'i. improiier·wirlngcausirig·additional i7:'Check wiring'diagrarTl: 'cfl-eck for'ci(fcfedicurrent to pass through overload. :fan motors, heaters, etc., connected to

I----'------'!protector. ,wrong side of protector.'1. Differential set too close. 1_1_._w_i_d,.,-en~d_if_fe..;.,r..;.,en..;.,t~ia.:..:I.:..-. -'.2. High discharge pressure. 1,2. See 'high discharge pressure symptom.,3:"Lowdfscharge'pressure. ..... ...' . ', 1. See' (ow discharge' pressure'symptom.

Compressornoisy orvibrating.

High' ..Discharge



14.. Dirty Condenser '" .. Ii4:tlean'condenser: .. .....d • • • "' d .

:s:.. Ev·aporator..coillCed:·.... ·m m d

• • • • , '·" \5: Defrost' andch'eck'·defrostcircuii.·· m ,

~ iI.Restriction In''refrlgeratiorl system ~ ' '' ' I'6:'Oeiermin'e locati'on and remove.7. Evaporator fan motors not running. 17. Determine reason and correct. Check I

door switch.1 ..1- -' _

1. Flooding of refrigerant into crankcase. /1. Check expansion device and refrigerantcharge.

2. Improper'piping support.' · ," -"' l i :·'Relocate tublng-Qi-·ci-clcfhangers. I.3. Worn ·compress'or.m

.. m.. . . .. . m mm. , · · m • . , . :f:'Replli"ce 'com·pressor:·.., - , m ,. , . I,4:Cooseparts'o'r mounting. ...", 1-4. 'Finerand tighten:' .......... . I:5.tondenserfanblacle loose or impecled. /:5. Check and repair. I,

.. . ;1. Non-condensable iii system. ...,. 1.1 :Remove'thenon~condensable. .. I:2. SYS1:enl' overchargedwliii refrigerant I:2. Correct iiie'alarge. ·· ·.. I;~i:~~~.harge"sh-utofrvalveparHaUY ·· ' '' '' - ·· ''I. 3: Open valve. .. ..... . ,. " " m " •. I:

;4. Condenser fans notrunnin.g. 1:4.Checkelectrlcal circuii: Ii[5. Dirty conaej,ser~ "" - -- ..' _..,..... . "Irs':Clean. ....-- -. --. '- "" 1:

. C1. Suction shutoffvciive 'p'artIcillyclosed: ' 1!1:'Op·en'valve.m m

" m m .", • • , ,.~I - -I~~ha'ge ::i.In'U1iidenfreiligei1.nt in SyStem. ' - 1.2. ciiei:iao,'Ceaks. ilepairand aMcii"ige·l~.:ressu~~ . ... .J.3..:Lows~ctl?j,p'~essure :' , 1 .3.S~e~?~s~c~ioripress~re sY~ptom. · ' . I



Page 13: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:

NOTE: Jewett Refrigerators and Freezers are designed to operate in areas that are heated to

60°F (15.6° C). Installation in unheated areas may require a low temperature compressorprotection kit for satisfactory operation.


..... __....................... ,-, .......•............. , ......... - ..... ,_. __.


WHtiiil' suction ··1.EXces·siveload.... .,; ~~~~~~~~~Oa(roraddadaitional·······" ........\.pressure. i


ii. Expansion valveoverfeecling. I2. c:heckremote bulb. Acljust superheat. I....................... ..................................... .... ..... . .........

l.theck for leaks. Repairand addcharge.

KLow suction 1. Insufficient refrigerant in system.pressure.

. .. ..... .....

;2. Restriction in refrigeration system. 12. Determine location and remove.I Most notably the liquid line filter drier or i.capillary.;3. Expansion valve malfunctioning. I3. Checkandresetfor proper superheat. I

I'" Suction line ...... if. Expansion valve passing excess I f.Reacl}ustvalveor replace withsmaller IL frosted or refrigerant or is oversized. valve.sweating. ,2. Expansion valve stuck open. 12. clean valve offoreign particles, and

.replace if necessary.•. 3:Evaporaior fiinmotorsnot running.... '1 r~~~:~~~~~e"reasona·ndcorreCt:theck"

:4. System overcharged with refrigerant. I. 4.c:orrect: the charge. I-Ml ~~~~:~1I~:1. ResirlCiion in liquid line filter drier. "1. Determlnetocation and remove. I2. Liquid line shutoff valve partially


.Open valve:

I. sweatmg closed.

NIce '1..Defrost duration too long. 11.Adjust defrost termination. Iaccumulating

!'2. 'Fanclela}i'not delaying fans after I: ~~gl~~~~dvefandelay thermostat. I;on ceiling !defrost period.around

i 3: Defective timer.··· I 3.Replace:··· 1evaporator:~L Too many defrost cydes per day.

................ .................. ......................

Iand/or on 4. Adjust timer for less defrost guards or ,blades.

. ..... ... .... ... .. ... 11. Check heater operation, or hot gas

0Evaporator .1. Coil temperaturenot getting abovecoil not freezing point during defrost. solenoid valve.clearing of 2. Not enough defrost cycles per day. 1 2. Adjusithrierfor more defrost cycles. I, frostduring

3. Defrost cycle tooshort. 1 3. Adjust timer for longer defrostcycle. IdefrostPoorc1oor' seal.

•.14. Adjusidoo'r latch; 'i!lstan"ri'ew gasket.'···cycle. ;4.

Defective timeror clefrost thermostat. I 5. Replacidefect1vecomponent: ...

I' ;5.. ' ...


[1 . Defective heater. ']1. Replaceheater:·

p accumulating :i.Unit not pitched properly. 1 2. Check and adjust if necessary.indrain pan. 3'. Drain line plugged. I3. Clean-dra'ill lille:

;4. Defectivedrailllille heater. 14. Replace heater"'" Iis. Poor contact betweendrain pan and 115. Repair. IIheater element. ,

16: Defectlveiimer or clefrost thermostat. "116. Replace'defedivecomponent: I.. ............~' .....,., ·_..... ,._ .......... H •••• ··.···.··. " •• •• __v.o,' .,~~ .• ,., ••• _,.....'w·._~·.. _. 0 •• . ..... ···H __ ••.._··~·..~·...u • .. ..~~ ••• , " ••••h' ..",..·•• "·~.,·_·.. _·.._ • '''_,' .·~.~w_ ...._...•..... .......,-..,..,." ,'..-, ... .......... "." .... y ......, .. .......-._-..


Page 14: Installation and Operation Manual - Thermo Fisher Scientific.pdf · Installation and Operation Manual. JEWETT 275 Aiken Road ... This refrigerator uses a Dixell XR60 temperature control:

WEEE Compliance

WEEE Compliance. This products is required to comply with theEuropean Union’s Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Directive 2002/96EC. It is marked with the following symbol. ThermoScientific has contracted with one or more recycling/disposal companiesin each EU Member State, and this products should be disposed of orrecycling through them. Further information on Thermo Scientific’scompliance with these Directives, the recyclers in your country, andinformation on Thermo Scientific products which may assist the detec-tion of substances subject to the RoHS Directive are available

WEEE Konformittät. Dieses Produkt muss die EU Waste Electrical &Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Richtlinie 2002/96EC erfüllen. DasProdukt ist durch folgendes Symbol gekennzeichnet. Thermo Scientifichat Vereinbarungen getroffen mit Verwertungs-/Entsorgungsanlagen inallen EU-Mitgliederstaaten und dieses Produkt muss durch dieseFirmen widerverwetet oder entsorgt werden. Mehr Informationen überdie Einhaltung dieser Anweisungen durch Thermo Scientific, dieVerwerter und Hinweise die Ihnen nützlich sein können, die ThermoScientific Produkte zu identizfizieren, die unter diese RoHS Anweisungfallen, finden Sie unter

Conformità WEEE. Questo prodotto deve rispondere alla direttivadell’Unione Europea 2002/96EC in merito ai Rifiuti degli ApparecchiElettrici ed Elettronici (WEEE). È marcato col seguente simbolo.Thermo Scientific ha stipulato contratti con una o diverse società diriciclaggio/smaltimento in ognuno degli Stati Membri Europei. Questoprodotto verrà smaltito o riciclato tramite queste medesime. Ulterioriinformazioni sulla conformità di Thermo Scientific con questeDirettive, l’elenco delle ditte di riciclaggio nel Vostro paese e informa-zioni sui prodotti Thermo Scientific che possono essere utili alla rilevazione di sostanze soggette alla Direttiva RoHS sono disponibili sul sito

Great Britain



Conformité WEEE. Ce produit doit être conforme à la directive euro-péenne (2002/96EC) des Déchets d’Equipements Electriques etElectroniques (DEEE). Il est merqué par le symbole suivant. ThermoScientific s’est associé avec une ou plusieurs compagnies de recyclagedans chaque état membre de l’union européenne et ce produit devraitêtre collecté ou recyclé par celles-ci. Davantage d’informations sur laconformité de Thermo Scientific à ces directives, les recycleurs dansvotre pays et les informations sur les produits Thermo Scientific quipeuvent aider le détection des substances sujettes à la directive RoHSsont disponibles sur


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For your future reference and when contacting the factory, please have thefollowing information readily available:

Model Number:

Serial Number:

Date Purchased:

The above information can be found on the dataplate attached to theequipment. If available, please provide the date purchased, the source ofpurchase (specific agent/rep organization), and purchase order number.
















275 Aiken RoadAsheville, NC 28804
