Download - Initial Report - Tarleton State University · How do we measure it? How will we know when we have acheived ... -often the instilling of "tradition" trumps student success. Why isn't

Page 1: Initial Report - Tarleton State University · How do we measure it? How will we know when we have acheived ... -often the instilling of "tradition" trumps student success. Why isn't

Initial Report

Last Modified: 01/25/2013

Page 2: Initial Report - Tarleton State University · How do we measure it? How will we know when we have acheived ... -often the instilling of "tradition" trumps student success. Why isn't

1. “Tarleton will be the premier student-focused university in Texas"

is part of our vision statement. What are specific examples of key

characteristics that Tarleton must possess to “be the premier student-

focused university in Texas”?

Text Response

We need to make sure they are competitive when they graduate. If that is to be the case, the must be globally minded and prepared. A fundamental part of their experience at Tarleton should be international in focus.

1. Friendly departments/offices that are "customer" or student focused. In order to achieve this, have enough staff to handle the load of students and faculty so that they are not burnt out and over worked daily. Also compensating them fairly for the amount of the work they do. Less VPs and managers, more actual staff/faculty that does the real work. 2. Faculty that actually enjoys teaching, therefore motivating the students to learn. 3. Have enough housing and parking for students before taking more in.

Cutting edge technology. Environmental awareness/green campus/sutainability. Customer service oriented. Family oriented. Affordable. And most importantly! - We need to be able to drive students to success and provide not just a campus atmosphere that promostes this success, but build a relationship with the city and county to provide a more entrepreneurial atmosphere to keep our graduates here instead of students having to leave Erath county to pursue their future.

1. a better ability to conduct undergraduate research 2. improve science and math recruitment from high schools 3. offer updated programs to meet the needs of a changing world and work environment

Be student focused. The primary focus of the university now is "EXPANSION at the cost of education." We need to do what has been the traditional focus on this campus which is to realize the student base we serve and stop trying to be Austin.

-continue to keep small class sizes even as university grows -cutting-edge equipment and learning spaces the STUDENTS get to use, and early in their academic careers -better response times when students request help or information (especially in financial aid office) -send students to national and international conferences -for faculty a 4/4 and research expectations can detract from a student-focused instructor

Do more than speak about about being student focus, and actually implement it in our daily lives at work. Like not telling student you are in the wrong office or department, but taking a few minutes to guide the student to the right place. Give more appropriate training to the frontline folks, so that they can do there jobs effectively and with self-confidence.

Excellent faculty Focus on Academics and Graduation Solid and challenging programs of study

We must have adequate number of staff to handle the volume of students that we are recruiting. We must have an IT Department that is fully staffed and capable of handling university technical advancement and better organized housing requirements and first time freshman orientation.

Promoting ethics behavior of our students, promoting professional conduct of our students, promoting solid written and verbal communication skills, promoting leadership and collaborative ability.

Students need a sense of community, not only from Tarleton but from Stephenville and surrounding

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areas. Students need the feeling of fitting in within society. The feeling of "being at home". Also, students are the Revenue for All universities. So to say that we are not or any other university is not "premier student-focused" in the past, present and/or future is quite unintelligent, in my opinion. Students will always remain a premier focus. I would be more interested in what other "visions" we have for Tarleton, since "premier student-focused" is so obvious for all universities.

I don't think we can achieve this. We have too many administrators making decisions that effect faculty morale and impede our ability to domour jobs effectively for us to be 'premier'

offer student wellness services. Counseling (family/ relationship) services, financial/budgeting help, child care for "parent" students. In order to be student centered Tarleton must look at the personal needs of students.

Students must TRULY come first rather than a political agenda. We must value the input of students when planning our programming. We must think about the issues that they will be facing upon graduation and help prepare them for the world beyond the classroom.

timely response to student inquires sufficient qualified faculty to support student population Sufficient facilities and infrastructure to support a target student population Staff levels to support student and faculty needs

give faculty more time to teach, instead of so much time required for busy work like Digital measures, QEP, admistrative work. Plus, this will NOT happen with raising the number of students per class, online courses, and requiring teachers to teach courses that are not in their discipline. Students do best with the best faculty. If you do not treat your faculty well, you will never achieve this goal!

What do we mean by "premier"? How do we measure it? How will we know when we have acheived it? We can not identify characeristics until we agree on what we are talking about.

Actually think about students, include students in processes, procedures, committees. It is essential to focus on the academic mission-often the instilling of "tradition" trumps student success. Why isn't student academic success the most essential element to our success?

Faculty that provide high quality teaching with a student body that wants to work to become leading scholars of their respective fields.

Tarleton APPRECIATES its students - it includes students in critical decisions and empowers them with input into the educaion process. Tarleton RECOGNIZES its students by LISTENING to their needs, considering their perspectives and needs, and by encouraging student to be an active participant in their education.

We need to make our processes more efficient so students don't have to go all over campus or call 15 different people to find the answer to a question. We need to make sure that we maintain and increase quality faculty to teach classes and to incorporate planning for this as we continue to grow. Growth without funding will result in a lower quality product delivered to students which is NOT student focused.

Focus on affordable education, dedication to timely graduation, and dedication to high-quality student support services.

Streamlined assistance with enrollment, financial aid and housing; all aspects of student life. Expanded research opportunities. At least one activity per semester involving students, faculty and staff in a relaxed, fun environment. Activities should be other than traditional sporting events; possibly a Saturday during which students and employees take part in softball, flag football, volleyball, cards, dominoes, relay races, etc., and are on the same teams. It would be on the order of a university level school picnic. Parents should be invited. Increase visible focus on student safety.

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•Hiring and maintaining a faculty with education and other relevant qualifications that can teach students current, up-to-date concepts and theories which will allow them to be successful in the competitive international market in which they must compete for jobs. •Support student organizations and educational processes that facilitate the transition of students from being a spectator in the world, to being an active agent of change in a dynamic world.

1. Must attract and hold appropriate faculty. This means the commitment of money for salaries, research support, etc. This is not likely to happen as far as I can tell. 2. Must become more selective in admissions and retention policies. We have to move away from the bodies are the goal philosopy toward High Quality Graduates, getting High Quality Jobs as a goal. This means admitting fewer but higher quality students, and not being afraid to cull out those who are below par along the way. This is unlikely to happen given current administration. We have to move away from: 1. Lip service instead of money and action. 2. Appointment of more and more administrators who require resources in great amount without contribution toward goals.

Competitive graduation rates

Intuitive, less procedural and more flexible, technologically advanced, service-oriented

University employess need to develop a professional relationship with students. I believe we want students to reflect on their educational experience and feel valued--to do this one pays attention to the student, acknowledges and validates their feelings, and actively listens.

hiring of full-time, tenure-track professors (with PhDs), and less reliance on adjunct teachers

- Have more online classes to attract more and diverse students - work on being a Hispanic Serving College - this is the future in Texas.

Tarleton State University must not charge students for printing; it is bad for our image as a university and we are unjustly hurting our students.

Smaller class size move towars discussion and away from lectures

Outstanding Student-teacher ratio Something TSU does in ALL online courses that most schools do not--eg.,talking to each student by phone once per semester; all faculty using podcasted lectures; or something else, but something Outstanding faculty with proper credentials Great student activity program Great study abroad Interns in every major possible Make Service Learning part of requirements in academic programs

It is a silly goal to begin with but, if you assist on doing this, you need to reduce the cost of going to school here--that would demonstrate that you actually care about the students. And one way to do this is to reduce the fees that currently go to pay for the huge number of staff and administrators in Student Life

#1: There needs to be more focus on the student need for classes. While Tarleton has done an excellent job of providing a variety of courses for the student to choose from, there is a need to provide more sections of the courses - and NOT at the last minute! Working in the academic advising center I too often witness students attempt to register for courses and leave with only 9 hours due to the fact that all sections of select courses are closed. This happens EARLY in the semester. Freshmen and Sophomores are at a great disadvantage due to the fact that they are last to register. Tarleton states that working on Freshman retention is important, but we will see little to NO improvement until Freshman are given an equal change to find courses, and courses with a schedule that will work with their job schedules.

provide a quality education to assist students with a successful career and future

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Student advancement in education, training, and critical thinking.

Advanced research and technology training geared toward what the next generation needs to be successful and the U.S. to be a strong country.

I believe we would need Faculty who actually engage the students as well as staff who are actually educated/trained in student development theory and practices. I would say we have very few people that meet those requirements.

Tarleton needs to understand who their students are and why they are here. Not every student will be the next Einstein or Newton. Some just need preparation before they enter their careers. An inexpensive education would also help. Not cheap. And not so much that they pay less than other schools but they should receive more value through Tarleton. Again keeping with the career orientation, what makes them a better employee when they are done here.

1. To require all students to take a 'logics' course to learn critical thinking skills, that used to be why the ivy league schools were thought to have put out better students, they trained them to think for themselves. 2. To continue to promote and train students in basic skillsets such as welding, construction, farming, ranching and nursing that will go with them through life no matter what job they end up with; something as simple as using a 'level' or chaging a tire would do wonders for some of them but most importantly, teach them why things matter. 3. Retain the loyalty and friendliness of the staff and faculty here. I think we have been really good at letting them know we care; let's keep that up.

Values, Tolerance, Respectful, Value Education (High Quality, Right Price), Genuine Care, Empowering

• Full time faculty leading classes as opposed to adjunct or graduate student-led classes • Carefully managed growth • Continued emphasis on affordability - we are a great value. • Greater flexibility and variety in course offerings

No response

Improved five-year graduation rates and perhaps more early intervention for first-year students.

lowest price + best graduation rates + best satisfaction rating (which could be substantiated by having best employment rates)

Keeping the student in mind, providing and maintaining highly qualified teachers / professors to engage the students in active and hands-on learning. Tarleton must maintain the goal of a "teaching university" instead of a research institution where TAs teach the classes and the professors are forced to spend more time gathering / publishing research to where their duties to their students suffer. In order to maintain the goal of being a "premier student-focused university in Texas," the students must come first and quality time from the professors must put students first and not research.

Reasonable class sizes, small faculty to student ratio

close attention to student:faculty and student:staff ration. That will determine the quality of personal service.

Tarleton must attract, hire, and retain a diverse faculty. Tarleton must provide competitive salary and benefit structures to attract the best faculty. Tarleton must provide faculty with the resources (time, money, travel stipends, equipment, etc.) to develop, implement, and continuously improve effective learning environments. Tarleton must create a culture of academic freedom where challenging ideas can be openly discussed. Tarleton must empower the faculty to have a central place at the table in formulating institutional goals, processes, and structures. Tarleton must attract and recruit a diverse student body who are committed to learning and growing. Tarleton must avoid become solely a career training institution and must instead emphasize intellectual growth and how this growth serves to

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provide the tools for successful careers and institutions.

Quality education at a good value; student's home away from home; comfortable, safe, and secure environment conducive to learning; top notch key programs with talented faculty and not trying to be all things to all students

low student teacher ratio involvement of faculty in student activities course availability

retain a small student to teacher ratio smaller usage of adjuncts and GA teaching in major coursework keep the faculty happy

Tarleton must first invest in some of the administrative and front-line services such as Admissions, Registrar; Transfer Services Financial Aid not in just appeal but human and technology resources. These services are usually the first employees that students and families encounter. These folks are the first line of providing great service, and not just friendly faces and helpfulness (which we do well); it ensuring that transcripts, applications, holds, billing questions, adding/dropping courses, etc are handled accurately and timely. Without investments in these resources with staffing, training, leadership our retention rate will remain stagnant.

Isn't a university's business always student centered? Isn't that why we exist? At first glance, the term brings to mind student-centered instruction and a wealth of support mechanisms for student success.

quality faculty members

student focus; willing to change; university working together

First and foremost, Tarleton needs to try its best to please the students that are already here. Yes, increased enrollment should be at the top of the proirity list as well, but student retention should be above that. Graduate students at Tarleton should be given better priveledges than undergradutes. One thing in particular is parking. When I first came to Tarleton as an undergraduate, there were not only honors parking but also graduate assistant parking. Graduate assistants are the meat and potatoes of many programs on campus, the sciences in particular. If there is money in the budget for a graduate assistant then there needs to be a corresponding parking space for them. Graduate assistants spend majority of their weekdays on campus preparing for what they are teaching, aiding in research, or in an office and then have classes at night. Walking completely across campus at 9pm because you couldn't find a parking spot anywhere close is not only tedious, but unsafe as well. The parking issue, which is obviously my greatest problem with Tarleton, is something that could be easily remedied with decreased faculty parking (or parking that is first come first served) since the spots are never full. I also believe commuters should be the only ones parking in the purple zones. Many freshman drive to class when it is just across campus from their residential hall. If communters can't park in residential hall parking then the commuter parking should only be for communters. Making Tarleton a place that favors underclassmen is important but I believe it is being dealt with in a wrong way. Don't get me wrong, I love Tarleton and I love Stephenville, it is home to me, but there are certain things that need to be fixed before we start trying to fix things that aren't broken.

Student accountability. If students are accountable in all aspects of the university, the quality of the student and university as a whole would improve.

Student focused means having high standards to promote success after graduation as well as being available to help the students achieve their goals. For my department, offering both online and in class options for class would be a student focused change, allowing for students to choose the best option for their schedule.

Retention rate needs to be higher - student oriented induction, formative assessment ongoing to completion.

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Tarleton will need a change of culture. Currently it seems the culture is not student-focused. For example not all committees/ad hoc task forces have students serving. Do we truly seek the student's perspective and do we find the balance between student development and student satisfaction. I believe right now we lean heavier on the student satisfaction rather than development. Examples would be: holding student leaders accountable for their choices and even possibly removing from office based on grades or even role modeling issues. The University would have to go through a culture change and that means having a tolerance for ambiguity. We tend not to do well with change and ambiguity. When we encounter those things, we tend to knee-jerk back to old ways instead of being able to "hold the tension." Further, we would have to have a SIGNIFICANT change in culture where only the Administrators can think. Currently we have a culture where the "little people" are not encouraged or in some cases allowed to think. Only high level administration can think and then dictate from there, but we certainly do not have a values-based organization. Being "student focused" would require a values-based organization. We are a LONG way from it.

Tarleton is already a student friendly system. The culture is already in place.

Positive encounters with all Tarleton personnel during each phase of the interest, admission, and attendance phases, for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Removal of unnecessary barriers for students. One example that comes to mind is the change we recently made to split online courses into five different sections. We made this decision because it was an easier way for us to bill students based on location, but it makes registration for them a complete nightmare. All of our decisions should be made with the question of "does this decision create an unnecessary barrier for students" or "does this decision advance our efforts to be more student-focused"?. If areas of the student experience (particularly related to advising, registration, using our online systems (without 10 different sets of usernames/passwords), and trying to get help can be streamlined, they should be, and we should not have an attitude of "no, we can't because...", but rather a culture of "here's how we can make it better". Also, we need to showcase examples where we are making these positive changes so that students can see we are making progress. I think when we start viewing every administrative process and decision through the lens of the student, we can say that we are working towards being the "premier" student-focused university in Texas.

They successfully compete for employment after graduation in fields aligned with their degree. They advance the knowledge and real-world applicability of their degree field as they apply it in their occupations. They innovate ways to use their education to sustainably benefit the world's less-fortunate.

Small, friendly, affordable

state leader in student retention; strong and flexible market orientation toward graduating HS students; ability to detect and quickly address changes in student needs and perceptions; exemplary responsiveness to student complaints;

Quality education with low faculty/student ratios. This would also require us not to be a university that is a "fallback" choice if they don't meet the requirements for other schools.

affordability, accessibility to both traditional and online classes

Student activities outside the classroom. Professional training for instructors to have a student centered learning program within the classroom Access to counselors, etc to help the students in life outside the classroom ** I do think Tarleton already does a good job of providing these benefits

Academic Affairs should focus on improving the following: 1) Classroom teaching 2) More full time faculty members and fewer adjunct faculty 3) Better communication along the chain of command

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Student Life should focus on improving the following: 1) Eliminating or curtailing student activities that demand too much time of students 2) Programming that includes bringing speakers/entertainers of the highest quality in order to expose students to A-list professionals 3) Orientation/Transition Week programming that really matters and isn't just on the schedule to fill a spot

Student Research

Excellent customer service. Availability Understanding

Student opportunities, including travel abroad, in-class travel/experience opportunities, broader more diverse student and faculty base, faculty who are student focused rather than research focused.

Faculty who take a genuine interest in their students' matriculation plan and scholarly development; the ability for students to develop capacity-building relationships, both academic as well as service-focused, while at the University (therefore, a balance between course work and organizational membership must be managed); the ability for students to become critical, independent thinkers in order to make the best decisions regarding their college pursuit (clear expectations and consistent consequences are needed on the part of both the faculty and University administration); a safe and secure University environment (while I believe the campus is safe and secure, a few students have left the University as a result of these issues); degree plan and advising services offered by trained faculty and staff so that students do not take courses that aren't needed for their degree pursuit (I emphasize the word TRAINED, which also means continual updating).

1. limited class size 2. effective and thorough measurement procedures to match student entrance skills with course requirements to enhance the potential for student success in the course 3. emphasis on college as a place for general learning and self-improvement as well as a place to obtain career-focused skills and learning

We need more faculty and less administrators

We must have open communication with our students, in the classroom and out. This atmosphere will encourage new ideas and student responsibilities.

small class sizes low student/instructor ratio committed advisors outreach campuses that have students who feel connected to the main campus career internships

Faculty members should be engaged in research to engage students in their research right from the undergraduate level. This will help the students be in a better position to enroll in Master's program. This is because prior research experience is important criteria for enrolling candidates into the Master's program for most US universities. Top quality teaching.

High quality degree programs. Low student/faculty ratio Pride/support for athletic programs

1.The ability to move an application over to the next semester if necessary without having to pay the fee again (first impressions are very important) 2.User friendly registration web access 3.Customer friendly Financial Aid service 4.Online PDF of Class schedules for easy course selection

Look at the developmental processes and results in progress to indicate that "students' are maximizing their educational time and resources in becoming what should be their ultimate goal-that is-people educated broadly and maturing rapidly to become not only effective persons who have graduated a course of study, but also self-actualizing citizens and partners in an effective global and local community. The environment of today can ill afford passive, overgrown young people who are less interested in carrying their own weight and contributing to the massive needs of the world, but rather continuing the self-absorbed training of a peer-dominated, and consumption-biased, totally secularized culture.

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*Sensible teacher to student ratio *Sense of tradition that begins from the time your are enrolled! (Duck Camp, Transition Week) *Access to amazing technology!

There needs to be a mentality shift by faculty and staff to ensure we understand that we are here for our students and not just a paycheck. We need to be more strategic in all levels of decision making. The main question that should always be asked is "does this enhance the student experience?" It would be a good idea to re-evaluate our programs as a whole to ensure we are best meeting the needs of our students. Everything from office hours to university policies need to be looked at closely.

Very good at helping students succeed academically. Very good at helping students succeed at service. Very good at helping students succeed socially. Innovative at helping students afford college (Berea College uses students to do almost all campus jobs).

This requires money. Quality faculty, smaller class sizes, augmented travel funds for conference presentations and other symposia. The college is not moving in this direction. Research is being emphasized more. Adjuncts are everywhere to save money. Pressure on class sizes is upward. I'm presenting a paper in New Orleans in March and will be lucky if I ONLY HAVE to spend $500 of my own money out of pocket for the privilege. The only way to rescue this vision statement is to view it comparatively to other schools in the same demographic. If Tarleton is relatively better than other similar institutions, then it can claim success, even if the trend is in the wrong direction objectively.

Faculty and staff must work together for what is best for the students of Tarleton. Their must be give and take between departments to compromise and make situations where the students "win". It must never be one department vs. another.

Tarleton needs to be just small enough for each student to be a name not just a number. Personilization is the key to being student-focused. Also, I feel that the departments need to have managable sized classrooms for everyone to be comfortable. Although we are striving for growth, sometimes bigger is not better. I have met many people (parents/students/prospective students) that love our willingness to help with a smile on our faces as we are helping.

To be the premier student-focused university in Texas we must first be the premier semployee (faculty ad staff)-focused university. How can we expect the people who deliver the educational and other services to our student to be student-centered" when a good number of staff and faculty feel alienated? Staff salaries are embarransingly low and, in some cases, faculty salaries are not much better. Do we promote a healthy life style among our faculty and staff when they have to pay to use the rec. cneter? There are many thing we could do to treat our employees better.

Most of our students are from Texas and wish to remain in Texas after graduation. We need to promote "selling" our graduates to Texas "buyers". Consequently, we need to expand STEM degree programs.

Tarleton must always maintain of well qualified and highly motivated faculty members. We must maintain the core curriculum at this university.

Meet the needs of the students - ie: more parking

Inviting, Open, Available

student-centered instructional strategies, hybrid coursework for scheduling flexibility, key faculty discussion with and among students to facilitate relationships

Living environment and Social life and sports and workout facilities and free wifi and research opportunities and rigorous and non-rigorous degree choices

Our faculty need to embrace this concept. We cannot be premiere if some of our faculty continue to be as difficult as possible instead of working with the students.

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Ability to provide appropriate mix and number of sections to the students we admit to Stephenville campus. Accurate Academic Advising based on easily obtained and accurate degree plans (starting with initial enrollment). Reasonable access to international travel, leadership, research, and other "outside the classroom" educational experiences. Continued emphasis on student/faculty

Continue trend t be selective in the admission processes for undergraduate and graduate admission. Standards for admission may not be just score numbers but other factors as well ( test scores could be a baseline.)

Faculty that provide high quality teaching with a student body that wants to work to become leading scholars of their respective fields.

Statistic Value

Total Responses 131

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2. What are specific examples of key characteristics that graduates

must possess to demonstrate that we have inspired discovery in


Text Response

Knowledge with curiosity for more knowledge

Globally minded. Globally aware. Culturally literate. Experienced study abroad. Critical thinking skills. Language skills.

1. Motivated. 2. Positive 3. Willing to learn more rather than "know it all".

Out of the box thinkers. Self-driven. Individuals that question the norm, push boundaries and don't just parrot what they heard while in class.

inquisitive minds, self motivation, interest in the subject matter

This idea is unachieveable in the firsrt place. These are human beings not circus animals that can be universally trained. Each student will find and each teacher will discover what works for them in each given situation. This starts with a general respect for the students and faculty that seems sorely lacking from the administration now. Tarleton seems to be looking to become just like every other campus. We need to emphise the size and closeness of the campus community.

-their consumption of materials to satisfy curiosity or personal growth (attendance at events, books read, continuing ed courses taken) -pursuit of additional education (formal or informal) -patents, research

transferable skills, we must do more than transaction teaching but transformation teaching

Critical Thinking written and oral communication skills Ability in math

Williness to explore outside of their comfort zone

Job ready good productive citizens Moral and ethical character community serving individuals future leaders

research skills

Inspire discovery? I'm just glad when they do their homework!

service within the TSU community. All students should be required to be involved in some sort of activity that betters our TSU family.

Students who graduate from Tarleton should have a curiousity about them and an appreciation for life-long learning.

student research levels number of undergraduates entering graduate programs

They are employed in their field, or in a field that represents that they experienced this sense of discovery.

First, having a core value of "tradition" is embarassing. Is an employer going to hire a student because they know tradition? Get rid of the ridiculous. Graduates MUST possess honesty and integrity. A set of ethics such as hard work (not photo opps) is essential to true student success. We need students to have the highest ethics, integrity, and a commitment to constant growth and development.

The need to constantly explore, self educate, and continue to learn. They will research on their own as opposed to just asking someone else.

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Well read, willing to continue their learning, and the ability to apply their knowledge as well as transmit a love of learning to others.

I want to see our students armed with a comprehensive understanding of the scientific method so that they pick up an article from any scientific publication and understand the intent, purpose and findings presented. It is not sufficient to be able to pass a test or complete a course -- nor it is sufficient to be academically gifted or blessed with remarkable intelligence. I want our students to have a quest for knowledge -- to be committed lifelong learners who ask the probing questions, as well as simply wonder --"I wonder what happened here"

Students must be able to effectively articulate their understanding of concepts learned in their field. Communication skills continue to decline in an age where technology overtakes traditional communication channels. Of course to be competitive, students also need to be able to use the technological tools efficiently and effectively.

Continued intellectual curiousity, a record of faculty supported research participation, and creativity in problem solving processes.

Imaginative, development of Unique and cutting edge research ideas, hightened interest in a specific thing, abstract thinking and perceptions

It is one thing to say that students will possess certain characteristics. The key is the students' demonstration of measureable levels of success, regardless of individual disciplines. Inspiring discovery is accomplished in and out of the classroom and library, on and off campus. We should create an environment that not only encourages them to discover, but makes them want to. Expose then to all aspects of a given situation or concept, not just an instructor's/presenters/moderators personal opinion, whether political or scientific, comcrete or abstract.

•A commitment to lifelong learning - both formal and informal learning. •Critical and independent thinking. Not only an ability to think outside the box, but a tendency to do so. •Curiosity.

When you use such vague words as Discovery, you can't formulate desired characteristics.

Secure employment in their field of study upon graduation

critical thinkers, concern for people and the planet, skilled to impact or react to change no matter their environment

On characteristic is the spirit of curiosity.

they have traveled abroad to study, if even for only a few weeks

- Focus and encourage on project and activity centered teaching - Admit high achieving students

Enthusiasm about life Quest for learning and adventure

Independent thinking

Know where to look for educational materials Generated a desire to know more

Curiosity and openess to innovation. Most of our students have very little of either--hence their attachment to tradition and their ill-informed political views.

Simply, the ability to think outside the box. Tarleton needs to expand in the areas of inventive classroom instruction which allows the student to explore beyond the classroom. This should begin with freshman level courses. As it currently stands, it is extremely difficult to receive a REAL grant for a freshman course, primarily due to the criteria for the end product.

students seek out study abroad, internships, leadership, service learning, and research opportunities while in school

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The ability to impact their field of choice in a pertinent way.

The drive to excel in whatever they choose for their career.

They need to have developed their identity both in and outside of the classroom. They also need to know how to write, which we do a horrible job of developing.

Self Awareness - The students know what they do know and understand when they don't know. Resourcefulness - The students can go find information and "feed" themselves knowledge. Motivation - The students can take it upon themselves to contribute with only an endpoint known.

1. Writing and communications skillsets, because it doesn't matter how much you know if you cannot communicate it well. 2. Actual real-life experiences in their field of work. Internships so they get job experience whether it be projects for the campus instead of hiring outside contractors or working with local companies to have internships and have the students grade depend on the review of their work. Lower cost labor for the local company and the student gets experience that may be the 'difference' for a hiring HR person in their future.

A thirst for continued learning. Not just a knowledge of the respective discipline, but an ability to problem solve and learn beyond what is taught in the classroom.

They will have numerous options that they are persuing in various locations and have a continual passion to learn about new things and new opportunities to futher themselves.

The ability to think critically about the systems in which they function. How can those systems be changed for the better?

Capacity to evaluate and respond cogently to arguments.

curiosity about the world around them - which could be measured by the number of professional and education magazines subscribed to

Knowledge of the content; the ablitiy to pass that knowledge on to other individuals (being able to state/present/teach); model and provide opportunities for student research (not the professor's) to inquire and make new discoveries in the content.

Reading-learning outside of class

I think the employer sector says it best. NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) conducts a survey to employers each year...the tops skills recruited are listed here:

Graduates must posses the critical capacities to scientifically analyze and weigh evidence and arguments, to question their own internal biases and that of their communities, and the confidence to use these skills to make scientifically informed decisions about the world.

They must be analytical and critical thinkers.

desire for lifelong learning ability to "find' and analyze quality of new information

They must be abstract thinkers and be able to think outside of the of the norm. With technology changing daily, a graduate needs to be able to adapt and innovate in any new situation.

the will to spread their wings and live away from their hometowns curiosity desire for life-long learning

More inclusive attitude Develop intellectual curiousity

Problem solving ability Ability to adjust to change

Their inquiry leading to subsequent efforts to expand human knowledge.

faculty must be willing to think outside of the box

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Faculty given support ($) to pursue discovery and include students.

Confidence and a base knowledge to add to while in the field.

TSU students are intentinally sought by existing organizations the strengthen their existance

Critical thinking skills Ethics Relationship Skills

Participative and desired to be informed

The should have inquiring minds that problem solve or work creatively with others. Student research projects or "real-life" actions/activities would be tangible evidence.

This is intangible and hard to define, and will vary by student - but I think something that will be of value to them (and a way for us to 'measure' this), is that, by the time they've graduated, they've been a part of real-world research that is relevant and meaningful to them and actually makes a difference in their field.

They demonstrate a desire to never stop learning. They should never be satisfied with mediocrity or the status quo in their field of knowledge.

Curiosity, open-mindedness

graduate actions that demonstrate solution-focus over ego-focus;

A love for what they do along with a healthy working knowledge of their field. An eagerness to continue to learn and grown in their field.

purseue a career related to field of study

Allow students to work on independent projects in their senior year or encourage final projects instead or final exams in the higher level courses. Final projects might allow the students to demonstrate their passion and add some initiative in their work rather than memorize what was taught throughout the semester

A Tarleton graduate should be willing to move anywhere to take a job. A Tarleton graduate should be open to intelligent discussions related to the arts, religion, politics and any other "taboo" topics of conversation. A Tarleton graduate should be able to plant a seed and not be content to watch it grow but be willing to help it grow in all climates. (This is not necessarily an actual seed.)


Reflective Pensive

Well rounded, above average grammar, spelling, writing skills, above average thinking/processing skills, reduced prejudice and stereotype tendancies, acceptance of challenges, willingness to work for success.

Citizenship participation; enthusiasm for knowledge and application of knowledge; curiosity about people, places, and things; interest in global connections; willingness to develop mutually beneficial relationships; able to conduct self in a civil manner both in personal and professional lives; understand, explore, and respect differences; a vision for the life that lies ahead

Graduates must internalize the view that learning does not stop after the degree is conferred. It is a lifelong process. One way for a graduate to demonstrate this is by continually reading, attending conferences, and staying informed in his or her area of interest or work.

1. interest in subject areas outside of their major/career field 2. pursuit of learning opportunities outside of and beyond their major/career field 3. pursuit of research opportunities 4. participation in professional groups and professional development

They must possess the knowledge that is imparted by the core curriculum

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Students must have the ability to distinguish between change that is good for the beauracracy and change that is good for the student. New teaching/learning styles are essential in order for teachers to deliver an instructional product that is both effective and efficient.

they have had opportunities for relevant research and publication opportunities for professional development in their fields opportunities for working with committed mentors who challenge and inspire them

Join the seminers and conferences related to their area of interest. Participate voluntarily (or with credits) to assist faculty members in conducting research. Be more interactive with faculty members.

leadership diversity

They will be active participants in new programs and/create programs that will better the lives of individuals in the community and campus.

Ethics in the workplace and their personal lives Investing in others Giving back to the community Work to the best of their ability at everything they attempt

Not only professional attitudes and images of themselves, but also a history and ongoing commitment to being very practically coherent, and down-to-earth in regard to conducting themselves with honor, humility, and lack of hubris in the cross-tread of daily life and interaction with other individuals across the spectrum of society, commerce, and service. Productive and effective citizenship must practice daily sacrifice and generous measures of commitment to meeting the needs of others before expecting great rewards and honor, or even respect for themselves!

*A thirst for knowledge *The understanding that the learning does not stop once they graduate (Instill continuous learning) *Instill professionalism/ettiquette in graduates in their respective fields (Required!)

Simply that our graduates are competent in their fields, as well as socially and emotionally prepared to entire the "real world."

Inspire intellectual curiosity. Encourage undergraduate research.

The ability to research a subject and write about that subject matter The student to make application of lecture material in a laboratory setting (hands-on learning)

They have to believe that the unexamined life is not worth living, and live their lives in accordance with that tenet.

Improved statistics showing interest in graduate schools for our graduates. Critical thinking skills in pursuit of the good. Motivation to read. Desire to solve problems actively.

Graduates who think outside the box withing the framework of their jobs in how to get things done, as well as those who think outside the box in terms of their career and how to earn a living and serve others demonstrate that their college experience stimulated a spirit of discovery.

The zest for jumping into their new found carreers with the knowlege to make things happen is the beginning. Instead of just wanting to make a difference, having the skills to initiate change/growth. These skills are both learned and within the person/student. By helping them understand and focus on utilizing these skills through class projects, group projects, etc., we can open the door to helping the student look beyond.

A desire to learn about the key issues thrathening our planet, from global warming to political unrest, from oppression and extreme poverty to wasteful consumtion and unethical business practices.

When a student asks questions beyond what the course material requires, many people have inspired

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that curiosity. I hope that I am one of them.

They should be able to communicate effectively in speech and writing. They must be able to use the tools that they have acquired at Tarleton in whatever field they enter. They should be able to recall courses that lit a spark within them.

positive exposure to and thus favorable opinion of research as both a learning method and a carerr path

Clear self judgment of educational needs to take on new responsibilities. Ability to identify sources of information and education that can be accessed following the completion of their degree. Realistic expectations of themselves of success in limited areas before expecting wider opportunity.

Statistic Value

Total Responses 113

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3. What are specific examples of key characteristics that graduates

must possess to demonstrate that we have inspired leadership in


Text Response

Their leadership qualities

Participation in student organizations in a leadership capacity. Integrity. Empathy. Active citizens.

1. Honest and trustworthy. 2. Again, positive. 3. Not sure what word to use, but to set a good example as a Tarleton Alumni.

Entrepreneurial spirit. Individuals not afraid to take chances because they are sure of themselves and their education.

team building skills, experience in real world application of collegiate learning, ability to communicate effectively, ability to follow as well as an understanding of what leadership requires.

See above. We don't care about inspiring anybody. We need to teach them. This is not a -+good will society. This is a learning place. We have placed learning and teaching well before diversity, inclusion and all the other buzz words we use to make us feel better about ourselves.

-their continued or new membership in professional organizations and the pursuit of leadership positions -accepting leadership challenges at any level

When their skills are such that, they do not feel and others see, outside of Tarleton the confidence, not conceit or frustration that others are putting the campus down. Instill in our graduates to go other place to explore and grow, develop, and enhance because Tarleton way is not the best way in all cases.

Ethical behavior

Independence Confidence Honor

successful internships or field experiences for all students

Serve as team leaders participate in academic clubs

Most of our students are not interested in being leaders. We know this by how few get involved in student activities and how few are in activities other than the so-called Greek system. If we want them to develop leadership skills, we need to provide a more inviting campus environment and we need more faculty involved in what goes on outside the classroom. I don't want to inspire leadership, I want leadership to be a natural accompaniment to being educated. Give students real opportunities to be part of campus life and they will lead by example.


Students should be able to lead their peers through the examples they set, through the opportunities they volunteer for, and for stepping up to the plate to face challenges in and out of the classroom head on.

student involvment in social improvement efforts

Give them real leadership opportunities at Tarleton first. I mean real ones, not the fake leadership that I have seen on this campus.

Ethics Integrity HARD work Constant growth and development A dedication to their discipline

They should be confidnet in themselves and their education.

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Leading by example and the willingness to work harder than any member of the organization that they lead.

Scientific curiosity -- possess the courage to ask the probing questions -- to have ceaseless industry to explore the world around them.

I think leadership is a mercurail quality that is not easily defined in everyone. Students will be leaders in many roles in different parts of their lives, not just in their chosen professions. How have we taught students to be better workers, better parents, better citizens? Hard to tell. I think we prepare them with the knowledge and skills they need to become informed leaders and hope for the best.

Graduates should demonstrate a record of civic service and should have opportunities to obtain leadership roles in wide variety of campus-supported organizations.

Confident, Professional, Articulate, Perceptive, Discerning

See above. Give them opportunities for leadership whenever possible and feasible. Require class participation. Present them with progects that encourage, even require them to assume responsibilities. Stop letting them read, sleep and text during class or other sponsored activities. Make then turn off their cell phones and get involved.

•Initiative to start projects that are needed - whether or not they are asked to. •Responsibility: Not just for jobs you have taken or agreed to, but for making your world, or just situation, better. •Tolerance: For people who have different views. Those with true tolerance are genuinely humble. They are willing to listen to all, because someone else may have a better idea or better way.

Again, our goal is much too broad.

Take leadership roles in the chosen profession

critical thinkers, concern for people and the planet, skilled to impact or react to change no matter their environment

One characteristic is confidence to step up and take the lead.

that they have led at least one service-learning project or have served in some capacity in a student organization (either at the university or in the community)

- Mentor junior students for a semester - Reports from internships sites

Adaptability Desire to take difficult situations and thrive

Poise, good communication skills in every medium

Our students will become assistant managers of one sort or the other because they aren't smart or innovative enough to occupy the upper ranks of anything. So they really don't need leadership skills.

Taking responsibility for their actions. Tarleton falls short here, very short. Yes, people do deserve a second change, but a second chance does NOT mean they are allowed to simply walk back into a position, not until it has been earned. For example, a student leader was drunk in front of freshman at a university sponsored event. The student was removed from his position of responsibility, but for the next summer there was an outcry to allow him into the SAME position of authority and leadership., ????? This was beyond the pale. There were many other students that deserved that position. The student in question should have been given another position that would have allowed him the change to regain trust, but NOT the position from which he was removed! Students need to learn there are consequences for their actions.

students seek out leadership roles in organizations, events, and courses

The ability to inspire others by example through the skills and knowledge that they have obtained

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during their tenure as Tarleton students.

Passion for their chosen path. Campassion for their customers. Ethics in how they make decisions.

The ability to speak correctly as well as write, we do not do either of these very well.

Citizenship - the willingness to serve or lead Motivation - The students can take it upon themselves to direct others with only an endpoint known.

1. Public speaking skills 2. Work ethic so they understand the real world expects them to show up and do their work. 3. Some leadership role in an organization or community

Confidence, in presentation as well as in the knowledge set they have gained.

They will possess positions and obtain careers in which they are leading their peers.

The ability to understand those systems will not change overnight, to function within them while making progress toward goals.

Capacity to speak publicly with a degree of confidence and precision.

service orientation, as measured by involvement in volunteer organizations

Cooperative learning used within the course instruction; each department encouraging / making available organizational membership with many opportunities to hold officer / committee position and promote community involement. (Inculding outside the community to more global areas)

Steps up and takes charge

The majority of students attend college to improve their chances of monetary/career success. Conveying in some meaningful exchange that leadership comes from within, is hardwork, is developed through proving themselves and is not owed to them.

Graduates must have the communicative skills to confidently assert scientifically informed positions and to effectively debate and persuade others to follow their lead in adopting scientifically sound practices and policies.

Commitment; communicators; competence; focus; initiative; passion; responsible; servanthood; vision; civility

integrity trustworthiness visionary communication skills

Confidence, boldness, trust and compassion. I feel as though sometimes leaders neglect the latter, but it is so important for a leader to have a sense of compassion, it makes it easier for people to relate to and respect him or her.

ability to work on a team or in a group

More employers seeking out Tarleton graduates More Tarleton students seeking entrepreneurial opportunities

Effective communication Respect for others Planning ability Problem solving ability Creativity

Ability to see work that needs to be done the self-directed efforts to accomplish that work.

service; confidence; more student peer programs; more students on committees

Increased opportunities and required elements of all students.

Confidence- not afraid to share their ideas.

TSU graduate students take leadership roles at an earlier stage of their career

Self-Awareness Others Awareness Social Awareness In general, emotional intelligence. A variety of

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experiences which have prompted self-reflection for leadership characteristics such as those noted above.


Students should be able to list at least one, if not more leadership roles they have had during their tenure at Tarleton.

Same thing - this is intangible and hard to define, and will vary by student - of course you can list the buzz-word attributes of leadership, but again - I think something that will be of value to them (and a way for us to 'measure' this), is that, by the time they've graduated, they've been in a leadership role that is relevant and meaningful to them and actually makes a difference in their field.

Their position to influence others ought always to be growing. Upward movement to higher levels of team management in their sphere of influence, whether in business, community, church, or family.

global-thinking, the need to make a difference, recognizing that change can be good

mastery of followership, great leaders are great followers;

The ability to take charge of a situation or project and communicate effectively with others.

continue education

Be comfortable with presentations Be a part of organizations outside the classroom

A Tarleton graduate should take off his/her cap/hat in the building and at the table when no one else does because it's the right thing to do by setting the example. A Tarleton graduate should be as effective a team member as well as a team leader.

Mentoring undergraduates

Self Motivated Calculated thought

Taking charge of group projects, outreach programs/engagement, civic engagement, inter-club engagement, diversity participation

Ability to serve others; ability to work in a team environment in any capacity needed (rather than just one role); ability to critically think and apply thinking to decision-making and problem-solving; have strong sense of worth of self and respect for others regardless of differences; willingness to negotiate, mediate, cooperate, and collaborate; ability and willingness to practice effective conflict resolution techniques.

When we see a graduate enter the work force, for example, we would like to see them be selected for positions or duties that involve significant responsibilities and leadership of others.

1. active participation in community service 2. active participation in mentoring 3. civic participation

They must also know how to be good followers

Former students develop new instructional approaches in the schools and production approaches in industry.

same as above

Motivated. Takes initiative in activities such as participation or affiliation with organizations. Voluteer to take responsibilities in seminers and conferences, such as helping out in registering, helpdesk, database management in conferences and seminars. Usually in conferences (like SWPA) they want students voluteers. Persistence.

positions of office in organizations membership in organizations community service

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Lead by example Help the people they are leading understand their purpose. Not just a job but how it benefits the whole organization. Help them understand they are a valuable asset

Recognition of the manifold contributions that must be made by everyone in society for it to function well, and a corresponding willingness to carry the immediate burdens that must be moved for every day to be successful. Less preoccupation with what they think has set them apart and superior to others, and more focus on what they are willing and able to do to help and encourage others to accomplish the myriad of daily challenges that present themselves among us everyday and every moment.

*The ability to lead when they have too, too not shy away from difficult situations, but meet them head on with what they have been taught *The ability to not only lead, but follow when necessary

That they possess confidence in everything they do and that they show high levels of self-motivation and innovation.

Competence and quiet confidence.

The student be involved in organizations/clubs The student be engaged in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities such as debate, drama, judging teams, quiz bowl teams, rodeo, athletics, etc. Faculty require more speech/presentation type activities in the classroom (where applicable)

Leadership doesn't mean anything in an academic sense. It's like charm. Some people have it and some people don't, and the people that don't have it can't get it in a classroom.

Moral character virtue integrity service excellence

Professional roles of leadership, community leadership, and family leadership are just some of the things that demonstrate what we are trying to instil in Tarleton students before they graduate. Seeing graduates that participate and are successful in leading people in these and other areas would indicate our success in inspiring leadership.

Confidence by having at least been involved in some aspect of being a leader while being a student at TSU. Pride in the accomplishments that are involved in getting through a class, receiving a degree, or seeking higher education.

Awareness and sensitivity towards local, regional, national and international issues and a commitment to become part of the soution rather that part of the problem.

Students are asked to volunteer to make a class presentation or work on a problem solving exercise. And sometimes they make errors. Those students who view it as a learning experience and choose to volunteer again show leadership qualities.

They should be self-motivating. They should be capable of independent thought.

Ability to be loyal and useful follower when they are not leading. Tendency to move out and start gathering information and working on portions of a problem before being ordered to begin. Willingness to seek help and acknowledge support when they are leading.

By the way, what do you mean by "key characteristics" You should have given an example of the kind of information you seek. So, in this case, a key characteristic that would inspire leadership is to have a survey that leads by example. We need the most visible campus leaders to be honest and trustworthy. . . .people who look to do what is right by the student and campus more than further there own career . . .you know, be servant leaders.

Our graduates should seek out opportunities to lead. Leading by example is an example.

They seek out leadership roles, duties & jobs.

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Statistic Value

Total Responses 108

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4. What are specific examples of key characteristics that graduates

must possess to demonstrate that we have inspired service in them?

Text Response

Their service to others and their devotion

Empathy. Active in philanthropy. Service learning experience at home and abroad.

1. Volunteer with church, etc. without pay. Simply because it is the right and helpful thing to do.

Friendly. Courteous. Giving. Selflessness for the greater good.

exhibition of a strong work ethic, broad exposure to problem recognition and solving, empathy and understanding, experience in volunteerism

More of the same. Words NEVER inspired anything in anybody. Action and good teachers do that. Stop playing this political correctness game and start putting money and recoueses into our ONLY obligation we have to students, teach rthem.

-a continued or renewed participation in their communities

We need to make service an intricate part of the educational experience at Tarleton. For instance, making every group be required to do so many hours, and if you are not part of a group, then each individual student be required to do a certain number of service hours. Also, provide training on what service is so that the students can explore more than what they know about service.


Willingness to start at entry level to advance Time management Loyalty

successful internships and/or field experiences

participate in civic clubs and fundraisers

Why do we need to inspire service in people who often have to work 30 hours a week just to pay their bills? If they want to be seevice minded, that's great but I don't think it's our job to inspire it


Students who graduate from Tarleton should show a genuine interest in others and a concern for the well-being of those in the community and world. This includes participation in community events and reaching out to lend a helping hand when needed.

student involvement in social improvement efforts increased giving to the university Graduate inovolvement in mentoring students

Serve the students well, and they will learn to serve others.

See above We have no service model at TSU

Compassion for their fellow man and donate time to helping others.

Compassion for others and an understanding of the privilege of receiving an education.

Involvement in professional organization; commitment to regional, local and professional communitites. This question is not what "corporate ladders" have you climb, but what have you done to leave this world a better place.

I think having particpiated in some sort of servicce activity while in school and a true reflection of the meaning and the significance of that event can demonstrate their participation as well as the effect.

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Again, a record of civic service and a spirit of volunteerism. Campus-wide service days provide excellent opportunities for students to become linked with longer-term community service activiites. Students should know how to become involved in their communities.

Loyal, Humble, Considerate and Compassionate

See above. Create ample opportunities for students to become involved in service projecst. Require it as part of course completion when appropriate. Attempt to determoine whether specific students can benefit from services and provide them. Receiving often begets giving.

•Understanding the great need for service. •Responsibility for making things in the world in which you live better each day. •Eternal hope that your service will make a difference - at least to someone.

Service is a nice "feel good" goal. It is meaningless if graduates cannot secure good jobs.

Become involved in service opportunities outside of their professional occupation

concern for people and the planet

Some characteristics are helping others, thoughfulness, and a giving nature.

that they have engaged in at least one service-learning project as a student

- Donate some service hours in a community project and at school too.

Commitment to professional organizations

A service record thru academics and student activity

Inspiring students to service should not be our goal. Education should be our goal; everything else will fall into place if we produce well-educated graduates..

Their resumes should reflect service to the university, community, and world. Again, the exploration of this concept should begin with the FRESHMAN course! Funding should be provided for introduction level courses, which are singled out for FRESHMAN ONLY (for this section no seniors, juniors, etc. would be allowed) that provide a service component. A stipend should be provided for the instructor of this section due to the amount of hours that will be required.

students seek out volunteer and service opportunities

The ability to leave a footprint without the expectation of credit in return.

They would need to demonstrate a sense of self within the greater context of our culture both nationally and internationally.

Citizenship - the willingness to provide their own time and resources to help a cause

1. Social skills so that they understand how to treat others and behave in different situations. 2. Voluneer work performed.

The genuine care that TSU shows to students should be transformed and seen as a genuine care for fellow man from our students.

They will look to serve the community in which they obtain a career in. They will seek out opportunities to connect with the community in which they live.

Putting others before self and seeking opportunities to serve inside and outside of their chosen vocation

Community involovement (also stated in the above question)

Working at service outside of that done for class or other credit

Graduates must have empathy for the social conditions of all groups and must be able to understand how individuals are empowered and constrained by social institutions and must have the scientific

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rationalism necessary to avoid political dogma and prejudices in order to advocate more equitable social environments for all people.


willingness to serve Ability to recognize service opportunities

They must be self-less in the work-place and be willing to help out everyone. Many people assume an office setting creates a battleground, where as it should create a team mentality where everyone works together to achieve the greater good of the company.

caring, nurturing desire to give back pay it forward

More serving in public and civic organizations

Identification of community and societal needs Identification of solutions to those needs A habit of responding to needs Respect for all people regardless of their characteristics or circumstances

Desire to do things for the beneift of others.

applied learning experiences (ALEs) opportunities provided; more service opportunities provided

Required elements.

Teaching the students the importance of beneficence.

TSU students are community minded individuals who collectively work togther for the common good of all.

Action orientation A variety of experiences towards service (this may be an ALE, a research paper, membership in a service-oriented entity) A code of ethics

Self confidence and willigness to share

Students should be able to cite specific examples or service roles/projects they have participated in. In the doctoral program, students must provide service to their profession or to Tarleton and such hours are approved by advisor.

Same thing here - real-world experience in service projects that they design and implement themselves that make a difference that is relevant and meaningful to them.

They use their resources of time, money, education, physical strength, etc., to raise the life experience of those around them.

Willingness to give back, for example, join the Alumni Association

graduates providing volunteer service;

A willingness to work for the good of an organization/community.

involved in community service

Be part of an organization or have certain community service hours to graduate

A Tarleton graduate will give back and pay forward and be willing to not take anything for either. A Tarleton graduate will humbly help others.

Participation in professional organizations

Cultural Relativism

Acceptance of other cultures, integration of multiple cultures into their perspectives, giving back to the community (through volunteer work), proper representation of the university (ie - no drunk students in TSU clothing), more opportunities for students to present papers/research on a national scale.

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Ability to identify a need and seek a resolution to the need; ability to seek out others and identify ways in which service can be achieved; ability to plan and practice flexible implemention when it doesn't work out the way that it is expected to; have tenaciousness and dedication to follow through with tasks and activities

We would like to see our graduates become involved in organizations that provide service to their community. Examples are churches, charitable organizations, and civic organizations.

1. participation on community service 2. participation in mentoring 3. participation in campus-related improvement projects

Obviously they must be willing to serve

Former students demonstrate leadership in society by focusing on the needs of others.

opportunities to work in the field in internships and as mentors themselves

Their interest in their work. Motivation. Initiatives they take. Volunteering to do community or research related work.

same as above

They will engage in more outreach activities.

Giving back to the community , mentoring others, investing in professional organizations for their field.

Humility, energy, respectfulness, empathy, initiative and responsibility, persistence, cheefulness, positivity in focus and process, and excitement in even seemingly menial jobs and helps done well!

*Willingness to be involved with their respective communities and see it as a service to the community as well as themselves through mandatory involvement in community services in Stephenville with the hope that it will light a fire in them.

That they have a sense of empathy and a willingness to give of themselves to better the world around them.

Empathetic and giving nature. Participation in clubs and organizations that serve.

By involvement in clubs/organizations that is engaged in community service activities


Choosing professional service after graduation==medicine, ministry, law, military, etc... Improved graduation rates Class attendance Dutiful completion of assigned tasks Professional appearance of students in hygiene, bearing, courtesy, demeanor, and civility

Service to others in the workplace and in the community is shown by selfless acts and efforts to help those in need. When we see our graduates participating in acts like these, we can be proud of having had a part in inspiring that attitude of service.

Teaching the student that they have the power to become successful by taking responsibility in all phases of their life. Service is a portion of responsibility.

a reslove to move from commitment action, as smal as it may be but, nonethelss action towards addressing problems.

We do that when we promote the idea of an outstanding student becoming an SI.

They should know about the world in which we live and how it came to be as it is in its present state. Armed with this knowledge, they will understand that all of us are in this together.

They do their job and then seek opportunity to help others with their job. The should be volunteering

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in organizations that need their time early in their careers when the likely don't have much money to contribute.

Sharing: "I want to share what I've learned with others" Service: "I want to help the world be a better place"

The sense of responsibility in the community.

Strong Work Ethic Graciousness Sensitivity to the feelings of others Unselfishness

Again, they need to practice what we are saying we are going to "inspire" them to do. Service... So I would think they should have some out of class service that they participate in and learn the value of doing so.

-the student is involved in community service projects -the student is involved in providing leadership within a club or organization within their field of experience -the student voluteers time outside the classroom for activities that serve the community

Generosity of spirit.

Statistic Value

Total Responses 102

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5. What are specific examples of key characteristics that graduates

must possess to be a moral and ethical thinker?

Text Response

Their behavior toward their profession, studies, classmates and attitude.

Maintain their values wherever they are in the world, even if ethical norms in another country are different than their own.

1. Again, honesty.

caring attitude toward others, understanding of consequences, broad relationship experience, being able to look beyond self improvement only

Stop all this crap about teaching morals and trust that these adults have their own moral compus. We have NO business imposing morals and ethics. We need to expect moral and ethical behavior as a norm and correct or dismiss those who are unable to perform at the levels we expect.

make decisions using a moral code or professional ethical code

Accountable, responsibility, and civility toward one another and the administration, and not the us against them mentality Have it model my the professors, staff, and administratorq

Being able to ethically think about issues Ablilty to distinguish self-interest from common good Media literacy

Ethics are held accountable by a person's moral character and will possess a faith in God, history of trustworthiness, committment, and willingness to stand up for truth in all circumstances.

be critical thinkers

If they get diplomas from here and have been allowed to graduate after cheating or committing unethical behavior, we have no buseiness asking this question. We should only be graduating students whose morals and ethics in our classrooms and on our campus meet thebstandards of the student handbook. When we let cheaters graduate, which we do, we haveno business expecting them to exhibit erhical characteristcs.

students must be exposed to examples of these characteristics through interactions with fellow students, faculty and community

See above TSU administration has a long way to go in order to actually demonstrate this to students

They should be a good person regardless of whether or not someone is watching. They will also perform "good deeds" without thought to recognition.

Do what is morally and ethically right in the classroom as well as outside the campus. I think students should be able to regulate themselves but with the exception of about 20% of the students that I encounter, I see little evidence that they are capable of this.Graduates should have an excellent work ethic, be willing to lead by example , and be tolerant of those around them with lesser abilities and/or opportunities.

actions, not words or even honors

Familiartiy with codes of codnuct within disciplines, ethical inquiry within a chosen major, and interactions with other students through student activities and groups allow students to display what they have learned and how they have grown in this areas.

Moral and ethical thinkers carefully consider the effects of their actions on others. They are concerned

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not only for their own comfort, but for the well-being of the people around them.

I have a problem with the wording of this qestion because what is moral and ethical differs depending on the person's foundations and beliefs.

Students must demonstrate honesty, sense of community, overall integrity. Weigh all sides of a situation before acting. Stress values. Demonstrate moral, ethical behavior at all times. Question them, even rhetorically ,about issues and events. Encourage open discussion regarding these principles without fear of ridicule or reprisal.

•Understanding that most people are - and try to be - ethical. •Understaning that businesses prefer to hire people with ethics. •Understanding of what is meant by ethics. •Development of a mature ethical compass. •Confidence in their own ethical compass.

Students either have morals and ethics when they arrive on campus, or they do not. We can encourage hewing to those standards, but really can't go much beyond that. I don't know how to measure morals or ethics. Does anyone? Come on, not really.

A clear understanding of right and wrong

Investigative, fact finders, trained in deciding moral and ethical dilemmas of their field of study.

make right choices, demonstrates integrity

that they speak out against injustice when they see it; that they exercise their right to vote; that they think twice about why they go hunting (if they hunt) or think twice about getting a pet (especially if they can't really take care of that animal)...

- Have follow up surveys to employers of Tarleton graduates - Start a 'Moral and Ethical Thinkers' club

Integrity in everyday practice

Outstanding chapter development which can happen with a strong service learning component

It is not our place to teach morality. Tarleton is not Sunday School. To learn about ethics, students need to take classes in ethics. It's really pretty simple.

We need to do more to expose our students to a greater variety of religious, ethnic, and sexual orientation ideas. The Tarleton student should be well educated in these areas. Service to organizations that promote these ideals would be the best proof of exposure.

TSU must be more active and effective in dealing with students caught in unethical, e.g. cheating, situations and not just look the other way. Enforcing the ethics policies would be a good start.

The ability to critically think and analyze situations objectively.


Who gets to define our morals and ethics? If they can answer that, then they are good to go. If they can only spit out the standard verbiage that their faculty, staff and peers regurgitate then we have not challenged them.

Accountable - That they are responsible for their decisions regardless of how they are carried out. Integrity - That the only thing that they may have at times is the value of their name.

1. Respect for others. Most of the students here open doors for others all the time and that doesn't happen everywhere today. 2. Most of the lunch time sessions are attended well by our students and they do ask questions so they need to continue to question things even in their classrooms and outside the campus. Be respectful, trust but verify as someone once said.

A respect for diverse opinions, especially the ones the student may not share. By exploring the realm

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outside our normal lines of thought, we become critical thinkers, by respecting the opinions of others, we become moral and ethical.

They will have a strong moral compus and possess the ability to decifer situations in which they need to impliment their reasoning ability. They will have firm belief and understanding of what is specifically moral and ethical in accordance with thier values and this weill be clear to others that speak with them. They will not force or push an agenda or thier morals and ethics on others. They will truly gain a sense of what is right and what is wrong.

Students must understand the principles behind simple rules and protocols in order to think critically about them. They must understand the philosophical underpinnings of their discipline.

Ability to apply general moral principles to specific situations and to defend their applications.


Creating a community within each course / class to where instructors / students feel safe and free to speak about moral issues including belief.

Graduates must value diversity in all its forms (sex, gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, etc.). Students must be able to step outside of their own upbringings and biases to make scientifically informed choices and decisions that reflect the goal of providing the greatest quality of life for all peoples.

integrity listener ability to "see" both sides ability to use an ethical decision making model knowledge of various ethical models

They must be honest and unafraid to speak up when they seem something unjust happening in the work-place or in any part of life. They must not be afraid to do the right thing.

honesty knowledge of ethical behavior within chosen career path

More students participating in local and global philanthropy projects

Problem solving ability An understanding of basic ethical decision making

Empathy that permits them to understand others.

we must hold students accountable; stop with extending appeals; example student has been attending and has appealed every semester and excepted back......

Common sense in areas of diversity. Adults on campus must model this.

We do this with our nursing students by teaching them the ethical principles of nursing. Through out their education we discuss ethical dilemmas to prepare them for the experinces they will face as a bedside nurse.

TSU graduates strive to actively model highly ethical and moral behavior by their daily interactions with people.

A personal code of ethics/values/beliefs An exploration of self Reflection opportunities

Clearly separates and evaluates according to specific rules and logic

This characteristics is more difficult to provide evidence for. In the doctoral program, students take a course in philosophy and ethics and are given an "ethical IQ test" which they must take and analyze and they are provided with ethical dilemmas which they respond to and discuss.

I think that we want our graduates to be moral and ethical in any given situation, and call upon the many characteristics related to this mentality (honest, trustworthy, empathetic, respectful, etc.) that the situation calls for. I think it's up to us to challenge students to call upon these attributes in cases and

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scenarios where they can 'fail' and analyze their mistakes to further develop their character.

Jesus Christ is the only source of goodness and graduates successful in the area of moral and ethical thinking must give their lives to him and be encouraged to do so by the Tarleton community. Without God's transcendence holding all moral and ethical systems to accountability, there is no standard by which ethics and morals are judged. Thus, this element of the mission statement is vacant of meaning.

The desire to help those who are in need and the ability to formulate solutions to help. An awareness that everyone needs to be treated with respect and dignity.

must possess moral and ethical principles

Honesty, integrity, compassion, fairness

sense of curiosity; well read

Participate in community service

A Tarleton graduate should never expect a grade curve in life and weigh the consequences (pro/con) of all actions before taking the first step.

Integrity in publications


Acceptance, equality, patience, problem solving, acceptance of diversity, acknowledgement of diversity, equitable practices in group and class work

practice deep reflection and introspection; abide by personal/professional codes of ethics; consult with others regarding appropriate conduct/behavior in specific situations; be accountable to others; respect differences

I believe that the core characteristic that leads to moral and ethical thinking is basic honesty. From a strongly held and internalized honesty will come moral and ethical thinking, integrity (see below), and civility.

1. willingness to listen to and entertain positions contrary to their own 2. awareness of cultural and social differences and similaritites 3. willingness to understand & respect cultural, social, political, and religious differences 4. a sense of personal responsibility for one's actions

Graduate of TSU should demonstrate compassion for others and interest in good behavior and conduct.

appreciation of diverse perspectives, cultures, and populations

Integrity. Asking questions when in doubt.

helping others achieve goals

Just because it is not against the law does not mean it is ethical. Graduates hopefully will see the difference. Ethics is mentioned in almost every class. Applying the Golden Rule will be a big asset.

Accountability for both positive and negative consequences and outcomes, an absolute commitment to and pursuit of doing what is right, not just what is expedient, and an unflinching concern for fairness, due process, and rehabilitative justice. Considering others as of greater value than ourselves is a key qualifier for our being both productive and helpful in all the dimensions of our shared corporate and community responsibilities and opportunities.

That they can make sound and reasonable decisions, even when faced with adversity.

I don't think we want "goody two-shoes" graduates, but we do want them to always think of the best and expect only the best. We don't really want grads to tattle on each other, but we want the campus culture to be such that unethical thoughts and behavior are simply not done.

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We cannot accomplish this and should expect our student to behave in the same manner when faculty do not possess the same moral and ethical mannerisms in and out of the classroom. When faculty curse and promote liberal ideas that are not moral nor ethical, it sends a hypocritical message to the student.


Integrity Service before self Excellence in thought and action Analytical thinking Rational discipline over feelings Maturity

So many of the people in our world will do things without a second thought as to whether it was right or wrong. When our graduates are known for going out of there way to do what is right, as opposed to what is popular or convenient, then we have been successful in helping produce moral and ethical thinkers.

Forethought, empathy, and an understanding of consiquences

Regardless of the subject being taught, it is important that students continuously seek the actual meaning of words. How can a person be moral without knowing the actual meaning of the word? Of course, anyone who is interested in the clear and precise meaning of the words being used is likely to be a moral and ethical person. Consider the word integrity. A liar and thief has integrity if he honestly recognizes that he is a liar and a thief.

From their studies in the liberal arts, students should have a background in moral philosophy and ethics.

They should be willing to stand with, support, or speak in behalf of those who do not have an effective economic, social, or political platform but who have a legitimate stand.

A dedicated practice of understanding context, understanding the other person's perspective as well as one's own.

Always striving to be honest, trustworthy. Keeping life simple by applying such tenets such as peace over conflict. Faculty/staff must model these characteristics as well.

Honesty Integrity The ability to stand firm on ethical issues while being willing to compromise on matters of personal preference

-language and actions portray a professional attitude -student understands how to be professional -student understands the consequences of immoral behaviour (many students do not understand that a record with the police department continues to affect their employment capabilities)--there have been some times that I have been unable to hire a student because of bad choices that were made in their younger years -demonstrates an ability to make the correct choices in and outside of the classroom

Graduates must hold themselves to a high moral standard.

Statistic Value

Total Responses 92

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6. What are specific examples of key characteristics that graduates

must possess to be a leader who demonstrates civility and integrity?

Text Response

The way they portray themselves and their studies

Kind to others. Practice the golden rule.

exposure to cultural variety and diversity, communication skills, compassion

it needs to become a seamless part of the culture at the university and taught and spoken our language when a student is addressed. Model by the employess of Tarleton


Open-minded Not easily offended Even tempered Leader by example

leadership opportunities

Proper citations, not caught cheating, performing good deeds

I don't understand this question. Are we talking about adults?

treat the students with civility and integrity, then behave with integrity to colleageus, students and others in the community, this will go a long way.

See above TSU administration has a long way to go in order to actually demonstrate this to students

They should make the right decision even when it is not popular and have the ability to confidently stand for what they believe in.

Tolerance, ability to work with others and tolerate their weaknesses while emphasizing their strengths. Graduates should be beyond reproach. A faculty member should be able to leave a room during an examination and not fear that students will cheat. Again, I do not see this characteristic in a high number of our graduates. I regularly have attempts at cheating in junior level courses that I teach.

I have often heard it said that you are eith a "contributor" or a "contaminator" -- graduates with integrity are contributors.

Nebulous and vague....almost impossible to exemplify because everyone has their own ideas of what is civil and shows integrity. I believe that a lot of the leadeship opportunities here at the university are isolated and not necessarily demonstrative of true leadership. We provide the foundation.....our students will grow into roles of leaderhsip in their profession, their communities, and their country. At this time, their moral code developed well before we got a hold of them will probably determine many of their actions. We can hope that we have developed critical thinking skills to allow them to consider multiple courses of actions in complex situations.

Leaders who demonstrate civility and integrity admit their mistakes and learn from them. They are willing to understand the perspective of those with whom they may disagree, and are able to to be flexible in their thinking. Integrity is demonstrated through commitment to the well-being of the group rather than the well-being of the individual.

Honest, composed, articulate, listen,

Sense of ethics, involvement in community on and off campus, compliance with rules, policies, laws; proper treatment of fellow human beings; knowing how to conduct themselves when they disagree with laws, standards, etc. The golden rule still applies.

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I began to answer this one under a different leadership question: •Tolerance - See my earlier answer. •Willingness to listen to all views.

Civility: Can disagree without being disagreeable. Integrety: When you make a commitment you follow through.

Learn to be compassionate

concern for all people, trained or experienced with behavior that promotes civility and integrity.

civility--curteous to others, integrity--knowing and doing good

they lead by example on their Facebook page or Tweets by working to understand varying constituencies rather than sowing seeds of division

- Start a 'Civility and Integrity' club.

Same a above

All students have to do is look at our governor and lieutenant-governor and do the opposite.

Students should have one leadership role that can be demonstrated on their resume. They also need to develop a greater sense of ownership of their OWN WORK. Cheating is a issue that must be addressed, not to simply STOP the student, but to enable the student to understand why it is morally wrong.

The willingness to accept others opinions and evidence if fact eventhough they may counter their personal bias and beliefs.

Why we would ask so little of our leaders is baffling to me. I think it is an insult that we merely seek civility and do not challenge them to be more than that. In regards to integrity it is something that we must first provide an example of, which we do not, within the ranks of our leaders. Then we can hope that our students emulate what they have seen and it is positive.

Students need to know how to fail and learn from their mistakes. They also need to know how to work in abrasive or difficult situations.

1. Same as above. Respect others while giving voice to your thoughts and ideals. 2. Always do the right thing even if it may put you in an awkward position with others. Most of us are taught as young children to know right from wrong. Be strong enough in your beliefs and know that others will not bully you into submission to not act on it. 3. Value others opinions and feelings.

Honesty in everything. A sense that there is something greater than "I".

They will act the same regardless of the situation and they will foster an open and honest relationship with the professional peers that they begin to work with. They will remain the same person in and out of the work setting. They will look to be an example and truly connect with others and handle themselves in a civil manner.

They must be polite even when firm, demonstrate respect for others and themselves, and deal with others forthrightly and honestly.

Ability and willingness to reply in good faith to opposing arguments.


Graduates must be able to communicate clearly their choices and the scientifically rational reason behind their choices. Graduates must be able to communicate these ideas to people who oppose them without demonizing or minimizing these groups. Graduates must be able to inspire others to work for the good of society.

trustworthiness manners respect for worth of persons respect for self truthtelling servant attitude

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To be thorough and stick to their morals. Do not let someone push them around or bully them to change their deep-seeded values.

appreciation of others lack of prejuidice

Students who embrace inclusiveness

Respect for others Effective and respectful behaviors and communications

Empathy that permits them to understand others.

we need more student leadership training; and organizational advisers accountable for their roles with student organizations.

Adults on campus must model this.

TSU graduates strive to actively model highly civil behavior by their daily interactions with people.

Really same as moral and ethical thinking.

Capacity to separate and identify the situations to be avoided.

This is also a more subjective areas for assessing "key characteristics." Students in the doctoral program have numerous opportunities to meet with public officials and work together on projects. Each interaction is assessed according to the civility of the interactions (appropriate/inappropriate questions or comments) and the integrity of the process by honoring team members and their individual contributions.

Similarly - we want our graduates to demonstrate civility and integrity in any given situation, using tolerance and open-mindedness over cynicism, and it's up to us to give them opportunities to do so.

They seek the welfare of everyone around them by giving their time and sweat-equity to improve their living condition.

The desire to help others, concern for the environment

the characteristics of servant leadership aside... while going through this survey, it occurs to me that many of these desired characteristics are the characteristics of the servant leader...

honesty, fairness, a cooperative spirit

inspired to pursue community service

A Tarleton graduate should follow the rules without demanding that the rules be changed to suit his/her desires. This does not mean that authority should never be questiones, but authority should be respected.

Collaboration in research

An open mind.

Politeness, no cheating, patience, balanced group work/participation, acceptance, support for those who are not like themselves

same as above

Civility results from a genuine respect for other people and their opinions. It is a by-product of basic honesty.

1. willingness to listen to and entertain positions contrary to their own 2. awareness of cultural and social differences and similaritites 3. willingness to understand & respect cultural, social, political, and religious differences 4. a sense of personal responsibility for one's actions 5. awareness of and

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sensitivity to the role of language choice & style in communicating one's positions

TSU graduates must be able to keep the focus when all around things are falling apart, as the path to success is rarely a straight line. They must demonstrate poise in the face of adversity.

Remaining updated with the ethical guidlines. Should be able to explain the rules and regulations clearly to their peers or co-workers. If someone is following an ethical incorrect procedure the student should be able to explain it to the person why this is incorrect?

inclusion of minorities/different demographics

Graduates must walk the talk. We can say we have integrity but trust is developed and so are reputations. Fairness in dealing with employees, vendors, competition and all situations demonstrates integrity. Courtesy in speech and action no matter the demeanor of the opposition

Recognition of joint responsibility and contribution to whatever issues we face, owning the opportunity of finding effective partnering in place of simply assessing blame and failure for existing shortcomings, pursuing a course of individualized nurture and incentive that produces joint consensus of having done what is most right and effective for all involved and for the projection of what is most sustainable for the culture and conflicts that will inevitably come.

I think the same as above, with the added ability to motivate others to act in the same way.

Speak softly and always do the right thing.

Again, this is given to the student by way of examples set by admin and faculty Honesty, Fairness, Responsibility, Dedication etc. are all key characteristics that admin and faculty have to exhibit

see question 2 on the previous page

Compassion, fairness, forthright speech Doing the right thing when no one is looking Doing the right thing even if it has personal costs

When what is right and what is best is the motivation behind the actions of our graduates, then we can be assured that they will lead with civility and integrity.

willingness to listen, willingness to compromise, and the understanding that it is not always easy to do what is right rather it is having the strength to voice/act on the primis of being strong enough to be a leader

Ouch. There's that word integrity. The previous two. A moral and ethical person who demonstrates leadership qualities, fits.

Graduates must have the ability to reason and to communicate effectively with others. They should be tolerant and humane in their dealings with fellow human beings.

They should be able to treat people with respect even when those people are upset or loud. They should be able to speak the truth or withhold judgement without antagonizing the persons who are upset or who are complaining.

See above

Graduates who strive to do the right thing, even when no one is looking. Graduates who leave their egos at the door, and believe in hard work.

Treats others with respect Listens to the thoughts of others Appreciates those who are different than them Finds value in everyone

-understands that they themselves should have integrity and civility in and outside of the classroom -promotes integrity and civility expectations of others around them as well (peer pressure is powerful)

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Graduates must treat others in accordance with the high standards set for themselves.

Statistic Value

Total Responses 83

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7. What are specific examples of key characteristics that graduates

must possess to contribute “meaningfully and responsibly to a global


Text Response

Outreach they offer to others abroad.

Culturally literate. Experience studying abroad. Opportunity it interact with students from other countries. Prepared to compete in a global workforce. Sustainability.

Knowledge of the world's problems and current events outside just their field of study, being able to discuss and communicate these issues and develop ideas for resolution, being able to speak more than one language

Wow. Is there no end to this kind of drivel?

not all can go study abroad but we all can study about, attend programs where engagement is possible, and partner up with our international students to participate in a mindful dialoge begin learning from them, and they from us.


Love for people Choose a career that inspires Strive for more that just co-existance Support organizations that inspire passion

international experiences or courses that are taught by individuals with international experiences

Every student should be required to take foreign language classes. You can't instill characteristics of how a person is qualified to exist in a global society but not requiring foreign language study is a sign of a lack of commitment on the part of the university.

same as above

See above TSU administration has a long way to go in order to actually demonstrate this to students

They must be able to think beyond themselves and personal gain.

Work ethic, compassion for other members of society, love of learning, ability to use knowledge and skills to solve problems in society.

I have often heard it said that you are eith a "contributor" or a "contaminator" -- graduates with integrity are contributors.

They can get a job, they can vote, they can stand up for what they believe in. They can teach, they can give back......limitless opportunity because each student will contribute to scoeity.....some on a grand public scale or by every day little actions of kindness. Again, I believe so much of this moral code and "goodness" is formualted well before a student comes to college. We can nurture those abilities but we can only provide tools. Students must provide the direction and initiative.

In order to contribute meaningfully and responsibly to a global society, individuals must be aware of their digital footprint, and the impact their words and actions may have on other individuals.

Follow through with project, thoughts and initiatives. Do what you say you are going to do. Be mindful of the world's variety of moral standards, cultures, knowledge and expertise, values and needs.

Society has always been global. The characteristics discussed above apply everywhere.

•Understand global issues. Most Americans have little understanding of other cultures or world views.

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•Interest in cultures, languages, and other belief systems. •Understanding the norms in other countries - not from a judgmental framework, but informational.

Meaningful jobs. The best contribution most people can make is to provide well for their family. This in turn makes them meaningful and responsible in the global society. We should expect to turn out Albert Schweitzer's but rather, decent people who raise decent families.

Gain an understanding of what's happening in the world at large

trained or experienced with other types of societies and the challenges of those societies.

obtains employment post graduation

they watch news from more sources than Fox; they travel beyond Texas; they give to charities that help around the world...

- Freshmen should be encouraged to take a global exposure class. - Encourage more foreign exchange programs

Same a above

They have to be fluent in a foreign language, first and foremost. Since most of students are not and, more importantly, are not forced to be fluent by their academic programs, they will not be able to contribute meaningfully or responsibly.

They should have specific instances of volunteer work that reaches beyond the Tarleton boarders.

students should be culturally aware and sensitive. Involvment in study abroad/away programs or events would be helpful.

Graduates need to contribute positively to society. The scale of contribution is not as important as a positive societal contribution. Whether that is through employment, training, eductaion, or service.

Our students need to understand that we live in a diverse world and that it is OK for someone to have a different belief system than they do. Perhaps we should provide examples of this such as discontinuing the prayer at our graduation services. Then, if our students can understand that this is not an infringement on their civil liberties but rather an acknowledgement that there are different cultures/religions in attendance and we are being respectful, we have succeeded.

Traveled - Students need to be exposed to other cultures and ideas so that they can understand more completely how their decisions can have an impact on others.

1. Understand and respect the vastness of the world and think through decisions so they do not have unintended consequences. 2. Understand that what may work locally isn't a good answer for somewhere else. You can think globally, but act locally so to speak. It could be as simple as teachning someone to grow crops. Don't just send them tractors, spend the time to teach them how to use them and make sure there is a fuel supply to run them, otherwise use simple things like hannd tools and livestock.


They will look beyond thier home town or the state of texas. They will look to further themselves through new and global experiences. They will become educated regarding the world globally rather than what they are familiar with.

Students should be willing to consider impacts within and outside of their vocation. They should be able to 'think globally and act locally.'

all of the above

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Graduates must understand the importance of working to make a better, more equitable society for all people. Graduates must embrace these values in their personal and career life choices and must work to inspire others to do the same.

leadership communication visionary thinking ability sense of responsibility for involvement in global issues beginning at the local level

Volunteering and taking part in self-less service is so important.

awareness of sustainability as it pertains to their career path as well as family knowledge and tolerance of other cultures


I have no idea. This is one of those "pie in the sky" statements that we expect every student to change the world. In fact, it would be productive if they could change their own community, or the life of a single individual with whom they come in contact. Not everyone will be acting in a GLOBAL environment.

Willingness to consider seriously the ways that other people in other places us different methods to achieve goals simmilar to their own.

opportunities; what does this truly means....

Mandatory international trips.

TSU graduate strive to actively model meaningful and responsibility by their positive interactions with fellow human beings.

Broad experiences (they need exposure to differences) Our research tells us that our students become LESS diverse in their thought processes as they integrate into the University. It might serve us well to incorporate intentional opportunities which expand diverse thinking. Examples may be to underscore "across the curriculum" thinking such as with ALEs. Further we may utilize Study-Away more broadly-even making it a component of the core.

Understands the impact of their behavior when at work. Behavoir at any level, personal, professional, etc.

Students in the doctoral program participate in a Diversity Institute where they go to Laredo and visit with higher education and public school administrators. They have presentations related to a border economy and educational system.

All of the prior attributes will foster this in students.

They must recognize that ALL people are made in God's image and are commanded by Him to love even their enemies. This is demonstrated, for example, by seeking to assimilate immigrants in their community through friendship and hospitality.

a willingness to do your part in the room you are in...with the clear understanding of how that action effects the global perspective

compassion, integrity

an interest in diversity issues

The graduate should be an active member of the global society after graduating i.e. secure a job in a position that complements the skills they learned in the university

Tarleton graduates should teach their children well and set a postive example for everyone else's children.

Page 41: Initial Report - Tarleton State University · How do we measure it? How will we know when we have acheived ... -often the instilling of "tradition" trumps student success. Why isn't

See how their discipline fits in with other disciplines

Multiple perspectives, the ability to take anothers perspective, reduced ethnocentricism, critical thinking, problem solving

same as above

Basic honesty should lead a graduate to recognize the needs of people in his or her community as well as the larger global society. This recognition, in turn, should cause a graduate to contribute "meaningfully and responsibly" to society.

1. knowledge of various social, ethnic, religious, and political groups 2. knowledge of local, national, and global current events & trends 3. knowledge of historical local, national and global events and values and their intersections and interconnections 4. ability to use digital information: accessing, evaluating, and interpreting as well as publishing

They must have knowledge of a second language and an appreciation of other cultures

TSU graduates must be able to put into action the many aspects of education that was encountered while at the university, having an appreciation for the diversity of the global society.

Volunteering. Community service. Conducting research (with the help of faculty members) and presenting in the conferences, publishing their work.

service outside of local community

Responsible citizen regarding law, environment, and greater good of all people. Protect resources, conserve, initiate green initiatives whenever possible.

A respect for the place of all racial, ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds, as well as an unswerving pursuit of the dialogue and action for the greater coherence that must be demanded of all partners in the effort to incorporate the coordination that every segment of society must help facilitate. No one group can totally visualize or effectuate the greatest potential that every portion of humanity can be part of accomplishing.

To be able to have a universal mindset, understanding that everyone is different and not expect conformity.

Ability to be good followers and supporters as well as good leaders.

Set great examples

a lack of provencial perspective

Put other people first, work hard, do one's duty, be faithful to one's commitments and promises Keeping your word Put community and nation first--global society is vague and we don't interpret our moral commitments in those abstract terms.

Meaningful and responsible contributions to a global society can be made in many ways, but those contributions come from a heart of caring about others and working to make their little part of the world better.

To conribute meaningfully and respossibly to a global society they must learn to appreciate diversity and develp a commitment to apprciate the personal differences that make each of us unique. Before they can appreciate cultural differnces they must frist be literate in world geography!

Anyone who seeks employment with a global corporation can be introduced to the real "other cultures". Today, English is the common language of business. It provides native English speakers a way to put their curiosity to good use - in a polite way - for the purpose of truly understanding people of other cultures.

Page 42: Initial Report - Tarleton State University · How do we measure it? How will we know when we have acheived ... -often the instilling of "tradition" trumps student success. Why isn't

They should leave their ethnocentrism and provincialism behind them. They should be prepared to live and function in a global society.

There should be some activity in their lives that puts them into different cultures or calls for consideration of ecological consequences of actions.

A person who uses their strengths, skills and passion to help others.

Graduates who are informed and politically active and encourage others to do the same. Graduates who vote in every election.

Strong work ethic Motivated Inclusive Trustworthy

-can discuss issues that affect our world and come up with possible solutions that are not discriminator in nature

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