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Ingredients for a Good Small Business Website

The website design for Small businesses is an area that has confused many individuals and

entrepreneurs who are not familiar with how to layout an effective website. There are many who

use the money saving approach and create a design on their own, while there are others who use a

template that unfortunately does not look good once it is completed. On the other hand there are

also those who end up paying lot of dollars, sometimes in the thousands for a custom designed

website. The best approach however is generally considered as taking the middle road.

Quality Design

The quality of the web design should always be a priority when creating a business website. By

creating a website businesses are essentially building a tool that can be used as an extension of its

brand for its target audience. If by any chance the website doesn't look appealing, it will reflect very

badly on the company’s overall reputation. This is why it is important to ensure that the company

has a high-quality website design, otherwise, it could easily look like an unprofessional business that

most customers would not want to do business with. And for the sake of making each and every

customer feel comfortable, a business needs to have a professionally designed website that properly

portrays the operational quality of the business.

Too Much Information

Sometimes businesses try to stuff too much information into their website. When it comes to the

home page of the site, anything other than the right amount of information might do more harm

than good. Pages with too much information can decrease the quality of the design. It will get the

visitors overwhelmed and make them uncomfortable viewing the site. Try reducing the information

on the home page to only what is required to get the primary message across. Remove any

information that your customers don't really need to know right away.

Attention Grabbing

A very important part of small business website design is that it should be attention grabbing.

Whenever someone visits the site, it should offer something that would pull them in and keep them

interested. Typically, the site’s header needs to be interesting and compelling. Professional images

created by designers come very handy in this section. Using multimedia content like Flash

presentations or videos in this area will help. Quality matters a lot and even the slightest lack of it in

the multimedia section could be fatal.

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