Download - Inspiring CRM Session - CRM 2.O by Carmen Cimirro

  1. 1. INSPIRING CRM SESSION Carmen Cimirro June 2015
  2. 2. CRM: a world in fieri Customers needs & expectations Top reasons and barriers CRM at work: challenges and actions Suggestions inspired by Cat wheel Imagining the future of CRM Which move are we going to watch together in the next 30 mins? All animated gifs included in this document are of Nicolas Monferrat
  3. 3. CRM: a world in evolution since early 1990s 1990 Telemarketing 2000 Front & Back End 2010 Social CRM 2014 Mobile CRM CRM is concerned with managing detailed information about individual customers and all customer touch points to maximize customer loyalty. CRM can also be defined as: The overall processes of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. Principle of Marketing by Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong Robert Schumann
  4. 4. Kissmetric Great Customer Service 54% The overall customer experience Make it easy to ask questions & access information before buying 52% What do customers really care about?
  5. 5. 70% 92% of these users bought products of competitors 81% is willing to pay a higher price for having a better customer experience Survey 2012 CX Index Report Europe Oracle by Loudhouse - What happens if the buyer experience is below expectation? Stop buying goods and services of a specific brand
  6. 6. Supports customer acquisition Drives & improves customer retention for building long-term relationships and reduces churn rate Creates a competitive advantage and differentiation Defines and maintains a corporate image High return on investment NEW CLIENTS ROI RETENTION & LOYALTY MARKET BRAND Top reasons why Customer Experience is important
  7. 7. Hard to permeate an organizational culture focusing it on customers needs A lack of holistic customer management Complexity in measuring and evaluating the customer life time experience Difficulty to identify the ownership of the Integrated Customer Experience and thus allocate budget Difficulty to manage big consumer data and confusion among different sources Top barriers why Customer Experience is difficult CULTURE not customer centric ORGANIZATION not customer centric ANALYSIS not unified DATA not simple OWNERSHIP not recognized
  8. 8. Everyday Opportunities & Challenges for the CRM Team 1. Ensure the triple conversion: - convert prospects into buyers; then buyers into loyalists and finally loyalists into enthusiasts/evangelists/ambassadors 2. Ensure a positive and engaged customer experience with limited resources & tight budget 3. Deal projects with the whole organization that needs to be informed and educated on the business impact 4. Be highly flexible to reset short-long term priorities 5. Increase revenue reducing costs
  9. 9. CRM e LArte Disciplinata della Pratica La teoria quando si sa tutto e niente funziona. La pratica quando tutto funziona e nessuno sa il perch. Noi abbiamo messo insieme la teoria e la pratica: non c' niente che funzioni... e nessuno sa il perch!
  10. 10. ACQUISITION ACTIVATION RETENTION Homepage personalized Help section, FAQ Live Chat, video, Contact Center CRM at work: Key objectives & actions by channels DRIVE & EDUCATE SUSTAIN & GROWTH RECOGNIZE & REWARD 1st activation recurring email-sms programs with educational content & thank you agreement Highlight the Contact Center/services/feature Special discounts for trial Community area, forum Homepage highly personalized with last search and preferences Ad hoc/recurring segmented mails with a showcase product depth and breadth Transactional mails/sms well personalized Bonus Raffle, instant win Contact service dedicated with 1st line email and phone call Best users treatment program differentiated for main levels by mail, by outbound Boost Xsell & leverage alternates to buying Loyalty program, Premium services, Guaranteed wins ONSITE MARKETING DIRECT MARKETING CONSUMER MARKETING
  11. 11. Yesterday: email delivery was simple Today: in order to be effective multiple drivers have to be considered to boost conversions: - complex segmentation and frequency (triggered mail), - responsive template (desktop, mobile, tablet), - spam, filters, block images, unsubscribe, - dynamic content and scrolling, - social integration. The DM communication plan has to be supported by other channels: sms, snail mail, livechat, webinar, outbound CRM & Direct Marketing: whats new?
  12. 12. CRM & Consumer Marketing promo: whats new? The current social digital era requires to build promotions to engage users and make them feel protagonists and excited
  13. 13. Make users feel special and unique Make users become brand ambassadors Entertain users with a remarkable experience CRM & special treatment programs Some customer clusters want feel part of the organizational family, be recognized and rewarded for their attendance Make users feel protagonist
  14. 14. CRM & the human touch a guaranteed success! Sometimes kindness can solve problems
  15. 15. CRM versus an Integrated Customer Experience Communication Management system CRM activity works better if there is a strong link with the other departments It requires: Working actively close to Contact Service Center Creating integrated initiatives with Social Media, Product Marketing, PR and even with IT and Financial Team
  16. 16. ONSITE SOCIAL PRINT ONLINE PR DM Integrated Customer Experience Marketing Communication Management
  17. 17. 1. Offer customers multiple options for contacting the company 2. 1st time resolutions: Respond fast to critical interactions & apologize 3. Test, go live, ask for any feedback, review, share insights and re-start 4. Frequency and variety 5. Dont Wait: anticipate 6. Implement a caller segmentation program 7. Reward and emphasize with human touch 8. Engage your customers and the rest of the organization 9. Learn about your customer needs 10. Dont claim for budget costraint or lack of technology/resourses 10 suggestions for a good CRM inspired by the Cat Wheel
  18. 18. Imagining the future of CRM
  19. 19. Promise or threat? Lets take a break! Enjoy and have a good CRM day back @ work!
  20. 20. Un'anima sana non si fissa sull'aldil o sulla fine del mondo, ma accoglie i tesori che trova nel tempo presente, nel luogo che il fato le ha destinato. Essere attenti ai segni che la vita ci manda, essere ben svegli il segreto? (Rudolf Steiner - Il genio della scienza dello spirito) Connect with me on LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter Flip my Mindfulness selections on Flipboard