Download - Innovative methods in research reactor analysis: … · neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational ... distinct proposals on neutronics and thermo hydraulics, which should be

Page 1: Innovative methods in research reactor analysis: … · neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational ... distinct proposals on neutronics and thermo hydraulics, which should be


Working Material

Innovative methods in research reactor analysis: Benchmark against experimental data on

neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational methods and tools for operation and safety

analysis of research reactors

Report of the 1st RCM of CRP 1496 IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 1-5 December 2008

Reproduced by the IAEA

Vienna, Austria, January 2009 NOTE

The material in this document has been supplied by the authors and has not been edited by the IAEA. The views expressed remain the responsibility of the named authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the government(s) of the designating Member State(s). In particular, neither the IAEA nor any other organization or body sponsoring this meeting can be held responsible for any material reproduced in this document.

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The objectives of this first RCM were:

• To share information between participants regarding the specification and type of information needed, for modern modelling methods;

• To collect, and make available for the participants, the experimental data that will be used for comparison with calculations;

• To confirm the applicability, and preliminarily judge, of available experimental data and facility descriptions, as suggested by benchmark participants;

• To determine the specific interest and scope of participants to model the experimental configurations for the proposed facilities, defining a detailed action matrix for the 1st year and previsions for the 2nd and 3rd years, with clear definition of the tasks and deadlines for the various participants;

• To prepare template documents to assist participants in submitting: o Experimental benchmark specifications o Experimental and calculation result sheets

Background: With the progress in computer technology and numerical methods, the capabilities of computer codes have been substantially enlarged. The recent development of these methods and codes allows for better simulation of the complex processes taking place during the steady state operation and transient conditions of research reactors (RRs). Correct application of these methods and codes is essential to improve design, performance and safety issues of RRs and associated experiments. However, the validation process is not an easy task. As concluded in a previous completed CRP (number J71010 completed on May 2006) on the “Safety Significance of Postulated Initiating Events for Different Research Reactor Types and Assessment of Analytical Tools”, to demonstrate the quality of these computational methods and codes, it is necessary to benchmark against experimental data, through a formal qualification process, before judgement on the validity of their application to the design, operation and safety analysis of research reactors. Considering this necessity, the IAEA organized a Consultancy Meeting on “The Development of a Detailed Proposal for a Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on Innovative Methods in Research Reactor Physics” which was held on 10-12 March 2008, in the IAEA Headquarters, Vienna. This meeting was organized by RRSS/NSNI and RRG/NEFW, with the specific objective to formulate a new CRP to benchmark, against experimental data, recent developed neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational methods and tools, for operation and safety analysis of RRs. This CRP was approved by NACA in October 2008, as an activity jointly operated and equally funded by NSNI, NEFW and NAPC. The main objectives of this CRP are:

• To encourage cooperation and foster exchange of information in the area of numerical analysis for improving RR design, operation and safety;

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• To benchmark against experimental data the neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational methods and tools used for operation and safety analysis of RRs, covering steady state and transient conditions;

• To stimulate the use and development of innovative RR modelling methods, and to support the transfer of such approaches to the larger research reactor community.

Work done:

Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda The RCM started on 1 December 2008. Mr. Pablo Adelfang, Leader of the Research Reactor Unit (RRG/NEFW), opened the meeting and made a presentation describing its background, its goals and objectives, as well as the expected outcome. The Scientific Secretaries of RRSS/NSNI (A. Shokr) , RRG/NEFW (A. Soares) and PS/NAPC (D. Ridikas) also welcomed the participants. They mentioned that this CRP is challenging since it represents a cross-cutting exercise across multiple Departments within the IAEA and across multiple disciplines. The meeting was attended by 15 participants representing 14 Member States, as listed in attachment I. Excuses were presented from France, Australia and Bangladesh on their unavailability to attend the meeting. After a brief introduction of the participants the agenda proposed by the scientific secretaries was adopted (see attachment II). Mr. R. Nabbi from Research Centre Jülich (FZJ), Germany and Mr. R. Prinsloo from the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa), were respectively selected as Chairman and Rapporteur of the Meeting. The participants offering experimental data for comparison made a brief presentation of the available experimental data, and respective facilities, as described in attachment III. The presentations were followed by a discussion about the need to develop templates for the facility specification, for the experiment description and for the data submitted for comparison of results. Considering the importance of the proposed documents, on the second day the participants organized themselves into two groups, in order to have two distinct proposals on neutronics and thermo hydraulics, which should be discussed and complemented as necessary. The discussions continued during the next days, with the participants defining the final proposal for the template documents. The last two sections of the meeting were dedicated to finalize the summary of conclusions, the working commitments, and the meeting report. At the end all presentations, the list of participants, and some detailed information from ETRR2, OPAL and Indonesian RSG-GAS research reactors, were distributed to the participants. The meeting was then closed by Mr. Hassan Abou Yehia, head of Research Reactor Safety Section, who thanked the participants for their work. The summary of conclusions, suggestions and recommendations follows.

Summary of Conclusions, Suggestions and Recommendations

The participants concluded/agreed that: 1 - The CRP should focus on the improvement of safety, operation and utilization of RRs, and that the meeting should keep this in mind in the selection of relevant data sets. The meeting aimed to classify the available data from participants and identified areas where experimental data is lacking. In some cases the available experimental data is very broad and therefore an appropriate subset should be selected and prepared by the providers.

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2 - Various presentations describing the available data for experimental comparison were given in order to allow expert judgement by participants on the applicability and potential quality of the submissions. This information was used to finalise the action matrix (Attachment IV) with regard to the list of benchmarks available for calculations. Participants indicated on the action matrix the data sets they found applicable and in which they have interest to perform specific calculations.

3 - When possible the participants agreed to provide the available uncertainty data, along with the benchmark specifications, whether the uncertainties are obtained from experimental conditions, calculations, expert judgment or from published literature.

4 - The participants agreed that submissions, irrespective of the availability of uncertainty data, be initially accepted and used.

5 - The completeness and clarity of benchmark problem specification is critical for successful implementation of the CRP. Neutronic and thermal-hydraulic working groups within the meeting produced template documents to facilitate both benchmark specification and results (experimental and modeling) submission. These templates should be integrated, finalized and submitted to the Agency for further distribution to participants by January 2009. Collaboratively, participants from Necsa and INVAP agreed to coordinate the inputs from participants in order to finalize the template documents and distribute them through the CRP website (see item 7).

6 - The benchmark submission will be subject to an internal review process, in which participants intending to calculate the specific benchmark case, review and comment on the specification prior to its final submission to the IAEA. The quality and applicability of the experimental sets will thus be evaluated. The submitted benchmark specifications should be finalized according to the schedule detailed in Attachment V.

7 - The action plans for individual participants were reviewed, updated and confirmed, within the individual contributions as specified in Attachment V. A detailed revision of the individual action plan was given by the participants to the scientific secretaries.

8 - The Agency will provide, by January 2009, a platform to facilitate the information exchange in the form of a password protected website, within which only members of the CRP will have access to all produced facility specifications and submitted documentation. Upon request from the data provider, supplied information will be distributed in hard copy, and not uploaded to the website. The participants agreed that all meeting material (documents distributed, presentations, meeting report, action plan, and work commitment) should be available on the Web page of the CRP.

9 - The data supplied to this CRP is restricted for use only within the activities of the CRP, unless otherwise agreed by the data provider (CSI).

10 - It was concluded that sufficient experimental data is available to conduct this CRP. However it is recognized that the data does not contemplate areas like fuel management, depletion, hydraulic data (core input data), heat transfer data (steady state and transient), gamma flux, neutron beam line characterization, shielding, etc. Therefore, it is recommended that the IAEA consider an extension of the CRP, envisaging the possibility to find such data and/or to promote experiments to obtain it.

11 - Tentatively the 2nd RCM was scheduled for March 2010. Participants suggested possible venues as Vienna, Tashkent and Cairo.

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12 - Additionally, the following comments were made:

• The participants commented on the need for high performance computer clusters in order to benchmark some of the provided experimental data. Participants should take this into account in the selection of benchmarks to calculate.

• Participants preferably should use the available codes applied at their respective institutes for calculation of the defined benchmarks. For additional use within the CRP, the IAEA can supply remote training and remote access to the use of the RELAP code. Scientific investigators interested in this option should contact the IAEA scientific secretaries for this CRP.

• Participants are encouraged to commit to additional benchmark calculations during the future development of the CRP. Participation in more than one benchmark exercise is a requirement.

• In mutually agreed cases, MCNP geometric models, when available from the data providing institutes, may be shared with participants to ease the substantial effort needed to construct the input files for calculation.

• Data providers should supply appropriate neutronics/kinetic parameters to participants who aim to perform only thermal-hydraulics calculations.

• Three participants (Australia, France-1, and Bangladesh) were not able to attend the meeting and the Agency will communicate with them to assign appropriate tasks within the action matrix.

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Attachment I – List of Participants

1st RCM of CRP No: 1496 on “Innovative Methods in Research Reactor Analysis: Benchmark against Experimental Data on Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulic Computational Methods and Tools for Operation and Safety Analysis of Research Reactors”, 1

to 5 December 2008, IAEA Headquarters in Vienna.

Country Name Institution / Organization

Argentina Ms Alicia Silvia DOVAL INVAP S.E.

Canada Mr Simon DAY McMaster Nuclear Reactor

Egypt Mr Ibrahim Dakhly Atomic Energy Authority (AEA)

France Mr Evgeny IVANOV Institute de radioprotection et de surete nucleaire (IRSN), DSR/SEGRE/BESTARE

Germany Mr Rahim NABBI Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FJZ)

Ghana Mr Emmanuel AMPOMAH-AMOAKO Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC)

Greece Mr Stylianos CHATZIDAKIS NCSR Demokritos

Nigeria Mr Sunday Adesunloye A. JONAH Ahmadu Bello University

Pakistan Mr Ishtiaq Hussain BOKHARI Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)

Romania Mr Mirea MLADIN Institute for Nuclear Research

Mr Rian PRINSLOO South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) South Africa

Mr Gerhardt STANDER South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA),

Syrian Arab Republic Mr Ali HAINOUN Atomic Energy Commission of Syria (AECS)

USA Mr Arne OLSON) Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

Uzbekistan Mr Fakhrulla KUNGUROV Research Reactor WWR-SM


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Mr Danas RIDIKAS IAEA - NAPC (Scientific Secretaries)



Australia Mr George Braoudakis Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO)

Bangladesh Mr Rahman Mafizur Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission

France Mr Valentin Blideanu Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA); Centre de Saclay

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Attachment II - Agenda 1st RCM for the CRP on “Benchmarking against Experimental Data of the Neutronic and

Thermal-hydraulics Computational Methods and Tools for Operation and Safety Analysis for Research Reactors “

1-5 December 2008, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna

Time Title

Monday, 1 December 2008

09:00-10:00 Opening of the meeting:

-Participants introduction

- Opening remarks: Background of the CRP; the objectives and expected results of the RCM;

- Selection of the Meeting Chairman;

- Adoption of the Meeting Agenda

P.Adelfang, IAEA

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-11:00 - Presentation on the experimental data available for the CRP G.Braoudakis, Australia

11:00-11:30 - Presentation on the experimental data available for the CRP S. Day, Canada

11:30-12:00 - Presentation on the experimental data available for the CRP I. Abdelrazek, Egypt

12:00-12:30 - Presentation on the experimental data available for the CRP V. Blideanu, France

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00:14:30 - Presentation on the experimental data available for the CRP A. Olsen, USA

14:30-15:00 - Presentation on the experimental data available for the CRP Fakhuallah, UZB

15:00:15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-16:00 - Formation of working Groups for the preparation of the experimental data in a form suitable for available computer codes benchmarking and development of the CRP action matrix and selection of Groups Coordinators


Tuesday, 2 December 2008

09:00-12:30 - Preparation of experimental data and CRP action matrix Working Groups

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-16:00 - Preparation of experimental data and CRP action matrix Working Groups

16:00-17:00 - Reporting on the progress from Working Groups Groups’ Coordinators

19:00 >>> IAEA Hospitality in Strandcafe All

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Wednesday, 3 December 2008

09:00-12:30 - Preparation of experimental data and CRP action matrix Working Groups

12:30- 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:30 - Preparation of experimental data and CRP action matrix Working Groups

15:30-17:00 - Reporting on the progress from Working Groups Groups’ Coordinators

Thursday, 4 December 2008

09:00-10:30 - Finalization of the CRP action matrix Working Groups

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 - Agreement on the next year work plan: consolidation of the participants’ individual work plans based on the developed CRP action matrix


12:30-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:30 - Discussions on establishing and agreement on a mechanism for information exchange between the participants during the conduct of the CRP


15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:00 - Discussions on the outline of a document for the CRP results All

Friday 5 December 2008

09:00-10:00 - Drafting of the RCM meeting report All

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-12:30 - Discussion on the RCM conclusions and finalization of the RCM meeting report

- Closing of the RCM


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Attachment III - Presentations made by the participants offering experimental data for comparison.

OPAL research reactor experimental data – The presentation was made by Ms. Alicia Doval, from INVAP-Argentina, on behalf of Mr. George Braoudakis, from OPAL, Australia. - The benchmark is for the initial commissioning tests of the OPAL research reactor. The information will include control rod calibration data; flux distribution, determined using activation measurements of gold wires placed on different positions between plates of the fuel elements; shutdown margins, power peaking factors and reactivity coefficients (void, thermal and power). The comment was made that very detailed geometry data, along with all possible uncertainty data, should be made available. McMaster University research reactor experimental data – Mr. Simon Day - Substantial sets of neutronic data is available, considering operational, activation and utilization conditions. The experimental data includes void plate reactivity; pool temperature coefficient; rod position for criticality; 3-shim test criterion; miscellaneous reactivity measurements, flux data, obtained by wire activation analysis and rod position as function of time, to compensate for Xenon buildup. Mr. Day made a brief description of some experiments, and made clear that all details will be available for the simulations. The issue of capturing the history for reactor depletion prior to the point of the experiment was identified and briefly discussed. The shortcoming is largely reflected in the uncertainty in provided initial material distribution. BORAX and SPERT experimental data – Mr. Simon Day - Mr. Day presented a list of tests made with BORAX (1953-1954) and SPERT (1955-1970), in the National Reactor Testing Station (actually Idaho National Lab.) Experiments include static tests like control rod worth, flux distributions (measured through activation analysis of Au and Co foils), temperature and void coefficients and some hydraulic parameters; and transient tests like step insertion tests, ramp insertion and stability tests. For the SPERT facility 10 configurations were presented, with 2 being selected by the participants for analysis: SPERT III and SPERT IV D-12/25. Mr. Day agreed to be the contact person for distribution and clarification on the data of the SPERT IV Experiment, in addition to the data of McMaster Research Reactor. The contact person for SPERT III will be Mr. Arne Olson, from USA. Later in the meeting Mr. Day presented a list of parameters related to areas of research reactor analysis which are not included in the current working matrix. He offered to collect and catalog similar lists from the meeting participants with the purpose to consolidate a final list as a contribution from the present CRP for future activities. ETRR-2 research reactor experimental data – Mr. Ibrahim D. Abdelrazek - The presentation was mainly on the description of the facility, with details of the fuel assembly, core and heat removal systems. Mr. Abdelrazek explained that the reactor has two heat exchangers, which allows for three distinct steady state operational modes: Regime 2, with the two heat exchanger in operation; regime 1, when only one core cooling system is in operation; and regime 0, when primary pumps are off and core heat is removed by natural circulation of the coolant. The experimental data will be mostly for thermal-hydraulic analysis, and will include steady state temperatures; transient considering loss of flow and loss of site power; power maneuvering, power reduction and regime transition. Experimental data from Decommissioned French research reactors– The presentation was made by Mr. Danas Ridikas, from IAEA – NAPC, on behalf of Mr. Valentin Blideanu,

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from CEA, France - The presentation was focused on information needed for the planning of decommissioning activities, like activation of materials on reactor internals, structures and biological shielding. The reactors with data available for comparison are: RUS, ULYSSE, SILOETTE, SILOE, MELUSINE and RAPSODIE. SPERT experimental data – Presentation made by Mr. Arne Olson - Mr. Olson focused his presentation on experiment IV of the SPERT (Special Power Excursion Reactor Tests) series, complementing the presentation of Mr. Day (see above). He made a detailed description of the experiment, emphasizing that the geometry of the experiment is very well characterized, and test results are also very well presented (with the observation that the data need to be digitized for ease of use). The data include peak power, energy release at peak power, peak fuel surface temperature, time evolution of power, energy, and fuel surface temperature in hottest channel. A comment was made that the SPERT-III experiments made with rod type fuel elements might be valuable for participants that operate TRIGA type reactors. WWR-SM research reactor experimental data – Mr. Fakhrulla Kungurov - Mr. Kungurov made a brief description of the WWR-SM reactor located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, explaining that the reactor is going through a conversion process, from 36% enriched fuel to 19.8% enriched fuel. Actually only data considering HEU fuel is available for the CRP, but in the future the scientific group of Uzbekistan will offer the data of a mixed core, plus the data for the final LEU core. The data includes kinetics and reactivity coefficients; thermal-hydraulics parameters, radiation dose on several points of the facility, and 3D Fast and thermal neutron flux in the reactor, measured using Au, Ni, Ti, Co and Fe monitors. This particular data set is considered of great importance for ongoing programs of RR fuel conversion/ MNSR experimental data – Mr. Ali Hainoun - Considering that 4 of the participants operate MNSR type research reactors, the group discussed the relevance of including MNSR problems in the benchmark, and Mr. Hainoun agreed to make a presentation describing the reactor and the data available in his facility. He made a brief description of MNSR type reactors, and explained that experiments were made to determine kinetic parameters, temperature reactivity coefficient, open and closed loop transfer functions, average coolant flow velocity in core, etc. Mr. Hainoun emphasized that based on the calculations made, the reactor can have its operational cycle increased from 3 to 14 hours, by implementing a forced circulation system to improve reactor core cooling. FRJ 2 research reactor experimental data - Mr. Rahim Nabbi – Mr. Nabbi presented an innovative method used for detailed core neutronic safety analysis of the German FRJ-2 Research reactor. It is a sophisticated code system using the advanced Monte-Carlo code MCNP, and the depletion code BURN with an interface routine for parallel processing and simulation. As first the capability of the code system (MCNP-BURN) for high-performance core physics simulation were addressed. It was reported that the MCNP model consists of a detailed geometrical description of the whole reactor core and surroundings with 11 250 material cells. The results of the first application to FRJ-2 were presented. The selected simulations show high accuracy in the prediction of the multiplication factor, the distribution of n-flux, power density and fuel depletion. As an innovation and sophisticated numerical tool, the code system is capable of simulating the core physics and neutronic behavior of the complex core configurations and reactor physics with high level of resolution and accuracy.

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Attachment IV – Action Matrix

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Attachment V – Commitments (part A – per facility)

OPAL - Neutronic - Australia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Pakistan, S.Africa

OPAL - TH - Australia OPAL - Facility Specification Australia : apr-09 OPAL - Experiment specification Australia : apr-09 OPAL - experimental data Australia : may-09 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results South Africa : oct-09 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results Australia : nov-09 OPAL - TH Calculation Results Australia : nov-09 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results Egypt : nov-10 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results Bangladesh : nov-11 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results Pakistan : nov-11

ETRR2 - Neutronic - Greece, S.Africa

ETRR2 - TH Argentine, Greece, Egypt, Syria, S.Africa

ETRR2 - Facility Specification Egypt : feb-09 ETRR2 - Experiment specification Egypt : apr-09 ETRR2 - Experimental Results Egypt : apr-09 ETRR2 - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Syria : oct-09 ETRR2 - TH Calculation Results - Steady State Argentina : nov-09 ETRR2 - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Egypt : nov-09 ETRR2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results South Africa : jun-10 ETRR2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Greece : oct-10 ETRR2 - TH Calculation Results - Transient Argentina : nov-10 ETRR2 - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Australia : nov-10 ETRR2 - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Greece : oct-11 ETRR2 - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient South Africa : mar-11

MNSR-Y - Neutronic - Pakistan, Nigeria, Syria, USA, Ghana

MNSR-Y - TH Nigeria, Syria, USA, Ghana MNSR - Facility Specification Syria : feb-09 MNSR - Experiment Specification Syria : mar-09 MNSR - Experimental Results Syria : apr-09 MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Syria : Apr-09 MNSR - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Syria : Apr-09 MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Ghana : oct-09 MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Nigeria : oct-09 MNSR - TH Calculation Results - Steady State Nigeria : oct-09 MNSR - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Ghana : jun-10

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MNSR - TH Calculation Results - Transient Nigeria : oct-10 MNSR - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient US : nov-10 MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Pakistan : nov-10 MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results US : nov-10

FRJ-2 - Neutronic - Argentina, Romania, Uzbekistan, Germany.

FRJ-2 - TH Romania, Syria, Uzbekistan, Germany.

FRJ2 - Facility Specification Germany : feb-09 FRJ2 - Experiment Specification Germany : apr-09 FRJ2 - Eperimental Results Germany : set-09 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Germany : nov-09 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Uzbekistan : apr-10 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Argentina : nov-10 FRJ2 – TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Germany : nov-10 FRJ2 - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Uzbekistan : nov-10 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Romania : dec-10 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results (depletion) Australia : oct-11 FRJ2 – TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Syria : oct-11 FRJ2 – TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Romania : nov-11

WWR-SM - Neutronic - Argentina, Nigeria, USA, Uzbekistan

WWR-SM - TH Argentina, Nigeria, USA, Uzbekistan

WWR-SM - Facility Specification Uzbekistan : feb-09 WWR-SM - Experiment Specification. Uzbekistan : feb-09 WWR-SM - Experimental Results Uzbekistan : aug-09 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results Argentina : nov-09 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results Uzbekistan : nov-09 WWR-SM - TH Calculation Results - Steady state Argentina : nov-09 WWR-SM - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Uzbekistan : nov-09 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results Nigeria : oct-10 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results US : nov-10 WWR-SM - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Egypt : nov-10 WWR-SM - TH Calculation Results - Transient Argentina : nov-10 WWR-SM - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient US : nov-10 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results Bangladesh : dec-10 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - Neutronic Calculation Results Uzbekistan : may-11 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - TH Calculation Results Uzbekistan : may-11 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - Experimental Results Uzbekistan : oct-11 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - Neutronic Calculation Results US : oct-11 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - TH Calculation Results US : oct-11

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WWR-SM - LEU Core - Neutronic Calculation Results Uzbekistan : may-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - TH Calculation Results Uzbekistan : may-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - Experimental Results Uzbekistan : nov-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - Neutronic Calculation Results US : nov-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - TH Calculation Results US : nov-11 WWR-SM - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Nigeria : oct-11

MNR - Neutronic - Argentina, Canada, Greece, Syria, S.Africa

MNR - Facility Specificaiton Canada : mar-09 MNR - Experiment Specificaiton Canada : may-09 MNR - Experimental results Canada : may-09 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Greece : oct-09 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Canada : nov-09 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results South Africa : oct-11 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Syria : oct-11 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Egypt : nov-11 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Argentina : nov-11

Spert III Romania, USA

SPERT III - Facility Specification US : mar-09 SPERT III - Experiment Specification US : mar-09 SPERT III - Experimental Results US : jun-09 SPERT III - Neutronic - Calculation Results US : jun-09 SPERT III - Neutronic - Calculation Results Bangladesh : oct-09 SPERT III - Neutronic - Calculation Results Romania : oct-09 SPERT III - Neutronic - Calculation Results Ghana : oct-10 SPERT III - TH Calculation Results - Transient Romania : nov-09 SPERT III - TH Calculation Results - Transient US : nov-09 SPERT III - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Bangladesh : dec-10 SPERT III - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Ghana : jun-11

Spert IV Canada, France 2, Pakistan, Syria

SPERT IV - Facility specification Canada : mar-09 SPERT IV - Experiment Specification Canada : may-09 SPERT IV - Experimental Results Canada : may-09 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results Pakistan : oct-09 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results - phase 1 France2 : oct-09

SPERT IV - TH Calculation Results - Transient Pakistan : oct-09 SPERT IV - TH Calculation Results - Transient US : nov-09

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SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results Syria : oct-10 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results - phase 2 France2 : oct-10 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results Australia : oct-10 SPERT IV - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Syria : oct-10 SPERT IV - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient France2 : oct-10 SPERT IV - TH Calculation Results - Transient Australia : oct-10 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results Canada : nov-10 SPERT IV - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Canada : nov-10 SPERT IV - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Egypt : nov-10

RSG-GAS - TH Argentina, Canada, Greece, Egypt, Syria, USA

RSG-GAS - Specification IAEA / NSNI : feb-09 RSG-GAS - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Greece : oct-09 RSG-GAS - TH Calculation Results - Steady State Syria : nov-09 RSG-GAS - TH Calculation Results - Transient Syria : oct-10 RSG-GAS - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Egypt : nov-10 RSG-GAS - TH Calculation Results - Steady state and Tansient Argentina : nov-11 RSG-GAS - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Canada : nov-11

SILOE/RUS - Neutronic - France, Germany SILOE - Facility specificaiton France 1 - To be defined SILOE - Experiment Spacification France 1 - To be defined SILOE - Experimental Results France 1 - To be defined SILOE - Neutronic - Calculation Results France 1 - To be defined SILOE - Neutronic - Calculation Results Germany : oct-10

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Attachment V – Commitments (part B – per Scientific Group)

Argentina ETRR2 - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State Argentina : nov-09 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results Argentina : nov-09 WWR-SM - TH - Calculation Results - Steady state Argentina : nov-09 ETRR2 - TH - Calculation Results - Transient Argentina : nov-10 WWR-SM - TH - Calculation Results - Transient Argentina : nov-10 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Argentina : nov-10 RSG-GAS - TH - Calculation Results - Steady state and Tansient Argentina : nov-11 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Argentina : nov-11


OPAL - Facility Specification Australia : apr-09 OPAL - Experiment specification Australia : apr-09 OPAL - experimental data Australia : may-09 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results Australia : nov-09 OPAL - TH - Calculation Results Australia : nov-09 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results Australia : oct-10 SPERT IV - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Australia : oct-10 ETRR2 - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Australia : nov-10 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results (depletion) Australia : oct-11


SPERT III - Neutronic - Calculation Results Bangladesh : oct-09 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results Bangladesh : dec-10 SPERT III - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Bangladesh : dec-10 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results Bangladesh : nov-11


MNR - Facility Specificaiton Canada : mar-09 MNR - Experiment Specificaiton Canada : may-09 MNR - Experimental results Canada : may-09 SPERT IV - Facility specification Canada : mar-09 SPERT IV - Experiment Specification Canada : may-09 SPERT IV - Experimental Results Canada : may-09 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Canada : nov-09 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results Canada : nov-10 SPERT IV - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Canada : nov-10 RSG-GAS - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Canada : nov-11

Page 18: Innovative methods in research reactor analysis: … · neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational ... distinct proposals on neutronics and thermo hydraulics, which should be


ETRR2 - Facility Specification Egypt : feb-09 ETRR2 - Experiment specification Egypt : apr-09 ETRR2 - Experimental Results Egypt : apr-09 ETRR2 - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Egypt : nov-09 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results Egypt : nov-10 WWR-SM - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Egypt : nov-10 RSG-GAS - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Egypt : nov-10 SPERT IV - TH Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Egypt : nov-10 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Egypt : nov-11

France 1

SILOE - Facility specificaiton France 1 - To be defined SILOE - Experiment Spacification France 1 - To be defined SILOE - Experimental Results France 1 - To be defined SILOE - Neutronic - Calculation Results France 1 - To be defined

France 2

SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results - phase 1 France2 : oct-09 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results - phase 2 France2 : oct-10 SPERT IV - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient France2 : oct-10


FRJ2 - Facility Specification Germany : feb-09 FRJ2 - Experiment Specification Germany : apr-09 FRJ2 - Eperimental Results Germany : set-09 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Germany : nov-09 FRJ2 – TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Germany : nov-10 SILOE - Neutronic - Calculation Results Germany : oct-10


MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Ghana : oct-09 MNSR - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Ghana : jun-10 SPERT III - Neutronic - Calculation Results Ghana : oct-10 SPERT III - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Ghana : jun-11


RSG-GAS - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Greece : oct-09 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Greece : oct-09 ETRR2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Greece : oct-10 ETRR2 - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Greece : oct-11

Page 19: Innovative methods in research reactor analysis: … · neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational ... distinct proposals on neutronics and thermo hydraulics, which should be


RSG-GAS - Specification IAEA / NSNI : feb-09


MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Nigeria : oct-09 MNSR - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State Nigeria : oct-09 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results Nigeria : oct-10 MNSR - TH - Calculation Results – Transient Nigeria : oct-10 WWR-SM - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Nigeria : oct-11


SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results Pakistan : oct-09 SPERT IV - TH - Calculation Results - Transient Pakistan : oct-09 MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Pakistan : nov-10 OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results Pakistan : nov-11


SPERT III - Neutronic - Calculation Results Romania : oct-09 SPERT III - TH - Calculation Results - Transient Romania : nov-09 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Romania : dec-10 FRJ2 – TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Romania : nov-11

South Africa

OPAL - Neutronic - Calculation Results South Africa : oct-09 ETRR2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results South Africa : jun-10 ETRR2 - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient South Africa : mar-11 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results South Africa : oct-11


MNSR - Facility Specification Syria : feb-09 MNSR - Experiment Specification Syria : mar-09 MNSR - Experimental Results Syria : apr-09 MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Syria : Apr-09 MNSR - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Syria : Apr-09 RSG-GAS - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State Syria : nov-09 ETRR2 - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Syria : oct-09 RSG-GAS - TH - Calculation Results - Transient Syria : oct-10 SPERT IV - Neutronic - Calculation Results Syria : oct-10 SPERT IV - TH - Calculation Results - Transient Syria : oct-10 FRJ2 – TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Syria : oct-11 MNR - Neutronic - Calculation Results Syria : oct-11

Page 20: Innovative methods in research reactor analysis: … · neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational ... distinct proposals on neutronics and thermo hydraulics, which should be


SPERT III - Facility Specification US : mar-09 SPERT III - Experiment Specification US : mar-09 SPERT III - Experimental Results US : jun-09 SPERT III - Neutronic - Calculation Results US : jun-09 SPERT III - TH - Calculation Results - Transient US : nov-09

SPERT IV - TH - Calculation Results - Transient US : nov-09 WWR-SM - Neutronic - Calculation Results US : nov-10 WWR-SM - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient US : nov-10 MNSR - Neutronic - Calculation Results US : nov-10 MNSR - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient US : nov-10 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - Neutronic Calculation Results US : oct-11 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - TH Calculation Results US : oct-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - Neutronic Calculation Results US : nov-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - TH Calculation Results US : nov-11

Uzbekistan WWR-SM - Facility Specification Uzbekistan : feb-09 WWR-SM - Experiment Specification. Uzbekistan : feb-09 WWR-SM - Experimental Results Uzbekistan : aug-09 WWR-SM - -Neutronic - Calculation Results Uzbekistan : nov-09 WWR-SM - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Uzbekistan : nov-09 FRJ2 - Neutronic - Calculation Results Uzbekistan : apr-10 FRJ2 - TH - Calculation Results - Steady State and Transient Uzbekistan : nov-10 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - Neutronic Calculation Results Uzbekistan : may-11 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - TH Calculation Results Uzbekistan : may-11 WWR-SM - Mixed Core - Experimental Results Uzbekistan : oct-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - Neutronic Calculation Results Uzbekistan : may-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - TH Calculation Results Uzbekistan : may-11 WWR-SM - LEU Core - Experimental Results Uzbekistan : nov-11

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Attachment VI - Revision of CRP Proposals – Working details Argentina – Ms. Alicia Doval – The Scientific group is composed by 2 senior specialists in neutronics, 3 senior specialists in thermal-hydraulics, and 2 junior specialists in neutronics. The proposal is to perform calculations using INVAP codes for the following facilities: ETRR-2, WWR-SM, MNR, RSG-GAS and FRJ-2. The proposed work plan is as follows: Neutronic calculations for FRJ-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov 2009 Thermal-hydraulic steady state calculations for ETRR-2 and WWR-SM. . . Nov 2009 Neutronic calculations for WWR-SM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov 2010 Thermal-hydraulic transient calculations for ETRR-2 and WWR-SM. . . . . . Nov 2010 Neutronic calculations for MNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov 2011 Thermal-hydraulic steady state and transient calculations for RSG-GAS Nov 2011 Australia – Mr. George Braoudakis (Information added in February 2009) – The Scientific Group of Nuclear Analysis of ANSTO will perform the following activities: To make a review of the available thermo-hydraulic and neutronic data of the OPAL reactor, and finalize its preparation according to the template defined during the first RCM ………… Apr. 2009 Formalize Experiment specification and results………………………………………… Apr. 2009 Preparation or report with experimental data……………………………………………… May 2009 Report with Neutronics calculations of OPAL………………………..…………………… Nov 2009 Report with Thermal-Hydraulics calculations (Steady State and Transient) of OPAL…… Nov 2009 Report with Neutronics calculations of SPERT IV…………………..……………………. Oct 2010 Report with Thermal-Hydraulics calculations (Transient) of SPERT IV………………….. Oct 2010 Report with Thermal-Hydraulics calculations (Steady State and Transient) of ETRR2… . Nov 2010 Report with Neutronics (Depletion) calculations of FRJ2…………..….…………………. Oct 2011 Bangladesh – Mr. Mafizur Rahman (Information added in February 2009)– The Scientific group is composed by 2 senior specialists and 4 junior specialists in neutronics, and 2 junior specialists in thermal-hydraulics. The proposal is to perform calculations for the following facilities: SPERT III– complete (Neutronics and Thermal Hydraulic/Transient), WWR-SM (Neutronics) and OPAL (Neutronics). The proposed work plan is as follows: The first priority is modelling of SPERT-III tests. It data of the reactor is available, we shall commence neutronics calculations in March 2009, with deliverables (Depending upon the data transmittal date) expected in……………………………...… Oct. 2009 Second priority is neutronics analysis of WWR-SM reactor, with deliverables in……... Dec 2010 Third priority is thermal-hydraulics analysis of SPERT-III reactor. Deliverables in ….…. Dec 2010 Fourth priority is neutronics analysis of the OPAL reactor. Deliverables in ………..….. Dec 2011 COMPUTING TOOLS: for neutronics MVP and for Thermal hydraulic and transient analyses COOLOD and EUREKA will be employed. Canada – Mr. Simon E. Day – The MNR group, led by S.E. Day, will provide facility specification, experiment specification and calculated results for comparison purposes on the MNR and SPERT IV benchmark exercises. They will also perform simulation exercises on the RSG-GAS (Indonesia) thermal-hydraulic benchmark (both steady state and loss-of-flow experimental data for an instrumented fuel assembly). The MNR group will perform the identified calculations using the MCNP, PARET and PLTEMP codes – the latter to be obtained from A. Olson (ANL). An updated version of MCNP with cross-section processing utilities and/or a version of NJOY will need to be obtained for some of the static neutronic calculations – this will be addressed immediately given the associated logistics. Participation in RELAP distance-learning is being considered for the RSG-GAS work. Targeted work-plan dates are as follows: Spert IV D-core benchmark: data selection December 2008 Spert IV D-core Experimental data ready for distribution March 2009 MNR Experimental data ready for distribution March 2009

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Neutronics analysis of MNR benchmark November 2009 Neutronics analysis of Spert IV D-core 2010 Transient analysis of Spert IV D-core 2010 TH analysis of RSG-GAS Steady State/LOFA 2011 Egypt – Mr. Ibrahim Abdelrazek – Egypt will provide the following experimental data for the CRP: steady state temperature distribution, anticipated transients without scram (22), anticipated transients without Scram (11), LOFA experiment, loss of “off site power”, power change, and neutronic data. Documents will include verification of operational conditions of the equilibrium core, comparison between experimental results and calculations during the commissioning of ETRR-2, and analysis of the second refuelling. The proposed work plan is as follows: To make a review of the available thermo-hydraulic and neutronic data

of the ETRR-2 and finalize its preparation according to the format and contents defined during the first RCM meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 2009

Formalize Experiment specification and results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 2009 Upon receiving of the data of the Indonesian and WWR-SM reactors,

work will be carried out for the purpose of benchmarking of the locally available codes against them. The first part of the benchmarking will involve steady state thermal-hydraulic calculations for these two reactors using PARET code./ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov 2009

The experimental data for the transients will be prepared and submitted to the IAEA in a format and contents as agreed during the first RCM meeting. The first year work plan will also include analysis of the LOFA for the Indonesian and for the WWR-SM reactor. Parallel to this phase, a RELAP Training/ Internet would be implemented to put this training to work during the second year of the CRP (2010). Germany – Mr. Rahim Nabbi – The proposal is to utilize the innovative method used for detailed core neutronic safety analysis of the German FRJ-2 Research reactor. It is a sophisticated code system using the advanced Monte-Carlo code MCNP, and the depletion code BURN with an interface routine for parallel processing and simulation. The following action plan is proposed for the next years: Compilation of the reactor core design data and fuel element specification

according to the proposed templates for the neutronic modelling…… Feb. 2009 Description of the neutronic and thermohydraulic experiments.. . . . . . . . . . April 2009 Compilation of the experimental results as specified in the data

sheets for comparison with the calculational results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 2009 Simulations and neutronic calculation: Criticality measurements, control

arm worth, average n-flux distribution, considering the HEU-Core. . . . Nov. 2010 Calculation of activity distribution in the shielding structure of SILOE

reactor on the basis of flux given flux distribution and fluence . . . . . . . Nov. 2010 Neutronic simulations for FRJ2 considering the LEU-core to determine

the characteristics differences to HEU core of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 2011 Ghana – Mr. Mr Emmanuel AMPOMAH-AMOAKO – The group is composed by Eight Scientists along with other staff of the NEMS Department and NCMS. The proposed programme of work is the following: Collect data on the experiments that have been performed in

neutronics and thermal hydraulics at the facility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 2009 Perform simulations to compare with the experimental data. . . . . . . . . . . . . July 2009 Compare with MCNP5 and PARET outputs available at the Institute. . . . . . August 2009 Partial Report findings for 2nd RCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2009 Establish an MCNP5 Code input file, for neutronics studies, using data

Page 23: Innovative methods in research reactor analysis: … · neutronics and thermal-hydraulic computational ... distinct proposals on neutronics and thermo hydraulics, which should be

from Syrian MNSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2009 Compute Reactivity Coefficient using deterministic methods . . . . . . . . . . . June 2009 Compute Kinetic Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 2009 Perform Neutron Spectrum Analysis with MCNP5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 2009 Study Control Rod Worth in relation to position in the core. . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 2009 Study Reactivity Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 2009 Establish a PARET Code input file, for thermal hydraulics studies, using

data from Syrian MNSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 2010 Perform Steady State studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 2010 Perform Transient Studies using the input deck established . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 2010 Establish an MCNP5 Code input file for neutronic and transient studies

using SPERT based on Syrian MNSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 2010 Compute Kinetic Parameters , including keff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 2010 Obtain steady state flux shape, Neutron Spectrum, Control Rod Worths.. September 2010 Study Reactivity Effects, and Compute Reactivity Coefficient. . . . . . . . . . . . September 2010 Establish a PARET Code input file for SPERT based on Syrian MNSR . . . . February 2011 Perform Transient Studies using the input deck established . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2011 Perform neutronic and thermal hydraulic analysis for GHARR-1,

which addresses the core fuel conversion from HEU to LEU . . . . . . . . . . October 2010. Submit Final Report to Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2011. Greece – Mr. Chatzidakis Stylianos - During the 1st RCM Greece agreed to undertake the analysis of the experimental data of the ETRR-2 (neutronics and thermal-hydraulics), MNR (neutronics) and RSG-GAS (thermal-hydraulics). The proposed work plan for the time period 2009-2011 is described below: MNR neutronics analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2009 RSG-GAS thermal-hydraulic analysis (steady state and transient states). . . October 2009 ETRR-2 neutronic analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2010 ETRR-2 thermal hydraulic analysis (steady state). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2010 ETRR-2 thermal hydraulic analysis (transient state). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2011 Tools for the analysis of the research reactors under consideration are MCNP5, WIMS, REBUS from neutronic’s point of view whereas for thermal-hydraulic analysis PLTEMP and PARET will be used to simulate steady and transient state respectively. The RELAP5 training/internet provided by the IAEA will also be considered as a supplementary tool to thermal hydraulic analysis. Nigeria – Mr. Jonah Sunday Adesunloye - In accordance with the work plan matrix, Nigeria will develop an MCNP model of the MNSR-Y facility from specifications provided by the CRP. The model will be used to calculate core physics parameters such as the cold core excess reactivity, shut down margin, control rod worth neutron flux distribution and kinetic parameters. A PARET model of the facility will be developed from specifications

and will be used to calculate steady state thermal hydraulic data of the reactor. These results are to be turned in by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2009.

The following year will be devoted to the development of an MCNP input deck for the WWR-SM reactor from specifications provided by the CRP. The model will be used to calculate core physics parameters such as the cold core excess reactivity, shut down margin, control rod worth neutron flux distribution and kinetic parameters. Additionally, the behaviour of MNSR-Y reactor under reactivity insertion transients will be determined along with other thermal hydraulic safety margins such as ONB, DNB and CHF. These results are expected to be submitted by . . . . . October 2010. The 3rd year will be used to develop a PARET model of WWR-SM

reactor and will be used to perform both steady state and reactivity insertion transients of the facility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 2011

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Pakistan – Mr. Ishtiaq Hussain Bokhari – The proposal is that the Scientific group of Pakistan will be engaged in calculations for the following facilities: SPERT– complete (Neutronic and Thermal Hydraulic/Transient), MNSR-Y (Neutronic) and OPAL (Neutronic). The first priority is modeling of SPERT tests. On provision of detailed

data of the reactor, we shall commence neutronic and thermal-hydraulic calculations in January 2009. Deliverables can be expected in . . . . . October 2009 (depending upon the data transmittal date).

Second priority is neutronic analysis of MNSR-Y reactor. Deliverables . . . . December 2010. Third priority is neutronic analysis of the OPAL reactor. Deliverables. . . . . December 2011. COMPUTING TOOLS that will be used for neutronic analysis: are namely: WIMS-D (available) and CITATION (available). For Thermal hydraulic and transient analyses PARET (older version) will be employed. Romania – Mr. Mierea Mladin - According to Work Commitment Sheet, Romania is engaged in: 1) SPERT (SPERT III and SPERT I SA) – complete benchmarking and, 2) FRJ-2 reactor – complete benchmarking, too. First priority is modeling of SPERT tests. We engage in neutronic and

thermal-hydraulic calculations in January (or as soon as data are received from the provider). Deliverables can be expected by . . . . . October 2009 (depending on the data transmittal date).

Second priority is neutronic and thermal-hydraulic analysis of the German FRJ-2 reactor. Deliverables for the first phase . . . . . . . . . . . December 2010 Deliverables for the second phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 2011

Tools that will be used for neutronic analysis: DRAGON (already available) and/or MCNP4C (the later depending on working permission from code owner; application will be made soon). Tools that will be used for thermal-hydraulic analysis: RELAP5/MOD3.4 and/or CATHARE mod 7.1. No impediment exists in using these codes. South Africa – Mr Rian Prinsloo - Necsa developed OSCAR, a reactor calculational code system that uses spatial and energy cross-section homogenization with multi-group nodal diffusion methods for the calculation of flux profile and isotopic distributions for reactor simulation. This calculational approach is not typical for heterogeneous and high leakage MTR type reactor cores but is fast, accurate and depletion of burnable material is easily accomplished. The latest version of the OSCAR code system (which is used by several research reactors around the world), namely OSCAR-4, is in the process of verification and validation. The various component codes of the code system contain many new models as compared with the previous version. New models include the treatment of burnable absorber wires, improved control rod models and a range of MTR specific features and models designed to computationally support more efficient utilization of MTR type reactors. All these models require verification and validation, ideally for a range of fuel and reactor designs. For this purpose we propose to model in detail (all cases are proposed at this stage) the OPAL, MNR and ETRR-2 reactors in order to validate the new models of the OSCAR code system with experimental data. The comparison between the deterministic neutron diffusion and the probabilistic Monte Carlo based methodologies as applied to the simulation of spatially heterogeneous research reactor cores can add considerable value to the field of MTR reactor simulations, especially in the light of the well-known strengths and weaknesses of these approaches. The core simulator code in the OSCAR code system at present can be applied only to steady state neutronic calculations. Future developments in the core simulator include the addition of point/spatial kinetics and a coupling of the neutronic solver and various thermo-hydraulic packages, such as COBRA and RELAP, in order to do transient calculations. The verification of the future coupled neutronics / thermo-hydraulics code system is also part of our range of proposed calculations for this CRP.

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Syria – Mr. Ali Hainoun – The Scientific group is composed by 2 senior specialists in neutronics, 1 senior specialist and 3 junior specialists in thermal-hydraulics. The group will provide facility specification, experiment specification and calculated results for comparison purposes on the Syrian MNSR. To perform the envisaged benchmark calculations the group will use neutronic code MCNP and the thermal hydraulic codes MERSAT and PARET. Additionally it is planed to use the thermal hydraulic code RELAP via remote access to the IAEA. This will include the participation in RELAP distance-learning. The working group will perform thermal hydraulic benchmark calculation for the SPERT experiment and for the reactors ETRR-2, RSG-Gas and FRJ-2. Neutronic calculations will be performed for SPERT and MNR. The foreseen work plan is as follow:

Facility specification of MNSR Feb 2009 MNSR Experimental specification Mar 2009 MNSR Neutronic / Thermalhydraulic results Apr 2009 Thermal hydraulic steady state and transient calculations of ETRR-2 Oct 2009 Thermal hydraulic steady state calculations of RSG-GAS Nov 2009 Thermal hydraulic transient calculation of RSG-GAS Oct 2010 SPERT neutronic calculation Oct 2010 SPERT thermal hydraulic transient calculations Oct 2010 Thermal hydraulic steady state calculations of FRJ-2 Oct 2011 MNR neutronic calculations Oct 2011

U.S.A. – Mr. Arne Olson – The proposed work plan is as follows: Spert III E-core benchmark: data selection December 2008 Standard input table creation for test cases January 2009 Digitize Experimental Results (static data + time traces) March 2009 Neutronics analysis of Spert III E-core benchmark June 2009 Transient analysis of Spert III E-core benchmark November 2009 Plus data comparison for participating groups (Spert III E-core)