Download - Innovation driving over 125 years of history. Industry ... · “DEXY FILTER” Activated carbon fiber Developed using melt-spinning technology, “Dexy Filter” offers superior

Page 1: Innovation driving over 125 years of history. Industry ... · “DEXY FILTER” Activated carbon fiber Developed using melt-spinning technology, “Dexy Filter” offers superior

Innovation driving over 125 years of history. Industry, lifestyle and environmental preservation. Unitika offers a range of products for the future.For more than 125 years, Unitika has developed a large number of innovative technologies and products. These include a number of “world first” technologies and products that hold top share in the global market, including simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film etc. With a focus on our core technologies accumulated over our long history, such as polymer, fiber and textile and inorganic material technologies, Unitika is committed to further building on its respective business areas and the development of high-quality, innovative functional materials that go above and beyond anything else on the market by integrating our existing technologies with new and other peripheral technologies. Needless to say, the fundamental policy behind these initiatives is to ensure that we improve the lifestyles of people around the world and give something back to society.

“Arrowbase” is a groundbreaking, modif ied water-based polyolefin emulsion that does not contain sur face acting agents. I t is current ly being used in fields that demand a reduced envi-ronmental load.

“ARROWBASE”Modified water-based polyolefin emulsion


“XecoT” is an aromatic polyamide resin made from biomass material which has overwhelming performance developed based on Unitika’ s origi-nal polymerization and compound technology. Its high crystallinity, unmatched by any of our com-petitors, provides superi-or heat-resistance, low moisture absorption and s l i d i n g p r o p e r t i e s , mak ing i t an env i ron -mentally friendly materi-a l w i t h u n p a r a l l e l e d possibilities.


Environmentally friendly heat-resistant polyamide resin

“DEXY FILTER”“DEXY FILTER”Activated carbon fiberActivated carbon fiber

Developed using melt-spinning technology,“Dexy Filter” offers superior adsorption speed compared to powdered

or granulated activated carbon to adsorb impuritiesfrom water and odors from the air.

Developed using melt-spinning technology,“Dexy Filter” offers superior adsorption speed compared to powdered

or granulated activated carbon to adsorb impuritiesfrom water and odors from the air.

“UNIVEKS”“UNIVEKS”Polyester nonwoven cloth sheetPolyester nonwoven cloth sheet

In addition to superior water absorption and workability,”Univeks” is a highly functional,

porous sheet boasting a syphon function and evaporation function.It demonstrates superior performance in a range of applications,

including humidifier elements,drain water evaporation plates and in the cores of water

and oil-based marker pens.

In addition to superior water absorption and workability,”Univeks” is a highly functional,

porous sheet boasting a syphon function and evaporation function.It demonstrates superior performance in a range of applications,

including humidifier elements,drain water evaporation plates and in the cores of water

and oil-based marker pens.

A world first, simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film developed by Unitika.“EMBLEM” boasts superior strength,

flexibility and rupture resistance and is the world’s leading brand of food packaging.

A world first, simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film developed by Unitika.“EMBLEM” boasts superior strength,

flexibility and rupture resistance and is the world’s leading brand of food packaging.

“ELEVES”“ELEVES”Bi-component composite nonwoven fabricBi-component composite nonwoven fabric

“Eleves” is a bi-component spunbond nonwoven.It is commonly used in the lifestyle material field

due to its heat sealing properties and unique flexibility.

“Eleves” is a bi-component spunbond nonwoven.It is commonly used in the lifestyle material field

due to its heat sealing properties and unique flexibility.

“EMBLEM”Simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film

“EMBLEM”Simultaneous biaxially oriented nylon film



Page 2: Innovation driving over 125 years of history. Industry ... · “DEXY FILTER” Activated carbon fiber Developed using melt-spinning technology, “Dexy Filter” offers superior

Innovation driving over 125 years of history. Industry, lifestyle and environmental preservation. Unitika offers a range of products for the future.

■Unitika Research & Development Center

“TERRAMAC”Biomass plastic material

“Terramac” is a biomass material made from the starch found in corn etc. It is currently attracting attention as an eco-material with no load on the global environment to r e p l a c e o i l - b a s e d p las t i c s . Un i t i ka i s developing “Terramac” in a range of forms, i n c l u d i n g t ex t i l e s , spunbond fabric and resins etc.

PETRecycled PET


Polyactic acid












Heat-resistant PA

High perform

ance (heat resistance)

Unitika material

Unitika environmentally friendly material

General-purpose plasticGeneral-purpose plastic

Super engineering plasticSuper engineering plastic

Engineering plasticEngineering plastic

“MARIX”“MARIX”Polyester spunbond nonwovenPolyester spunbond nonwoven

Due to its superior strength and durability, “Marix” is used in a wide range of applications, including industrial and construction materials etc.

Due to its superior strength and durability, “Marix” is used in a wide range of applications, including industrial and construction materials etc.

“U-POLYMER”“U-POLYMER”Polyarylate resinPolyarylate resin

Harnessing all of its technologies, Unitika was the first in the world to develop industrialized polyarylate resin. It is used in a range of applications, including precision equipment, cars, machinery, medicine, food products and everyday goods etc.

Harnessing all of its technologies, Unitika was the first in the world to develop industrialized polyarylate resin. It is used in a range of applications, including precision equipment, cars, machinery, medicine, food products and everyday goods etc.

“PALPA”“PALPA”Special multilayer yarnSpecial multilayer yarn

“Palpa” is a special multilayer yarn developed first by Unitika and has a polyester core and the shell with high quality cotton. This unique material brings the soft touch of cotton and the superior properties of polyester.

“Palpa” is a special multilayer yarn developed first by Unitika and has a polyester core and the shell with high quality cotton. This unique material brings the soft touch of cotton and the superior properties of polyester.

“Silmie5”“Silmie5”Silky materialSilky material

The conjugated yarn with trilobal and different shape of the filament, we achieved a delicate, supple feel with natural volume. It is an elegant, silky material with a shiny, lustrous feel that drapes beautifully.

The conjugated yarn with trilobal and different shape of the filament, we achieved a delicate, supple feel with natural volume. It is an elegant, silky material with a shiny, lustrous feel that drapes beautifully.


b i o m a s s


Biomass resource(plant starch)


Unique Unitikatechnologies

In the area of technology development, Unitika is focusing on two main areas; new research and development and enhancing the skills of our workforce. At the same time, we realize that has to be backed by human resource training and development.The Unitika Research & Development Center plays a key role in these activities. Basic research designed to reinforce and further build on core technologies, pro-moting a corporate theme directly in line with market demand through synergy across all our business areas and creating new business domains through the inte-gration of our existing core technologies and those resulting from joint research with industry, government and academia. These three major strategies of the Center combine technology with innovation to give shape to the future.

New research &development

Enhancingpersonnel competency

Promotinga corporate theme

Reinforcing & building oncore technologies

Creatingnew business domains

UUUUUURRRRRRNew research &RNew research &developmentRdevelopmentRURUURUURU

&a corporate theme&a corporate themeReinforcing & building on&Reinforcing & building on

R&RR&RDDDDDPromotingDPromotinga corporate themeDa corporate themeDDDDDDCCreatingCCreatingCCCpersonnel competencyCpersonnel competencyCDCDDCDDCD

Human resourcedevelopment