Download - Initial Ideas - G325 :)

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These are our initial ideas, to find our most powerful idea.

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As we had some complications with our group at the start of the year, it was time consuming when we had to wait for the definite plan. 2 of our group members had left, so our numbers have changed from a group of 4 to 3. We are now a group of 4.

At the start of the year, we came up with a topic of ‘horror’ as we thought it wasn’t often filmed. Our idea was quite long, it didn’t really involve the audience that much because of the length of our idea. We based it around the idea of Paranormal Activity.

We began to think about the idea of a boy being haunted by this younger brother. His younger brother and him were at the swimming baths and his younger brother was drowning yet he didn’t save him because he had a hatred and jealousy for him. Once, he decided he was going to not let him drown, it was too late. This is a flashback of when he is younger. He has to babysit one night and ends up inviting friends round. He ignores the child’s cry and then a daemon voice comes through the baby monitor. Time passes, he is asked to babysit at a different house (thinking the original was haunted) until the daemon voice is heard again when he realises that it is his brother. Flashbacks help the audience realise this.

We found this would not really target any sense of interest for the audience because it becomes too complicated and difficult to film.

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We found that thinking of titles or themes was the easiest option when thinking of our ideas. The titles ‘Her decision’ and ‘Her choice’ inspired us because it created a flowing range of ideas such as a basic, simple idea of choosing between two fast food items, like a cheese burger or chicken burger which would then have an impact on the events of the rest of the day. The concept was simple but we found that filming would be an issue due to needing the set up of McDonald’s. It would be too time consuming and if ideas or something changed, it would be a concern to go back to the same environment where everything would initially need to look the same but it would not due to the staff being different, and if we needed to create a prop in a certain position, it would almost be too difficult to film so that idea was okay but decided to work on something else.

The title ‘The Choice’ also sparked ideas for our group. We came up with the dilemma of a girl running away with her boyfriend to spend the rest of their lives together, and abandoning her family or the choice of having to leave the boyfriend and stay with the family. The reason(s) of her leaving could have been due to the fact a crisis happened within one of their families causing this situation. However we did not follow on with this idea.

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Our next idea was from a title we randomly chose which was ‘Her Decision’ which we then created a mind map on the simple topics we could include in our film.

We decided to do a dinner date. This dinner date then became a blind date, which will make it more interesting as it is a surprise to the audience.

It will simply begin with a young woman around the age of 20 sitting at home waiting for a phone call from her friend. Their conversation is about what she will be cooking for her date, as she wants it to be absolutely perfect as that is not usually the case. She then realises she doesn’t have it all planned and she starts to panic.

She then has a range of different blind dates to find her perfect match. She has up to 4 dates (yet, she does not know how many times her date will go okay).

1) Intelligent guy will go to her house and she will cook a fine meal, which goes disastrous.

2) Pretty guy who takes her to McDonalds. He tries to make the date there as short as possible as he quickly wants to go back to her place.

3) A greasy looking guy goes to a fish and chip shop with her when she soon realises he is not quite what she wants and the food reminds her of him.

4) Her guy who is not expected to turn up but has already met him in the supermarket.

The first 3 ‘blind dates’ are essentially flashbacks of her past where she remembers how terrible they went. Each situation which would have happened related to the type of boy she was with.

She enters the Co-op on her hopeful and lasting date to find the ideal meal for them. She speaks to a young boy, around her age where she tells her situation to him hoping he can help. He does. He turns out to be the last final blind date.