Download - Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja! jon Klosuchr Dfjs fo Wlaftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyTlcjo Cfkmjha @rh`lry Ajrslo

    Iuoh 47:;

    WPT49 ^mh Wlwhr le Wlaftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    [tjoelrn Xofvhrsfty

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy


    ^mfs stuny mjs jo jkklcpjoyfo` vfnhl! wmfkm kjo dh eluonmhrh/ ^mh vfnhl nfskusshs cukm le tmh pjphr fo

    drljn thrcs jon rhehrs erhquhotay djkb tl tmh sphkfefks prhshothn fo tmh pjphr/ ^mh thxt le tmh vfnhl mjs dhho

    fokaunhn fo tmh Jpphonfx/

    F/ Fotrlnuktflo

    Dfjs fo ilurojafsc fs phrvjsfvh/ Clst plaftfkja skfhotfsts wluan j`rhh tmjt Elx Ohws! elr hxjcpah! kjthrs

    tlwjrns j clrh kloshrvjtfvh junfhokh/ Klovhrshay! C[ODK leehrs tmhfr ohws klvhrj`h wftm j dfjs tmjt ejvlrs

    tmh ahet/ Pmfah loay j scjaa phrkhotj`h le Jchrfkjos jktujaay rh`uajray klosuch kjdah ohtwlrb ohws! tmh fssuh

    le dfjs rhsurejkhs fo cjoy ltmhr chnfucs9 ohws whdsfths! ohwspjphrs! klchny ohws smlws! htk/ ^mh jkjnhcfk

    afthrjturh lo tmh sudihkt le dfjs fo ilurojafsc fs whaa nhvhalphn/ Elr hxjcpah! Djuc jon @rlhafo` -477=& efon

    tmjt pjrtfsjo ohws dal`s sukm js NjfayBls/klc jon ErhhThpudafk/klc cjfoay leehr stlrfhs tmjt jaf`o wftm tmh

    dal`s rhsphktfvh pjrtfsjo tfat erlc tmh tltja plla le plaftfkja ohws stlrfhs lo Thuthrs lr JW/ Eurtmhrclrh!

    Ajwrhokh ht ja/ -4776& efon tmjt ohws dal` rhjnhrs `rjvftjth tlwjrns loafoh ohws slurkhs tmjt jaf`o wftm tmhfr

    plaftfkja dhafhes/ Jkklrnfo`ay! hvfnhokh hxfsts tmjt tmh sl#kjaahn dal`lspmhrh fs dhklcfo` clrh plajrfzhn js

    jo fokrhjsfo` oucdhr le fonfvfnujas turo tlwjrns dfjshn loafoh slurkhs/

    Pmfah cukm jtthotflo mjs dhho pjfn tl dfjs fo prfothn jon lrjaay klccuofkjthn ilurojafsc! dfjs

    rhshjrkm fotl pmltl`rjpmy rhcjfos sf`ofefkjotay uonhrnhvhalphn/ Pftm tmh prlafehrjtflo le tmh fothroht! klalrafvh thahvfsflo! jon clrh rhkhotay kjchrjs lo scjrtpmlohs! fcj`hs mjvh fokrhjsfo`ay pajyhn jo fcplrtjot rlah

    fo ilurojafsc/ Dllbs sukm js Fcj`h Wlaftfks fo tmh Cfnnah Hjst9 ^mh Tlah le tmh Ufsuja fo Wlaftfkja [tru``ah

    -Bmjtfd 47:4& hxpalrh mlw fcj`hs smjph plaftfkja clvhchots/ Letho! nfskussflo le plaftfkja pmltl`rjpmy jon

    vfnhl erhquhotay elkushs lo hxpajfofo` tmh fklofkfty lr fcpjkt le tmh pjrtfkuajr shahktflo/ Elr j cuatftunh le

    rhjslos! tmlu`m! skmlajrs klotfouh tl f`olrh tmh fcplrtjot rlah le tmh dfjs tmjt cjy -lr cjy olt& dh prhshot

    fo tmh pfkturhs jon vfnhls tmhcshavhs/

    ^mh stuny prhshothn fo tmfs pjphr jon jkklcpjoyfo` vfnhl jtthcpts tl jnnrhss tmh mlah fo tmhjkjnhcfk afthrjturh tmjt fs tmh ajkb le rhshjrkm lo dfjs fo plaftfkja pmltl`rjpms/ ^mh foftfja pajo elr rhshjrkm

    jtthcpthn tl hxpalrh wmhtmhr pfkturhs fomhrhotay klotjfo dfjs/ Kluan pmltl`rjpmhrs! afbh ilurojafsts wftm

    wrftfo`! leehr j dfjshn vfhwplfot le tmh sudihkt< Fo smlrt! jon js hxpajfohn fo tmh elaalwfo` shktflo! tmh joswhr

    tl tmjt quhstflo fs j whjb ol/ F jr`uh tmjt dfjs kjoolt dh fomhrhotay dufat fotl tmh pmltl`rjpm! dut

    Wj`h : le>=
  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmypmltl`rjpmhr kmlfkhs afbh jo`ah! erjcfo`! jon af`mtfo` nl foeauhokh wmhtmhr tmh fcj`h plrtrjys tmh fonfvfnuja

    plsftfvhay lr oh`jtfvhay/ [fokh tmh klokhpt le fomhrhot dfjs fo pmltl`rjpms fs nfeefkuat -fe olt fcplssfdah& tl

    chjsurh! tmh stuny prhshothn hxjcfohs dfjs tmrlu`m tmh ahos le vfhwhr dfjs/ Fo tmh plaftfkja wlran le

    foelrcjtflo trjoscfssflo -wmhtmhr tmrlu`m wrfttho ilurojafsc! jnvhrtfshchots! lr stfaa pmltls loafoh&! dfjs

    kjo klch erlc tmrhh slurkhs9 tmh prlnukhr le tmh wlrb! tmh klosuchr le tmh wlrb! jon tmh pudafsmhr le tmh

    wlrb/ Hxpalrfo` tmh klosuchr jon pudafsmhr sfnhs leehrs fothrhstfo` fosf`mts fotl mlw vfhwhrs fonfvfnuja

    plaftfkja dfjshs foeauhokh tmhfr phrkhptflos le tmh klothot prhshothn fo pmltl`rjpmy jon vfnhls/ Jnnftflojaay!

    tmh klothxt jrluon tmh pmltls fs jasl j sf`ofefkjot jsphkt le dfjs/ Tjtmhr tmjo hxpalrfo` tmh ojturja dfjs le

    fcj`hs! tmh pjphr jon prhshotjtflo hxpalrh tmh hxthroja ejktlrs le dfjs -klosuchr dfjs jon klothxtuja dfjs&/

    ^mh pjphr prlkhhns js elaalws9 shktflo twl nfskusshs fe pmltls kjo mjvh fomhrhot dfjs! shktflo tmrhh lutafohs

    tmh sphkfefks le tmh stuny jon survhy fostruchot! shktflo elur prhshots tmh rhsuats! shktflo efvh nfskusshs! jon

    shktflo sfx klokaunhs/

    FF/ Fomhrhot Dfjs fo Wmltls:

    Xoafbh clst le ilurojafsc! wmfkm jaalws fonfvfnujas tl krhjth wmlaay lrf`foja wlrb! pmltl`rjpmhrs jon

    vfnhl`rjpmhrs jrh clrh afcfthn fo tmh jcluot le krhjtfvfty tmhy cjy hcpaly fo tmhfr wlrb/ ^mfs fsot tl sjy

    tmjt tmh prlehssflos nlot rhqufrh cukm krhjtfvfty tl prlnukh stuoofo` wlrbs! dut rjtmhr! tmhrh fs ahss

    lrf`fojafty jsslkfjthn wftm tmh kjpturfo` le clchots lkkurrfo` fo rhja afeh/ Elr slch! tmfs cf`mt dh jo jrtfstfk

    murnah! dut elr ltmhrs! tmh tjsb le kjpturfo` tmlsh clchots dhklchs j thcptfo` jon tjotjafzfo` tjsb/

    Ohvhrtmhahss! ohws pmltl`rjpmhrs usujaay kjoolt hskjph rhjafty/ ^mhy jrh afcfthn dy tmh hvhots tmjt tmhfr

    kjchrjs rhklrn/4 ^mus! F klokaunh tmjt pmltls dy tmhcshavhs jrh olt fomhrhotay dfjshn/ Khrtjfoay!

    pmltl`rjpmhrs mjvh jrtfstfk afkhosh wmho nhkfnfo` mlw tl kjpturh j pjrtfkuajr clchot! dut rh`jrnahss! tmh

    clchot fs loh le rhjafty/

    : ^mh stuny ushs dltm pmltls jon vfnhls/ Elr tmh sjbh le sfcpafkfty! F ush tmh thrc pmltls tl rhehr tl chnfj wlrbs tmjt

    hoklcpjss dltm pmltls jon vfnhls/ Ufnhls! jethr jaa! jrh sfcpay klcpfajtflos le cjoy pmltls/4 Elr tmh sjbh le tmfs pjphr! F f`olrh tmh lpplrtuoftfhs tl Wmltlsmlp jon jathr pmltls/ Pmfah tmh jathrfo` le pmltls dhelrh

    pudafkjtflo fs khrtjfoay jo fcplrtjot tlpfk tl klosfnhr -shhmttp9,,www/chnfjdfstrl/klc,:7777wlrns,:7#ohws#pmltls#tmjt#tllb#pmltlsmlp#tll\d;4=&! jathrhn pmltls jrh olt tmh elkus le tmfs stuny/ Dy pmltlsmlppfo` jo fcj`h! jo hnftlr

    fotrlnukhs hahchots tmjt cjy rhonhr tmh pmltl dfjshn/ ^mfs stuny jtthcpts tl hxjcfoh tmh ojturja dfjs jsslkfjthn wftm

    pmltl`rjpmy! olt dfjs jnnhn js jo hnft/

    Wj`h 4 le>=
  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyFo stjtfo` tmjt pmltls jrh olt fomhrhotay

    dfjshn! j cukm ojrrlwhr nhefoftflo le dfjs fs

    ohkhssjrfay ushn tmrlu`mlut tmfs pjphr/ Fo

    tmfs pjphr! dfjs rhehrs tl tmh fothot le tmh

    prlnukhr le tmh pjrtfkuajr wlrb tl

    klccuofkjth jo jotf#Thpudafkjo lr jo jotf#

    Nhclkrjtfk chssj`h tmrlu`m mhr wlrb/ Elr

    hxjcpah! fo 4778! tmh Mlustlo Kmrlofkah

    pudafsmhn tmh elaalwfo` pjfr le pmltls

    jalo`sfnh jo jrtfkah erlc ^mh Ohw Vlrb

    ^fchs/; Jo jssfstjot hnftlr jt tmh Kmrlofkah

    ajthr pudafsmhn j stjthchot lo mfs dal`

    jplal`fzfo` elr tmh fomhrhot dfjs `hohrjthn dy tmh iuxtjplsftflo le tmh pmltls/ ^mh hnftlr kajfchn tmjt tmh

    pmltl le [hojtlr @rjmjc wjs uoeajtthrfo` wmfah [hojtlr Dfo`jcjo wjs plrtrjyhn js tmlu`mteua jon

    klosfnhrjth/> Hxpjonfo` mfs hxpajojtflo le tmh dfjs fo tmh ilfot pmltl! tmh hnftlr hxpajfos tmjt mjn tmh pmltl

    le [hojtlr @rjmjc dhho nfspajyhn jaloh! tmhrh wluan olt mjvh dhho j prldahc/ ^mfs stjthchot! tmlu`m!

    prhkfshay uonhrsklrhs tmh rhjslo wmy tmh pmltl ftshae fs olt dfjshn/ Khrtjfoay! tmh pmltl oh`jtfvhay plrtrjys

    tmh [hojtlr lo tmh ahet! dut tmfs nfstfoktflo loay dhklchs sjafhot wmho eurtmhr klothxt fs jnnhn tl tmh pmltl

    -f/h/ tmh iuxtjplsftflo wftm [hojtlrDfo`jcjo&/ ^mh pmltls le @rjmjc

    lr Dfo`jcjo fonfvfnujaay jrh olt

    dfjshn! dut rjtmhr tmh jnnhn klothxt

    fonukhs dfjs/ ^mh stuny fo tmfs pjphr

    jojayzhs tmfs bfon le fonukhn dfjs

    rjtmhr tmjo allbfo` jt fomhrhot dfjs

    dhkjush j strlo` jr`uchot kjo dh

    cjnh tmjt jo uojathrhn pmltl sfcpay

    ; Olth9 jaa dajkb dlrnhrs jrluon pmltls jrh le cy lwo jnnfo` jon shrvh tl hcpmjsfzh tmh klothots wmhrh ltmhrwfsh ftwluan dh nfeefkuat tl shh wmhrh wmfth spjkh honhn fo tmh pmltls/> [hh tmh dal` wrfttho elr tmh Mlustlo Kmrlofkah mhrh9mttp9,,dal`/kmrlo/klc,jdlutkmrlo,4778,::,wjs#tmhrh#j#


    Wmltl J

    Wmltl D

    Wj`h ; le>=
  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmykjpturhs j clchot fo tfch/ Jaa mucjos hxphrfhokh clchots tmjt cf`mt dh plrtrjyhn oh`jtfvhay! js fs tmh kjsh

    wftm [hojtlr @rjmjc! dut dhkjush tmjt lpplrtuofty fs udfquftlus! ft smluan olt dh klosfnhrhn js dfjs fomhrhot

    tl tmh pmltl ftshae/

    Jo jnnftfloja hxjcpah cjy prlvh mhapeua fo nhvhalpfo` tmh fnhj le klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjs/^mh pfkturh -pmltl D! prhvflus pj`h&& le Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj scfafo` wmfah mlanfo` j khaa pmloh prldjday nlhs

    olt mjvh ojturja dfjs dufat fotl ft/ [lch

    fonfvfnujas cf`mt fostfoktfvhay rhjkt dy

    tmfobfo` jdlut tmh muclr plrtrjyhn lr dy

    klosfnhrfo` fe Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj jpphjrs

    sfaay/ Mlwhvhr! tl jr`uh tmjt tmh pmltl dy

    ftshae leehrs plaftfkja dfjs shhcs kmjaaho`fo`

    dhkjush tmh pmltl ftshae nlhs olt cjbh j

    plaftfkja stjthchot/ ^mh pmltl chrhay

    kjpturhs jo fothrhstfo` hxprhssflo lo

    Wrhsfnhot Ldjcjs ejkh wmfah mh wjs

    tjabfo` lo tmh pmloh/ Lokh j`jfo!

    tmlu`m! klosfnhrfo` tmh klothxtuja jon

    klosuchr dfjs rhfotrlnukhs tmh oltflo le

    hxthroja dfjs/ ^mfs pmltl wjs ehjturhn fo

    twl vhry nfeehrhot pfhkhs le ilurojafsc/ Efrst! tmh pmltl wjs prhshothn fo j pfhkh -pmltl K& jdlut Cjylr

    Dallcdhr`s honlrshchot le tmh Wrhsfnhot fo tmh 47:4 hahktflo/ ^mh jutmlrs le tmh jrtfkah shhc tl ush tmh

    pmltl sfcpay js j vfsuja le tmh Wrhsfnhot dhkjush tmh pmltl mjs oltmfo` tl nl wftm Cjylr Dallcdhr` lr

    kafcjth kmjo`h/ Ohvhrtmhahss! tmh

    klothxtuja dfjs fotrlnukhn shhcs tl

    ejvlr tmh Wrhsfnhot js ft nfskusshn

    mfs jttjfochot le j klvhthn

    honlrshchot fo tmh hahktflo/

    Afdhrja rhjnhrs tmus cf`mt jppay

    tmhfr lwo klosuchr dfjs jon

    fothrprht tmh pmltl`rjpm clrh

    Wmltl K

    Wmltl N

    Wj`h > le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyplsftfvhay hvho tmlu`m tmh pmltl ftshae mjs afttah fomhrhot dfjs/ ^mh hxjkt sjch pmltl wjs rhkhotay ehjturhn lo

    NrunhThplrt/klc -pmltl N& js ohws surejkhn le tmh Ojtfloja [hkurfty J`hokys njtj cfofo` lphrjtflo wftm

    Uhrfzlo/ Jalo` wftm tmh pmltl! Cjtt Nrun`h leehrhn tmh sjssy mhjnafoh Kjo Vlu Mhjr Ch Olw=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyklosuchr dfjs tmjt jathrs mlw loh vfhws pmltls jon tmh klothxtuja dfjs tmjt hnftlrs le whdsfths! ohwspjphrs!

    jon kjdah klcpjofhs klotrfduth tl tmh pmltl dy jnnfo` klothxt jrh ejr clrh fcplrtjot elr tmh nfskussflo le

    dfjs fo pmltl`rjpmy/

    FFF/ [tuny jon [urvhy Nhsf`o5

    ^mh stuny hxjcfohs tmh foeauhokh le klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjshs lo iun`chots le ohutrja plaftfkja

    pmltl`rjpmy/ [phkfefkjaay! tmh stuny jnnrhsshs tmh elaalwfo` quhstflo9 nlhs tmh vfhwhrs lwo plaftfkja dfjs

    -klosuchr dfjs&! rhfoelrkhn wftm klothxtuja dfjs! heehkt tmh vfhwhrs hvjaujtflo le mlw plsftfvhay tmh

    fonfvfnuja fs plrtrjyhn! mlw prhsfnhotfja tmh fonfvfnuja shhcs! mlw afbhay ft wluan dh elr tmh pmltl tl jpphjr

    lo j kloshrvjtfvh lr afdhrja ohws sfth! jon mlw sf`ofefkjot fs tmh pmltl< ^mh purplsh le tmfs stuny fs tl

    kloefrc slch le tmh tmhlry nhvhalphn fo tmh prhvflus shktflo9 ojchay! tmjt cukm le tmh dfjs typfkjaay

    jsslkfjthn wftm pmltl`rjpmy sthcs erlc j vfhwhrs lwo plaftfkja fnhlal`y jon tmh klothxt surrluonfo` tmh


    Fo lrnhr tl fslajth tmfs heehkt! pmltls ushn fo tmh stuny whrh shahkthn wftm tmh fnhj le ohutrjafty fo

    cfon/ Pmfah tmhrhs slch tmhlry tl su``hst tmjt joy dfjs jsslkfjthn wftm j pmltl fs ajr`hay dhkjush le tmh

    klosuchr jon klothxtuja dfjshs! ohutrja pmltl`rjpms wfaa mhap hafcfojth tmh fomhrhot dfjs ejktlr/ Jkklrnfo`ay!

    twl le tmh pmltls ushn fo tmh stuny jrh erlc tmh Jsslkfjthn Wrhss! j ohws slurkh `hohrjaay rh`jrnhn elr fts

    uodfjshn rhplrtfo`/ J tmfrn pmltl kjch erlc tmh wlrb le Njvfn Much Bhoohray! j Wuaftzhr Wrfzh wfoofo`

    pmltl`rjpmhr wml mjs pmltl`rjpmhn plaftfkja clchots le jaa vjrfhtfhs elr Wrhsfnhots le dltm pjrtfhs/ Mfs wlrb

    lo dltm sfnhs le tmh plaftfkja sphktruc elr nhkjnhs su``hsts mfs pmltls mjvh dhho jpprhkfjthn -jon ushn& dy

    chcdhrs le dltm pjrtfhs/ @hohrjaay! tmho! ft kjo dh jssuchn tmjt sfokh plaftfkfjos erlc dltm pjrtfhs mjvh

    klotfouhn tl hcpaly mfc! mfs wlrb mjs dhho rh`jrnhn js uodfjshn/ Efojaay! j vfnhl ehjturfo` j elrchr

    Thpudafkjo [phjbhr le tmh Mlush jon j Nhclkrjtfk [phjbhr le tmh Mlush chhts tmh ohutrjafty `ufnhafoh nuh

    tl fts olopjrtfsjo ojturh! jatmlu`m! slch klokhros jdlut dfjs nuh jrfsh dhkjush le tmh vfnhls tlpfk/ Pftm

    tmhsh tmrhh pmltls jon loh vfnhl! F klostrukthn j survhy/

    5 Tjtmhr tmjo nhvhalpfo` j shpjrjth shktflo elr smlrtklcfo`s fo tmh stuny! F nhvhalp fnhjs jdlut smlrtklcfo`s jon rllc

    elr fcprlvhchot fo tmh elltolths le tmh pjphr/

    Wj`h 5 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    FFF/F [urvhy Nhsf`o

    Dhelrh `httfo` fotl tmh shktflo le tmh survhy wftm pmltls!0 rhsplonhots whrh jsbhn tl prlvfnh slch djsfk

    foelrcjtflo tmjt wluan shrvh js klotrlas fo tmh jojaysfs plrtflo/ Djsfk quhstflos lo `honhr! j`h! jon cjilr fo

    skmlla whrh jsbhn/ Ohxt! tmh survhy jsbhn pjrtfkfpjots tl afst tmhfr ahvha le plaftfkja tmhlry wftm klosfnhrjtflo

    elr joy plaftfkja skfhokh klurshs tmhy cf`mt mjvh tjbho/ [fokh tmfs stuny klvhrs dfjs! jon dfjs fs j wfnhay

    nfskusshn tlpfk fo plaftfkja tmhlry! mjvfo` j klotrla elr wml cf`mt uonhrstjon wmjt tmh survhy wjs thstfo` fs

    mhapeua/ ^mus! tmh jojaysfs kjo klotrla elr slchloh wftm j mf`m bolwahn`h plaftfkja tmhlry jon hafcfojth tmh

    dfjsfo` heehkt tmjt mhr bolwahn`h le tmhlry dfjs cf`mt mjvh/= Wjrtfkfpjots whrh jasl jsbhn tl prlvfnh tmhfr

    stjokh lo hklolcfk jon slkfja fssuhs! js whaa js lvhrjaa plaftfkja dhafhes -j >#plfot skjah le vhry kloshrvjtfvh!

    slchwmjt kloshrvjtfvh! slchwmjt afdhrja! jon vhry afdhrja wjs ushn tl elrkh phlpah tl shahkt loh sfnh lr tmh

    ltmhr&/6 Thsploshs tl tmfs quhstflo lo plaftfkja fnhlal`y whrh tmho ushn tl kjakuajth wmhtmhr tmh phrslo wluan

    pjrtfkfpjth fo tmh afdhrja tfathn vhrsflo le tmh survhy lr tmh kloshrvjtfvh tfathn vhrsflo le tmh survhy -hxpajfohn

    dhalw&/ J sfcpah ja`lrftmc dufat fotl tmh survhy tmho kjakuajthn wmfkm vhrsflo tmh pjrtfkfpjots wluan tjbh/

    @hohrjaay! fe fonfvfnujas fnhotfefhn js vhry afdhrja lr vhry kloshrvjtfvh elr joy le tmh tmrhh kjth`lrfhs! tmhy

    whrh nfrhkthn tl tmh survhy tmjt jaf`ohn wftm tmh fnhlal`y le tmjt rhsplosh/ Ujrflus klcdfojtflos le tmh

    slchwmjt kjth`lrfhs -fe jo fonfvfnuja put twl slchwmjt kloshrvjtfvh rhsploshs! elr hxjcpah& nfrhkthn tmh

    pjrtfkfpjot tl tmh vhrsflo jsslkfjthn wftm tmh mf`mhst oucdhr le slchwmjt joswhrs/ Elr clrh foelrcjtflo

    lo wmjt sphkfefk klcdfojtflos ahn jo fonfvfnuja tl j kloshrvjtfvh lr j afdhrja tfathn survhy! shh tmh Jpphonfx/

    [urvhy rhsplonhots whrh jasl jsbhn tl prlvfnh tmhfr zfp klnh jon tmho js cjoy js plssfdah le tmh elaalwfo`9

    twl X/[/ [hojtlrs erlc tmhfr mlch stjth! tmh pjrtfkfpjots Thprhshotjtfvh tl Klo`rhss! jon tmh rhsplonhots

    mlch stjth @lvhrolr/ Ulthscjrt/lr` wjs tmho ushn tl krlss#rhehrhokh tmh plaftfkfjos ojchs prlvfnhn dy tmh

    rhsplonhot wftm tmh klrrhkt foelrcjtflo jsslkfjthn wftm tmhfr zfp klnh lo Ulthscjrt/lr`/:7 Djshn lo tmh

    0 J`jfo! F ush tmh wlrn pmltl mhrh tl rhehr tl tmh tmrhh pmltls jon loh vfnhl fokaunhn fo tmh fostruchot/= J pjrtfkuajr klokhro elr stunfhs tmjt thst dfjs fs dfjs wftmfo tmh survhys tmhcshavhs/ Pftmlut j vjrfjdah afbh bolwahn`h leplaftfkja tmhlry! tmh rhsuats cf`mt dh dfjshn dhkjush tmlsh wftm mf`m plaftfkja tmhlry cjy prlvfnh sf`ofefkjotay nfeehrhot

    joswhrs tmjo tmlsh wftm alw plaftfkja tmhlry bolwahn`h/ Lpplrtuoftfhs jdluon elr dfjs wftmfo j survhy fostruchot! erlc

    quhstflo wlrnfo` tl lrnhrfo` heehkts/ ^mus! stunfhs lo dfjs ohhn tl dh hxtrj kjrheua tl klotrla elr plthotfjaay dfjsfo`vjrfjdahs/6 J afcftjtflo le tmfs stuny fs tmjt rhsplonhots whrh olt jaalwhn tl shahkt j clnhrjth lr fonhphonhot lptflo/ Euturh

    stunfhs cjy wjot tl fslajth tmh rhajtflosmfp dhtwhho fonhphonhots jon dfjs/ Dhkjush tmh plaftfkja skfhokh afthrjturhsu``hsts tmjt tmlsh wml fnhotfey js fonhphonhots jrh rhjaay ahjohrs fo loh nfrhktflo -f/h/ kalshthn pjrtfsjos&! F rhclvh tmh

    lptflo le fonhphonhot elr tmfs survhy/ [hh tmh wlrb le Jajo F/ Jdrjclwftz-mttp9,,www/khothrelrplaftfks/lr`,krystjadjaa,jrtfkahs,jfj47::707074,&/:7 Joltmhr krftfkfsc le tmfs stuny leehrhn dy j rhsplonhot wjs tmjt tmhy kluan mjvh `loh loafoh jon allbhn up tmh

    foelrcjtflo le tmhfr plaftfkja rhprhshotjtfvhs tl `lvhrochot/ Mlwhvhr! tmh jvhrj`h sklrh shhcs tl su``hst tmfs cjy olt

    Wj`h 0 le>=
  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyoucdhr le klrrhkt rhsploshs! j krunh plaftfkja bolwahn`h sklrh wjs nhvhalphn lo j skjah le zhrl tl elur tmjt

    wjs tmho ushn js j klotrla fo tmh jojaysfs/ Efojaay! rhsplonhots whrh jasl jsbhn tl afst jaa le tmh Thpudafkjo

    kjonfnjths tmhy kluan rhkjaa wml rjo elr Wrhsfnhot fo 47:4/ Foelrcjtflo erlc tmfs quhstflo wjs tmho

    klovhrthn fotl j dfojry -nuccy& vjrfjdah hquja tl loh fe Ohwt @fo`rfkm wjs afsthn jon zhrl fe Ohwt @fo`rfkm

    wjs olt afsthn fo tmh lpho#honhn quhstflo/ ^mfs quhstflo jasl shrvhn js j klotrla! wmfkm wjs hsphkfjaay

    fcplrtjot elr tmh vfnhl plrtflo le tmh stuny/ Thsplonhots tmho clvhn lo tl tmh pmltls plrtflo le tmh stuny/

    Js prhvflusay chotflohn! tmh pmltls plrtflo le tmh stuny wjs spaft fotl twl vhrsflos9 afdhrja tfathn

    jon kloshrvjtfvh tfathn/ ^mfs nfvfsflo wjs ohkhssjry fo lrnhr tl prlvfnh klothxtuja dfjs elr tmh pmltls/ Pmfkm

    vhrsflo tmh rhsplonhot sjw wjs nhthrcfohn dy j al`fk ja`lrftmc tmjt tllb fotl klosfnhrjtflo joswhrs tl tmh

    plaftfkja fnhlal`y quhstflo/ Dltm vhrsflos le tmh thst ushn tmh sjch pfkturhs/ ^mfs shktflo jsbhn tmh rhsplonhot

    tl rhjn j dfjshn vf`ohtth tmjt rhfoelrkhn tmh plaftfkja dfjs nhthrcfohn dy tmh plaftfkja fnhlal`y quhstflo2 tmho!

    rhsplonhots vfhwhn j pmltl`rjpm le tmh nhskrfdhn ahjnhr elr > shklons/ Jethr tmh pfkturh nfsjpphjrhn!

    rhsplonhots whrh jsbhn tl joswhr mlw strlo`ay tmhy j`rhhn lr nfsj`rhhn tl stjthchots jdlut mlw plsftfvhay

    tmh fonfvfnuja wjs plrtrjyhn! mlw prhsfnhotfja tmh fonfvfnuja shhchn! fe tmh pmltl wluan clrh letho jpphjr

    lo j afdhrja ohws sfth! fe tmh pmltl wluan clrh letho jpphjr lo j kloshrvjtfvh ohws sfth! jon fe tmh pmltl wjs

    sf`ofefkjot -foeauhotfja&/:: [urvhy rhsplonhots whrh jsbhn tl `l tmrlu`m tmfs prlkhss elr tmrhh pmltls jon loh

    vfnhl/ ^mh efrst pmltl dy Njvfn Much Bhoohray nhpfkthn tmh efvh afvfo` prhsfnhots stjonfo` fo tmh lvja leefkh/

    Dltm tmh afdhrja jon kloshrvjtfvh vhrsflos leehrhn tmh sjch vf`ohtth sl rhsploshs lo tmfs pfkturh kluan shrvh js

    j klotrla/ J pmltl pudafsmhn dy tmh Jsslkfjthn Wrhss le @hlr`h P/ Dusm `fvfo` j sphhkm lo tmh X[[

    Jdrjmjc Afoklao wftm tmh foejclus Cfssflo Jkklcpafsmhn djoohr wjs tmh ohxt pmltl/ ^mh vf`ohtth

    prlvfnhn dhelrh tmfs pmltl wjs mf`may plsftfvh le @hlr`h P/ Dusm elr tmh kloshrvjtfvh vhrsflo jon mf`may

    oh`jtfvh elr tmh afdhrja vhrsflo -shh survhy fo Jpphonfx elr sphkfefks&/ Ohxt! tmh survhy nfspajyhn j vf`ohtth jon

    tmho jo Jsslkfjthn Wrhss pmltl le Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj sf`ofo` tmh Jeelrnjdah Kjrh Jkt/ ^mh vf`ohtth elr tmh

    kloshrvjtfvh vhrsflo wjs mf`may oh`jtfvh jon tmh vf`ohtth elr tmh afdhrja vhrsflo wjs mf`may plsftfvh/ ^mus!

    ohutrja pfkturhs le Wrhsfnhot Dusm jon Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj erlc tmh Jsslkfjthn Wrhss whrh ushn wftm plsftfvh

    mjvh dhho j prldahc/ Jasl! cjoy fonfvfnujas shhc tl olt mjvh dhho jwjrh le rhnfstrfktfo`/ ^mhy letho suppafhn j

    rhprhshotjtfvh ojch tmjt wjs ohjrdy tl tmhfr nfstrfkt! dut ol alo`hr tmhfr rhprhshotjtfvh/ ^mfs pjrtfkuajr slurkh le hrrlrkluan loay nlwowjrn dfjs tmh hstfcjth! sl tmfs fs le afttah klokhro/ Ohvhrtmhahss! hrrlrs fo tmfs krunh chjsurhchot smluan

    olt sf`ofefkjotay jeehkt tmh lvhrjaa rhajtflosmfp le fothrhst/:: Fo jaa kjshs! rhsplosh lptflos whrh rjonlcfzhn tl cftf`jth lrnhrfo` heehkts/

    Wj`h = le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyjon oh`jtfvh vf`ohtths js jpprlprfjth elr hjkm vhrsflo le tmh survhy/:4 Thsplonhots whrh tmho jsbhn tl shahkt

    wmfkm pmltl rhslojthn clrh wftm tmhc! jon j elaalw#up quhstflo jsbhn mlw cukm clrh tmjt pmltl

    rhslojthn wftm tmhc lo j skjah le 7 :77 wmhrh 7 fonfkjthn tmh rhsplonhot wjs prhtty fonfeehrhot jon :77

    fonfkjthn tmh pmltl rhslojthn cukm clrh/ Efojaay! tmh survhy fokaunhn j vfnhl lo kafcjth kmjo`h ehjturfo`

    elrchr Nhclkrjtfk [phjbhr le tmh Mlush Ojoky Whalsf jon elrchr Thpudafkjo [phjbhr le tmh Mlush Ohwt

    @fo`rfkm/ ^mh jnvhrtfshchotsploslrhn dy tmh Ph Kjo [lavh Ft kjcpjf`o elr kafcjth kmjo`h plafky jon

    pjfn elr dy loh le Ja @lrhs kafcjth prlihktsnfskusshs rhohwjdah hohr`y/ ^mh vf`ohtth prhkhnfo` tmh vfnhl

    elr tmh kloshrvjtfvh tfathn vhrsflo le tmh survhy jssf`ohn tl Ohwt @fo`rfkm! tmh Thpudafkjo! clst le tmh krhnft

    elr drfo`fo` tl`htmhr tmh twl [phjbhrs/ Klovhrshay! Ojoky Whalsf wjs ajunhn js tmh foftfjtlr fo tmh afdhrja

    survhy vhrsflo/ ^mh quhstflos elr tmh vfnhl whrh jathrhn saf`mtay erlc tmlsh elr tmh pmltls! jsbfo` shpjrjth

    quhstflos lo plsftfvh plrtrjyja elr @fo`rfkm jon Whalsf! jon tmho jsbfo` sfcfajr quhstflos js tmh lohs

    jsslkfjthn wftm tmh pmltls/ Thsplonhots whrh jasl leehrhn j cfnnah lptflo -ohftmhr j`rhh olr nfsj`rhh& sl tmh

    skjah elr tmh vfnhl rjo`hs erlc loh -strlo`ay nfsj`rhh& tl efvh -strlo`ay j`rhh&/ J quhstflo jsbfo` elr ehhndjkb

    klokaunhn tmh survhy/:;

    FFF/FF [urvhy Klosfnhrjtflos

    ^mh stuny nlhs mjvh klch kahjr afcftjtflos tmjt smluan dh rhkl`ofzhn/ Loh! tmh stuny wjs nfstrfduthn loafoh

    tmrlu`m Zujatrfks! jon j rjonlc sjcpah kluan olt dh ldtjfohn nuh tl tfch jon efojokfja klosfnhrjtflos/

    ^mus! tmh rhsuats smluan olt dh hxtrjplajthn tl tmh plpuajtflo fo `hohrja/ ^mfs survhy shrvhs js loay j

    prhafcfojry allb jt mlw klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjs heehkts hvjaujtflo le ohutrja plaftfkja pmltls/ ^mh

    survhy kluan mjvh jasl hxpalrhn cjoy ltmhr rhajtflosmfps/ Elr hxjcpah! rhclvfo` tmh klothxtuja fonfkjtlrs

    cf`mt mjvh prlnukhn nfeehrhot rhsuats/ ^mh prldahc wftm sukm jo jpprljkm tmlu`m dhklchs tmh thstfo` jon

    chjsurfo` le klosuchr dfjs/ ^mh prfcfo` nloh tmrlu`m tmh vf`ohtths hosurhn tmjt tmh pmltls whrh vfhwhn fo

    j plaftfkja klothxt jon dy leehrfo` tmjt klothxtuja dfjs! tmh klosuchr dfjs wjs jasl jktfvjthn/ [fcfajr tl mlw

    hvjaujtfo` tmh fomhrhot dfjs heehkt jaloh fs nfeefkuat tl hvjaujth! ft fs jasl nfeefkuat tl hvjaujth tmh klosuchr dfjs

    :4 Thsplonhots prlvfnhn slch ehhndjkb tmjt tmh pmltls whrh olt truay ohutrja fo tmhfr klothot/ ^mh Dusm pmltl wjs vhrycfaftjrfstfk jon nhjat wftm j clrh oh`jtfvh elrhf`o hvhot -wjr& wmfah tmh Ldjcj pmltl mjn j kmfan jon wjs hsshotfjaay jnlchstfk plsftfvh hvhot/ Ohvhrtmhahss! tmh Jsslkfjthn Wrhss wjs rhsplosfdah elr dltm pmltls jon tmh nfeehrhokh fo klothot

    nfnot shhc tl jeehkt tmh rhsuats tll cukm/ ^mhsh krftfkfscs quhstflo fomhrhot dfjshn dut fo cy lpfoflo! ohftmhr pmltlcjbhs jo hxpafkft oh`jtfvh stjthchot tlwjrns loh plaftfkja pjrty lr tmh ltmhr/ Tjtmhr! tmh stlrfhs -jon mhokh tmh

    klothxtuja dfjs& jrluon tmh pmltl prldjday klotrfduthn tl klokhros jdlut tmh nfeehrhokh fo klothot/ Eurtmhrclrh!efonfo` pmltls le fnhotfkja hvhots wluan dh nfeefkuat/ Loh plssfday cf`mt mjvh dhho usfo` j pmltl le Dusm sf`ofo` Ol

    Kmfan Ahet Dhmfon ah`fsajtflo/:; [hh tmh Jpphonfx elr j euaa tjdah le tmh vjrfjdahs jon tmhfr plssfdah vjauhs/

    Wj`h 6 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyheehkt jaloh/ J krlss#prfcfo` survhy strjth`y wjs jasl j plssfdfafty/ Kloshrvjtfvhs kluan mjvh rhjn vf`ohtths

    tmjt plrtrjyhn Thpudafkjos fo j oh`jtfvh af`mt jon Nhclkrjts fo j plsftfvh af`mt! elr hxjcpah/ Ohvhrtmhahss!

    tmh heehkts wluan prldjday dh kjokhaahn lut/ Wlsftfvh hvjaujtflos fo olrcja kfrkucstjokhs -wftmlut tmh

    oh`jtfvh vf`ohtth le j Thpudafkjo elr tmh Thpudafkjo thst vhrsflo& wluan prldjday dh kjokhaahn lut dy tmh

    oh`jtfvh vf`ohtth js hvjaujtflos whrh thcphrhn tlwjrns j cfnnah fonfeehrhot plfot/ Ohvhrtmhahss! tmh heehkt le

    krlss prfcfo` fs jo hcpfrfkja quhstflo! jon loh kluan nhsf`o jo fostruchot tl thst sukm jo heehkt/ Ltmhr

    vjrfjtflos le tmhsh twl jathrojtfvh stunfhs kluan jasl thst elr ltmhr clrh oujokhn rhajtflosmfps/ ^mh efoja

    shrflus afcftjtflo tl olth fs tmjt ltmhr klotrla vjrfjdahs cf`mt dh mhapeua/ Whrmjps tmhrh fs j vjrfjdah olt

    fokaunhn fo tmfs jojaysfs tmjt wluan mjvh hxpajojtlry plwhr elr tmh nhphonhot vjrfjdahs -f/h/ tmh fonfvfnuja

    wjs plrtrjyhn fo j plsftfvh cjoohr jon tmh ltmhr quhstflos plshn jethr tmh pmltl&/

    FFF/FFF Mypltmhshs

    Elr tmh afvfo` prhsfnhots pmltl! F hxphkt ol rhajtflosmfp tl dh hvfnhot dhtwhho tmh vhrsflo le tmh thst tjbho -fo

    ltmhr wlrns! fnhlal`fkja dfjs& jon hvjaujtflo le tmh pmltl lo joy le tmh efvh chjsurhs/ Ft fs fcplrtjot tl

    rhchcdhr tmjt tmfs pmltl shrvhn js j klotrla jon dltm vhrsflos le tmh thsts leehrhn rhsplonhots tmh sjch


    Elr tmh cjfo rhajtflosmfp le fothrhst! F mypltmhsfzh tmjt Thpudafkjos wluan hvjaujth tmh Wrhsfnhot

    Dusm pmltl clrh plsftfvhay tmjo Nhclkrjts wluan/ [fcfajray! Nhclkrjts wluan hvjaujth tmh Wrhsfnhot

    Ldjcj pmltl clrh plsftfvhay tmjo tmh Thpudafkjos wluan/ ^mfs mypltmhsfs jaf`os wftm tmh tmhlry nhvhalphnhjrafhr/ Lo ltmhr nfchosflos! F hxphkt afcfthn rhsuats/ Hvjaujtflos le shhcfo` Wrhsfnhotfja smluan cfcfk

    plsftfvh rjtfo`s! dut tmh heehkt cf`mt dh njcphohn dy tmh wjy tmh vf`ohtths whrh wrfttho/ Jaa le tmh smlrt

    stjthchots elkushn lo fssuhs le j Wrhsfnhotfja ojturh9 sf`ofefkjot nlchstfk fssuhs afbh mhjatm kjrh lr elrhf`o

    fssuhs afbh tmh Pjr fo Frjq/ Elr tmh quhstflos lo afdhrja jon kloshrvjtfvh ohws chnfj! F hxphkt afcfthn heehkts

    dhkjush dltm pmltls whrh ohutrja jon rhsplonhots cf`mt dh jwjrh tmjt dltm pmltls wluan dh klosfnhrhn elr

    ush dy tmh cjss chnfj/ Elr tmh sf`ofefkjokh vjrfjdah! F hxphkt sfcfajr heehkts js tmh plsftfvh vjrfjdah/ Efojaay! F

    hxphkt tjbhrs le tmh kloshrvjtfvh thst tl prhehr tmh Dusm pmltl wftm strlo` rhslojokh jon tjbhrs le tmh afdhrja

    thst tl prhehr tmh Ldjcj pmltl wftm strlo` rhslojokh/

    Elr tmh @fo`rfkm,Whalsf vfnhl! F hxphkt Thpudafkjos tl hvjaujth @fo`rfkm clrh plsftfvhay jon Whalsf

    clrh ohutrjaay/ ^mh ohutrja hvjaujtflo mypltmhsfs sthcs erlc tmh fnhj tmjt dhkjush Thpudafkjos whrh vfhwfo`

    j vfnhl tmjt wjs `hohrjaay plsftfvhay klostrukthn! tmhrh wluan dh slch spfaalvhr heehkts tl tmh lpplsfo`

    Wj`h :7 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyfnhlal`fkja [phjbhr/ ^mus! elr Thpudafkjos! tmh spfaalvhr heehkt erlc plsftfvh hvjaujtflos elr @fo`rfkm wluan

    turo wmjt ltmhrwfsh wluan mjvh dhho oh`jtfvh hvjaujtflos le [phjbhr Whalsf fotl ohutrja lr hvho plsftfvh lohs/

    ^mh hxjkt lpplsfth le tmfs al`fk wluan jppay elr tmh afdhrja thst vhrsflo -@fo`rfkms hvjaujtflos wluan dh

    dhkjush le spfaalvhr heehkts&/ F mypltmhsfzh tmjt dltm Thpudafkjos jon Nhclkrjts wluan ehha fonfeehrhot

    tlwjrns tmh quhstflo le tmh fonfvfnujas shhcfo` Wrhsfnhotfja/ ^mh klotrla elr @fo`rfkm Afsthn dhklchs

    fcplrtjot pjrtfkuajray elr tmfs rhajtflosmfp dhkjush phrmjps prhvflus bolwahn`h le @fo`rfkm js j prhsfnhotfja

    kjonfnjth cf`mt foeauhokh hvjaujtflos le Whalsf jon @fo`rfkm tl`htmhr js Wrhsfnhotfja/ Nuh tl tmh dfpjrtfsjo

    ojturh le tmh vfnhl! F jasl nl olt hxphkt tl shh joy heehkts elr tmh ohws vjrfjdahs/ F tmfob joy klothxtuja lr

    klosuchr dfjs wfaa dh kjokhaahn lut dy tmh prhshokh le elrchr [phjbhrs erlc dltm pjrtfhs/ Hvjaujtflos lo tmfs

    nfchosflo smluan dh fo tmh cfnnah -chjofo` tmh rhsplosh wluan dh ohftmhr j`rhh olr nfsj`rhh&/ Efojaay! F

    hxphkt Thpudafkjos tl hvjaujth tmh vfnhl js clrh sf`ofefkjot dhkjush tmfs fssuh mjs olt dhho ejvlrjdah tl tmh

    Thpudafkjo Wjrty/ [hhfo` j Thpudafkjo hafth klaajdlrjtfo` wftm jo hafth erlc tmh lpplsfo` pjrty smluan

    fokrhjsh tmh sf`ofefkjokh le tmh vfnhl elr Thpudafkjos dhkjush ft kluan dh fothrprhthn js Thpudafkjos efojaay

    tjbfo` lo jo fssuh tmjt mjs alo` dhho prldahcjtfk elr tmhc/ ^mh fssuh le kafcjth kmjo`h mjs dhho j

    Nhclkrjtfk#lwohn fssuh elr yhjrs! sl F hxphkt tl shh afcfthn heehkts fo tmfs rhajtflosmfp js! fo ajychos thrcs! ft

    fs oltmfo` ohw afdhrja thst tjbhrs/

    ^mh jojaysfs wfaa jasl fokaunh ltmhr klotrla vjrfjdahs elr wmfkm rhajtflosmfps kjo dh prhnfkthn/ ^mh

    rhahvjot lohs tmjt cjy mjvh fothrhstfo` heehkts jrh plaftfkja tmhlry jon plaftfkja bolwahn`h sklrh -tmh @fo`rfkm

    Afsthn klotrla mjs jarhjny dhho nfskusshn&/ Js prhvflusay chotflohn! fonfvfnujas wftm mf`m plaftfkja tmhlry

    bolwahn`h cjy hvjaujth tmh pmltls nfeehrhotay dhkjush tmhy cf`mt uonhrstjon tmjt tmh survhy fs thstfo` dfjs fo

    fothrprhtjtflo le tmh pmltls/ ^mus! j mf`mhr plaftfkja tmhlry sklrh smluan ahjn tl hvjaujtflos tmjt jrh kalshr tl

    tmh cfnnah -jatmlu`m! tmhrh wjs ol prhkfsh cfnnah lptflo leehrhn hxkhpt fo tmh kjsh le tmh @fo`rfkm,Whalsf

    vfnhl&/ Bolwahn`h wjs joltmhr klotrla vjrfjdah tmjt kjo dh hxjcfohn/ Fonfvfnujas wftm mf`mhr plaftfkja

    bolwahn`h smluan hvjaujth fonfvfnujas fnhlal`fkjaay jaf`ohn wftm tmhfr vfhws -f/h/ j phrslo tjbfo` tmh afdhrja

    thst wftm mf`m plaftfkja bolwahn`h! hvjaujtfo` Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj& clrh plsftfvhay tmjo tmlsh wftm alw plaftfkja

    bolwahn`h cf`mt! jon vfkh vhrsj elr hvjaujtflo le lpplsfo` fnhlal`fkja plaftfkfjos/ Klostjotay mhjrfo` jdlut

    plaftfks fo tmh ohws cjy slafnfey jon hxj``hrjth tmh rhsploshs le mf`m bolwahn`h fonfvfnujas dhkjush tmhy ehha

    clrh jttjkmhn tl chcdhrs le tmhfr pjrty/ ^mh survhy fostruchot jaalws elr cukm jojaysfs dhtwhho tmh

    vjrfjdahs thsts! sl tmh njtj `hohrjthn wfaa dh jojayzhn cjoy nfeehrhot wjys/

    Wj`h :: le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    FFFF/ Thsuats:>

    Fo jnnftflo tl tmh succjry stjtfstfks prlvfnhn dhalw! F ruo twhoty LA[ rh`rhssflos tl thst tmh cjfo

    rhajtflosmfp le fothrhst -heehkt le thst tjbho lo tmh efvh hvjaujtflo quhstflos&/ Elr hjkm rh`rhssflo! F rh`rhss j

    nhphonhot vjrfjdah tmjt fs jo hvjaujtflo vjrfjdah -plsftfvh cjoohr! prhsfnhotfja! afdhrja ohws! kloshrvjtfvh

    ohws! jon sf`ofefkjot& lo tmh hxpajojtlry vjrfjdah ^hst ^jbho! jon fokaunh tmh ltmhr klotrlas js sphkfefhn/

    ^mfs prlkhss fs rhphjthn elr hjkm pmltl`rjpm jon vfnhl/ Euaa rh`rhssflo rhsuats jrh prhshothn fo tmh Jpphonfx/

    Jnnftflojaay! `rjpms le ltmhr rhajtflosmfps jrh jasl prhshothn/

    FFFF/F [uccjry [tjtfstfks

    ^jdah J prlvfnhs succjry stjtfstfks elr

    tmh vjrfjdahs thsthn fo tmh survhy/ ^mfs

    tjdah prlvfnhs j stjrtfo` plfot le

    jojaysfs elr tmh rhajtflosmfps/ J clrh

    tmlrlu`m jojaysfs le tmh heehkts wfaa dh

    kjrrfhn lut vfj rh`rhssflo! dut tmh

    rhsuats mhrh jrh fcplrtjot olohtmhahss/

    ^mh mf`maf`mthn khaas fokaunh

    foelrcjtflo rhahvjot tl tmh plsftfvh

    hvjaujtflo chjsurh/ Elr hxjcpah!

    kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs lo jvhrj`h

    rjobhn @hlr`h P/ Dusms plrtrjyja js

    plsftfvh />8 plfots mf`mhr tmjo afdhrja

    thst tjbhrs/ Klovhrshay! afdhrja thst

    tjbhrs rjobhn lo jvhrj`h Wrhsfnhot

    Ldjcjs plrtrjyja js plsftfvh /45

    plfots mf`mhr/ ^mhsh nfeehrhokhs

    fcchnfjthay su``hst tmjt tmh tmhlrhtfkja

    rhajtflosmfp le klosuchr jon

    :> Jethr j nfskussflo wftm cy Jppafhn Hklolchtrfks prlehsslr! wh j`rhhn tmjt wmfah jo LA[ rh`rhssflo fsot phrehkt elr

    tmfs typh le njtj! ft wluan wlrb/ ^l suppahchot tmfs fcphrehkt rh`rhssflo! tmh njtj fs jojayzhn fo ltmhr wjys/ Nl olth!

    tmlu`m! tmjt tmfs njtj cjy dh jojayzhn fo cjoy ltmhr nfeehrhot wjys/

    ^jdah JUjrfjdah Chjos elr Afdhrja

    ^hst ^jbhoChjos elr Kloshrvjtfvh

    ^hst ^jbho

    hklolcfkpl~s 4/=;67= :/8=>675slkfjaplaf~s ;/5;4:=> 4/;47088lvhrjaapla~s ;/46==8: :/56=::;

    thsttjbho 7 :`honhr 7/>==;04: 7/5>:876>

    j`h 40/4>:;= ;:/=58;=tmhlry 4/85;4:= 4/;7:==0

    plaftfkjab~h 4/0:>4=5 ;/7;00;5`fo`rfkmaf~n 7/;>>=405 7/;4708>0applscjoohr ;/4476; ;/445>:8apprhsfnho~a ;/446==8 ;/7;00;5

    apafdohws 4/8780>0 4/>4;700apkloshrvo~s 4/:=;67= 4/;70564

    apsf` 4/605>0: 4/064>8;`wplscjoohr 4/88:04> ;/7:==5=`wprhsfnho~a 4/6007:: ;/78557>

    `wafdohws 4/>8600 4/4>84=;`wkloshrvo~s 4/=408=5 4/6>;;65

    `wsf` ;/475=60 ;/7:==5=dlplscjoohr ;/>8600 ;/:==506dlprhsfnho~a ;/8>74; ;/708>04

    dlafdohws ;/>;50=4 ;/45>:8:dlkloshrvo~s :/06;:7; :/67855

    Wj`h :4 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyklothxtuja dfjs nlhs fonhhn mlan/ Olt

    surprfsfo`ay! dltm `rlups rjobhn tmh

    afvfo` prhsfnhots pmltl wftm j ohjray

    fnhotfkja sklrh lo jvhrj`h/ Ltmhr

    fothrhstfo` stjtfstfks prhshothn fo tmh

    tjdah smlw tmjt tmh kloshrvjtfvh thst

    `rlup wjs lo jvhrj`h lanhr tmjo tmh

    afdhrja thst `rlup -j`h fs klotrlaahn elr fo tmh rh`rhssflo jojaysfs&/ ^mh kloshrvjtfvh thst `rlup mjn mf`mhr

    plaftfkja bolwahn`h dut saf`mtay alwhr plaftfkja tmhlry/ ^mfs rhsuat fs saf`mtay surprfsfo` dhkjush yluo`hr

    fonfvfnujas typfkjaay whrh erlc [tjoelrn wmfah lanhr fonfvfnujas whrh erlc jkrlss tmh kluotry/ Whrmjps dhfo`

    jt [tjoelrn chjos stunhots mjvh ahss plaftfkja bolwahn`h le sphkfefk phlpah! hsphkfjaay wmho thsthn dy jsbfo`

    elr ojchs le phlpah afbh tmh nfstrfkts rhprhshotjtfvh tl Klo`rhss/ Efojaay! rhsplonhots fo dltm thst `rlups

    `hohrjaay cf`rjthn tlwjrns tmh pfkturh le tmh plaftfkfjo wml smjrhn tmhfr fnhlal`y/ Kloshrvjtfvhs kmlsh tmh

    Dusm pfkturh js mjvfo` clrh rhslojokh jon afdhrjas kmlsh tmh Ldjcj pfkturh/ ^mh rhslojokh strho`tm elr dltm

    thst `rlups fs rlu`may hqufvjahot jt 57 plfots/ Clrh fothrhstfo`ay! dltm kloshrvjtfvhs jon afdhrjas jafbh rjobhn

    Whalsf js dhfo` plrtrjyhn fo j plsftfvh cjoohr wmfah @fo`rfkm rhkhfvhn alwhr sklrhs erlc dltm `rlups/ ^mfs

    pjrtfkuajr rhsuat wfaa dh eurtmhr nhvhalphn wftm tmh rh`rhssflo jojaysfs tl hosurh ltmhr vjrfjdahs jrh olt nrfvfo`

    tmfs nfeehrhokh/

    FFFF/FF Th`rhssflo Thsuats

    ^mh elaalwfo` tjdah prhshots j klonhoshn vhrsflo le tmh euaa rh`rhssflos/ ^jdahs elr tmh euaa rh`rhssflos wftm

    klheefkfhot vjauhs lo jaa klotrlas kjo dh eluon fo tmh Jpphonfx/

    ^jdah DWlsftfvh Cjoohr Wrhsfnhotfja
















    @hlr`h P/DusmWmltl















    dlsf` ;/446==8 ;/::;47=rhslo :/076;74 :/>;:;0;

    rhslostrho~m 5:/;=;04 86/7:64;p`rf`mtpls~r >/:;48; ;/8;75:4p`ahetplsc~r >/47>=:6 ;/0088:p`prhsfnho~a 4/6;6086 4/8:747>

    p`afdohws ;/65;=88 ;/0088:p`kloshrvo~s 4/=50>0 4/0;>56>

    p`sf` ;/=:6400 4/606864

    Wj`h :; le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy@fo`rfkm,














    )[f`ofefkjot jt p 1 /:7 ))[f`ofefkjot jt p 1 /78

    Dhylon 66( [f`ofefkjot9 )))[f`ofefkjot jt p 1 /7: ))))[f`ofefkjot jt p 1 /77: )))))[f`ofefkjot jt p 1 /777:

    [tjonjrn hrrlrs `fvho fo pjrhotmhshs

    Cjfo hxpajojtlry vjrfjdah9 thst tjbho -wftm klotrlasjs sphkfefhn fo euaa tjdahs fo Jpphonfx&

    Nhphonhot vjrfjdahs `fvho fo klauco mhjnfo`s

    ^mhsh rh`rhssflo klheefkfhots smluan dh rhjn fo tmh elaalwfo` cjoohr/ Klosfnhr tmh @hlr`h P/ Dusm pmltl

    jon tmh klheefkfhot lo plsftfvh cjoohr/ ^mfs klheefkfhot fonfkjths tmjt elr j loh#uoft kmjo`h fo tmh thst tjbho

    vjrfjdah -f/h/ `lfo` erlc 7 tl :! lr fo tmfs stuny sphkfefkjaay! swftkmfo` erlc tmh afdhrja tl kloshrvjtfvh thst&!

    mlanfo` jaa ltmhr vjrfjdahs klostjot!:8 fokrhjshs tmh joswhr tl tmh stjthchot tmh pmltl plrtrjys tmh fonfvfnuja

    fo j plsftfvh cjoohr dy /8:/ ^mh klheefkfhot ftshae mlans afttah chjofo`! tmlu`m! uoahss ft fs uonhrstlln fo tmh

    klothxt le tmh Afbhrt skjah ushn fo tmh lrf`foja survhy/ Jo fokrhjsh le /8: chjos tmjt wmfah j afdhrja thst tjbhr

    cf`mt fonfkjth tmjt mh j`rhhs wftm tmh stjthchot le plrtrjyfo` Dusm fo j plsftfvh cjoohr! kloshrvjtfvhs wfaa

    dh! lo jvhrj`h! iust dhylon tmh mjaewjy cjrb dhtwhho j`rhhs jon strlo`ay j`rhhs -tmh nfstjokh dhtwhho

    j`rhh jon strlo`ay j`rhh fs loh&/ ^mh vjrfjdah nhskrfptflo smhht fo tmh Jpphonfx eurtmhr hxpajfos tmh ouchrfkja

    vjauhs jsslkfjthn wftm hjkm rhsplosh plssfdfafty/ Oltfkh tmjt tmfs klheefkfhot elr tmh @hlr`h P/ Dusm pmltl fs

    sfcfajr tl! dut ajr`hr tmjo! tmh nfeehrhokh fo chjos eluon fo ^jdah J2 tmh ajr`hr klheefkfhot prlnukhn dy tmh

    rh`rhssflo fs prldjday nuh tl slch le tmh klotrla vjrfjdahs tmjt jrh fokaunhn/ Joltmhr wjy tl tmfob jdluttmhsh rh`rhssflo klheefkfhots fs sfcpay tl tmfob jdlut tmh oucdhr js mlw cukm alwhr -fe oh`jtfvh& lr mf`mhr -fe

    plsftfvh& j kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhr wfaa hvjaujth j pjrtfkuajr pmltl/:5

    Js wjs tmh kjsh wftm tmh succjry stjtfstfks jojaysfs! oltfkh tmjt tmh klheefkfhot lo tmh Afvfo`

    Wrhsfnhots pmltl fs olt sf`ofefkjot/ ^mus! tmh thst tjbho vjrfjdah fs olt j `lln prhnfktlr le plsftfvh hvjaujtflo

    elr tmfs sphkfefk pmltl/ ^mfs fs hxjktay tmh rhsuat hxphkthn elr j `lln klotrla vjrfjdah/ ^mh hxpajojtlry vjrfjdah

    -f/h/ tmh thst tjbho lr plaftfkja fnhlal`y& smluan mjvh ol prhnfktfvh plwhr lo hvjaujtflos/ Pmfah tmh

    :8 Loh kjo fothrprht tmh klotrlas js tmh nfeehrhokh fo hvjaujtflo jsslkfjthn wftm j loh#uoft fokrhjsh fo tmjt klotrla

    vjrfjdah! mlanfo` jaa hash klostjot -fokaunfo` tmh thst tjbho&/ Pmfah ft fs fothrhstfo` tl klosfnhr tmh klotrlas fo tmfs wjy!tmh survhy jon stuny whrh prldjday olt kjrrfhn lut fo j cjoohr tmjt cjbhs tmfs bfon le jojaysfs euaay krhnfdah -nuh tl

    fssuhs wftm rjonlcfzjtflo! vjrfjdah chjsurhchot! htk/&/ Loay j ehw klotrlas whrh sf`ofefkjot jt tmh 66(" ahvha! sl tmhcjfo elkus le tmh jojaysfs wfaa dh tmh rhsuats elr tmh cjfo hxpajojtlry vjrfjdah! thst tjbho/:5 Clst le tmh jojaysfs elr rhsuats prhshothn fo tmh tjdah tjbhs pajkh elr rhsuats tmjt jrh 66(" sf`ofefkjot/ 67( jon 68(

    sf`ofefkjot rhsuats jrh mf`maf`mthn tl hcpmjsfzh plthotfja rhajtflosmfps/

    Wj`h :> le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyprhsfnhotfja jon sf`ofefkjokh nhphonhot vjrfjdahs jrh slchtfchs sf`ofefkjot! tmhy jrh loay sf`ofefkjot jt tmh

    67( ahvha/ ^mhy jrh mf`maf`mthn chrhay tl olth tmjt tmhrh cjy dh slch rhajtflosmfp tmhrh! dut ft fs rhajtfvhay

    whjb klcpjrhn tl tmh 66(" sf`ofefkjokh eluon elr slch le tmh ltmhr vjrfjdahs/ Clrhlvhr! tmh rh`rhssflo

    prhnfkts tmjt kloshrvjtfvhs wluan rjob Wrhsfnhot Ldjcjs pmltl ohjray j mjae plfot alwhr lo shhcfo`

    prhsfnhotfja/ ^mh rhjslo tmfs vjrfjdah fs sf`ofefkjot elr Ldjcj dut olt elr Dusm cf`mt mjvh tl nl wftm tmh

    lrnhr fo wmfkm tmh pfkturhs whrh prhshothn/ [hhfo` j pmltl le Dusm fo j cfaftjry skhoh efrst cjy mjvh

    hstjdafsmhn j djshafoh wmfkm wjs tmho ushn fo hvjaujtflo le shhcfo` Wrhsfnhotfja elr Ldjcj/ :0 Whrmjps

    vfhwhrs wml fothrprhthn tmh wlrn Wrhsfnhotfja js plwhreua -kloshrvjtfvhs jrh prldjday clrh afbhay tl nl sl&

    rjobhn tmh nlchstfk plafky#sf`ofo` pmltl le Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj js ahss sf`ofefkjot/ Efojaay! tmh rh`rhssflo

    klrrldlrjths tmh @fo`rfkm,Whalsf rhsuats eluon fo tmh succjry stjtfstfks/ Hvho jethr klotrlaafo` elr @fo`rfkms

    prhshokh fo tmh 47:4 hahktflo! mh stfaa rhkhfvhs j alwhr sklrh erlc thst tjbhrs le dltm vhrsflos/ ^mfs rhsuat!

    jalo` wftm tmh ejkt tmjt kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs rjobhn tmh vfnhls sf`ofefkjokh dy ohjray j wmlah plfot ahss wfaa

    dh hxpajfohn fo tmh nfskussflo shktflo/

    FFFF/FFF Ltmhr Thsuats

    ^mh elaalwfo` kmjrts drhjb nlwo tmh hvjaujtflo le tmh plsftfvh cjoohr vjrfjdah jon tmh prhsfnhotfja vjrfjdah

    dy bolwahn`h sklrh jon plaftfkja tmhlry -twl kmjrts jrh prhshothn elr hjkm pmltl&/ Dltm tmh bolwahn`h sklrh

    vjrfjdah jon tmh tmhlry vjrfjdah whrh lrf`fojaay fokaunhn js klotrlas/ Ohvhrtmhahss! `rjpmfo` tmh clvhchot le

    tmh hxpajojtlry vjrfjdahs smlw rhajtfvh tl bolwahn`h sklrh smlws tmjt fo `hohrja -tmfs fs j drljn

    `hohrjafzjtflo&! tmh cfnnah#bolwahn`h -tmlsh sklrfo` j twl lr j tmrhh& survhy tjbhrs leehrhn tmh mf`mhst

    hvjaujtflos fo dltm tmh afdhrja jon kloshrvjtfvh thst `rlups/ ^mfs rhajtflosmfp mlans truh hvho elr tmh klotrla

    pmltl! tmh afvfo` prhsfnhots/ Olth tmjt fo tmh plaftfkja bolwahn`h kmjrts! j sklrh le loh fonfkjths alw

    bolwahn`h wmfah j sklrh le elur fonfkjths mf`m bolwahn`h/ ^mh plaftfkja tmhlry sklrh prlnukhn j saf`mtay

    nfeehrhot rhsuat/ ^mhrh wjs ahss klosfsthoky jkrlss tmh dljrn! dut fonfvfnujas wftm mf`m plaftfkja tmhlry nfn

    rhsplon wftm mf`mhr sklrhs lo dltm tmh plsftfvh cjoohr jon prhsfnhotfja vjrfjdahs/ Dhsfnhs tmh mf`mhst ahvha le

    plaftfkja tmhlry! tmh ltmhr tmrhh ahvhas le tmhlry prlnukh foklosfsthot rhsuats/ Fothrhstfo`ay! tmlu`m! tmh Djrjkb

    Ldjcj pmltl prlnukhn mf`m hxpajojtlry vjrfjdah vjauhs elr dltm mf`m tmhlry jon alw tmhlry fonfvfnujas/

    ^mh @hlr`h P/ Dusm pmltl mjn `hohrjaay alwhr hxpajojtlry vjrfjdah sklrhs elr fonfvfnujas wftm alwhr

    :0 Pmfah dhst jtthcpts whrh cjnh tl klotrla elr survhy fostruchot dfjs! oltfkh tmjt hvho fo tmfs kjsh tmh survhy

    fostruchot cf`mt stfaa mjvh dhho dfjshn*

    Wj`h :8 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyplaftfkja tmhlry/ Olth tmjt fo tmh plaftfkja tmhlry kmjrts! j sklrh le : fonfkjths mf`m tmhlry wmfah j sklrh le >

    fonfkjths alw tmhlry/

    ^mhsh kmjrts jojayzfo` tmh rhajtflosmfp dhtwhho tmhsh sphkfefk vjrfjdahs whrh fokaunhn dhkjush le tmh

    rhahvjokh le tmh bolwahn`h jon tmhlry vjrfjdah tl plaftfkja dfjs/ J sfcfajr jojaysfs kluan dh nloh elr slch letmh ltmhr vjrfjdahs! dut tmh rh`rhssflo smlwhn tmjt elr tmh clst pjrt! tmhsh klotrlas mjn afttah prhnfktfvh plwhr

    -wmfkm fs `lln elr tmh rh`rhssflo lutklchs&/ ^mus! tmfs pjrt le tmh rhsuats elkushs lo tmh plaftfkja bolwahn`h

    jon plaftfkja tmhlry vjrfjdahs loay/

    Wj`h :5 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Kmjrt [ht J








    : 4 ; >



    Wlaftfkja Bolwahn`h [klrh -:3alw! >3mf`m&

    Wlaftfkja Bolwahn`h [klrh jon Wlsftfvh Cjoohr,Wrhsfnhotfja Hvjaujtflo @PD Wmltl

    Afdhrja hst Wls Cjoohr Kloshrv hst Wls Cjoohr Lvhrjaa Wls Cjoohr

    Afdhrja hst Wrhs Kloshrv hst Wrhs Lvhrjaa Wrhs












    : 4 ; >



    ^mhlry [klrh -:3mf`m! >3alw&

    ^mhlry jon Wlsftfvh Cjoohr,Wrhsfnhotfja Hvjaujtflo @P Wmltl

    Afdhrja hst Wls Cjoohr Kloshrv hst Wls Cjoohr Lvhrjaa Wls Cjoohr

    Afdhrja hst Wrhs Kloshrv hst Wrhs Lvhrjaa Wrhs

    Wj`h :0 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Kmjrt [ht D












    : 4 ; >




    Wlaftfkja Bolwahn`h [klrh -:3alw! >3mf`m&

    Wlaftfkja Bolwahn`h [klrh jon Wlsftfvh Cjoohr,Wrhsfnhotfja Hvjaujtflo DL Wmltl

    Afdhrja hst Wls Cjoohr Kloshrv hst Wls Cjoohr Lvhrjaa Wls Cjoohr

    Afdhrja hst Wrhs Kloshrv hst Wrhs Lvhrjaa Wrhs








    : 4 ; >



    ^mhlry [klrh -:3mf`m! >3alw&

    ^mhlry jon Wlsftfvh Cjoohr,Wrhsfnhotfja Hvjaujtflo DL Wmltl

    Afdhrja hst Wls Cjoohr Kloshrv hst Wls Cjoohr Lvhrjaa Wls Cjoohr

    Afdhrja hst Wrhs Kloshrv hst Wrhs Lvhrjaa Wrhs

    Wj`h := le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Kmjrt [ht K










    : 4 ; >



    Wlaftfkja Bolwahn`h [klrh -:3alw! >3mf`m&

    Wlaftfkja Bolwahn`h [klrh jon Wlsftfvh Cjoohr,Wrhsfnhotfja Hvjaujtflo Afvfo`

    Wrhsfnhots Wmltl

    Afdhrja hst Wls Cjoohr Kloshrv hst Wls Cjoohr Lvhrjaa Wls Cjoohr

    Afdhrja hst Wrhs Kloshrv hst Wrhs Lvhrjaa Wrhs












    : 4 ; >



    ^mhlry [klrh -:3mf`m! >3alw&

    ^mhlry jon Wlsftfvh Cjoohr,Wrhsfnhotfja Hvjaujtflo Afvfo` Wrhsfnhots Wmltl

    Afdhrja hst Wls Cjoohr Kloshrv hst Wls Cjoohr Lvhrjaa Wls Cjoohr

    Afdhrja hst Wrhs Kloshrv hst Wrhs Lvhrjaa Wrhs

    Wj`h :6 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    U/ Nfskussflo

    ^mh rhsuats `hohrjaay smlw tmh cjfo mypltmhsfzhn lutklchs! wftm slch hxkhptflos/ Js ft phrtjfos tl tmh cjfo

    rhajtflosmfp le fothrhst! kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs rh`fsthrhn mf`mhr j`rhhchot wftm tmh stjthchot tmjt tmh fcj`h

    plrtrjyhn Wrhsfnhot Dusm fo j plsftfvh cjoohr/ Pftm tmh Djrjkb Ldjcj pmltl! kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs

    rh`fsthrhn alwhr j`rhhchot wftm tmh sjch stjthchot/ Thsuats elr shhcfo` Wrhsfnhotfja nfn prlnukh j

    slchwmjt surprfsfo` rhsuat/ Pmfah kloshrvjtfvhs `hohrjaay fokrhjshn tmhfr rjobfo` lo tmfs nfchosflo! tmh rhsuat

    wjs olt stjtfstfkjaay sf`ofefkjot/ ^mh stjtfstfkjaay sf`ofefkjot rhsuat -jt 66/666(& elr shhcfo` Wrhsfnhotfja

    tmlu`m kjch wftm tmh Djrjkb Ldjcj pmltl/ Kloshrvjtfvhs rjobhn tmh pmltl le Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj ohjray j

    mjae#plfot alwhr tmjo afdhrjas/ Js hxpajfohn hjrafhr! tmfs heehkt cjy dh nuh tl tmh lrnhrfo` le tmh pmltls9

    phrmjps tmh cfaftjry pmltl mhaphn krhjth j djshafoh elr vfhwhrs tmjt nrlvh nlwo prhsfnhotfja rjobfo`s ajthr fo

    tmh stuny/ Efojaay! js hxphkthn! tmh quhstflo lo afdhrja jon kloshrvjtfvh ohws nfn olt prlnukh joy stjtfstfkjaay

    sf`ofefkjot rhsuats/ ^mfs rhsuat rhfoelrkhs tmh fnhj tmjt tmh pmltls whrh phrmjps truay ohutrja/ Fe rhsplonhots

    mjn dhafhvhn tmjt loh pmltl wluan clrh afbhay jpphjr fo j kloshrvjtfvh ohws slurkh js lpplshn tl j afdhrja

    loh! tmho tmfs wluan su``hst slch fomhrhot dfjs fo tmh pmltl/ Dhkjush rhsplonhots fonfkjthn tmjt tmrhh

    pmltls jon vfnhl kluan mjvh jpphjrhn lo hftmhr j afdhrja lr kloshrvjtfvh ohws sfth! tmh ohutrjafty le tmh pmltls

    jon vfnhl shahkthn shhcs ah`ftfcjth/ Eurtmhrclrh! tmhsh rhsuats supplrt tmh fnhj le klothxtuja dfjs nrfvfo` tmh

    rhajtflosmfp/ Thchcdhr tmjt jaa le tmh vf`ohtths jpphjrhn dhelrh tmh pmltls jon vfnhl/ Joy kjptflo lo tmh

    sjch pj`h js tmh pmltl wjs sfcpay nhskrfptfvh thxt/ ^mh vf`ohtth -tmh slurkh le klothxtuja dfjs& jon tmh pmltl

    ohvhr smjrhn tmh sjch pj`h/ Dhkjush tmh klothxtuja dfjs wjs leehrhn shpjrjth erlc tmh pmltl! jon survhy

    tjbhrs le dltm thst vhrsflos rhsplonhn hqujaay tl quhstflos le jpphjrjokh lo afdhrja jon kloshrvjtfvh ohws

    sfths! tmhrh fs slch hvfnhokh tl su``hst tmjt tmh klothxtuja dfjsfo` erjchwlrb sukkhsseuaay prfchn tmh dfjs le

    rhsplonhots jon tmjt tmh fomhrhot dfjs shhcs tl mjvh dhho cfofcja/ Lvhrjaa! tmh cjfo mypltmhsfs -tmh

    rhajtflosmfp dhtwhho thst tjbho jon hvjaujtflo le plsftfvh cjoohr& elr tmh Afvfo` Wrhsfnhots! @hlr`h P/

    Dusm! jon Djrjkb Ldjcj pmltls wjs klrrhkt/

    J kalshr jojaysfs le slch le tmh rhsuats nlhs rhvhja slch surprfshs! kluothr tl j ehw le tmh mypltmhshs/

    ^mh prfcjry surprfsh fo tmh njtj wjs tmh heehkts jsslkfjthn wftm tmh @fo`rfkm jon Whalsf vfnhl/ Hvho jethr

    klotrlaafo` elr tmlsh wml bohw @fo`rfkm wjs j kjonfnjth fo tmh 47:4 hahktflo -wmho tmh vfnhl dhkjch j dft

    le j prldahc elr mfc fo tmh prfcjrfhs&! kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs olt loay rjobhn @fo`rfkm lo jvhrj`h alwhr

    tmjo afdhrja thst tjbhrs! dut tmhy jasl rjobhn @fo`rfkm saf`mtay alwhr tmjo Whalsf lo tmh plrtrjyhn fo j plsftfvh

    cjoohr chjsurhchot/ ^mfs fs surprfsfo` hsphkfjaay dhkjush le mlw nfsafbhn Ojoky Whalsf fs jclo` cjoy

    Wj`h 47 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmykloshrvjtfvhs/ J ehw plssfdfaftfhs cf`mt hxpajfo tmh rhsuat/ Efrst! tmh pjrtfkuajr plla le rhsplonhots cjy olt

    mjvh afbhn @fo`rfkm phrslojaay/ Xoafbh Ojoky Whalsf! @fo`rfkms trludahn phrsloja afeh mjs dhho ehjturhn fo

    tmh ohws erhquhotay/ J `hohrja nfsafbh le @fo`rfkm cf`mt mjvh nrfvho plsftfvh hvjaujtflos nlwo/ Joltmhr

    plssfdfafty cf`mt dh tmjt rhsplonhots ehat @fo`rfkm wjs fo j ahss plsftfvh plsftflo dhkjush le tmh ejkt tmjt

    Nhclkrjts lwo tmh fssuh le kafcjth kmjo`h -elr j nfskussflo le fssuh lwohrsmfp! shh Fyho`jr 477= lr Nh

    Druykbhr jon Pja`rjvh 477=&/ Pmfah F lrf`fojaay prhnfkthn fo tmh mypltmhsfs tmjt @fo`rfkms olopjrtfsjo

    `hsturh tlwjrns jo fssuh lwohn dy Nhclkrjts wluan fokrhjsh mfs plsftfvh hvjaujtflo! tmfs wjs olt tmh kjsh/

    Tjtmhr! tmh rhajtflosmfp cf`mt mjvh wlrbhn tmh ltmhr wjy/ Nhclkrjts cf`mt mjvh sukm j alkb lo tmh fssuh le

    kafcjth kmjo`h tmjt kloshrvjtfvhs whrh uoklovfokhn dy @fo`rfkms fovlavhchot/ J efoja hxpajojtflo mjs tl nl

    wftm tmh spfaalvhr heehkts F nfskusshn fo tmh mypltmhsfs shktflo/ F mypltmhsfzhn tmjt tmh spfaalvhr heehkts elr

    kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs wluan rhsuat fo `rhjthr plsftfvh hvjaujtflos le Whalsf/ Mlwhvhr! tmh spfaalvhr heehkt

    cf`mt mjvh dhho wftm tmh afdhrja thst tjbhrs fosthjn/ Mjn tmh afdhrja thst tjbhrs dhho jsbhn tl hvjaujth j vfnhl

    le @fo`rfkm dy mfcshae nfskussfo` kafcjth kmjo`h! phrmjps tmh rhsuats wluan mjvh dhho j clrh ohutrja sklrh

    -jrluon tmrhhohftmhr j`rhh olr nfsj`rhhrjtmhr tmjo tmh stunys jvhrj`h le elurj`rhh&/ ^mfs hxpajojtflo

    fs supplrthn dy tmh ejkt tmjt Whalsf jon @fo`rfkm rhkhfvhn ohjray jo fnhotfkja plsftfvh cjoohr rjob erlc tmh

    afdhrja thst tjbhrs/ Whrmjps @fo`rfkms sklrh wjs drlu`mt up tl tmjt le Whalsfs/ ^mfs hxpajojtflo nlhsot

    jnnrhss wmy Whalsf rhkhfvhn j saf`mtay mf`mhr sklrh tmjo @fo`rfkm erlc kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs! dut ft nlhs

    hxpajfo wmy @fo`rfkm cjy mjvh rhkhfvhn j sklrh sfcfajr tl tmjt le Whalsfs erlc afdhrja thst tjbhrs/ ^mh rhsuats

    le tmh Whalsf,@fo`rfkm vfnhl jrh fonhhn fothrhstfo` fo tmh shosh tmjt tmhy jrh nfeehrhot erlc tmh rhsuats elr tmh@hlr`h P/ Dusm jon Djrjkb Ldjcj pmltls/ Whrmjps slch klcdfojtflo le tmh jdlvh tmrhh hxpajojtflos kjo

    jkkurjthay hxpajfo wmy tmfs fs tmh kjsh/

    ^mh heehkts le tmh sf`ofefkjokh vjrfjdah jasl fo `hohrja nfn olt jaf`o wftm tmh mypltmhshs/ Loay wftm

    tmh Whalsf,@fo`rfkm vfnhl nfn tmh hxphkthn lutklch lkkur9 kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs rh`fsthrhn ohjray loh plfot

    alwhr lo j`rhhfo` tmjt tmh vfnhl fs sf`ofefkjot klcpjrhn tl afdhrja thst tjbhrs/ ^mfs rhsuat cjbhs shosh jon

    jaf`os whaa wftm tmh fnhj le fssuh lwohrsmfp/ ^mh vfnhl fs ejr clrh sf`ofefkjot elr Nhclkrjts wml kjcpjf`o

    jon prlclth ah`fsajtflo lo tmh fssuh le kafcjth kmjo`h -wftm tmh vfnhl tmhy cf`mt dh jdah tl kajfc slch

    dfpjrtfsjosmfp&/ Elr tmh kloshrvjtfvh thst tjbhrs! tmh vfnhls alwhr sf`ofefkjokh rheahkts tmh alwhr fcplrtjokh le

    tmh fssuh/ ^mh ltmhr pmltls ejfahn tl prlnukh joy sf`ofefkjot heehkt wftm tmh sf`ofefkjokh vjrfjdah/ Kloshrvjtfvh

    jon Thpudafkjo thst tjbhrs rh`fsthrhn sfcfajr sklrhs elr tmh sf`ofefkjokh le tmh Ldjcj jon Dusm pmltls/ ^mfs

    rhsuat! jatmlu`m kluothr tl tmh mypltmhsfs! cf`mt jasl supplrt tmh fnhj le klothxtuja dfjs nrfvfo` tmh

    Wj`h 4: le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyrhajtflosmfp lo tmh plsftfvh cjoohr vjrfjdah/ Elr sfcfajr rhjslos tmjt tmh ohws vjrfjdahs nfn olt prlnukh

    sf`ofefkjot rhsuats! phrmjps rhsplonhots hvjaujthn tmh sf`ofefkjokh le tmh pmltl wftm j sfcfajr cfonsht/ Mjn

    loh pmltl dhho hvjaujthn js clrh sf`ofefkjot! tmhrh wluan ohhn tl dh jo hxpajojtflo/ J pajusfdah hxpajojtflo

    elr tmjt lutklch kluan mjvh dhho tmjt tmh pmltl ftshae plrtrjyhn loh le tmh Wrhsfnhots wftm sukm fomhrhot dfjs

    tmjt ft wluan dh j plaftfkjaay sf`ofefkjot pmltl/ Mlwhvhr! sf`ofefkjokh wjs rlu`may tmh sjch elr dltm pmltls!

    sl jo fomhrhot dfjs stlry dhklchs ahss pajusfdah/ [f`ofefkjokh surprfsfo`ay nfn olt cjtthr elr tmh Ldjcj jon

    Dusm pmltls! dut sf`ofefkjotay cjtthrhn -jt tmh 66/666( sf`ofefkjokh ahvha& elr tmh @fo`rfkm,Whalsf vfnhl/

    ^mh plaftfkja tmhlry kmjrts jasl plfot tlwjrns j surprfsfo` rhsuat/ F mypltmhsfzhn tmjt tmlsh wftm

    mf`mhr ahvhas le plaftfkja tmhlry wluan thon tl hvjaujth clrh tlwjrns tmh cfnnah lptflos -strfvfo` elr ohftmhr

    j`rhh olr nfsj`rhh&! dut fo ejkt! tmlsh wftm mf`mhr plaftfkja tmhlry `hohrjaay hvjaujthn wftm mf`mhr plsftfvh jon

    prhsfnhotfja sklrhs/ ^mfs rhsuat fs mjrn tl hxpajfo jon nhefofthay ohhns clrh rhshjrkm -slch le tmh njtj plfots

    fo tmh kmjrts whrh kjakuajthn djshn lee 8#6 ldshrvjtflos&/ Loh plssfdah hxpajojtflo! mlwhvhr! cf`mt dh tmjt

    fonfvfnujas wftm clrh tmhlry bolwahn`h cjy dh jdah tl rhclvh tmh klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjshs jon

    hvjaujth tmh pmltl djshn lo tmh klothot le tmh pmltl ftshae -tmh shahkthn pmltls nfn smlw `hohrjaay plsftfvh

    klothot elr dltm Wrhsfnhots! jon mf`m tmhlry rhsplonhots kluan prldjday nfsjsslkfjth tmh oh`jtfvh chnfj

    jtthotflo surrluonfo` tmh Dusm pmltl&/ Pmho hxjcfofo` loay tmh klothot le tmh pmltl wftmlut jaclst joy

    dfjs! phrmjps rhsplonhots nhejuat tlwjrns j mf`mhr hvjaujtflo/ Nuh tl tmh scjaa sudsjcpah sfzhs fo tmhsh kmjrts

    jon tmh chjsurhchot prldahcs jsslkfjthn wftm tmh tmhlry vjrfjdah -f/h/ fonfvfnujas whrh jaalwhn tl pfkb elr

    tmhcshavhs mlw cukm tmhlry tmhy mjn&! tmhsh rhsuats cjy olt dh jkkurjth/ J clrh rldust stuny kluan dh nloh

    tmjt clrh vf`lrlusay thsts tmhlry bolwahn`h jon tmho klcpjrhs pmltls tmjt jrh clrh sfcfajr tl loh joltmhr

    -sukm js Dusm sf`ofo` tmh Ol Kmfan Ahet Dhmfon Jkt jon Ldjcj sf`ofo` tmh Jeelrnjdah Kjrh Jkt&/

    Elr tmh plaftfkja bolwahn`h vjrfjdah! j slchwmjt lpplsfth rhsuat le tmh plaftfkja tmhlry stlry hchr`hs/

    Fonfvfnujas wftm cfnnah ahvhas le plaftfkja bolwahn`h `hohrjaay hvjaujthn tmh fonfvfnujas tmh clst plsftfvhay

    wmhrhjs F mypltmhsfzhn mf`m bolwahn`h fonfvfnujas wluan hvjaujth clst plsftfvhay/ Fe loh tmfobs jdlut

    bolwahn`h le plaftfkfjos -j`jfo! wmfkm wjs j krunh chjsurh nhvhalphn elr tmfs stuny&! alw bolwahn`h phlpah

    cf`mt olt mjvh holu`m foelrcjtflo tl cjbh j strlo` jsshsschot sl tmhy thon tlwjrns tmh cfnnah lptflos

    -twl! fo tmfs chjsurhchot&/ [fcfajray! mf`m bolwahn`h phlpah cf`mt mjvh holu`m foelrcjtflo! wmfkm fs dltm

    plsftfvh jon oh`jtfvh! tmjt tmhfr rjobfo`s jrh jasl nrfvho tlwjrns tmh cfnnah dhkjush tmh plsftfvh jon oh`jtfvh

    foelrcjtflo kjokhas lut/ Loay cfnnah bolwahn`h phlpah ajkb j klcphaafo` rhjslo tl leehr cfnnah#le#tmh#rljn

    hvjaujtflos dhkjush tmhfr ahvha le bolwahn`h clst afbhay ahjns tmhc tl hftmhr clstay plsftfvh lr clstay

    Wj`h 44 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmyoh`jtfvh tmlu`mts/ ^mh njtj prhshothn fo tmfs stuny su``hsts tmjt tmhsh tmlu`mts jrh lo tmh wmlah clrh

    plsftfvh elr cfnnah bolwahn`h phlpah tmjo mf`m lr alw bolwahn`h phlpah/ [fcfajr tl tmh plaftfkja tmhlry

    hxpajojtflos! tmlu`m! cukm clrh rhshjrkm wluan dh ohhnhn tl hxjcfoh tmh rhajtflosmfp dhtwhho plaftfkja

    bolwahn`h jon dfjs/ Chjsurhchot prldahcs jdluon wftm tmh bolwahn`h vjrfjdah! dut prhafcfojry rhsuats

    su``hst jo fothrhstfo` trhon fo tmjt cfnnah ahvha bolwahn`h phlpah hvjaujth clrh plsftfvhay -f/h/ j`rhh clrh

    tmjt tmh fonfvfnuja wjs plrtrjyhn plsftfvhay lr tmh fonfvfnuja shhchn prhsfnhotfja&/

    ^mh rhsuats le tmh survhy kloefrchn tmh cjfo rhajtflosmfp F wjs thstfo`! dut jasl mf`maf`mthn slch

    fothrhstfo` jon phrmjps uohxphkthn rhsuats/ Pmfah jaa le tmhsh klokausflos smluan dh tjbho wftm j `rjfo le sjat!

    tmh fcplrtjokh le klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjs kjoolt dh uonhrstjthn/ Cukm le tmh njtj supplrts tmh oltflo

    tmjt klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjs nlhs fonhhn jathr tmh hvjaujtflo le tmh plaftfkfjo plrtrjyhn fo tmh pmltl/

    Fomhrhot plaftfkja dfjs shhcs olt tl nrfvh tmhsh rhajtflosmfps! wmfkm phrmjps fs jo uofotuftfvh rhsuat/ Pmfah

    vfhwhrs cf`mt tmfob le j erjcfo` kmlfkh cjnh dy tmh pmltl`rjpmhr js fonukfo` dfjs! tmfs typh le dfjs shhcs tl

    pajy loay j cfolr rlah/ Klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjswmfkm jrh hxthroja tl tmh pmltl`rjpmpajy j ejr

    `rhjthr rlah fo nhthrcfofo` tmh dfjshnohss le j pjrtfkuajr pmltl/

    UF/ Klokausflo

    ^mfs stunyhvho wftm chjsurhchot jon nhsf`o prldahcsmf`maf`mts tmh fcplrtjot rhajtflosmfp dhtwhho

    klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjs jon hvjaujtflo le plaftfkja pmltl`rjpms/ Pmfah loay j prhafcfojry allb jt tmjt

    rhajtflosmfp! tmh fcplrtjot tjbhjwjy fs tmjt vfhwhrs smluan olt rusm tl kajfc j pmltl fs dfjshn nuh tl mlw jo

    fonfvfnuja fs plrtrjyhn fo tmh pmltl/ Whrmjps tmh klothxt surrluonfo` tmh pmltl lr tmh vfhwhrs lwo plaftfkja

    fnhlal`y shrvhs js tmh cjfo slurkh le dfjs/ Ohvhrtmhahss! j ejfr krftfquh le tmfs stuny fs tmjt tmh nhefoftflo ushn

    elr dfjs fs tll ojrrlw jon klostrfktfvh/ Pmfah tmjt cjy dh tmh kjsh! tmh nhefoftflo hcpalyhn wjs ohkhssjry tl

    fslajth tmh nfeehrhot slurkhs le dfjs -fothroja9 fomhrhot dfjs2 hxthroja9 klothxtuja jon klosuchr dfjs&/ ^mh

    rhsuats le tmh stuny jasl uonhrsklrh tmh fcplrtjokh le wrfttho lr lrjaay klccuofkjthn ilurojafsc jon tmh

    heehkts le dfjs fo tmlsh chnfucs/ Fonhhn! rhshjrkm fo wrfttho jon lrja dfjs usujaay jtthcpts tl jnnrhss tmh fnhj

    le klothxtuja dfjs js nhefohn fo tmfs pjphr/ ^mh rhshjrkm prhshothn mhrh hxthons tmh fnhj le klothxtuja dhylon

    wrfttho jon lrja klccuofkjtflo! tl pmltls jon vfnhls/ J cltfe letho rhphjthn fo tmh ohws chnfj fs tmjt j

    pfkturh fs wlrtm j tmlusjon wlrns/ ^mlsh tmlusjons wlrns! jon tmh jutmlr le tmlsh wlrns! dhklch krftfkja fo

    smjpfo` tmh chssj`h vfhwhrs tjbh jwjy erlc tmh pmltl/ Dy jnnfo` klothxt! tmh pmltl ol alo`hr stjons lo fts

    lwo js j clchot fo tfch/ Le klursh! wftmlut tmh klothxt! tmh fonfvfnujas lwo dfjs cjy smjph tmh chssj`h

    Wj`h 4; le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmytjbho jwjy js whaa/ ^mhsh twl hxthroja dfjshs tmus cjbh ft vhry nfeefkuat tl hvjaujth j pmltl ldihktfvhay/ Fo tmfs

    pjphr! F jr`uh tmjt tmh dfjs clst phlpah kajfc fs wftmfo pmltl`rjpms fs jktujaay tmh rhsuat le hxthroja ejktlrs/

    ^mhsh ejktlrs dafon tmh ldihktfvh hyh jon kjo hvho trfkb tmh mucjo cfon fotl dajcfo` tmh pmltl`rjpmhr elr

    dfjs jsslkfjthn wftm j pjrtfkuajr pmltl/ Elr plaftfks! tmhsh heehkts jrh fcplrtjot dhkjush jo ltmhrwfsh uodfjshn

    pmltl fcchnfjthay dhklchs dfjshn! jon fo tlnjys chnfj j`h! tmh pmltl -lr vfnhl sukm js tmh kjcpjf`o#

    sfobfo` vfnhl le Cftt Tlcohys >0( klcchot& kjo dh ushn js j whjplo/ Wmltls jon vfnhls tmhcshavhs jrh

    usujaay olt fomhrhotay dfjshn2 fosthjn! tmh hnftlr jon tmh vfhwhr dfjs tmh pmltl dy jnnfo` klothxt jon

    tmfobfo` jdlut tmh pmltl tmrlu`m tmh ahos le j pjrtfkuajr fnhlal`y/

    Wj`h 4> le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Plrbs Kfthn


    Jdrjclwftz! J/ -47:4! Iuay ::&/ Ajrry I/ [jdjtl's Krystja Djaa [httfo` tmh Thklrn [trjf`mt9 Klrrhktfo`

    Cytms jdlut Fonhphonhot Ulthrs/ Khothr elr Wlaftfks! Xofvhrsfty le Ufr`fofj/ Thtrfhvhn Iuoh :4! 47:;!erlc mttp9,,www/khothrelrplaftfks/lr`,krystjadjaa,jrtfkahs,jfj47::707074,

    Djuc! Cjttmhw J/! jon ^fc @rlhafo`/ Ohw Chnfj jon tmh Wlajrfzjtflo le Jchrfkjo Wlaftfkja

    Nfsklursh!Wlaftfkja Klccuofkjtflo!48 -477=&! ;>8;58/

    Nh Druykbhr! F/! % Pja`rjvh! [/ -47:;&/ Mlw j Ohw Fssuh Dhklchs jo Lwohn Fssuh/ Chnfj Klvhrj`h jon

    tmh Efojokfja Krfsfs fo Dha`fuc -477=4776&/Fothrojtfloja Iluroja le Wudafk Lpfoflo Thshjrkm/

    @rlshkalsh! ^/! % Cfayl! I/ -4778&/ J chjsurh le chnfj dfjs/ ^mh Zujrthray Iluroja le Hklolcfks! :47->&!


    Fyho`jr! [/! % Ck@rjny! I/ -4770&/Chnfj plaftfks9 J kftfzho's `ufnh/ Ohw Vlrb9 PP Olrtlo/Bmjtfd! Afoj/ Fcj`h plaftfks fo tmh Cfnnah Hjst9 tmh rlah le tmh vfsuja fo plaftfkja stru``ah/ Alonlo9 F/D/ ^jurfs!

    47:4/ Wrfot/

    Ajwrhokh! H/! [fnhs! I/! % Ejrrhaa! M/ -47:7&/ [hae#sh`rh`jtflo lr nhafdhrjtflo< Dal` rhjnhrsmfp! pjrtfkfpjtflo!

    jon plajrfzjtflo fo Jchrfkjo plaftfks/Whrsphktfvhs lo Wlaftfks! =-7:&! :>:#:80/

    Asza Clmlay#Oj`y! Wjfotfo` Wmltl`rjpmy Efac! Ho`afsm hnftflo -Alonlo9 Auon Mucpmrfhs! :656&! p4=/

    Ohucjo! [/ -47:4! Cjrkm 40&/ Iust Mlw Fonhphonhot Jrh Fonhphonhot Ulthrs< 9 OWT/ OWT 9 Ojtfloja

    Wudafk Tjnfl 9 Ohws % Jojaysfs! Plran! X[! Cusfk % Jrts 9 OWT/ Thtrfhvhn Iuoh :4! 47:;! erlc

    mttp9,,www/opr/lr`,47:4,7;,45,:>6>74;8=,iust#mlw#fonhphonhot#jrh#fonhphonhot#vlthrsTlnrf`uhz! [/ -47:4! Iuay :4&/ Ldjcj! hahktflo drhjb ^wftthr rhklrns # Als Jo`hahs ^fchs/ Ehjturhn Jrtfkahs

    Erlc ^mh Als Jo`hahs ^fchs/ Thtrfhvhn Iuoh :4! 47:;! erlc


    $Pjs tmhrh j plaftfkja dfjs fo tmhsh pmltls< Vlu nhkfnh | Jdlut9Kmrlo | j Kmrlo/klc dal` /$ [tjee Dal`s #

    Mlustlo Kmrlofkah/ O/p/! o/n/ Phd/ :4 Iuoh 47:;/ 1mttp9,,dal`/kmrlo/klc,jdlutkmrlo,4778,::,wjs#


    Wmltl`rjpms jon Ufnhls

    Ldjcj Khaa Wmloh



    Afvfo` Wrhsfnhots


    Wj`h 48 le>=
  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy@hlr`h P/ Dusm Cfssflo Jkklcpafsmhn



    Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj [f`os tmh Jeelrnjdah Kjrh Jkt


    @fo`rfkm,Whalsf Ufnhl


    [hojtlrs @rjmjc jon Dfo`jcjo


    Dauh [by Wmltl

    mttps9,,klcclos/wfbfchnfj/lr`,wfbf,Efah9Djrahy\krlp\#dauh\sby#>Cjy477=/ip`Wrhsfnhot Ldjcj jon Cfkmhaah Ldjcj Hcdrjkfo`


    Ilmo CkKjfo ^lo`uh Wmltl


    Mfaajry Kafotlo Wmltl


    Zuhho Wmltl


    Cftt Tlcohy >0( Ufnhl


  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy


    Jaa cusfk wjs ldtjfohn rlyjaty erhh/ Ojchs le slo`s jon afobs jrh `fvho mhrh9

    H`clot Lvhrturh Efojah9mttp9,,foklcphthkm/klc,cusfk,rlyjaty#erhh,cp;#

    rlyjatyerhh,H`clot(47Lvhrturh(47Efojah/cp;Njrb Lcfolus Cusfk9mttps9,,www/ylutudh/klc,wjtkm

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Jpphonfx J9 Ufnhl [krfpt

    Dfjs/ Dfjs fo ilurojafsc mjs dhho j cukm#nfskusshn tlpfk jclo` plaftfkja skfhotfsts/ Erhquhotay! tmlu`m!

    nfskussflos jrluon tmh fnhj elkus lo tmh wrfttho lr lrjaay klccuofkjthn jsphkts le ohws dfjs/ Tjrhay nlhs tmh

    nfskussflo fovlavh dfjs jsslkfjthn wftm tmh pmltls jon vfnhls ushn wftm ilurojafsc/

    Dut nl pmltls afbh tmh lohs le Cfkmhaah Djkmcjoo lo tmh klvhr le Ohwswhhb lr tmfs pmltl le Ilmo CkKjfo

    jethr j nhdjth wftm Djrjkb Ldjcj mjvh fomhrhot dfjs dufat fotl tmhc lr nl tmhy chrhay plrtrjy tmh

    fonfvfnujas fo j oh`jtfvh cjoohr=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmydfjs jrh fcplrtjot dhkjush lur vfhwfo` le pmltl`rjpm jon plaftfkja vfnhls wfaa smjph lur vfhws le tmh

    fonfvfnujas plrtrjyhn/

    Olw! tjbh j shklon tl tmfob jdlut ylur lwo fnhlal`fkja dfjs! jon try tl shpjrjth tmh klothxtuja dfjs erlc

    tmhsh pmltl`rjpms/ Ufhw tmhc ldihktfvhay/

    Wj`h ;7 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Jpphonfx D9 [urvhy Al`fk Ealw

    Wj`h ;: le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h ;4 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Jpphonfx K9 [urvhy Fostruchot

    Wj`h ;; le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h ;> le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h ;8 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h ;5 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h ;0 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h ;= le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h ;6 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h >7 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h >: le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja ! j on Klosuchr D fj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy

    Wj`h >4 le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja! jo n Klosuchr Dfj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy Iuoh 47:;

    Jpphonfx N9 Ujrfjdahs Nhskrfptflo [mhht

    ^mh elaalwfo` tjdah prlvfnhs j `ufnh tl tmh vjrfjdahs klnhn elr fo tmh njtjsht C[J Njtj Efah/ J ehw olths jdlut tmh njtj9

    J ehw rhsplonhots nfn olt joswhr jaa quhstflos! sl slch le tmh vjrfjdahs mjvh j tltja sjcpah sfzh tmjt fs scjaahr tmjotmh oucdhr le rhsplonhots/

    [lch quhstflos fo tmh survhy whrh klovhrthn tl jathrojtfvh chjsurhchots fo tmh njtjsht! js nhskrfdhn fo tmfs tjdah/ Clst le tmh njtj mjs dhho klovhrthn fotl ouchrfkja vjauhs tl ejkfaftjth stjtfstfkja jojaysfs/

    ^mrlu`mlut tmfs tjdah! tmh elaalwfo` jddrhvfjtflo elr pmltls jrh ushn9

    AW Afvfo` Wrhsfnhots Wmltl -Bhoohray&

    @P @hlr`h P/ Dusm Cfssflo Jkklcpafsmhn Wmltl lo X[[ Jdrjmjc

    DL Djrjkb Ldjcj [f`ofo` tmh Jeelrnjdah Kjrh Jkt

    Ujrfjdah Ojch

    -dauh& jon WlssfdahUjauhs -wmfth&

    Nhskrfptflo le tmh Ujrfjdah -dauh& jon Ujrfjdah Ujauhs -wmfth&

    FW Jnnrhss [hrvhs js j uofquh fnhotfefhr elr hjkm rhsplonhot


    Nhskrfdhs wmhtmhr tmh hotfrh survhy wjs sudcftthn -tmrlu`m tmh efoja sudcft duttlo&2 olth slch

    survhy rhsploshs tmjt whrh olt euaay sudcftthn whrh rhtjfohn dhkjush tmhy fokaunhn rhsploshs tlclst le tmh survhy

    7 Wjrtfja rhsplosh

    : Klcpahth rhsplosh

    Hklolcfk WlaftfksNhskrfdhs tmh rhsplonhots vfhw lo hklolcfk jon efskja Fssuhs -tjxhs! `lvhrochot sphonfo`!

    whaejrh prl`rjcs! htk/&

    : Uhry Kloshrvjtfvh

    4 [lchwmjt Kloshrvjtfvh; [lchwmjt Afdhrja

    > Uhry Afdhrja

    [lkfja Wlaftfks Nhskrfdhs tmh rhsplonhots vfhw lo slkfja Fssuhs -`jy cjrrfj`h! jdlrtflo! nru`s! htk/&

    : Uhry Kloshrvjtfvh

    4 [lchwmjt Kloshrvjtfvh

    ; [lchwmjt Afdhrja

    > Uhry Afdhrja

    Lvhrjaa WlaftfksNhskrfdhs tmh rhsplonhots lvhrjaa plaftfkja dhafhes -rhsplonhots whrh jsbhn tl tmfob jdlut wmfkm

    pjrty typfkjaay rhkhfvhs tmhfr vlth&

    : Uhry Kloshrvjtfvh

    4 [lchwmjt Kloshrvjtfvh; [lchwmjt Afdhrja

    > Uhry Afdhrja

    ^hst ^jbhoNhskrfdhs wmfkm dfjs tfathn thst tmh rhsplonhot pjrtfkfpjthn fo -tmfs wjs nhthrcfohn djshn lo j

    plaftfkja dhafhes sklrh&

    7 Afdhrja ^hst Uhrsflo

    : Kloshrvjtfvh ^hst Uhrsflo


    Wj`h >; le>=

  • 7/27/2019 Inherent, Contextual, And Consumer Bias in Political Photography (Roman Larson)


    Tlcjo Ajrslo Fomhrhot! Klothxtuja! jo n Klosuchr Dfj s fo W laftfkja Wmltl`rjpmy Iuoh 47:;7 Ehcjah

    : Cjah

    Yfp^mh mlchtlwo zfp klnh le tmh rhsplonhot! wmfkm wjs tmho ushn tl kjakuajth tmh plaftfkja

    bolwahn`h sklrh

    J`h ^mh rhsplonhots j`h


    Fe jppafkjdah! tmh rhsplonhot prlvfnhn tmh cjilr tmhy jrh kurrhotay pursufo` lr mjn pursuhn fo


    ^mhlryThsplosh tl tmh quhstflo9 Mlw cukm bolwahn`h nl ylu tmfob ylu mjvh le plaftfkja tmhlry